Biff and Madis
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so, uh... there's a reason for this
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winter court's royal chef: Eirik the nisse
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Crown Princess Saima Hakk from fantasy au's Reokara Kingdom
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Peer into my muse's memories
❤️- A happy memory that makes them smile
💙- A sad memory that makes them cry
💛- A memory that makes them feel angry
💚- A memory that makes them feel guilty
💜- A memory about one of their loved ones, happy or sad
💔- A memory that leaves them feeling lonely
❣- A memory that leaves them laughing
💕- A memory about their significant other
💞- A memory about their children
💓- A memory about their friends
💗- A memory about a good deed they did
💖- A memory that made them feel special
💝- A memory that made them feel loved
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
💟- Wildcard!!!
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♛ ( @fantasy-and-fairfolk-hetalia )
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Prompt List - still taking ❤️
// I hope you're fine with me using 2p!Belarus for this
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September 30 Prompt: Free
Pairing: Netherlands/Austria (Tim Peeters/Roderich Edelstein)
Tim stayed silent as he listened to what was being played. Ever since he could remember, he hardly ever went to see any musicians perform, if at all. Reason being they'd never really piqued his interest. For some reason this one did. Maybe it's because the guy playing the music in question was pretty.
Roderich seemed iffy after the concert ended. Sure, he liked music, but it hadn't been what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. His mother pushed him into making it his career. At this point it wasn't really that fun for him anymore. He needed a way out of this.
"Someone doesn't look happy," a new voice said. Purple eyes look over to see a tall male with green eyes and light brown hair that stood up in front. There also happens to be a scar above his right eye. Who is he? "Why shouldn't I be?" Roderich asked. He turned back to his violin and slammed the case shut. "I get to perform in front of a crowd of people who pay to come see me make music." There was a snort from the other male and Roderich looked at him in disbelief. "I don't believe that one bit. Name's Tim Peeters and I think I can help you get free from your predicament."
It's been five years since then and Roderich still seemed surprised at times when he found himself waking up in a shared bed with the green-eyed man.
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September 29 Prompt: Magical and Fantasy | Ghost
Pairing: Wales/Nyo Romano (Howell Bowen/Chiara Vargas)
Howell smiled as he held Ciel while he napped. Nearby, Sebastian is also napping. He looked over as someone rested against him. Oh, it's just Chiara. His smile widened and he kissed her head. He truly did love his family. He was going to do whatever he could to keep his family safe and together. Green eyes look up to meet his gaze. She returned his smile. Ciel shifted a bit in Howell's arms.
"You're a pirate, right?" Someone asked. Chiara turned around to see a tan male with brown hair and green eyes. He seems to be a nobleman, but of lower standing than most she's seen. "Well, I was up until fairly recently," she said. Today, she'd gone with Howell to the castle and the boys had been brought with them. At the moment, Howell was busy talking to the king and queen while Chiara and the twins had wandered the castle a bit and found themselves at one of the higher up balconies that led outside. "You're the reason my family lost its standing," the other male said. "What do you mean?" Chiara asked and backed up as he approached her. "Most of my family's wealth was stolen by pirates," he said. "Our house ransacked." Chiara glanced behind her when she ran into something to see she'd reached the railing. Yet he continued. "All because of people like you." At that particular moment, she was shoved over the edge of the balcony, railing and all.
"Chiara!" Howell called out when Chiara had fallen over the edge. He tried to reach for her, but he just missed. "Howell!" Chiara cried out. Without warning, Howell took a running jump over and dove after his wife. He could hear Ciel and Sebastian crying from above him. He at least knew those two were safe. Once he was close enough, Howell reached out and took Chiara's outstretched hand and pulled her close to him. That's when wings erupted from his back and he used them to slow their fall.
"You- huh," Chiara said when her feet touched the ground. Howell smiled at her when he was standing next to her. "I was an entertainer before becoming royal advisor," he said with a soft chuckle. "The audience didn't know we used magic." That would explain things. Somewhat. Chiara hugged Howell, pulling him in for a kiss that he gladly returned. He also hugged her.
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Familial Ties
September 28 Prompt: Historical | Meeting the family
Pairing: Wales/Nyo Romano (Howell Bowen/Chiara Vargas)
Howell looked at Chiara and smiled. The blond advisor comes from a family of entertainers, yet he's the only one that broke away from that to do something else. Now he's advisor to the royal family here in his home kingdom of Mavalon. Chiara, on the other hand, is a former pirate. She'd given that up when she had Howell's twins, Ciel and Sebastian. Howell and Chiara had gotten married not long after the boys were born. Green eyes of Chiara look up at her husband.
