fastestguy-blog · 9 years
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“Nothing.” Connor growled. They hadn’t told the Team but that didn’t mean he had to like Wally trying to flirt with his girlfriend.
              Wally raised his eyebrows, giving him a look that clearly said, Seriously? Doesn’t look like nothing. After all, if looks could kill, he’d be pretty dead.
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fastestguy-blog · 9 years
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      “for you being an idiot.”
okay, so that’s not very nice of artemis, but when was she ever anything but honest? her eyes narrowed, and she crossed her arms, just giving wally the look. did she have a real reason? maybe. maybe not.
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              red alert. he’s supposed to just know what he’s done wrong, since with that attitude, artemis doesn’t seem like she’s telling him anytime soon. however, since it’s probably better to plead ignorance ( ignorance which he actually possesses, nonetheless ) than to reply with something sarcastic, he just asks and hopes she’ll answer.
       “what’d i do ?”
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fastestguy-blog · 9 years
Red Arrow: Wally, if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and murders a bunch of its fellow ducks...
Kid Flash: Then, uh, maybe the duck knew there was a mole, huh? Ever think of that? That maybe there’s a fox in the henhouse or wolf in sheep’s clothing? Or one of the other tricky animals?
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fastestguy-blog · 9 years
               if there was one thing wally was not good at, it was picking up on subtle looks and cues. however, the glare he was getting now was more freight train than subtle; although it would probably help if he could pinpoint why he was getting it at all.
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               “ what’s that look for ?  ”
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fastestguy-blog · 9 years
straypackleader replied to your post:i’m here i’m alive i desperately need icons and...
I’m on episode 3 and making Superboy and M'gann… want me to make for you?
!!! if you’re down for it?? like you don’t have to since i can make them myself and just kind of... haven’t... but like??? that would be super awesome omg
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fastestguy-blog · 9 years
i’m here i’m alive i desperately need icons and even more desperately need to be ic
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fastestguy-blog · 9 years
temcrity liked.
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      “ just for the record, my idea definitely would’ve worked. ”
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fastestguy-blog · 9 years
im awake im alive and i have five starters to get to that i put off all morning 
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fastestguy-blog · 9 years
this blog probably still qualifies as in setup but here’s a STARTER CALL because the only way to get a move on is just go so like... let’s go tbh. verses/length/etc. will vary 
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fastestguy-blog · 9 years
steaLS HIS CHIPS. " scavenger's rights. " GET REKT, WEST.
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                “ —dude !  ”
        one second, chips, next second, none, and his exclamation may only come a couple seconds after bart’s grabbed his bag of chips, but that’s a couple seconds too late. and it takes him another couple of seconds to process bart’s remark ( by which point his chips are basically gone, so he’s never getting them back anyway ), and he widens his eyes and blinks slightly.
        bart’s only told them what they need to know about the future, and even then, it’s secondhand from when he told jaime. but a world overrun by the reach doesn’t exactly sound like a nice one. and wally has more chips ( actually, he has more of every food, but that’s beside the point ). so he decides not to harp on it or tell bart he owes him a bag. and although he rolls his eyes, the smile is genuine.
                             “ all yours. clearly. ”
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fastestguy-blog · 9 years
i want to kiss you and take cute pictures with you and go on stupid dates but I also want tO DESTRYO YOU AT MAR IO KART
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fastestguy-blog · 9 years
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              ‘ fast with his feet, not so much with his mouth. ’
                                                               “ dude ! ”
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fastestguy-blog · 9 years
i need to set up an about... or a verses page... or something..... but im.... so lazy...
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