I’m officially done with setting up my new account! If you want to follow her, she’s over here. Thank you so much AGAIN to everyone who has been patient, who has been supportive of me on this blog, who has followed me since I was dxphneblake. It really has been a great experience to share with you and my passion for Daphne since I first picked her up basically two years ago has not gone down ANY but in fact only grown and become that much stronger. She’s such an important character to me and I’ve loved digging into my portrayal and interpretation, and I’ve been so lucky to share her as much as I have just on the dash to the wonderful partners I’ve had, some still here, some gone. It’s been so amazing and I only look forward to continuing to do so! <333 I’ll see you around on my new blog! 
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I’m officially done with setting up my new account! If you want to follow her, she’s over here. Thank you so much AGAIN to everyone who has been patient, who has been supportive of me on this blog, who has followed me since I was dxphneblake. It really has been a great experience to share with you and my passion for Daphne since I first picked her up basically two years ago has not gone down ANY but in fact only grown and become that much stronger. She’s such an important character to me and I’ve loved digging into my portrayal and interpretation, and I’ve been so lucky to share her as much as I have just on the dash to the wonderful partners I’ve had, some still here, some gone. It’s been so amazing and I only look forward to continuing to do so! <333 I’ll see you around on my new blog! 
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I’m officially done with setting up my new account! If you want to follow her, she’s over here. Thank you so much AGAIN to everyone who has been patient, who has been supportive of me on this blog, who has followed me since I was dxphneblake. It really has been a great experience to share with you and my passion for Daphne since I first picked her up basically two years ago has not gone down ANY but in fact only grown and become that much stronger. She’s such an important character to me and I’ve loved digging into my portrayal and interpretation, and I’ve been so lucky to share her as much as I have just on the dash to the wonderful partners I’ve had, some still here, some gone. It’s been so amazing and I only look forward to continuing to do so! <333 I’ll see you around on my new blog! 
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I’m officially done with setting up my new account! If you want to follow her, she’s over here. Thank you so much AGAIN to everyone who has been patient, who has been supportive of me on this blog, who has followed me since I was dxphneblake. It really has been a great experience to share with you and my passion for Daphne since I first picked her up basically two years ago has not gone down ANY but in fact only grown and become that much stronger. She’s such an important character to me and I’ve loved digging into my portrayal and interpretation, and I’ve been so lucky to share her as much as I have just on the dash to the wonderful partners I’ve had, some still here, some gone. It’s been so amazing and I only look forward to continuing to do so! <333 I’ll see you around on my new blog! 
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                       ❝ Hi, I’m Casper. I’m a…ghost? ❞
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I’m officially done with setting up my new account! If you want to follow her, she’s over here. Thank you so much AGAIN to everyone who has been patient, who has been supportive of me on this blog, who has followed me since I was dxphneblake. It really has been a great experience to share with you and my passion for Daphne since I first picked her up basically two years ago has not gone down ANY but in fact only grown and become that much stronger. She’s such an important character to me and I’ve loved digging into my portrayal and interpretation, and I’ve been so lucky to share her as much as I have just on the dash to the wonderful partners I’ve had, some still here, some gone. It’s been so amazing and I only look forward to continuing to do so! <333 I’ll see you around on my new blog! 
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*whispers* I’m not done yet but if you are interested here is my new Daphne blog. <333
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So I wanted to come on here and make some long over due starters and get activity going again until I realized, wow, this blog needs to be majorly cleaned up. I started thinking on how to do that exactly...but then I realized; oh, wow again, no, this blog unfortunately is so messy and in general my Daphne muse really just deserves a make over. 
So I have officially archived this blog and will be getting to work on her new account soon! I'm keeping the url because I have an attachment to it. I’ll promote Daphne on here when I’m done and feel ready to share her. <33 Thank you so much to everyone who has chosen to follow me and write with me here! Some of you have been long time followers of mine since I was dxphneblake, and I find that so amazing. <3
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Halsey- Colors
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This blog is so cute, I love it.
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Where did this come from? But you’re so cute, I love you. Thank you so much! I’m glad you find my blog to be cute and enjoy it!
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                    ❝ I’m more complex than you think. ❞
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“We looked at each other a little too long to be ‘just friends’.”
