fangedforbess · 11 years
                      "Trick or treat?"
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     ❝So it begins       ❞
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fangedforbess · 11 years
                              Caroline looked up at the sound of a strangers voice, only to see Elena. Well, it wasn't Elena. Nor was it Katherine. She couldn't compose herself quickly enough to prevent the girl from seeing her puzzled expression.  This was getting ridiculous. How many doppelgangers were there?
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                                                  "Is it that obvious?"  Caroline asked, a drunken hiccup escaping her lips as she attempted to let out a light chuckle.
+fangedforbess {✥}
✥ Rebecca knew that sitting in the Grill by herself wasn’t exactly risk-free but quite frankly she didn’t give any fucks. Today had been a horrible day and she just had to get a drink and maybe hook up with a stranger. When she saw the blonde sitting alone by herself, ordering her maybe 15th drink, she decided to be nice for once and not let her wallow in misery. “Rough night, huh?”
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fangedforbess · 11 years
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Alright so I figured it was time to put my ass into gear and do something because there’s just — I don’t know how to explain how I’m feeling without embarrassing myself so let’s not go there. Pretty much the only reason I didn’t do one sooner was because I could never figure out how to work photoshop, but yolo. Have my apology in writing for using the term ‘yolo’
Okay, um, rules
Must be following me, but if you unfollow after I announce winners and stuff I don’t really mind. I roleplay for me so—
I don’t really have a reblogging limit so go nuts but be considerate. I’m not a robot and I do get overwhelmed. Likes don’t count ‘m afraid~
Any sort of blog can participate, I’m not really fussed.
I’ll close this November 23rd (i think i’m hilarious.)
PRIZES (are you ready to be underwhelmed?)
Third place ➝ There’ll be a few people in this category. Like ten or so? I’ll put you all in a promo list and reblog a few times for a couple weeks
Second Place ➝ For about five people. I’ll do a screenshot promo and some sales talk which people will obv listen to. I worked as a greeter for a little while at Kmart, I got this.
First Place ➝ [cue the drum solo] Will get a screenshot promo, a mention in my sidebar for, like, a month-ish? And if I know your character well enough I’ll do a really bad comic-sans powerpoint.
So that was severely underwhelming as promised — I wish I could make something cool but unfortunately I suck. Everyone else gets a kiss on the cheek and a little souffle. Okay that’s it— much love xx
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fangedforbess · 11 years
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fangedforbess · 11 years
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On October the 31st. I will hit my one year mark for this blog. Yes, I am still laughing at the irony that I managed to make this blog on Halloween and that my character is in fact a witch. Sometimes dabbling in the black arts. Anyways… I am not going to make a speech about how time has flown by yadda yadda. What I am going to say is….thank you. Thank you to every single person who has followed me since the beginning and put up with my horrible Bonnie muse back then. Thank you to all the new followers - even to those that have followed me since I posted this. Thank you to everyone who stuck around and took time out of their day to write with me. Every one that I’ve written with has helped me test my imagination and expand on my writing abilities. So thank you… This promotion is not only to celebrate the one year birth of my blog, which would be if I can remember correctly, at three am in the morning when I sucked up the courage to join this indie world. But also because in one year, I managed to suck two thousand plus of you into believing I am even a little bit of quality.
There is no way I can say thank you enough for you lot having to suffer with my annoying OOC’ness and slow replies.
So all I can do is give you this promo and just keep plaguing the blog with my Bonnie.
Here comes the shocking part….rules:
The most obvious and golden rule; you must be following me.
Do not follow and unfollow afterwards…that would chip some ice from my cold heart.
Roleplay Blogs only - the fandom doesn’t matter. Hell it could be from some book I’ve never read or heard about. If that’s the case I might even go off and buy it……
As much as I love to see those hearts glowing red, I’m going to have to say that reblogs only count this time.
The promo will end on the 31st of October.
If you can manage to abide by my ruling then lets see what you are in the running for.
The first winner will get;
Your character will get to park themselves on my side blog for one month.
A personal promo. Yes this means that I will dedicated a couple hours gushing how pretty you are.
Also you get a graphic or gif set of your choosing.
A pack of icons
Two winners will get;
A screenshot promotion
A pack of icons
A graphic of your choosing.
Three winners will get;
A pack of icons
Screenshot promo
Eight Winners will get;
Text promotion
Two icons
Everyone else who has reblogged this promo will also get the complementary prize of being featured on a masterlist{s}
That’s all folks!
                           Love,                                       Bonnie and Jenn xo
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fangedforbess · 11 years
♂ =  I am a boy who has a crush on you
♀ = I am a girl who has a crush on you
* = just delete your tumblr already
æ = Post a picture of yourself
$ = You’re awesome
# = I love your blog
@ = You’re beautiful
+ = i hate you.
% = You’re ugly
<3 = I want to fuck you
& = I wish we were close
~ = I wish we were friends in real life
? = I relate to a lot of the same things you go through 
! = You inspire me
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fangedforbess · 11 years
                       "I could always put tape over your mouth?"
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     ❝Smurf help me. ❞
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fangedforbess · 11 years
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fangedforbess · 11 years
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                         ''If I were you, I wouldn't stick around. There's someone else in Mystic Falls whom I doubt you'd want to meet.''
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fangedforbess · 11 years
Who do you ship me with?
Put a URL in my askbox. I’m interested! 
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fangedforbess · 11 years
                     "Aw c'mon, it's a little bit funny.''
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     ❝Stop smurfing! It’s not funny.❞
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fangedforbess · 11 years
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AU - “June Wedding” role reversal
Request and story by knives-and-lint
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fangedforbess · 11 years
If I ever post a starter with an icon — and you prefer gifs. Please, please, feel free to change the format & I’ll change mine to go along with you.
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fangedforbess · 11 years
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     ❝Is this stupid Smurf thing going to smurf?❞
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fangedforbess · 11 years
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I’m really not even sure how it happened— I just made this yesterday and there are already 150+ of you and you’re all perfection okay? okay. Kol and I love you all.
You have to be following me, otherwise this is basically pointless to reblog this.
Reblogs only, likes will count against you.
You can reblog as many times as you want!
You have to be an indie rp blog, the personal blogs that follow me are great, but this is just for the roleplayers.
This needs to get at least 20 notes, or there’s no promo.
I’ll pick the winners with a random number generator, so there will be no playing favorites.
Ends November 13th.
One person will get;
A pack of 10 icons and 10 gifs of a character/person of your choosing.
A screenshot promo + a link on Kol’s page for a week.
A verse of your choosing with Kol.
Two people will get;
A pack of 10 icons or 10 gifs of a character/person of your choosing.
A link on Kol’s page for a week.
A verse of your choosing with Kol.
Three people will get;
A pack of 10 icons.
Screenshot promos.
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fangedforbess · 11 years
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fangedforbess · 11 years
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                              Seeing a man lying alone on a bench was unusual, even in Mystic Falls. So it was only polite to go see and if he was alright, and not a man passed out drunk or something.  ''Er, hello?'' Caroline said awkwardly aloud, watching as the man turned to look at her, with a rather awed expression. ''Er, hi. I'm Caroline, Caroline Forbes.'' She introduced herself with a slightly awkward smile, looking at the man who was still lying on the bench. 
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Jensen laid on the park bench, looking up at the stars than heard a voice and looked around to locate it. He was bedazzled by her beauty. “Hello beautiful, I’m Jensen.” [It hasn’t been since 1784 that he actually liked someone more than a friend without even saying hi.]
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