fanstoriesforthissite · 3 days
Whgskl. Okay.
PSA to all you fantasy writers because I have just had a truly frustrating twenty minutes talking to someone about this: it’s okay to put mobility aids in your novel and have them just be ordinary.
Like. Super okay.
I don’t give a shit if it’s high fantasy, low fantasy or somewhere between the lovechild of Tolkein meets My Immortal. It’s okay to use mobility devices in your narrative. It’s okay to use the word “wheelchair”. You don’t have to remake the fucking wheel. It’s already been done for you.
And no, it doesn’t detract from the “realism” of your fictional universe in which you get to set the standard for realism. Please don’t try to use that as a reason for not using these things.
There is no reason to lock the disabled people in your narrative into towers because “that’s the way it was”, least of all in your novel about dragons and mermaids and other made up creatures. There is no historical realism here. You are in charge. You get to decide what that means.
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“Depiction of Chinese philosopher Confucius in a wheelchair, dating to ca. 1680. The artist may have been thinking of methods of transport common in his own day.”
“The earliest records of wheeled furniture are an inscription found on a stone slate in China and a child’s bed depicted in a frieze on a Greek vase, both dating between the 6th and 5th century BCE.[2][3][4][5]The first records of wheeled seats being used for transporting disabled people date to three centuries later in China; the Chinese used early wheelbarrows to move people as well as heavy objects. A distinction between the two functions was not made for another several hundred years, around 525 CE, when images of wheeled chairs made specifically to carry people begin to occur in Chinese art.[5]”
“In 1655, Stephan Farffler, a 22 year old paraplegic watchmaker, built the world’s first self-propelling chair on a three-wheel chassis using a system of cranks and cogwheels.[6][3] However, the device had an appearance of a hand bike more than a wheelchair since the design included hand cranks mounted at the front wheel.[2]
The invalid carriage or Bath chair brought the technology into more common use from around 1760.[7]
In 1887, wheelchairs (“rolling chairs”) were introduced to Atlantic City so invalid tourists could rent them to enjoy the Boardwalk. Soon, many healthy tourists also rented the decorated “rolling chairs” and servants to push them as a show of decadence and treatment they could never experience at home.[8]
In 1933 Harry C. Jennings, Sr. and his disabled friend Herbert Everest, both mechanical engineers, invented the first lightweight, steel, folding, portable wheelchair.[9] Everest had previously broken his back in a mining accident. Everest and Jennings saw the business potential of the invention and went on to become the first mass-market manufacturers of wheelchairs. Their “X-brace” design is still in common use, albeit with updated materials and other improvements. The X-brace idea came to Harry from the men’s folding “camp chairs / stools”, rotated 90 degrees, that Harry and Herbert used in the outdoors and at the mines.[citation needed]
“But Joy, how do I describe this contraption in a fantasy setting that wont make it seem out of place?”
“It was a chair on wheels, which Prince FancyPants McElferson propelled forwards using his arms to direct the motion of the chair.”
“It was a chair on wheels, which Prince EvenFancierPants McElferson used to get about, pushed along by one of his companions or one of his many attending servants.”
“But it’s a high realm magical fantas—”
“It was a floating chair, the hum of magical energy keeping it off the ground casting a faint glow against the cobblestones as {CHARACTER} guided it round with expert ease, gliding back and forth.”
“But it’s a stempunk nov—”
“Unlike other wheelchairs he’d seen before, this one appeared to be self propelling, powered by the gasket of steam at the back, and directed by the use of a rudder like toggle in the front.”
Give. Disabled. Characters. In. Fantasy. Novels. Mobility. Aids.
If you can spend 60 pages telling me the history of your world in innate detail down to the formation of how magical rocks were formed, you can god damn write three lines in passing about a wheelchair.
Signed, your editor who doesn’t have time for this ableist fantasy realm shit.
