fandomwhore1 · 4 years
reblog if you wish you weren’t related to most of your family
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fandomwhore1 · 4 years
some fucking resources for all ur writing fuckin needs
* body language masterlist
* a translator that doesn’t eat ass like google translate does
* a reverse dictionary for when ur brain freezes
* 550 words to say instead of fuckin said
* 638 character traits for when ur brain freezes again
* some more body language help
(hope this helps some ppl)
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fandomwhore1 · 4 years
I Am Tired
So this is my third semester of college and you would think I would know what to do and how to navigate through all of it. And I wouldn't blame you, I should be able to. But I still don't know what I am doing or how things should be. This semester I am taking PSC 101, PHIL 102, and ENG 102.
And I am an English major so you would think English would be a breeze for me. And the other two classes would be the ones I struggle with. But no it's the class that I major in that is making me feel inadequate, filled with anxiety, and want to harm myself.
I had an A, a 93% in that class and one assignment brought me down to a C-, 70%. One assignment.
And my Professor does not reply back in a timely manner or at all. I asked her if I could resubmit the assignment and she sent me on a wild goose chase.
I know I sound like a brat who is mad that things aren't going my way. But I am tired, so tired. Every week I cry, and have to push myself with it. Even when I just want to give up.
But it's hard to get up every day when fall you feel is worry and sadness.
I am tired. I want some rest.
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fandomwhore1 · 4 years
Meeting A Queen
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Driving down the poorest streets of LA, David checks his phone looking at the messages that were sent to him from his Uncle. 
“Aye so this boss we are about to meet, what do you know about him?” Creeper asks. 
David looks at him and says, “All I know is that he is the son of some dead drug Lord. He took over the business after his pops was shot.” 
Creeper shrugs as he parks the car across the street from the abandon ware house. They get out the car and walk toward the front entrance, their guns ready just in case. 
Once inside they are greeted by a young man, “Hello David and friend.” The man looks at Creeper with fear filled eyes. 
Creeper sucks his teeth as David raises his hand for the man to shake. 
“We are here to do business,” David starts but the man stops him raising his hand. 
“I am not the one you conduct business with.” The man says his hand pointing toward a young woman sitting at the head of the table. 
She sits in her chair like it is a throne, her hands rest on the armrest and she stares straight at the two men with hooded eyes. 
“You’re here to conduct business, let’s talk business.” She says gesturing toward the chairs at the table. 
David sits down and Creeper stands behind him, he eyes the beauty sat before them. She snaps her fingers and drinks are brought out and put on the table. 
“Before we start, you should know I caught one of your lower dogs raping one of my women.” She says and cocks her head toward a man chained up, bleeding heavily. 
David looks at the man then back to her, he nods at Creeper to let him down. 
“You should know he is missing some parts.” She says leaning forward in her chair. David nods his head and eyes the man, his face is swollen, and it looks like he has several broken bones. 
“What business do you bring me?” She asks as David takes a drink of his scotch. 
“We can offer protection, no one fucks with you or your shipment. No one starts a war with you.” He says leaning back in his chair, looking at her face to see her reaction. 
She gives nothing away as she stares back, her dark red lips pull into a smirk as she looks behind David’s head. 
“Let me guess you get a piece of the cut for your protection?” She asks tilting her head to the side. “And if I say no?”
David sighs, it is never with new drug Lords, thinking that they can handle everything on their known. He looks to Creeper and nods his head. 
Before Creeper can even move she speaks up, “I accept but I ask for one thing in return.” 
David looks at her with curiosity and gestures for her to continue, Creeper goes back to standing behind David. 
“I want no war between our families or businesses,” She says standing up, “my father knew yours. From what I am told they were good friends. I wish to continue that.” 
David looks up at her with surprise as she stands next to his chair. 
“Alright.” Is all he says before he stands and shakes her hand.
“We do what must to survive, if you need my army or money let me know. I take care of my own.” She says as they shake hands, her eyes go behind him to Creeper. 
“And as a sign of good faith, let me have night with you.” She says staring Creeper down with a lustful smirk on her face. 
David nearly chokes at the request, as he steps back behind Creeper quickly to watch their strange interaction. 
Creeper steps forward toward her yet she doesn’t back down. 
“How do I know you can handle me?” He asks lifting his Locos up so she can stare him in the eye. 
“Because where you are standing is my Kingdom, and you are staring the Queen in the eye.” She says with a glare.
David nearly chokes again as Creeper nods his head. 
“Meet me later tonight.” She says with a smirk set on her plum lips.
“Oh and David my name is Atlacamani.” She turns as she says this her hips going side to side as she walks back to her throne with more than a lustful stare from Creeper. 
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fandomwhore1 · 4 years
I recently watched  ‘Hazbin Hotel’ and now I’m starting to ship Charlastor like crazy. I haven’t had time to draw them yet, so until I do, here’s a playlist. ❤️🖤
Keep reading
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fandomwhore1 · 4 years
In Defense of Channary
I know no one will say that Channary is their favorite character and we’re not even suppose to like her, but I have to admit, I kind of do!
Yes, she was a horrible little girl and a horrible teenager but what do you expect from a spoiled Lunar princess? It’s not like her parents or the people at court were any better. 
What I thought was really interesting about Channary was that she didn’t care who Selene’s father was and didn’t want to know. She wanted her daughter to be queen and not be held back by a man who could lay any sort of claim on her. 