"Do you have any siblings?" She asked out of the blue after a moment of them staring at each other. Surprising how she never gotten to know his family or why they weren't at the wedding. Though, to be fair, they did kind of elope together, so that could be why. "Ah, yeah," Howell said. "I have quite a few siblings. And some cousins." "Sounds like you got a big family," Chiara said with a smirk. "Yeah, and my twin sister is coming to town," Howell said. "Then we have to see her," Chiara said.
What Chiara hadn't been expecting when she saw Howell's twin sister was to see a woman with the whole entertainer getup. As soon as the blonde woman spotted Howell, she rushed to him and hugged him. Howell smiled a bit and hugged her. Soon after, he introduced Chiara as his wife. As she learned, the blonde woman's name is Anwen and she's the younger of the twins. Green eyes of both Howell and Chiara look down when both felt hands tugging their outfits to see their children wanting attention. The two boys, both blond with green eyes, were picked up and held in their parents' arms.
"Why didn't you tell us of your family sooner?" Anwen asked. "Because," Howell said as he rocked the boy he's holding. "This is new to both of us. We wanted to wait for the right moment to tell both our families. Isn't that right, Ciel?" Ciel looked up at his dad and cooed, reaching up to try grabbing at Howell's hat.
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September 27 Prompt: Folkore | Assassins
Pairing: Belarus/Luxembourg (Natalya Arlofskaya/Damian Thorn)
Natalya huffed. The first guy she was supposed to marry had run off and eloped with someone else. This had greatly upset both his and her parents. They're still trying to find someone for her to get married to.
Green eyes of Damian look over the paper he'd been given and sat on a bench at the park. His parents had also been looking for someone for him to marry. He didn't seem to notice when someone sat on the bench next to him. That is, until they spoke.
"You know, according to my family's folklore, one person every hundred years is born with a special ability." Damian lowered the paper and looked over to see a woman staring ahead, her purple eyes seemingly focused on something. Her long blonde hair is pulled out of her face by a purple bow, matching her dress. Had to admit, she is a beautiful woman. "Well, do you believe it?" He asked. She looked at him. "I guess I'll have to find out for myself."
When Damian got home, his parents were waiting for him. They had him sit down, which he did. What was said next caught him a bit off guard. They'd found someone for him to marry. Someone from the Arlofskaya family. And as it turns out, they'd recently gone through something where the previous person they'd wanted their daughter to marry ended up marrying someone else entirely. What really surprised him and made green eyes widen was who he saw walk into the room. Purple eyes, purple dress, a purple bow holding bangs out of her face, and long blonde hair. It's the woman he saw at the park earlier. Apparently, her name is Natalya Arlofskaya.
Didn't take them but two to three months for them to set up the wedding between the two. Who were Natalya and Damien to try to say no? Both their parents were insistent on them getting married and since both had been single before, it made sense to them.
"So, did you ever figure out what the family folklore meant?" Damian asked and looked at Natalya a year after their marriage. She was silent for a moment, then looked at the green-eyed blond. "I see dead people."
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September 26 Prompt: Mythical creatures | Celebrity
Pairing: Denmark/Finland (Matthias Winther/Tino Pöllönen)
Tino looked around. He didn't quite know what he'd gotten himself into when he said he'd come out here with Matthias, yet here the two are.
"Um... Matthias? Why are we out here?" He asked. "Because of what people have seen out here," Matthias said. Of course. Should've known Matthias would've picked up on the stories. "Fine. Let's get looking." Matthias smiled brightly and hugged Tino. A faint smile crossed the smaller blond's face. He'd do just about anything for the taller male. "Shall we get going?" Tino asked. Matthias nodded. He held up his lamp. "I even have snacks for if we get hungry." Tino nodded. "Good." The two then set off into the woods. People were saying that's where most of the creatures are.
Minutes passed and the two didn't seem to find anything. They're pretty deep in the forest now. Matthias immediately clung to Tino's arm when they heard a sound. Both stop in their tracks. Blue and purple eyes look up at the giant snake that rose in front of them. Something seemed different about it. Also, since when did snakes get that big?
"People don't usually wander this deep into my forest," a voice said. Did it come from the snake? "We heard stories of you," Matthias said on instinct. "Wanted to see if they were true."
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Teddy Bear
September 25 Prompt: Culture | Comfort
Pairing: 2P Denmark/1P Sweden
Berwald smiled a bit as he watched Bitta run around and play. Him and Mikkel adopted four kids and she's their only daughter. Bitta has three older brothers. Someone sat next to the blond male. Aqua eyes look to see it's none other than his husband, Mikkel. An arm was placed around the slightly shorter man’s shoulders. Mikkel rested his head on Berwald’s shoulder.