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fanstoriesforthissite · 6 days
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Nakba Day 2024
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fanstoriesforthissite · 7 days
Pieces of media to watch to educate yourself on the Palestinian cause :
“Jenin, Jenin” a documentary by Mohammad Bakri (available on Youtube)
“200 meters” a movie by Ameen Nayfeh (available on Netflix)
“Born in Gaza” a documentary by Hernán Zin (available on Netflix)
“Samouni Road” a documentary & animation by Stefano Savona (available on Netflix and Palestine Film Institute’s website)
“Edward Said on Palestine (1988)” a TV documentary style film by Christoper Skyes (available on Youtube)
“To My Father (2008)” a documentary style film by Abdel Salam Shehada (available on Palestine Film Institute’s website)
“Salt of this sea” a movie by Annemarie Jacir (available on Netflix)
“Children of Shatila” a documentary by Mai Masri (available on Netflix & Youtube)
“The Present” a short movie by Farah Nabulsi (available on Netflix)
“Frontiers of Dreams and Fears” a documentary by Mai Masri (available on Netflix & Youtube)
“The Crossing” a short film by Ameen Nayfeh (available on Netflix)
“Tantura” a documentary by Alon Schwartz (available on Youtube)
“3000 nights” a movie by Mai Masri (available on Netflix)
“Farha” a movie by Darin J. Sallam (available on Netflix)
“Arna’s Children” a documentary by Juliano Mer-Khamis (available on Youtube)
“Ma’loul celebrates it’s destruction” a documentary by Michel Khleifi (available on Youtube)
“A World Not Ours” a documentary style movie by Mahdi Fleifel (available on Netflix)
“Like Twenty Impossibles” a movie by Annemarie Jacir (available on Netflix)
“Omar” a movie by Hany Abu Assad (available on Netflix)
“Mars At Sunrise” a movie by Jessica Habie (available on Netflix)
“5 Broken Cameras” a documentary by Emad Burnat & Guy Davidi (available on Youtube)
“Aida Returns” a film by Carol Mansour (look for upcoming screenings through this link)
[this list will constantly be updated with more movies & documentaries that i’m reminded of, or with new pieces that i find and watch… if you have any suggestions please send them my way]
PS ; as this is a personal list coming from a Palestinian person, i will only be adding the movies and documentaries that i feel are MOST important and effective in transferring the message of the Palestinian cause… so all recommendations are highly appreciated yet this is just a personal list and doesn’t include all types of Palestinian (or Palestinian related) visual media 🙏
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fanstoriesforthissite · 8 days
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Hello, I have put together a bundle of comics to raise money for those affected by the ongoing g3n0c1de. There are some really really wonderful comics in here by so many amazing artists and 100% of the proceeds go to palestinian gofundmes. The comic I have contributed is a 50 page comic I made in 2019 about starman's daughter and her human boyfriend called A Really Big House, which you can currently ONLY buy through this bundle. So get at it.
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fanstoriesforthissite · 1 month
*A show about teenage clones of historical figures, which is on HBO Max
So she is the only female clone of John Wilkes Booth (the version from Manhunt on Apple TV). She has his hair and eyes, but does not inherited his Confederacy views. Her name is Joanna and I think she is around 16 or 17 years old. Abe Lincoln (yes, THAT clone of the 16th president. He’s a total dumb-ass 50% of the time) is her mortal enemy, mostly due to their clone parents’ history. Did I forget to mention she lives with her ghostly clone father and a certain Hatbox Ghost?
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(This dude right here ⬆️ is her dad!!!)/ (Then here’s her “mother”⬇️)
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Okie dokie! Good night~! Have fun~!
im so sorry about this but i dont know anything about clone high haha OTL OTL this is probably not close at all to how you imagined her but it's all i could imagine. thank you for submitting her!
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fanstoriesforthissite · 2 months
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Let’s say Eleanor Gracey shares the same chaotic methods her “mother” takes pleasure in….
