I feel bad for ghosts in the winter time. They’re all like, “Look at all this pretty snow, I wann pl-! AWW! What is this shit!? Why is there salt everywhere!?
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in Finland, it is illegal to kill a bear when it’s hibernating. If you ask a hunter why that is, a number of them will tell you it’s wrong simply because it is the law, and they don’t make a distinction between what is right, and what is legal. Most people like that are perfectly normal, decent and respectable people, just like the rest of us.
 But if you ask people who think about things, the answer is vague. Killing a hibernating bear would just feel… impolite? You can’t fucking shoot a man when he’s sleeping, that’s just fucking rude. It’s just not the right thing to do.
 Long before hunting laws were established in Finland, you couldn’t kill a sleeping bear, and what commands you is something older than law: tradition. Even at a time when hunting was a matter of life and death, and a bear fighting for its life is mainly a matter of death, you just didn’t kill a hibernating bear, you have to wake it up first. Hunters risked their lives, the lives of their brothers and everyone in the hunting party, who were friends, family and men that they loved, to give the bear a fighting chance.
 In the modern time, the hunting season of bears is in the summer, for the warmest summer months. There are many reasons for why they are allowed to tread safely in autumn and to sleep in peace through the cold months, almost all of which are rational and scientific, and do not touch the old traditions.
 Old faith says a living thing has many souls - henki, luonto, itse. Plants only have one - the one that wills them to grow. Animals have two, both the spark of life and nature that enables them to act. A human being also has the third, one that makes them a person, personality, itse, literally “self”. But the soul that travels in your dreams is not the soul that defines a human - animals have that one as well. When your dog runs in her sleep, her soul is elsewhere, where a dog is needed.
 One’s waking soul is elsewhere when they sleep and dream. A bear’s soul is somewhere else when they are hibernating - there are two words for “hibernation” in finnish, one of which is talviuni, “winter sleep”, and that is the one that bears have - and if you kill a sleeping bear, their soul is not in the body, it is still out there, and it can find you, and as a revenge for killing its body, Ghost Bear will kill your entire fucking family.
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A stranger in my own skin
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Sometimes I wish I could be the evil fucking bitch people seem to think I am.
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What do you do when hope dies?
Ira sat down on the storm-torn ground beside me. I didn’t look up from my contemplation of the gravestone before me, huddling deeper into my cardigan. A moment later, his leather-clad arm landed across my shoulders and drew me against him. 
“It wasn’t your fault,” he whispered, his voice a comforting rasp in my ear. “What happened. It wasn’t because of you. 
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What do you do when hope dies?
Ira sat down on the storm-torn ground beside me. I didn’t look up from my contemplation of the gravestone before me, huddling deeper into my cardigan. A moment later, his leather-clad arm landed across my shoulders and drew me against him. 
“It wasn’t your fault,” he whispered, his voice a comforting rasp in my ear. “What happened. It wasn’t because of you. 
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A veterinary hospital in Mexico used Pokemon Go’s snapshot feature to turn their office into a Pokemon Center
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Random thoughts
Your heart breaks and it cannot heal
Your soul feels empty but nothing can fill it
You need to find the glimmer in the darkest night
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But sometimes, 
All you have is the night
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I really like this. Here you go @the-real-arcanist-val. I’m interested to see what happens. ;)
Send “It’s you. You keep appearing in my nightmares.” for my muses reaction.
Tips: Muses not necessarily has to know each other. You muse can stop in their tracks, after recognising a stranger in the street.
Also, my muse can be not only the one haunting yours in the nightmares, but also the one saving them from the horrors of the dream. Or maybe they are just a figure who appears in every dream, but only observes your muse? Or maybe your muse’s nightmares involve someone hurting my muse?
Explore the possibilities.
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Munday on a Tuesday
A day late and sadly, many dollars short.
REAL NAME.  Depends on the day and if a person is actually listening.
ZODIAC.  Virgo. Native American Symbol is the Bear. I’m chill with it.
HEIGHT.    5′4"
WHAT TIME IS IT?  6:33 pm and ready to retire from everything.
FAVORITE MUSICIANS / GROUPS. Metallica, Queensryche, Breaking Benjamin, Linkin Park, Loreena McKennitt, and whatever happens to strike my fancy. Right now is Celtic Woman
OTHER BLOGS. @maevecottonwood, @the-seven-gatekeepers.
DO I GET ASKS?  Once a moon if I’m lucky.
HOW MANY BLOGS DO I FOLLOW? Not many. Besides @the-real-arcanist-val, @catherine-lindgren​, and a few others, from there its animals, probably cats if I’m honest.
TUMBLR CRUSHES. @the-real-arcanist-val​ because she’s so real. And @justusreece​ because I love marshmallows.
WHAT AM I WEARING RIGHT NOW?   My work uniform.
DREAM VACATION. Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand.
DREAM CAR.  Heh, as long as I can drive it.
FAVORITE FOOD.  Right now it’s hamburgers. Really craving red meat.
DRINK OF CHOICE.    Tea, one lump sugar, cream, and hot as hell.
LANGUAGES. English, some German, and enough Spanish to say I don’t speak it and hold one moment.
INSTRUMENTS.  The sweet, soul-crushing weeping of the violin.
CELEBRITY CRUSHES.  Australia breeds them hot right now.
RANDOM FACT.  I once got my foot stepped on by a horse and it was never broken. Also, I have 9 tattoos.
Tagged by: @the-real-arcanist-val​. This was fun. Thanks for the ask.
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Here’s a little platypus for all of u.
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“Don’t get it right, just get it written.”
— James Thurber (via wordsnstuff)
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The mask I wear
Is a lie I tell
What will happen
When it shatters?
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Thats the sexiest picture of a cat! �
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When a good friend is being an asshole and you just don't know what to do.
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