“Boys in school?” Berwald asked. A nod from Mikkel. “Good,” Berwald said. After a moment of comfortable silence as they watched Bitta, Berwald spoke up again. “How’s the royal family doing?” Mikkel sighed a bit. “It’s been fourteen years since his parents died. Soon it’ll be fourteen years since the crown prince was born.” "Must be hard for him," Berwald said. Mikkel nodded. "It is." It was then that Bitta drew their attention to her. She seems to have noticed Mikkel's here for she ran to him. He gladly held his arms out to her and picked her up. Mikkel used his hands to ask Bitta how she's doing. Bitta's deaf, so Mikkel and a couple of her brothers learned sign language for her. Bitta signed and asked Mikkel if he wanted to play with her. Smiling, Mikkel carried Bitta to the playroom.
Later, when the sons were home and all kids were asleep, a certain blue-eyed blond was looking at one of the paintings in their home. A faint smile crossed Berwald's face when he felt familiar arms wrap around his body. There's only one person who'd do that and only one reason as to why. Mikkel's looking for cuddles. Shifting to turn around, he placed his arms around his husband and picked him up. He carried the other to the couch and set him on his lap, where Mikkel curled up to him.
"Hello, cuddle bug," Berwald said. "Hi," Mikkel said with a faint yawn. Seems he's tired. Berwald gently rubbed Mikkel's back. This resulted in a soft sound escaping the purple-eyed blond. A kiss was pressed to Mikkel's head. "Sleep. I'll still be here when you wake." Mikkel nodded faintly and closed his eyes, resting his head on Berwald.
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September 24 Prompt: Royal | Cottage
Pairing: Switzerland/Belgium (Vash Zwingli/Laura Peeters)
Vash sighed a bit. Another day as part of Reokara’s royal guard. The only reason he joined was because his sister Lili insisted he join. She had been happy when he told her about him getting in. Doesn’t help that Lili is the princess’ teacher. For the most part he stayed at Sirt’s castle to protect the royal family. Sirt is Reokara’s capital.
Laura, on the other hand, didn’t have anyone in her family that was a royal guard… despite her family also coming from nobility like Vash’s. She had always told her brother Tim that he needed to try making friends with some of the other nobility, but it didn't seem to be a thing that was going to happen. At the very least he managed to get married and had two kids, Andrea and Adriaan.
Something in the corner of Vash's eye caught his attention. Someone was in trouble, so he rushed in to protect them. Green eyes of Laura look up to see Vash standing above her, protecting her.
“Vash!” Laura exclaimed. The other guards got there in time to finish things off, but also take Vash to see the physician. Laura was right there on their heels. No way was she going to leave him alone, especially when he had protected her. She sat at his side as the physician took care of Vash and while he was resting afterwards. Laura looked up when someone else entered the room.
"Your highness," she said and stood up to curtsey to the king. "Ms. Peeters," Madis said. "Agáta told me of what happened." Laura looked back at Vash. "You like him, don't you?" Madis asked. She didn't say anything at first.
When Vash awoke, the first thing he noticed was someone laying curled up to him. He was surprised to find its Laura, the noblewoman he'd saved from being harmed. She hadn't left his side apparently. A faint smile crossed his face.
"His majesty was in here recently," Laura said out of the blue. "He said we could be together."
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Winter King Matthias
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“What’s this? So, you’re the one my sister spoke of.”
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Liar, Liar (fairfolk)
Matthias swam around the castle, anticipating the visitor that's supposed to show up any moment now. He didn't know who they were or what they wanted to talk to him about, but he couldn't wait to meet them. He did stop when he took notice of Berwald sitting at the water's edge. Matthias surfaced and set his arms on the edge, next to his brother. More like adopted brother, seeing as Matthias' entire family are merms and Berwald is a Lesnik/Leshy.
"Hi, Ber," Matthias said. "Hi," Berwald said. "Something on your mind?" Matthias asked. Berwald shrugged. "Not sure." Matthias rested his head on Berwald’s lap. Berwald placed a hand on Matthias’ head. The two stayed like this until someone else joined them. "Your highness, your guest is here," Tolys said. He's the royal advisor. "They're in the library." "Alright," Matthias said. "I'll go see them." Berwald removed his hand and Matthias slipped back into the water. He swam to the library. It was there he saw someone sitting on one of the chairs. He could vaguely see brown hair.
“Hi there,” Matthias said after he surfaced. He noticed when the other looked at him. And he could feel his heart skip a beat when he looked into the other’s deep purple eyes. “Hi, your majesty,” the other said. “My name’s Eirik.” Matthias soon found himself blushing.
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The Hanging Tree (fairfolk au)
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Tómas looked over what he’d taken from the older male. Must be important if he gave it over without a fuss. He was then paid for the item.
“What did you get this time?” Eirik asked when Tómas walked in. They’d pulled a cake out of the oven. Both the cake and Tómas' item were placed on the counter. Purple eyes look over what the item was. "Where did you get this?" They asked. "Bought it off someone from one of the other courts," Tómas said. A soft sigh escaped Eirik. “Why you keep buying these things I’ll never know. Not to mention there’s that incident that happened last year where you took that guy out.” “And I’d do it again,” Tómas said. Eirik gave him a look, then got to decorating the cake. “I would send you away, but we don’t have any other relatives I know of. Lukas, Emil, and our sisters all live with us at home.”
