fanficemison-blog · 8 years
The A Prank/Dinner
Chapter 9 (AT HANNA'S PLACE) Ashley-thank you for coming over Pam-thats alright hon Ashley-lets sit down Hanna-great now we are stuck with our parents and cant go hang out with aria and spence Pam-Emily why dont you and hanna sit together Emily-uh sure (DURING THE NIGHT) Hanna-em can you please come over to the kitchen with me to get a drink Emily-umm we- Hanna pulls emily to the kitchen Emily-what are you doing? Hanna-saving your life Emily-what?! Hanna-they are trying to hook us up that been obvious the whold night Emily-cmon seriously Hanna-yes seriously ill just say i have a stomach ache then you comfort me upstairs Emily-why? Hanna-just go with it Hanna-Uhg mum im feeling a little sick Ashley-oh hanna want me to come wit- Emily-its okay i can take this (HANNA'S BEDROOM) Hanna-well we just got out of that Emily-yeah (WITH SPENCER AND EMILY) Spencer-we should do a prank Aria-okay Spencer-lets pretend we are A and send A texts to hanna and emily during dinner Aria-spence i think thats a bad idea Spencer-its not seriously lets do it Aria-if we get in trouble im blaming you (THE A TEXT) YOU MUST KISS EMILY IN FRONT OF BOTH OF YOUR PARENTS IF NOT GET EXPOSED OF KISSING -A Hanna-look They look at message Emily-we have to do it i dont want ali to find out Hanna-fine lets just go downstairs in the kitchen and make out Emily-okay (AT KITCHEN) Emily and hanna try to flirt then hanna moves closer touching emiky's hair emily then dips in for the kiss and they make out pretending that ashley and pam our there they break the break and suddenly pretend to forget they were there Found out what happens in the nex chapter
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fanficemison-blog · 8 years
The Dinner
Chapter 8  Hanna-hey guys Aria-Hi Spencer-so what happened last night Aria-Spence! Emily-umm nothing why Spencer-yeah right hanna your mum sent us these pics They look at it and gasp Emily-listen thats just a quick peck Aria-there is a video They watch it Spencer-that sure is a peck Hanna-okay just lay off of it Aria-what happens if ali sees this Emily-its alright she wouldnt care much Spencer-you have been saying that this whole week Aria-speaking of ali where is she? Hanna-she said she wax going to be awak for 2 weeks Spencer-how do you know? Hanna-umm beacause i spoke to her Spencer-yeah right or did emily just tell you that Emily-seriously just lay off Aria-yeah spence you are being a bit to hard now Spencer-how!? Hanna-im gonna go class Emily-same Aria-me too Spencer-whatever Later that day emily went to over to her place to tell her mum about tonight Emily-hey mum ashley invited us to have dinner with them Pam-when do you call her ashley? Emily-well she asked me to Pam-well id love to Emily's mum knew about it ashley told pam and pam wanted to see what was going on Emily-cool well see you later i guess Pam-bye (AT SCHOOL) Aria-can you guys please come over tonight my parents are out of town and mike wants to stay with his buddies and ezra is gone to look after malcom while maggie is in chicago Spencer-sure Emily-i cant i have dinner with hanna Hanna-when? Emily-your mum asked my mum and i to have dinner tonight at your place again Hanna-well i  cant make it then Spencer-okay have FUN! Aria-spencer! Found out next chapter at the dinner
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fanficemison-blog · 8 years
The Kiss
Chapter 7 Hanna-Mum if your here to talk to me about what just happened im going to say sorry Ashley-Darling when did you have this other side of you? Hanna-Mum seriously no way! Ashley-Hanna it seems like you enjoyed it Hanna-Mum seriously? Ashley-I just saw your tounge down her throat Hanna-Ugh okay thinking of it makes me wanna puke Ashley-Havd you changed or? Hanna-Mum im fine seriously it was just then and there Ashley-Hanna if you want to sleep with me tonight you are welcome to Hanna-Mum i dont need to sleep with ill be fine okay Ashley-Are you sur- Hanna-Mum ill be fine i swear can i go now please Ashley-Fine go ahead Emily-Sorry about what happened Hanna-No really its fine Emily-Im going to head up to bed now Hanna-Okay im coming with (IN BED) Hanna-Em can you sleep Emily-No its hard ebough as it is when we just kissed it feels awkward Hanna-I though you might of felt a different way but i also understand Emily-Well your not gay