(via psych-facts)
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After overhearing rumors of glowing, ghostly orbs of lights and tales of sunken treasure being hoarded by a witch in the swamp, Daphne knew it was the perfect location for her to check out! Louisiana was surrounded in history and teeming full of mysteries just waiting to be solved — with everything from voodoo to pirates. It only took one creative individual to craft a story ready to scare people away from a specific location however as she knew all too well. The gang had destroyed the ambitions of many grave diggers in their youth, but now that they were separated, it meant the mysteries were being unsolved. However, the lack of a team only meant Daphne had even more of a reason to prove herself and after hearing the latest rumor, she knew she had struck gold.
At least, that’s all she could think about after the fifth time her foot had slipped into an unseen pool of mud. With twigs in her hair, clothes torn here and there by stray tree limbs, and the bottom of her dress completely covered in mud, Daphne felt more like a monsterherself than the one she was hunting! Only the idea of success made her keep walking. Well, that and the amount of shame she would feel walking back to her five star hotel covered in gross muck. At least if she caught the person red handed, her attire wouldn’t be the center piece for attention. Mind aflutter with the thoughts of the future, Daphne yelled out as she nearly went sprawling into a giant mud pit, her only form of safety being the thick vine she had grabbed in the nick of time.
❝Ha! From ghouls to nature, I can’t be beat. No way am I going to walk into a dastardly trap now.❞ Proud of herself and her new reflexes achieved through her rigorous martial arts training, Daphne pulled herself away from the brown sludge and carried on. Off in the distance, she saw what looked to be smoke curling into the sky. ❝A clue…❞ she murmured to herself with a growing grin. Carefully stepping closer and closer, Daphne saw the outline of a wooden shack. It looked hastily built and as if a strong wind gust might tear it down. The closer she came though, the more Daphne saw of it. Surrounded in nature with numerous colorful fauna and plants, it was…the best place for a witch to hide and carry out her super secret witchy practices! Determined to surprise her target, Daphne crept forward, avoiding where her shadow might slip through the ramshackle wooden beams. Finally, she came to the door. Taking a deep breath, Daphne dropped into position and fixated on the shabby entrance.
❝Hiyah!❞ One leg lifted and kicked at the door sending it flying open inward. In the next moment, she was invading the shack, arms out and fingers balled into fists. ❝ — All right, swamp witch, your game is up!❞
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Daphne sat there and listened as Korra listed item after item. She was on a roll, and Daphne thought she was hungry! Well, actually, she really was.
She gave a flippant wave and said quite assuredly, ❝That’s not even the most insane food related thing I’ve ever heard! You never met them, but my friends Shaggy and Scooby used to pig out all the time. They could eat restaurants out of business. Sometimes I would even have to listen to them give play by play snack attacks while the gang was traveling on the road in the Mystery Machine. It was...something to be endured.❞
Her eyes followed the movements of the uniformed girl weaving back and forth across the chesboard floor. There was an short gap of silence as she fell into thought. ❝Hmm.❞ Then Daphne glanced down at her empty stomach, placing both of her hands on it when it edmitted a noticeable and unnattractively loud gurgle. ❝Maybe you had the right idea after all,❞ Daphne mentioned, the air of her words not so much tinged with embarrassment but her own rising appetite shining through. Groomed brows knitted over her lowered blue eyes but rose again, her head lifting as she peered at her through her long lashes. Daphne soon straightened, shooting a smile in the other girl’s direction.
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❝When she comes back I think I might want to add a side or two onto my order.❞
Rev It Up
Yeah, she could have easily squeezed in herself but she wasn’t in the mood. Nor did she like the way he was staring at her friend. Creep. So she was a little relieved to be dragged inside, where the heavenly scents wafted into her nose.
It was only a matter of seconds and her face was hidden behind the menu. Bright blue eyes roaming back and forth, completely undecided on what dish she wanted because she definitely wanted more than one.
So when the time came to order, Korra cleared her throat and started listing everything off without looking away from the menu. 
❝T-bone sounds great– and I’ll have a side of the potatoes, extra butter please.❞ And the waitress assumed she had ended there, but Korra continued without pause. ❝I’ll also try the lamb chops and I’ll have them both medium rare. I’ll also like a side of mac and cheese and unlimited garlic bread, Oh– and maybe a cheeseburger with fries? I’ll have a root beer to drink, thanks.❞ 
The waitress stood there, stunned. But she had everything scribbled down and left to the register to put their order through. And it just occurred to her then that maybe… just maybe she had ordered a little too much. Red, heated patches of embarrassment rose to her cheeks.
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❝I–kinda have a big appetite. Sometimes, not all the times!!❞
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