fantasyphantom · 5 days
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Cutie patootie ( ^-^)ノ∠※,^*:・'°☆
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fantasyphantom · 13 days
"toxic yuri" "toxic yaoi" the children yearn for the kismesissitude
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fantasyphantom · 13 days
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they’ll grow up and it will be terrible
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fantasyphantom · 1 month
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hi guys
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fantasyphantom · 1 month
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Beyond canon, let this happen and my life is yours.
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fantasyphantom · 2 months
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haha well if you insist. i got really excited about karkat and vriska ash, one time a while ago, and sent hannah like 70 messages about it. but like many things i once loved, i never truly forgot about it, and now i’m taking that out on you all
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fantasyphantom · 2 months
The theme of Act 6 so far has been alienation, failure to communicate, and apathy. The characters are typically divided up and kept apart. They talk to each other rarely, behind facades, and through messaging devices, even when (like in the crypt convo) they are sitting right next to each other. The theme of the Alpha session is noble gasses, which are inert and typically unable to form bonds. When we’re alerted to relationships in the three years crew or the alpha session, it is typically at their end. When the Betas arrive in the session, John (Breath - communication - inspiration - inertia) is missing, and many of the kids express doubts as to whether they should even try. 
[S] Game Over is the culmination of all of this. No one communicated. No one worked together. Everyone charged in doing what they wanted or felt was right and they all got curbstomped into oblivion. They did reaffirm their bonds for one another - every act in that flash, save for those of some of the villains, was because they cared about someone. But that alone was not enough. 
As of this update, we see Dirk reaffirm his solo heroic mindset and refuse the influence of Breath, instead dissolving into ruin. John then turns to the one other survivor, who made it out not because she was miles away but because she actually thought things through.
I’m still torn between whether John will retcon this after a lot of work and growth in order to let them ‘replay’ the flash while working together, or whether they will be forced to play out their session in its ruins and cooperate in order to restore everyone to life. (The link is just one suggestion on how. Homestuck provides many ways to cheat death.)
Either way, I think this situation serves to force them toward each other. If Act 6’s focus is the dissolution of teamwork and breaking of bonds, this is its darkest hour. They are now so scattered and so damaged that they are going to have to rely on one another or perish. However they get themselves out of this, it will have to be as a group. They’re going to need to communicate. They’re going to need to take initiative. They’re going to need to stop thinking “I failed” and start thinking “How can we fix this”. 
Sooner or later you will have to face the fact that literally all adventures are about learning the value of teamwork.  Teamwork and friendship. The two razor sharp edges of the mighty excalibur which EVERY hero should keep in his scabbard.  Even shitty heroes like you. 
It will be interesting to see how they manage it.
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fantasyphantom · 2 months
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Took soooo long.
but I’m very proud of how it came out:3
Davesprite is my baby<3
Also, I included a crop of the detail because i didn’t want any of it to go unnoticed~
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fantasyphantom · 2 months
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fantasyphantom · 2 months
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Stop talking and boogie.
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fantasyphantom · 2 months
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I'm sick.
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fantasyphantom · 2 months
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Вообще это должна была быть серия артов дейвджейдов в разных музыкальных референсах, но было слишком наивно надеяться на такую продуктивность (прошел год) да и сейчас это может сделать нейронка такчто мхе
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fantasyphantom · 2 months
For drawing suggestions: Vriska? Pls <33333333
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just got to this part on my reread
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fantasyphantom · 2 months
Transfem Tavros canon now?! WOOO 🥳
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fantasyphantom · 2 months
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Can i offer you a little guy in this 413
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fantasyphantom · 2 months
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concept: blood players god tier fits behaving more like liquid (moving slightly, droplets coming off and disappearing into nothingness). for example knights cape and seers hood + lower part of the overgarment would act like that. no idea how to clearly explain this i just think its neat
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fantasyphantom · 2 months
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