fangirling97 · 12 days
The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy by @speedyhwriter - https://archiveofourown.org/works/23296162 (The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy is a 292,000 word Dramione audiobook by speechwriter. It is also part of the story "THE BEST DRAMIONE STORIES" by heavenOnHeart on Wattpad. Some say that The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy is the final true Harry Potter book. It differs from the Astronomy Tower scene in that instead of killing Dumbledore, Draco takes protection.)
Damaged Goods by @slytherin_after_dark - https://archiveofourown.org/works/46351063
("Damaged Goods" is a long fic by slytherin_after_dark on Archive of Our Own (AO3). One Reddit user said they were surprised by how popular the fic became.
Dramione is a popular ship in the Harry Potter fandom and is often written about in fanfictions. Dramione stands for Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger.)
Timeless by @alexandria_emerson - https://archiveofourown.org/works/27061102 (Timeless is a dramione fanfic by alexandra_emerson. One Goodreads user describes it as a "Dramione Classic" that will keep you awake and make you cry.
Timeless is also the name of a Harry Potter dramione series on Archive of Our Own. The series is a married couple, mystery, and tearjerker with a happy ending.)
Remain Nameless by @heyjude19 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/23875939 (Remain Nameless" is a Dramione fanfic by HeyJude19. It's available on AO3 and as an audiobook on Spotify.)
Secrets and Masks by @Emerald_Slytherine - https://archiveofourown.org/works/32136715 (Secrets and Masks is a Harry Potter fanfic written by Emerald_Slytherin. It is available on GoodNovel, Wattpad, and Etsy. In the story, Hermione Granger is captured and taken to the Dark Lord during a rescue mission. One reviewer on Goodreads says the story is innovative and well written.)
Amor Vincit Omnia by @Twin_Flame_Blues - https://archiveofourown.org/works/39735819 ("The Power of Love: Dramione - Amor Vincit Omnia" is aPinterest idea that explores the love story of Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy.)
Wait and Hope by @mightbewriting - https://archiveofourown.org/works/22818646 (Wait and Hope is a fan fiction story about the relationship between Hermione and Draco as a married couple. The story is about how Hermione's love is tested when she loses her memory and begins to doubt Draco. Her friends Harry and Ginny are key in helping Hermione trust Draco.
Wait and Hope is available on AO3, and there is also a dramione audiobook podcast called The World of Wait and Hope by mightbewriting.
Dramione is a term used in the Harry Potter fandom to describe the romantic pairing of Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger.)
Manacled by @senlinyu - https://archiveofourown.org/works/14454174 (There are multiple matches for "manacled", including a verb and a Harry Potter fan fiction.
"Manacled" is a verb that means to fetter or handcuff. It can also mean to restrain or hamper. For example, "He was manacled by his inhibitions".
"Manacled" may also refer to a Harry Potter fan fiction by SenLinYu. The story is a dark extension of the Potter books, and it differs from the canon after the end of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The story is set in a world where Harry Potter is dead, and it features a forbidden romance between Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger.
The story is a complex war story that dives into the psychological effects of war. It contains scenes that include rape, sexual assault, self-harm, violence, torture, gore, and character death. Some say the story is inspired by The Hand.)
Review by @mariaslibrary via TikTok
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fangirling97 · 15 days
forever haunted by hozier's face when he sings "put me back in it" (and by haunted i mean i'm clawing my eyes out)
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fangirling97 · 16 days
People turning against Chappell Roan for not accepting harassment & stalking of her and her family, saying Hozier is acting embarrassing for defending his girlfriend THAT Y'ALL WEREN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO KNOW ABOUT after she got harassed online, calling Pedro Pascal names for.. apparently not greeting fans loudly in his own private time?
Y'all have GOT to get a grip on real life if you think celebs establishing boundaries is working against you. You do not know these people, you will not sleep with these people and they do not owe you anything!!!!!!