Camille. Half roc and part of the summer court. The guy she's staying with, Alexandre, had sold her to someone in the Winter Court, along with something else he himself didn't think was all that important. She sighed and finished packing her things. Even if she didn't want to go, she knew she had to. Which means she'd also have to say goodbye to her sister Michelle.
"Michelle," Camille said. Gray eyes notice how the other female seems to be crying. "Are you really leaving?" Michelle asked. "I have to," Camille said. "Alexandre sold me to someone from Winter Court." Michelle then latched onto her sister. "I'll pay him back for you." Camille smiled faintly and hugged Michelle. "You do that. I have to get going now." This prompted Michelle to hold her tighter.
After a while, Michelle had let her go. Camille had managed to find her way to Winter Court and to the meetup spot with the guy who bought her. She did spot a guy with red eyes and shoulder length brown hair that had an undercut. Never mind the fact that he has elf ears. Must be an elf. Or at least half elf.
"Camille?" The other asked. Camille nodded and walked over to him. "Tómas?" She asked. He nodded.
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We Are One
Prompt: Elope
World: Fantasy
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Mikkel Winther. He comes from a noble family in Mavalon. At sixteen years, he'd been taken to Boltan Castle to finish his final years of training to be a physician. That's where he met Crown Prince Beck Oxenstierna. Only child of King Egino and Queen Yggdrasil. Beck also happens to look more like his mother than his father. Didn't take long for the two to become friends. Mikkel was there when Beck got together with duchess Maija Pöllönen. He was there at 19 when the duo had their first child out of wedlock. Neither of the new parents wanted to tell anyone outside the room of this, so neither would Mikkel. One day was different, however.
20-year-old Mikkel had been walking back to where he's staying while looking over some documents. He hadn't been paying attention to where he was going, therefore he didn't see someone standing there until he bumped headfirst into the other. Purple eyes lookup to see a slightly taller male with short blond hair. Aqua eyes hidden behind glasses look at the other.
"Sorry," he said. "No, it's ok," Mikkel said. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." "You're from the Winther family, aren't you?" The other asked. Mikkel nodded. "Yeah, I am," Mikkel said. "How'd you know?" A gentle touch to the red scarf he's wearing around his neck. "The Winther family is known for their red scarves," the other said. "Oh," Mikkel said. "Well, my name is Mikkel and I'm the royal physician." "Berwald, of the Oxenstierna family," the other said. "Can I walk you home?" A nod from Mikkel. "Sure." Without another word, Berwald took Mikkel to his place.
"You need to get married," Berwald's father said. Birger, head of the Oxenstierna family. It's been nine years since that fateful day. Aqua eyes of Berwald look at his father. "Otherwise, you'll never be head of the family," Birger said. Berwald's mother, Brynhildr, looked between the two. She sighed. Berwald squinted. "Who are you planning for me to marry?" He asked. "Natalia, if you please," Birger said. In walked a young woman with long blonde hair and purple eyes. "She's from the Arlofsky Braginskaya family." That seemed to be the tipping point for Berwald. "Not happening," Berwald said. "I'm not marrying a woman." He turned to walk away. "Berwald don't you walk away from me," Birger said. "Try me," Berwald said. Nothing could stop Berwald from walking out, not even when Birgir got hold of his shoulder. Berwald shoved his hand off. "You can keep the family name," he said. "I'm starting my own."
Berwald didn't know how long he'd been walking for, but when he stopped it was at the park. He sat down on one of the benches nearby. He watched as the kids played, both noble and even some commoners. Though the commoner children were scarce as compared to the noble ones. Many helped their parents with their business, whatever it may be. A figure sat next to Berwald. Aqua eyes look to see a familiar figure sitting there.
"Mikkel?" Berwald asked. Purple eyes look at Berwald. "Hello." That's when Mikkel noticed something seemed off. "Are you ok? You seem upset." A sigh escaped the taller blond. "My father wanted me to marry someone I have no interest in," Berwald said. "Just so I could be the next head of the family in the future." Mikkel was silent for a moment. "I take it you said no?" "Of course I," Berwald said. "I have no interest in women, either." There was another moment of silence. "There is one person I'm interested in since meeting him." "Who?" Mikkel asked. "You," Berwald said and looked at Mikkel. "I- really?" Berwald nodded and took Mikkel's hands. "Every moment we were together has been something I've always treasured. I love you more than anything. Please, would you be mine forever?" Now Mikkel's blushing. "Are you asking me to marry you?" He asked. Another nod from Berwald.
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