farahjaya-blog · 6 years
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farahjaya-blog · 6 years
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I lied and said I was busy.. —via https://ift.tt/2eY7hg4
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farahjaya-blog · 6 years
“I am still so naïve; I know pretty much what I like and dislike; but please, don’t ask me who I am.”
— Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
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farahjaya-blog · 7 years
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farahjaya-blog · 7 years
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farahjaya-blog · 7 years
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farahjaya-blog · 7 years
Does time heal wounds?
“lots of people believe 
that time will heal all wounds 
but I don’t buy it 
because when someone blasts a hole in your life 
it tends to stay open 
even after the wound heals 
the surface will still remain tainted by scars 
that sink deeper 
than the feelings you hold inside 
and hey, i do believe in healing 
but losing someone 
or being hurt by another 
isn’t something you just move on from 
you just won’t be the same person 
that you were before 
so I think once something’s broken 
it won’t ever be fully healed 
it will be permanently damaged in some way”
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farahjaya-blog · 7 years
600th ❤️
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farahjaya-blog · 7 years
The Past
just young dumb & heartbroken.
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farahjaya-blog · 7 years
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Finally, reunited ❤️
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farahjaya-blog · 7 years
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Mata 👁
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farahjaya-blog · 7 years
Surah An Nas
Then exalt [Him] with praise of your Lord and ask forgiveness of Him. Indeed, He is ever Accepting of repentance.
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farahjaya-blog · 7 years
Dont distance yourself from Allah when you need him the most.
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farahjaya-blog · 7 years
"Are you having fun or just showing people you're having fun?"
Steve Lacy
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farahjaya-blog · 7 years
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i fell in love with the most unexpected guy on earth at the most unexpected time. we know each other fir quite sometime  and it takes roughly about one year to know each other. we share stories, the ups and down, through dark and brighter days, and to be honest, i feel comfortable when im with him.
We cant expect people to follow our fucking flow but at the end of the day, the one who handle ourselves is our ‘fucking’ self. ( LOL ) People can change in a blink of eyes. Sometimes, is okay to be the dead fish whos follow the fucking flow. Everything has its own limit tho. Patience is the key, to be exact. Allah test us with all the trial just to make us remember that He exist. Have Faith. 
We fell in love in a very unexpected way. The one who are close to me, knows exactly what happen i my life mainly ( life, love, problems, trial ) and its including you sayang. You know how hard for me to move on and leave everything behind and still, you never give up on me, despite my crankiness, my hot tempered, my down days, still, you were still there. And i trust the word “ JODOH ALLAH “. You can travel all over the world, or try to run back to your past just to find the right one for you, the perfect guy for you but trust me, if Allah doesnt approve you with someone, dream on, its never gonna happen. All this while, you are there, in front of me. Yess, never ever underestimate the power of Allah, our one true God.
And here the story started...
We started as a friend, ( well, all the couple did some goes to us ) just that, during that time, im just helping him to tell the world that im his new girlfriend just to annoyed his EX-GIRLFRIEND and from that moment, the friendship grow. We become closer and i get comfortable with him, i share almost everything with him. You become my bestest guy friend, you were there when i need someone to talk to, when i need a shoulder to cry on. You willing to listen my unfinished drama and etc.
Day by day, the friendship grew stronger. So you decide to bring me to your house and meet your parents and at the same time, you introduce me to your parents and also your close friend. A friend of yours that you would die for them. You give me so much butterflies in my stomach, i feel so much love from you, a few month later, we make everything official. You made the fucking move and poofffffffffff, we’re in a relationship. From that day, we slowly start to create our future and leave the past behind. 
Every relationship in this entire world will go through the ups and down and yes we had ours too. No matter what happen between us, we, eventually find a way to fix it. theres one time, you got caught in a stupid fight, God knows what i feel that time but then, its you who calm me.
And, i finally show you to tho the world, post our photos in social media, tell everything about you to my family and brings you to my meet them, so my family approved. I promise you this syg, i will never let you go. 
InSyaAllah, may Allah ease everything for us syg. 
No matter what happen between us, bear this in my, i will always support you in everything you do and i will keep and take a good care of our relationship and i hope you did the same thing too. I love you so much, Mohammad Rizal b. Abdul Razak.
p/s : Its been 592nd day since we decided to be in  a relationship. Cheers to soo many years, month, days, hours, minutes, and second. 
Dayang Farah Faridza a.k.a Bedot
25th April 2017, 1243am
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farahjaya-blog · 7 years
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Sayang, I miss you so much 😭
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farahjaya-blog · 7 years
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Punok's 💕
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