She is the first daughter of William Gracey and Alistair Crump (Plus she is shared by me and @strange-doll-child)
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fanstoriesforthissite · 2 months
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@autisticgxb2 I wanna say happy birthday <3 first of all hehe
For a gift, here's Theodore finally done lmao hehe
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fanstoriesforthissite · 2 months
more on writing muslim characters from a hijabi muslim girl
- hijabis get really excited over pretty scarves - they also like to collect pins and brooches - we get asked a lot of questions and it can be annoying or it can be amusing, just depends on our mood and personality and how the question is phrased - common questions include: - “not even water?” (referring to fasting) - hijabis hear a lot of “do you sleep in that?” (we don’t) and “where is your hair?” (in a bun or a braid, usually) - “is it mooze-slim or mozzlem?” (the answer is neither, it’s muslim, with a soft s and accent on the first syllable) - “ee-slam or iz-lamb?” (it’s iss-laam, accent on the first syllable) - “hee-job?” (heh-jahb, accent on the second syllable)
- “kor-an?” (no. quran. say it like koor-annn, accent on the second syllable) - people tend to mess up our names really badly and you just get a sigh and a resigned nod or an awkward smile, maybe a nickname instead - long hair is easy to hide, short hair is harder to wrap up - hijab isn’t just covering hair, it’s also showing as little skin as possible with the exception of face, hands, and feet, and not wearing tight/sheer clothing - that applies to men too, people just don’t like to mention it ( i wonder why) - henna/mehendi isn’t just for special occasions, you’ll see people wearing it for fun - henna/mehendi isn’t just for muslims, either, it’s not a religious thing - henna/mehendi is not just for women, men also wear it, especially on their weddings - there are big mehendi parties in the couple of nights before eid where people (usually just women and kids) gather and do each other’s mehendi, usually just hands and feet - five daily prayers - most muslim kids can stutter through a couple verses of quran in the original arabic text by the age of seven or eight, it does not matter where they live or where they’re from or what language they speak natively - muslim families tend to have multiple copies of the quran - there are no “versions” of the quran, there has only ever been one. all muslims follow the exact same book - muslims have no concept of taking God’s name in vain, we call on God at every little inconvenience - don’t use islamic phrases if you don’t know what they mean or how to use them. we use them often, inside and outside of religious settings. in islam, it is encouraged to mention God often and we say these things very casually, but we take them very seriously - Allahu Akbar means “God is Greatest” (often said when something shocks or surprises us, or if we’re scared or daunted, or when something amazing happens, whether it be good or bad; it’s like saying “oh my god”) - Subhan Allah means “Glory be to God” (i say subhan Allah at the sky, at babies, at trees, whatever strikes me as pleasant, especially if it’s in nature) - Bismillah means “in the name of God” and it’s just something you say before you start something like eating or doing your homework - In Shaa Allah means “if God wills” (example: you’ll be famous, in shaa Allah) (it’s a reminder that the future is in God’s hands, so be humble and be hopeful)
- Astaghfirullah means “i seek forgiveness from Allah” and it’s like “god forgive me” - Alhamdulillah means “all thanks and praise belong to God” and it’s just a little bit more serious than saying “thank god” (example: i passed my exams, alhamdulillah; i made it home okay, alhamdulillah) - when i say we use them casually, i really mean it - teacher forgot to assign homework? Alhamdulillah - our version of “amen” is “ameen” - muslims greet each other with “assalamu alaikum” which just means “peace be on you” and it’s like saying hi - the proper response is “walaikum assalam” which means “and on you be peace” and it’s like saying “you too”
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fanstoriesforthissite · 2 months
As of now, Florida and Kansas have passed bills that align with KOSA.
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So many people have held back on speaking out against KOSA or signing petitions because "it probably won't pass." But we have proof that it very well can and will.
So what can we do right now?
The same thing we've been doing: bring awareness and protest.
Here are a few websites you can visit to sign petitions:
You can also call your state reps. This post explains how you can do that.
Good luck, everyone! Don't give up yet.
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fanstoriesforthissite · 2 months
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Oughffhh fankid request for @autisticgxb2
I know a while back I said I wouldn't, but hmngnghfhfh
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fanstoriesforthissite · 3 months
making a separate thread for help links đź’– i will add more links as i find them !!
post w/ part two can be found here
decolonize palestine
one click goes a long way !
petition signatures
post with various petitions and campaigns
who are the israeli settlers ?
USA - contact your representatives through this google doc
USA - contact
USA - contact
text resist to 50409 to send a letter to your representatives to pass HR3103-- a bill that prohibits tax dollars from going to israel !
UK - call for a ceasefire
UK - email your MP
UK - email to call for a ceasefire
australia - contact your rep !
twitter thread of donation links
protest preparation
companies to boycott
longer list of companies to boycott*
news source for updates
another news source
palestinian news source
palestinian journalist to follow
palestinian journalist #2
palestinian who posts updates about his living conditions
palestinian journalist
news from gaza
gaza news source
palestinian tiktoker who shares updates on palestine
free resources - includes 6 textbooks
israel's plan to ethically cleanse gaza
various subtwt charities for palestine
canadian based donation website #1
canadian based donation site #2
canadian based donation site #3 with information
USA based donation site #1
USA based donation site #2
USA based donation site #3
USA based donation site #4
UK donation site #1
UK donation site #2
UK donation site #3
australian donation site #1
australian donation site #2
australian donation site #3
buy an e-sim for a palestinian !
buy hygiene products for afab palestinians
games for gaza
purchase a keffiyeh !
note: it is not guaranteed that donations will get to palestinians due to the blockade. it is still noble to donate, but keep that in mind.