which made it seem more weird and your mum literally saw us Hanna-Yeah i know sorry about that Emily-No its okay its your house anyways Hanna-Yeah hey em i need to ask you something Emily-Yeah Hanna-If my mum didnt walk in on us would you still keep it going or? Emily-Well it depends because we dont really have feelings for each other and plus we both had couples Hanna-True (YAWNING) Emily-Han if your tired you ca- Hanna-No its fine seriously (YAWNING) Emily-Okay (5 MINUTES LATER) Hanna was sleeping on emily's lap and emily was just asleep (THE NEXT DAY) Hanna wakes up with emily already ready to go school Hanna-Your up early Emily-Hanna we have 15 minutes left till school starts Hanna-Oh well im going to get ready then Emily-Okay Emily goes downstairs to get some coffee Ashley-Morning emily Emily-Good morning ashley Ashley-So about last night Emily-Yeah im really sorry that had to happen Ashley-Its okay i never knew hanna would kiss one of her girlfriends Emily-Me too but i guess she did Ashley-Yeah em could you stay over for dinner and invite your mum over please? Emily-Sure what time? Ashley-Around 7ish Emily-Yeah sure ill ask her over Ashley-Thank you emily Hanna rushes downstairs and grabs emily but the wirst and pulls her to the door Hanna-Cmon em were gojng to be late Emily-Alright alright see you after ashley Ashley-See you later (AT SCHOOL) Spencer-Hey aria Aria-Hey spence They both get a message Aria-Its from hanna's mum Spencer-Oh my gosh HANNA AND EMILY KISSED Aria-Shhhh keep it down spencer Spencer-Sorry Aria-Why though? Spencer-They are coming lets ask them Found out what hanna and emily have to say about their kiss they had in the next chapter
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fanficemison-blog · 8 years
Chapter 6 (AT HANNA'S HOUSE DURING THE NIGHT) Emily-Thanks for letting md crash here Hanna-Its okay do you want a coffee Emily-Sure (AT KITCHEN) Hanna-So im sorry to here about what happened today Emily-I know thats alright seriously i just needed sime space thats all Hanna-Space? Breaking up beacause of what happened last night? Emily-Well sorta yeah (A FEW MINUTES OF SILENCE) Emily hugs hanna because she is crying they look at each other then kiss. Mrs marin walks in hanna's mum and sees them kissing eachother Ashley-Umm hanna They immediately break Hanna-Mum i thought yiu were working out late Ashley-No not anymore hi emily Emily-Hi mrs marin Ashley-Please call me Ashley hanna can i have a momwnt with you please Hanna-Sure Find out what happens next what will hanna and ashley talk about next chapter
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fanficemison-blog · 8 years
The Break-Up
Chapter 5 Ezra-WHAT! (COUGHING) Emily-It was by accident Ezra-Well that explains everything Emily-And we kinda cuddled up last night she slept over at my place and alison found out Ezra-Well thats rough Emily-I know Ezra-Well that shouldnt keep you down from the test Emily-She literally screamed in my face and in hanna's Ezra-Okay well the best option that helped me was breaking up with aria and look now we are together Emily-Thats true Ezra-Just break up with her she might understand Emily-So thats all just break up with her? Ezra-Yeah but if you want you can keep it a secret but that just worse Emily-Ill tell the others when im ready Ezra-Great Emily-Thanks ezra Ezra-My pleasure Later that day emily finally found alison Emily-Ali i tried to find you Ali-Well guess what you did Emily-We need go talk about something serious Ali-What is it Emily-I know your upset but sometimes its better when you just have some time away Ali-What are yoy saying Emily-Ali im....breaking up with you Ali-What! (CRYING) Emily-Im so sorry but its best for now Ali-(CRYING) how could you Emily-Im sor- (BELL RINGS) Emily walks over to hanna to tell her what happens Emily-I broke up with alison Hanna-What! Why Emily-It was best for her and for myself Hanna-Listen if this has to do with you know you didnt have to Emily-I know but i needed to Hanna and Emily hug each other Spencer-Umm are we interupting a moment here or? Emily-No your not   Spencer-Cool so what happened Hanna-Well emi- Emily-We were just hugging Spencer-Okay where alison can see you two Aria-Yeah dont you think thats a bit cautious right now Hanna-Yeah it is bu- Emily-She will be okay for now Aria-Are you sure i saw her cry- Emily-Im sure can i speak to hanna in private please Hanna-Sure Emily-Hanna please i dont want to tell them now maybe later but now is not good i just want one person to support me right now Hanna-Okay i get you Emily-Hey han can i stay over at your place? Hanna-Sure Emily-Just dont tell the others about it please Hanna-Okay Find our what happens next chapter