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fangirling97 · 19 days
Folktale Types in Star Wars - Meta Masterpost
So I wrote a few things about how the Skywalker Saga fits into the Aarne-Thompson-Uther Classification of Folk Tales, and I thought I’d link them all in one place. I’ve included the ATU class number for reference and approximate word count so you know how long it might take to read each one!
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The Search for the Lost Husband: Reylo as Eros and Psyche ATU 425 Word Count: ~7000
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More Search for the Lost Husband: The Burning of the Beast’s Skin in Star Wars ATU 425A-449 (Animal Bridegroom) Word Count: ~1400
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The Quest for the Lost Bride: Anidala (and Reylo) as Orpheus and Eurydice ATU 400 Word Count: ~4000
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More Quest for the Lost Bride: Sleeping Beauty in Star Wars ATU 410 Word Count: ~1700
There are some other topics I’d like to explore with relation to ATU Folktale Types, so hopefully I’ll have more to add to this in time!
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fangirling97 · 25 days
I finally watched The Sound of Music and like I get it now, I get it. 
It’s a beautiful two hour love story of a strict man finally opening his heart again and then a fifty minute public service announcement to hate the nazis. Brilliant.
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fangirling97 · 1 month
“the woodland green votes yes. let’s tear that tower down.” after complimenting ame fully had me in open-mouthed shock. absolutely harrowing. 10/10
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fangirling97 · 3 months
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fangirling97 · 4 months
I am Venus: Folktale Motifs in Queen Charlotte
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Adapted from my 2023 Twitter thread
How the love story of George and Charlotte subverts the classic animal bride and groom tales for a new generation:
We begin with clear swan maiden motifs, with Charlotte as the captured bride betrothed against her will. When the dowager princess refuses to allow her to wear the wedding gown she selected, this is stealing the animal skin (or power) of the animal bride.
What’s more, George’s mother insists she wear an English wedding gown. Clothing the bride claims her for the mundane world, separating her from her otherworldly home. In a typical swan maiden tale, she would flee the moment she recovers her stolen skin.
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Then comes the first subversion of the tale: George gives her the option to leave, symbolically returning her animal skin and her power. And Charlotte chooses not only to stay, but also to wear her own wedding gown, thus claiming his world as hers.
Next we see Fruit Maiden motifs, as Charlotte is twice prevented from picking her own oranges. In these tales, the prince cuts open two oranges before discovering his true bride in the third. When Charlotte finally picks her own orange, she once again claims her power.
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Later, we see hints of Star Lovers. George has already mentioned his interest in astronomy, but now we see his observatory. This fascination with the heavens and his role as monarch suggests that he is a star husband and Charlotte is his mortal bride.
However, Charlotte also originally called him a beast or troll, and as we see more of George’s mental health struggles, we realize that he does indeed see himself as the animal husband, unworthy of his celestial bride.
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When she discovers him in the garden calling to Venus, Charlotte explicitly associates herself with the planet and thus with the goddess of the same name. It turns out SHE is the star bride after all, and George is the mortal husband.
In fact, as the king associates more and more with his "Farmer George" persona, even using this knowledge to assist Charlotte in birth, it becomes clear he is the earthly husband, always digging down while gazing up.
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He allows himself to be practically buried in the cellar under the doctor's horrible "treatments," and hides under the bed to escape the sight of the heavens. His only light is his wife, descended from the sky of her own choice.
Mythically, the monarch is the conduit between heaven and earth. When Charlotte the Star Bride meets George the Earthly Husband in the middle, two halves become whole, and they are able to rule together.
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Swan Maidens, Star Brides, and Fruit Maidens are nearly always captive brides. Their agency is not a factor in most folktales, but Queen Charlotte turns this on its head by making its heroine a goddess, giving her the power and choice to love as she wishes.
This story's thesis is vital in today's world where nothing seems certain: that life is lonely, so if you are fortunate to find your person, you choose to love them even when it's hard and painful. That feminine desire matters at every age. And that love can work miracles.
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fangirling97 · 4 months
Star Lovers in Folk Tales: A Primer
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Adapted from my Winter 2022 Twitter thread
One common variation of animal spouse tales is the star husband or star bride. In this case, the lover is a celestial creature from the otherworld of the sky. Sometimes they fall to earth, and other times they beckon a mortal to join them.