*another note: it is important to focus on the companies that the bds movement has listed. although important to know about, having a more targeted approach will have better results.
2022 & 2023 global report of DRC
genocide watch - DRC
video about congo
congo infographic
another video about congo
canada based donation website
another canadian donation website
3rd canadian donation site
USA donation site #1
USA donation site #2
USA donation site #3
USA donation site #4
USA donation site #5
USA donation site #6
UK donation site #1
UK donation site #2
UK donation site #3
UK donation site #4
UK donation site #5
UK donation site #6
UK donation site #7
UK donation site #8
UK donation site #9
australian donation site #1
australian donation site #2
australian donation site #3
congolese donation site
youtube film about congo
another infographic
thread about congo
this site lets you choose which country you're donating from !
canadian donation site #1
canadian donation site #2
canadian donation site #3
USA donation site #1
USA donation site #2
USA donation site #3
USA donation site #4
USA donation site #5
UK donation site #1
UK donation site #2
UK donation site #3
australian donation site #1
australian donation site #2
australian donation site #3
sudanese donation site, but also has USA and canadian sites near the bottom
video about sudan
quick summary about sudan
list of other sudanese charities to donate to
information about sudan
important information about sudan
sudanese journalist
if there is anything that needs to be added, please feel free to add them onto this post !! I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE IT !!!! i made this thread for basic level information about these genocides; this is not to make you an expert in these topics. if anything is inaccurate, please feel free to tell me and i will correct it !
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fanstoriesforthissite · 3 months
MS paint is getting layers and transparency support. This is the single greatest art news of my life.
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fanstoriesforthissite · 3 months
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fanstoriesforthissite · 3 months
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A belated Valentine to @sketchoco. This one is angsty and horrifying, because the persons that did this to Jessica Jones and Alistair Crump are both named Killgrave.
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fanstoriesforthissite · 4 months
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Day 27 watch out I’m coming!
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fanstoriesforthissite · 4 months
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I just got the clothes from last week’s visit to Orlando and it reminded me of @skywardsister’s The Haunted Dreamhouse. So naturally, this is the result in a visual sense.
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fanstoriesforthissite · 4 months
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Inspired by this post by @alex-just-vibing. PaliRev values the contribution of all people to the liberation of Palestine, and we encourage you to share this around your schools or with others to give accessible options for us all to show solidarity for the Palestinian people.
[image id: an image with a white background, bordered on the bottom left and top right with green, corner illustrations, an olive garden branch drawing on the bottom right, and a drawing of a boy sitting down with a backpack leaning on him, looking downwards sadly on the top right. there is a low opacity palestinian flag behind black text reading "HOW DO I SUPPORT PALESTINIAN RESISTANCE IF I CAN'T DONATE?" below this is a list in smaller black text, bulleted with light green arrows. the list reads:
"- Wear shirts, pins, keffiyehs, anything outwardly pro Palestine.
Email your Representatives, Congress, White House. Tell the people in charge you want a ceasefire.
Talk to your local library about holding an educational night about the genocide and/or Palestinian culture.
Make schoolwork about Palestine! Writing about news? Focus on Palestine. Making questions for a test? Use Palestine as an example.
Find social media accounts for your representatives and schools, and make a fuss. Comment and @ them!
Show up to local actions (i.e. protests), join and organization, and follow Palestinian journalists! (next line) - Motaz Azaiza, Plestia Alaqad, Hind Khoudary, Bisan Owda -
Educate yourself on anti-Palestine talking points (Palestine toolkit) and how to refute them in a calm manner.
Speak up! It's scary, but don't let other people's bigotry go unchecked. You'll find that other people agree, and speak up from your example.
Don't engage with people unwilling to learn. Your goal is to educate people who are and make those comfortable with genocide feel UNCOMFORTABLE."
below this in light grey text reads "@PALIREV.WEB". /end id.]
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