Some people may argue that Channary was the root of all of Levana’s troubles and yes, after reading Fairest, I did feel some sympathy for Levana but lets not forget, girlfriend was crazy with a capital CRAY! Of Levana’s volition, she glamoured herself to look like Solstice, she [lets not sugar coat it] raped Everet, ordered the assassination of her husband, attempted murder on a three-year-old, physically and mentally abused her step-daughter, engaged in biological warfare and genocide, forced an eighteen-year-old to marry her and probably would have raped him too, and who knows what else. 
The only person Levana loved was herself, but lets not forget that Channary loved Selene. Really, truly loved her. She encouraged the maids to touch her pregnant stomach, changed and fed Selene herself, even had a bassinet next to her bed so that Selene could sleep in her room. She wanted a marriage alliance with Earth so that Selene could be the most powerful queen in the history of Luna. 
If Channary had survived and Selene grew up on Luna, maybe Cinder wouldn’t have grown up to be the cuddlely cyborg we all know and love, but she would have grown up with a mom who loved her and wanted to give her everything in the world. 
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fandomwhore1 · 4 years
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United we stand with Zutara!
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fandomwhore1 · 4 years
i would like to share my new favorite tiktok with tumblr thank u very much (not mine)
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fandomwhore1 · 4 years
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part 4 - i don’t have a bunk bed?
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✯ pairing: zuko x reader
✯ genre: fluff!!!! some angst and maybe smut??? mostly crack
✯ summary: in a world where the avatar universe doesn’t exist and bending is only cgi. zuko finds himself infatuated with one of his love interests, y/n, who is too oblivious to even notice. unbeknownst to both of them that they run a fan account for each other.
✯a/n: UGH why jet always EXPOSING
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fandomwhore1 · 4 years
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Ned/Catelyn and Jonsa Parallels Part 2/2 (requested by anonymous)
[Part 1]
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fandomwhore1 · 4 years
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what can a female character do without being criticized mercilessly ?
- insp
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fandomwhore1 · 4 years
I just love the myth of Persephone, i mean the real, original version of it, because it’s not like she got kidnapped, no, this bitch was la-de-da-ing in a meadow and she just happened to find an entrance to the Underworld and she was like “Imma check this out”. And she just wanders into the Underworld and discovers that hey this place ain’t too bad.
Meanwhile Hades is in the background “????? UM??? PRETTY GIRL??? WHY ARE YOU HERE?????? YOU AREN’T DEAD???” 
And Persephone (who was originally called Kore just a little fyi) just looked at him and said “I like it here. I’m staying.”
And Hades kinda just went with it, until Demeter started throwing the temper tantrum of the millenium upstairs and Zeus had to intervene because this shit was getting out of hand and its actually his job to be admistrator of justice. Which considering the shit he gets up to is kinda histerical but that’s another story there. 
And basically Persephone wasn’t a prisoner or kidnap victim at all she just really loved the Underworld and her (eventual) husband, and the Greeks feared her arguably more than her husband because Hades could be reasoned with but Persephone was the one laying the smack down on sinners, and really, who wouldn’t be at least a little scared of someone who’s name means something along the lines of “the destroyer”
Basically, Persephone is amazing and everbody needs to get on her level
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fandomwhore1 · 4 years
Nick x June Fanfic
Reclaimed (College AU)
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His badge allows easy access, and he slips into the empty warehouse. He walks to the nearest cardboard box and pulls it open. Ammo. Bullets. He pauses, looking at the label on the side: “Housewares.” What the fuck. All of the ill-fitted pieces of the puzzle click into place in his mind. The propaganda videos. The physical training. Amassing warehouses of weapons. Washington DC. Commanders. They’re getting ready for a war.
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“I called the meeting to discuss program completion, Sir. Tie up any loose ends before I leave the Sons.”
The men around him laugh.
“This is just the beginning, Nick. No one leaves the Sons of Jacob.”
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Find it here on AO3 👇🏻
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fandomwhore1 · 4 years
#even on his deathbed he amazed by her it kills me how they've always been able to make each other smile and laugh so easily like my heart feels so content at the thought
listen here. harry was falling for macy from DAY ONE. even if he wasn’t aware of those feelings yet, i can imagine harry being immediately amazed by her.
the moment she used her powers to throw a lamp at him, WITHOUT PRACTICE?? amazed.
the way she worked out how to deter a demon WITH SCIENCE?? amazed.
when she said: “...and figure out this whole witchcraft thing on a molecular level and get a freaking nobel prize so yea, me too”?? the definition of shook.
well, at least in my head, these two have been *heart eyes* for each other for a long time. they make each other smile without effort, but they are also so comfortable around each other. small touches and looks and you can just tell... they are soulmates.
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fandomwhore1 · 4 years
Macy in S1 after having sex with Galvin: The bed levitated
After seeing that Hacy scene and all the noise those two were making, I'm sure that more than just the bed levitated.
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fandomwhore1 · 4 years
Books have caused me genuine emotional trauma
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fandomwhore1 · 4 years
Underworld movie franchise (starring Kate Beckinsale, born 1973)
Underworld (2003)
Underworld: Evolution (2006)
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009)
Underworld: Awakening (2012)
Underworld: Blood Wars (2017)
Resident Evil movie franchise (starring Milla Jovovich, born 1975)
Resident Evil (2002)
Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004)
Resident Evil: Extinction (2007)
Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010)
Resident Evil: Retribution (2012)
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2017)
I cannot understate how important these franchises were and are to me as a female. I hope Beckinsale and Jovovich will be headlining their respective franchises well into their 60s like Stallone and Schwarzenegger.
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