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fanficemison-blog · 8 years
Chapter 4 Aria-Well anyways we are going to be late for school Pam-School dosent start tl another hour Spencer-Yeah actually ariacis right cmon emily and hanna Pam-Okay then goodbye girls love you emily Emily-Love you mum (AT SCHOOL) Spencer-Why were you guys doing that! Ali-Doing what? Aria-Oh nothing Ali-Hi em and hanna Hanna-Hey Spencer whispers over to aria Spencer-Is she okay now? Aria-I dont know ill ask Aria-Hey ali can i ask you something? Ali-Sure Aria-Are you still mad about what happendd last night? Ali-Of course not it was an accident i thought about it Emily-Well thanks Hanna-Yeah really apreciate it Ali-So what were you guys talking about? Spencer-Uh like aria said nothing Ali-Alright then (LATER THAT DAY) Spencer-Emily ali wants you Emily-Where is she? Spencer-At the cafeteria Ali-I heard about what happened last night Emily-What Ali-I went over to hanna's place to talk with her and her mum but she said that hanna was at your house still Emily-Well yeah she was Ali-What happened Emily-Nothing even ask my mum nothing happened Ali-Alright then ill go before lunch is over Emily-Okay Aria-So what happened? Emily-Well i told her to go ask my mum if anything happened last night between hanna and I when she stayed over Spencer-You do know that your mum could tell Emily-I know im going to rung her and tell her not to tell alison about what happened laat night (PHONE CALL) Emily-MUM! Pam-Woah emily are you okay? Emily-Yeah im fine just dont tell ali about what happened last nighg between hanna and I please Pam-Why? Emily-Beacuase she is going to kill hanna and I Pam-Well why are you telling me this? Emily-Beacause she is coming over right now thats why Pam-NOW! well thanks for telling me Emily-Its ok mum just please dont tell Pam-Alright fine (OFF CALL) (AT EMILY'S HOUSE) Ali-Hello Mrs fields Pam-Please call me pam Ali-Okay well i came over to talk about what happened last night hanna slept over right? Pam-Yes she slept over Ali-Well what happened last night? Pam-Nothing that i know of Ali-Are you sure? Pam-Well...there is actually Ali-Yeah Pam-Wheb i went upstairs to check on them they were cuddling up Ali-WHAT! Pam-I dont want to repeat myself Ali-ITS OKAY IVE HEARD ENOUGH Pam-Umm alright Ali-Thank you pam Pam-Its okay you should go before lunch is over Ali-Yes i should (AT SCHOOL) Emily opens her locker then alison comes and slams it her face Emily-Woah ali what was that for? Ali-I went over to your place Emily-What did my mum say? Ali-Oh you know exactly what she said Emily-I swear it wasnt lik- Spencer-Whats happening? Emily-My mum told ali about last night Aria-WHAT! Dosent she know that ali will kill you and hanna! Ali-Im right here you know Aria-I know but its true Spencer-Listen nothing happened besides them just cuddling Ali-And how would you know? Spencer-Em will never do that to someone she really cares about unless she needs to Hanna-Whats going on? Ali-WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME HAN Hanna-Do what? Ali-OH CMON DONT PRETEND YOU DONG KNOW WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT Hanna-I dont know what happened last night Emily-She was asleep when she hugged me she didnt notice Aria-Wait so are you saying? Emily-I really cant talk about it right now i gotta get to class Hanna-Same Spencer-Well we will see each other after school? Aria-Yeah Ali-Fine! (IN CLASS) Ezra-Okay class this is your test hope you do well you will have an hour to cimplete the test starting from now (1 HOUR LATER) Ezra-Okay class times up start reading a book while i mark your test (15 MINUTES LATER) Ezra-Okay class dismissed Ezra-Em can you wait for a second please Emily-Sure Ezra-Whats going on you got 53% on your test i know you can do better even hanna got a higher percent Emily-Its complicated Ezra-Well i know complicated Emily-Well can you keep a secret? Ezra-Of course you and I are like the best at keeping secrets Emily-You cant tell anyone Ezra-Promise Emily-Hanna and I kissed last night Find out next chapter
