fatdrarry · 1 year
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hellooo I come back with a fic😇 Nothing fancy, just a smutty lesbian adventure in the wilderness lol accompanied by my art!
Please be reminded that this is an explicit, 18+ fic with mature language and explicit/nsfw drawings!! Do review the warnings and don’t read if it’s not for you!
Once Upon a Time in South Siberia on AO3
Summary: When a simple Auror mission goes ridiculously wrong, Hermione and Pansy find themselves lost together wandless in the middle of nowhere.
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson Rating: Explicit Word Count: ~33k (3 chapters + 13 illustrations) Warnings/Content: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Femslash, Post-War, EWE, POV Alternating, Happy Ending, Trapped, Co-workers, Auror Hermione Granger, Auror Pansy Parkinson, Enemies to Lovers, Bickering, Sharing a Bed, Explicit Sexual Content, Flirting, Teasing, Smut, Sex, Switching, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex, Explicit Language, Explicit Pictures, Swearing, Blood, Action/Adventure, Body Image, Digital Art, some Russian language, Age: 21
Chapter 1 is published now and the other two will be posted throughout the rest of the week, I will post updates!
Much love!!💚💚💚
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fatdrarry · 3 years
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fatdrarry · 3 years
one of the smartest things the hp fandom has ever done is to universally characterize pansy and draco as mean gay little friends  
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fatdrarry · 3 years
Day 13: Drunk
Draco Malfoy was very, very drunk.
It was his twenty-eighth birthday and Harry had watched as his boyfriend consumed far more alcohol than was advisable. But Draco was happy drunk, so Harry let it be, trying to remember if they had any hangover potions at home because he was definitely going to need one in the morning.
Harry for his part had a glass of fire whiskey upon their arrival and then switched over to soda. The last thing they needed was for both of them to be so pissed that they couldn't make it home.
He watched with no small amount of amusement as Draco retold a story to his friends, making over-the-top gestures, and adding in character voices. Godric, he was adorable.
Harry was utterly besotted.
When he noticed that most of the drinks at the table were empty Harry stood up and headed over to the bar, profoundly glad that Angie remembered all of the drink orders since Harry didn't have the first clue what most of the former Slytherins ordered.
As he was standing there waiting, he felt Draco's presence next to him and turned his head to look at the other man, smiling in spite of himself at Draco's flushed cheeks and open smile.
"It's my birthday, you know," the other man informed him.
(Read more below the cut)
Harry rested his elbow on the bar and turned to him, "I had no idea," he deadpanned.
Draco pouted at him, "Aren't you going to buy me a drink?"
"Of course I am," Harry replied with a laugh. "You and all of your friends."
"My friends, too?" his lower lip protruded, "but then it might as well be their birthday."
"That is why," Harry replied as Angie set the drinks on the bar in front of them, "I bought you two, and I asked for a fabulous twisty straw."
Draco's eyes lit up, "Thank you!" he enthused as he took the drink from the counter. "But I feel it's only fair to let you know that I am taken."
"Sorry?" Harry asked as he tipped Angie and levitated the drinks.
"You bought me a drink, which was very kind of you," Draco said, batting his eyelashes at Harry, "But I already have a boyfriend."
Harry was too confused by that statement to get any words to come out before Draco had flounced back off to slide in next to Pansy.
Shaking his head he made his way over and distributed the drinks, he then got waylaid in a conversation with Blaise Zabini as the other man asked him "theoretical" questions about potions ingredients purchased off the black market and what the law says about such things.
Eventually, Pansy called him over as Draco was in a heated debate with what appeared to be a jumper draped over the back of a chair. "Alright, you," Harry said, carefully drawing him up from the chair. "Let's get you home."
"You know where I live?" Draco asked.
Harry laughed, "I do."
Draco stared at him contemplatively, "Alright, but you can't stay."
Shaking his head, Harry waved at all of the people surrounding them as they headed out of the bar to apparate. When they arrived at home, Draco stepped away from him, paused for a moment looking like he was going to throw up, then visibly contained himself.
Harry would have been very impressed if the next words out of Draco's mouth hadn't been, "Thank you for your assistance. You may go now."
"Babe, what?" Harry asked, taking a step toward him.
Draco put a hand on his chest, "You've been very kind but as I said, I'm dating someone."
"Ah," Harry replied cocking his head at him, "Who?"
"Harry Potter," he said proudly, "And I would never cheat on him."
"Good to know," Harry said, "But that's me. And I have some really, truly lovely plans for you tonight involving my tongue."
Draco stared off into space for a moment and Harry knew he was putting that overactive imagination to good use. "No," he said after a moment. "No, I love him. I can't."
"You love me?" Harry asked, feeling like his heart was about to beat out of his body.
"No," Draco replied, rolling his eyes. "I love my boyfriend. Harry Potter. Don't tell him, though." Then he looked confused for a moment, "Do you know him?" he asked. Without waiting, he continued, "He's bloody gorgeous," he added with a sigh, turning and wandering toward their bedroom. "And it's not an act, you know," he continued, "He really is as good as they want you to think."
Harry shook his head at his drunken ramblings and followed along behind the other man.
"But he's also," he hummed as though searching for the right word, "absolutely gloriously filthy. His tongue," he added with a little moan, "the things he can do with it."
"Oh?" Harry asked.
Draco nodded, "and his," he paused and cleared his throat meaningfully, "you know what. Sublime."
He bit his lip to keep from laughing. "Draco?"
