Winter Fashion Trends That Is Here To Stay, So Now is the time to invest!
Winter Fashion Trends That Is Here To Stay, So Now is the time to invest!
By: Laurasha Lovett, CEO Head Designer of House of Laura Sha’ Just like every other season trends are rolling in based on what is hot at the moment. This season will beno different. But first, let me explain what trends can be defined as; It is like the speed of lighting and can be different based on where you are at. It is “in” today and “out” tomorrow. Yepppp, that is how quick it can change.…
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What are you wearing to grocery shop?
What are you wearing to grocery shop?
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Off-Season Shopping Tips
Heyyyyy Mommynista Watch til the end of the video and catch the bonus tip I give. Let me know your thought on the topic. You know us Mommynista have to stick together.
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Ditch or Keep
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So, as I’m sitting here wondering what am I going to write about? I was like, “you know what, Sha”, and this is how it came about. Literally no lie. And the fact that I was putting my shoes that have been out over the course of the last two weeks sitting by my bed. I know shame on me. But anyway, I was putting them back in the closet and I just kept looking like, Oh, this closet is just not…
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Head to Toe Breakdown
Head to Toe Breakdown
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As a mom, I bet you’re wondering…..like being a Mommynista is great and I consider myself that But I am having a hard time being a Mommynistaand taking care of my household.  Plus, you know there is this whole budget thing. It can be stressful, Right! This is just a part of what we have to think about when being a mom and wife. So, I am here to ease all your pain and worries. What if I told you…
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What does Mommynista mean?
What does Mommynista mean?
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What do you mean by Mommynista?  A question or thought I am sure you had since you have seen me use the word lately.
Before you keep reading sign up for my VIP emails. I love to give away things, provide promo code to fashion goodies and so much more. Click on the link and sign up now Beautiful. https://bit.ly/HOLROCKFAM
I started blogging about 2 years ago knew it would be…
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Who is Really behind the Brand?
Who is Really behind the Brand?
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More than Worth It; Own Your Shine
More than Worth It; Own Your Shine: I'm an involuntary divorcee; meaning, it wasn't my choice to be single.
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One evening I got a gut-wrenching reality that while it’s ok to love someone, it’s NOT ok to allow that love to cause you to lose yourself. Allow me to explain. I’m an involuntary divorcee; meaning, it wasn’t my choice to be single. Singleness was thrust upon me with the rap of the judge’s gavel on June 19, 2018. Standing across from me was the one who I vowed to love forever, but that love went…
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How being gullible and too trusting set me back in my journey.
How being gullible and too trusting set me back in my journey.
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Biography: My name is Magdalene Enimhienomo. I am a fashion and lifestyle blogger. Blogging for me is an outlet to share ideas and experiences with readers. My niche is focused on lifestyle, travel tips, and Fashion tips. You can follow me on my blog Trendsenstylez.
Life Lessons:
There are so many life lessons I have learned over time. Some are not so bad that they bounced back easily.…
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When life hit you unexpected
When life hit you unexpected: These experiences have taught me many lessons about life. I want to share the three most important ones I’ve learned.
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I have severe Crohn’s Disease, and in the 10 years since my diagnosis I have been hospitalized around 40 times.  In that same decade, I got married and we have three children.  These experiences have taught me many lessons about life.  I want to share the three most important ones I’ve learned.
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First, perspective is everything.  Because I got so sick immediately after my husband and I were…
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Hmmmm? Come on Jo Ann!
Hmmmm? Come on Jo Ann!
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Pop Up Girlfriend Chat and Shiznit
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How to Make Cold Press? FLC Show w/Laurasha & Special Guest
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Life Lesson: Time to Speak Up
Life Lesson: Time to Speak Up What was I to do? Well, I could just not do the piece or keep wasting time scouring my laptop folders. I decided to start over fresh.
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The first blog I wrote vanished from my desktop. The Word program informed me that the software was having trouble and needed to start over. This was beyond frustrating, I did all the normal stuff, checked the desktop, checked if I’d saved it somewhere else and checked the recovery pane. Nothing. Has this ever happened to you? You worked on something you wanted to share and lost it all?
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Life Lessons: Belief
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Belief is something we widely speak of, but how many of us are able to say we truly believe in ourselves. When I reflect on my major life experiences the recurring theme is belief. A few years back, in a matter of 90 days, I lost my high salary job, my six-year relationship, my luxury car, my home and worst of all, my will to keep going. I felt so downtrodden and betrayed. Betrayed by a job I…
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Life Lesson: Maintaining Wellness
Life Lesson: Maintaining Wellness
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Understanding the Importance of Maintaining Wellness is an area of our lives that is very important due to the amount of time we spend engaged in our businesses and employment environments it does not leave a lot of time to maintain self-care, which is why it is imperative to create a Personal Time Management Schedule to enhance our personal wellness.  Evaluating my individual schedule, I found I…
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Bundle Coffee and Mug paackage
Bundle Coffee and Mug paackage
COFFEE Information
Notes of: Dark Chocolate, Grape & Strawberry
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