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fanficemison-blog · 8 years
Last Night
Chapter 3 Emily asks if the kiss they had meant something. Hanna-Well it felt right but at the same time it didnt because you're with alison and im not you know gay sooo Emily-Well i get you we should head off to bed now i guess Hanna-Yeah its kinda late Emily-Goodnight hanna Hanna-Goodnight emily Later that night while they were in bed emily couldnt fall to sleep so she stated awake just reading on her phone,when suddenly hanna just wrapped emily in a tight hug without hanna noticing. Emily then thought it was kinda uncomfortable because of the conversation that they had a few hours back but she left hanna's arm there. (THE NEXT DAY) Emily's mum pam walked into the room seeing them two cuddled up together made her very curious beacause pam knew that emily was going out with alison so she walked out of the room to call emily's and hanna's friends. (CONFERENCE CALL) Pam-Hey aria and spencer could you please come over? Aria-Mrs fields? Spencer-Whats wrong did something happen? Pam-No everything is okay just i need to talk to you both about emily its urgent Spencer-Ill be right over Aria-Okay no worries ill be over soon Pam-Thank you bye (A FEW MINUTES LATER) Pam-Thank you for coming over Aria-Anything Mrs fields Pam-Please call me Pam Spencer-Okay so why did you need us here? Pam-Well both of you know that emily is still going out with alisom right? Spencer-Uhh yeah they are Aria-Why ask? Pam-Well when up to the room to see if they were awake they were well i dont know how to put this but they were cuddling with eahc other Aria-WHAT! Spencer-NO ARE YOU SURE IT WASNT ANY SIDE EFFECT? Pam-Girls calm down im not here for any appointment about me seeing things but i did see them cuddling which made me comcern did anything happen last night? Spencer-Uhh well something very unusual did happen last night Pam-Like? Aria-Hanna and Emily kissed Pam-WHAT! Spencer-Aria! Sorry mrs- i mean pam we were suppose t explain it in a different way Pam-Thats okay i just cant believe emily would do such a thing like that to hurt alison Spencer-Oh pam i think you got the wrong impression it was an accident Pam-Well that wxplains things a lot easier could you girls stay over? Aria-Sure i can Spencer-We can wait for them to wake up and then we can all talk Pam-Great thank you girls ill make us some coffee (1 HOUR LATER) Emily walks down the stairs rubbing her eyes wearing hanna's spare shirt. As soon as she saw her friends and her mum she was confused so she went to go sit down. Emily-Whats going on? Aria-Well your mjm invited us over Spencer-So we came over and Pam-I told them what you and hanna were doing when i sae you two together in bed Emily-What? No you must be confused if your thinking something happened last night well nothing did happen last night we were just cuddling each other Spencer-And that explains why you are wearing her shirt Emily-Well after i felt thirsty so i went to get a glass of water then when i was going back upstairs hanna scared me it soaked my shirt and she let me borrow her shirt Aria-Well do any of you guys believe this because i am Pam-Emily sweety i got back before you and hanna fell asleep i wouldve heard it Emily-Trust me just wait till hann- Hanna-Morning sweety Emily-Morning honny(Laughing) Spencer-And that also explains why they call each other sweety or honny Hanna-Last night i felt bored so we started calling each other names Stay for what happens after in the next chapter
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fanficemison-blog · 8 years
Ali Jealous of Hannily
Chapter 2 Spencer/Aria was in shock after what they had just seen. Hanna:I am so sorry! Emily:OMG! Ali:WHY DID YOU DO THAT! Hanna:I-I Didnt mean to i- Ali:SHUT IT! Emily:ALI! its ok Ali:NO IT IS NOT OK! Spencer:Ok just relax ali Aria:Alright emily was just helping and then they accdenntially fell Hanna:That's what i was trying to sa- Ali:IM LEAVING! Emily:Ali wait! Alison stops emily from trying to follow her Emily turns back then walks back into the room. Hanna:Em im so sorry Emily:Thats ok it wasnt your fault Hanna:Yes it was and i should aplogize to you and alison Emily:No dont worry about it she wil be fine she just needs some space thats all Hanna:No really you