Star husband tales are common to North American indigenous cultures, often featuring pairs of maidens who long for more than mortal lovers and so are whisked into the sky to marry star husbands.
In these tales, the mortal brides are compelled to dig, either to find roots or other food on earth, or to escape the sky world. In either case, the digging is a transgressive act, one that triggers the bride’s passage from one world to another.
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Another star husband tale comes from Korea, merged with another animal husband tale in which he is banished from the sky by his father, the King of the Stars, cursed to live as a frog in a pond until he can marry the most beautiful woman on Earth.
In this tale we find motifs of the frog consuming all the water and fish in the pond, and the bride cutting away (rather violently) the frog’s animal skin to reveal a handsome man. The happy couple then returns to the sky, and two new stars appear in the heavens.
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Star brides have much more in common with swan maidens. Many myths compare the sky to a body of water, and in some tales, celestial beings are actually aquatic creatures as well. These brides are often captured by a mortal hunter or held captive by a mother goddess.
Like the mortal wives of star husbands, star brides often come in groups, like the Pleiades in a South African tale who send their husband on a hunt from which he never returns. Similarly, a group of 10 Hungarian star brides take mortal husbands only to lose them in a war.
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In all of these stories, the fall to earth is a kind of death, whereas the ascension is a rebirth or even the achievement of immortality. Water, hunting, and agriculture are prominent in these stories, indicating the importance of celestial patterns to human subsistence.
Obedience or defiance to parental figures is another major theme in star lover tales. While it is defiance that opens the path to the otherworld, the lovers are often punished for it until they show obedience to the parent.
Lastly, while not every star couple gets a Happily Ever After, they usually leave some eternal mark on the earth or sky. The tears of separated star lovers sometimes form fresh springs or even monsoons, bringing new life to the earth.
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In Search of the Swan Maiden: A Narrative on Folklore and Gender by Barbara Fass Leavy
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fangirling97 · 4 months
I know a lot of people are frustrated or dislike the fact that Sol keeps on hiding the whole truth from Sun Jae, but I'm a sucker for this type of plot device. I love the angst and desperation that comes with hiding the truth for the sake of someone they love and that someone doing everything they can to protect/save them.
As long as their actions make sense in the context of the story, I will eat it up every single time.
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fangirling97 · 5 months
im sol x ryu sunjae | if i could hold you for a minute
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fangirling97 · 5 months
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fangirling97 · 5 months
This is why I just can't fully hate them. Their grievances are ridiculous but they're teenagers being manipulated and I just hope there's some hope for them at the end of this.
God something kills me about imagining the High Five Heroes as they were described at 14 years old, being led out into the forest by Porter, an adult they supposedly trusted. Fledgling adventurers jumping at the chance for special treatment by a teacher, to get a leg up on the competition.
Kipperlilly with her pigtails. Ruben with his braces, sandals and puka shell. Tiny Oisin, not having hit his growth spurt yet, with Mary Ann even tinier. Lucy Frostblade, described as a "kind soul".
All them walking to this clearing every day to watch their instructor slaughter monsters and ask them to give the killing blow. In Ruben's dream, he was terrified walking to this clearing!
All of these kids who had their shitty, petty grievances manipulated by the adults in power over them to serve a cause of rage and conquest with no concern for their wellbeing. A cause they were asked to die for.
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fangirling97 · 5 months
pssssst hey. hey. free and expansive database of folk and fairy tales. you can thank me later
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fangirling97 · 6 months
hyunwoo really said there’s no point in serving cunt when your wife isn’t around to acknowledge it
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fangirling97 · 6 months
Watching Shen Li reminded me of my love for DFQC from another adaptation of one of JLFX's novels.
I mean, Xing Zhi and Dongfang Qingcang have nothing in common in terms of background or personality or narrative but they are both so utterly and completely force of nature OP and I find it so appealing to have a character who is just basically a nuke in human shape.
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fangirling97 · 6 months
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