My mind: TFA Brainstorm existed. TFA Simpatico was a Thing.
Me: ...
My mind: He just offlined way before we ever got to meet him.
Me: Shut up...
My mind: That was the real reason perceptor deleted his emotions.
Me: stoooooooooop! You are gonna give me fanfic or Roleplay ideas.
My mind: good... it is working.
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OMP yessss
TFA is so memeable
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*nods*, yeee, I feel ya, btw, are you okay with people not looking for RP, reblogging your stuff, or do you only want people looking for RP to reblog?
I’m fine with anything, just as long as everyone is respectful and kind to each other. No bashing someone else’s ship and likes. I am a huge multishipper, so I normally like a lot. However, I tend to stay with either TFA or TFP... But I have tried G1 as well. Just let me know if ya ever want to Roleplay. X3
If it is a Roleplay post, your reblogging... and you aren’t the one originally responding... please refrain from responding or reblogging a thread that is already active and is clearly still going. It confuses me a bit. Try to find the original starter. I may have the original post pinned at the top of my tumblr, if it is recent.
Also, I tend to be fine with others reblogging my art as long as they give credit. Heck, I am cool if you even redraw my art... just remember to credit the original one as mine and my only stipulation before you post it... is that you let me see the finished picture. XD.
I am also cool with questions and stuff like it. Just... don’t go asking anything too inappropriate.
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:v >.< I saw your art... It's not that bad... Gah, I just wanted to give you sm starting asks, but Idk what to say, and I'm v tired. I'm p interested in whatever story you have to tell tho.
Awww, thank you so much! Anyway, I am always down to Roleplay, Answer asks, or post my art here. Just bare in mind, that I am normally painfully shy and I tend to shut down when things get to be to much.
I recently started this tumblr and so I occasionally will reboot (Yeah... it kept autocorrecting r e b l o g to reboot... lol.) starters and stuff. As well as post more pictures that I have drawn. X3
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Omg, yes, I meant catformers, TwT I'm too tired.
Second question: What's got everyone's eyes on you?
Not sure? I mean... It can’t possibly be my horrible art xD
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Is this a carformers au?
Did you mean catformers? And yes... Yes it is,
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He pokes his helm out from a vent in the floor. “Yo. C’mere... i got something to show ya.”
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For those wanting a better look at the kittens x3
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I’m... not very good at drawing... but I drew Blitzbee with their Spark Kits!!
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Imma fix this up in Ibis paint and maybe even change some things. X3
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I'm currently in the plannings of something.... Ya'll will see it when it is done. or at least sketched out.
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I completely forgot how absolutely loud two Cybertronians fucking can be.
You got their engines, you have their cooling fans, you have their voices, you have their armor scraping and slamming, you have parts shifting and junk too. This means that when they screw, even while naked, it's hard to be quiet.
This doesn't dissuade Prowl from fucking plowing Bee senseless of course, he's got Bee face down, ass up, and almost sobbing from how hard he's hitting that g-spot and he doesn't give a damn who hears so long as he gets Bee to scream his name in his native tongues.
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Grumpy carriers. Flat-out hostile carriers. You aren’t the sire of their newspark? You’re gonna get hissed at if you get within 20 meters of them. And even if you are the sire there’s a pretty good chance you’ll get hissed at anyways, because you did this to them. Aft.
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I love the idea of a carrying mech being like… nigh-irresistable.
And I’m not talking like, sexually, I’m saying that most of the mechs who hang around a carrying mech for a while will be drawn to touch them, hold them, even carry them around if the carrier is a smaller mech than they are. There is some substring of code buried deep that helps the carrier be provided for and protected by making sure there’s always someone around. Someone around to cuddle and fall asleep on top of, someone around to tweak wires or transformation seams, someone to stroke and kiss the carrier’s tiny bulge of the stomach or their plating over their spark chamber, someone to stroke and kiss the carrier themselves. Mecha will often find themselves in a small cuddle pile with the carrier snug in the middle with one or two other mecha surrounding them.
…but of course I also mean sexually. A carrier’s need for transfluid is not insignificant, and while interfacing with the sire of the sparkling is preferred, carriers aren’t picky. In fact, interfacing and merging with other mecha is encouraged for a stronger sparkling, and more mecha means a higher chance of the sparkling being a triple-changer.
Carrying mechs are beautiful and attention-grabbing, and if one’s set their attentions on another mech, Primus help them, because the carrier’s determined and there’s a lot of code encouraging you to frag that carrier into a puddle of happy goo. And listen — carriers lubricate a lot and they’re very sensitive, so what sane mech would turn an opportunity like this down?
Cuddle piles will frequently turn into frag piles. All parties are pretty desperate and revved-up. Because the desire to hold and keep the carrying mech close is still strong, though, it’s sometimes hard to decide whether or not you want to let go of the carrier long enough to properly frag them hard like they want you to. But they’re just so sweet and need to be held… it works out sometimes when one mech holds the carrier while another mech does the fragging honors.
I just love the concept of a carrying mech being doted on physically. Let them cuddle!
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