fatbottomed-mom · 2 years
Stiiilllllll single. I’ve been dating and I think I have 80s John Hughes movies to blame for my high expectations. Why isn’t there a hot guy sitting on a fancy car out side of church, why isn’t Someone playing in your eyes outside my bedroom window, or serenading me on a parade float…..what gives?!
I just bought a house on my own which is an incredible feeling as a single mother of 2. Which further solidifies that I don’t NEED a man in my life. I just want to want someone 🥹
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fatbottomed-mom · 2 years
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I’m still single, and I’m getting so comfortable with just myself that I’m completely unbothered by it. I hear when you stop looking, love finds you. I guess time will tell. For now I’m focused on my new career and raising my girls to know they can live a fulfilling life without a partner. #singlemomstrut
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fatbottomed-mom · 3 years
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Single Mom update. I am f*cking tired….fo sho. Months back I had my first heart break, in a long time. I don’t feel like getting hurt again so I’m really just focusing on family and friends these days. That person didn’t even know he hurt me, not really fair to them, but a bull-headed Taurean only knows one way…..
I’ll just keep my feelings at arms length at all times. Dating is exhausting. I don’t think I have energy to give someone the best version of myself while I’m still trying to find out who that is. I’m not going to give up though. If anything I have just accumulated more f*ck boy stamina. They can try, but they won’t succeed.
I’ve also grown very picky about who I give chances to. You only get one shot, well with me that is. Better make it a good one, because I’ll never settle for less again. Happy Fall!
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fatbottomed-mom · 3 years
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Can I travel as a single mom? Hell to the yeah! Here I am this past weekend with my friends in NYC.
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fatbottomed-mom · 3 years
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The 5 year glow up, after leaving a narcissist and finally being happy and healthy ❤️✌🏼
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fatbottomed-mom · 3 years
I’m so much more than a single mom.
Are my kids my #1 priority? Yes. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have room in my life or heart for someone else. I have so much to give in life and it doesn’t stop with my children. I love to laugh, sing, dance. I drink too much wine and Amazon Prime sometimes 😬, but the best of us do. I have a wall up because I’ve been hurt before. But that doesn’t mean I won’t let it down now and again for a chance at love. But for me to let this wall down, you’ll need to be patient with me.
So what I’m getting at is, I can’t just be put in this “mom” box. I’m a pain in the ass, I will argue with you, stand up for myself, and tell it like it is. I’ll roast you, unfortunately that’s how I flirt. 🤣 But know that I don’t need anyone and if I make time for you in my chaotic life that I’ve learned to love, than that means I want you around. So please remember that I’m more than just a mom, and just be a little more careful with my heart ❤️, that is if you decide you want in on this beautiful Bermuda Triangle of a life I have made for myself and my children.
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