shou- Spencer:Ok we get it lets just put it behind us ok and wait till tomorrow she might talk to us again well hanna and emily Aria:Spencers right Hanna:She is always right Aria:Well i need to get going now Spencer:Same we need to go pick up melissa from the airport Aria:Airport? Spencer:Yeah she went to New York for some internship Aria:Ohhhhh ok well i should start heading out now Spencer:Yeah hanna you coming with us? Hanna:Ummm i was going to ask emily if i could stay over if thats okay with you? Emily:Ummm sure Spencer and Aria are shocked of what hanna said after what happened a few minutes earlier Spencer:But something just happened if you didnt notice hanna Aria:Thats ok we will talk about this tomorrow Hanna/Emiy:Bye Find out what happens next with Hanna and Emily i know it wwas short i needed to be quick make sure to check out chapter 3 next
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fanficemison-blog · 8 years
Ali Jealous of Hannnily
Chapter 1 One sunny day at school,Alison,Emily,Spencer,Hanna and Aria were eating lunch. Later that day they decided to study over at Emily's place. Emily:Why do we have to study at my place? Spencer:Beacause Emily:Beacuse why? Alison:Okay enough complaining aand more eating Aria:I cant eat right now im worried aboout Ezra Alison:Oh could you please stop thinking about Ezra Aria:I cant! Hanna:OKAY! lets just study at my place and just keep eating i cant handle thinking about this Emily:Is it beacause of Caleb? Hanna and Caleb broke up 1 year ago because he left to go with Miranda he saw in a bus. Hanna:Y-yes Alison: We are going to study at Emily's place Spencer:Is it beacause you two are together? Ali and Em have been together for a while now so Ali is trying to keep getting closer to Emily. Ali/Em:Yes Aria:Fine we will study over at Em's place no more chity chatter now Everyone else: Fine At Emily's house (Moments of silence) but you can hear Hanna and Emily giggling over at the bed. Alison:What are you guys laughing about? Hanna:Something that Emily made up its so hilarious! Spencer:Well can you keep it down because we have to hand these in by tomorrow Hanna:Spencer i think you need to now focus on more being fun then studying a lot and getting good grades Aria:Yeah i think you study a bit to much Spencer:Says te one alwasy thinking about Ezra Aria:HEY! Emily:Well it is true Alison:Okay we will do both then think have fun and study got it! Everyone else:Yeah Ali and Spencer were having a chat about their relationship while studying. Aria brang back some drinks telling them to get a drink. While Hanna and Emily were just tickling each other Aria:Hello Em Hanna?! Spencer:Emily Hanna Alison:EMILY! They both jump and start laughing because Emily already got drinks for both of them while the others didnt notice and it spilled all over thier books! Hanna:YES! its ruined (Laughing) Emily:YEAH!(Laughing) Aria:When did you guys get drinks? Emily:Hanna and I were thirsty so while you guys were studying i went to get Hanna and I some drinks. Ali:Why did you only get hanna a drink? Emily:Well ummmmm be-beacause? Spencer:Its okay Ali at least we have some drinks now Emily and hanna then grabbed something to clean up the mess,while the others were studying. Hanna:Gross! i think i might of left some gum in here that got old Emily:Ewww (Laughing) Spencer:(Coughing) What is that smell it dosent smell like gum Hanna:Ohh its Em's science drink that she spilled on my book Aria:What science drink? Emily:It had Hanna's perfume in it her gum that she chewed,some of her chipped nails that she cut while trying to tickle me and cola with some vinegar and expired butter. Spencer:I think i just threw up in my mouth from hearing that Aria:Me too Ali:Oh come on its just nothing Aria:NOTHING! Hanna spat in her cup with gum in it literally the worse science drink ever Emily:Hey! We tried making it gross Hanna:Em help me with this please Emily:What is it? Hanna:Its my top its stuck to belt Emily:Sure As Emily tries to take it out Ali starts to get red Aria:Are you okay Ali Ali:Yes (Trying to hide the jealousy) Emily then grips on to hanna's waist while almost falling backwards.They both fall down with Hanna on top of Emily and their lips are locked together. Alison then pushes hanna off of emily Find out what happens in the next chapter!
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