"Hmm?" the other man asked as he collapsed onto their bed.
"I am Harry," he said softly, "and you should really get undressed before you go to bed. You hate sleeping in your clothes."
"You're just trying to get me naked!" Draco accused. "And I am telling you that it will not work. And if Harry finds out you tried to take advantage of me, he'll arrest you."
Harry sighed, giving up. There was no sense in arguing with him once he got his mind made up. "If I leave will you get undressed?" Harry asked.
"Mmm," Draco hummed.
"Seriously," Harry said, "You hate sleeping in your clothes."
Harry sighed and gave it up as a lost cause, "Sleep well. Happy birthday."
Draco let out an inelegant snore and Harry cast a nox over the room. He grabbed a pillow and a blanket and went to sleep, comforting himself with the knowledge that he could always put his plans to good use in the morning. They'd celebrate Draco's birthday all weekend anyway.
The next morning, Harry was woken up by his boyfriend crawling onto the sofa with him. "Hey," he murmured, smiling and pulling Draco into his arms.
"Why are you sleeping on the sofa?" Draco asked through a yawn. "I felt like shit when I woke up, did I smell? You could have just told me to shower."
"Yeah, you were not having any of that."
"You could have at least taken my trousers off, they're dreadfully uncomfortable," Draco complained as he snuggled in closer to Harry, threading his fingers through Harry's curls.
"I tried," Harry laughed, "You told me that your boyfriend would arrest me if I laid a finger on you."
"But you are my boyfriend," Draco said, obviously confused.
"Yes, that was my point exactly. But you thought I was a stranger who was trying to get into your pants."
Draco pulled back, "Stop taking the piss."
"I swear to Merlin," Harry said as he pulled Draco closer and stroked his hands under his shirt over his soft, warm skin. "It was very sweet, you were very faithful. Although you did tell a person you thought was a stranger about the size of my penis."
The other man groaned, "What else did I do to embarrass myself?" he asked, burying his face in Harry's neck.
"Nothing," Harry whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of Draco's head. "I love you, too, you know."
Draco jerked up at that pronouncement and would have tumbled off of the sofa if Harry hadn't caught him. "What did you just say to me?"
"That I love you, too," he said with his brow furrowed.
"You weren't supposed to know that!" Draco said, jumping up off the sofa.
Harry sat up and grabbed his glasses off the coffee table so he could see properly, "So you're okay with a random stranger knowing but not me?"
"You know what? Yes," he said. "Yes. Because I don't have to worry about a random stranger thinking that I said it too soon, or that I fell too fast, or that I'm just trying to manipulate you, or-"
"Draco, stop it," Harry said, standing up and tugging him into his arms, "I don't think any of those things! I just told you that I loved you too."
"Well, I don't want to have forced your hand," Draco said stubbornly, "I don't want you to grow to resent me later."
Harry shook his head and pressed a kiss to his nose, "I love you, Draco Malfoy, and I was planning to tell you this weekend anyway."
"You were?"
"I was," Harry affirmed, "Now will you please let me hold you?"
"You really were?" Draco asked, stroking his hands over Harry's forearms and allowing him to draw him a bit closer.
"I really was," he repeated. "Because I really love you."
Draco gave him a shy, little smile, "I love you, too."
He kissed him lightly, "Good, now that we've got that sorted, I do believe that it's still your birthday weekend and I was deprived of the opportunity to use my," he broke off, tapping his chin and pretending he was trying to remember, "what was it you called it? my gloriously filthy tongue."
The other man seemed to consider this for a moment, then he shrugged, "I'm not even embarrassed about that," he replied. "That's true."
Harry laughed and hoisted the other man up into his arms, wrapping Draco's legs around his waist as he kissed him. He carried the other man back into the bedroom and tossed him onto the bed, very in love, and very excited to use his gloriously filthy tongue.
Day 12: Adrenaline | Day 14: Louder, So Everyone Can Hear
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fatdrarry · 3 years
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Show vs. Tell 
Great description of the difference.
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fatdrarry · 3 years
You know those things you think you can't write because they're an emotion not a plot?
Try oneshots!
Oneshots are great because they can be just a single scene or moment. They allow you to write that one conversation you want to write without needing to create a whole story around it.
You wish you could just write about that character getting a damn hug for once? Do it! Who needs a huge context? Just put it out there!
Oneshots, people! Write them read them. Love them. They're awesome.
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fatdrarry · 3 years
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End and Start Again
My piece for @blue–dreaming for Erised 2020 (:
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fatdrarry · 3 years
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the slytherin gang are cooler than you 🐍
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fatdrarry · 3 years
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all rivers lead to the ocean
twitter | ig | store
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fatdrarry · 3 years
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Well he’s not my type but he’ll do.
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fatdrarry · 3 years
Whenever I’m telling someone that Harry’s bi because of the way he describes Bill, Draco, Cedric, etc., they usually reply by saying that it’s only because J.K. Rowling is a straight female. But the thing is: that doesn’t fucking matter. At all. It’s the way he was written, so it is who he is. Whether J.K. Rowling meant to do it or not, Harry was bi, and there isn’t anything that could convince me otherwise.
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fatdrarry · 3 years
How I look explaining gay subtext to straight people
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fatdrarry · 3 years
someone straight : u can’t make all the characters queer !
me :
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fatdrarry · 3 years
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He didn’t know why he was here to begin with, least of all why he had decided to bring her with him. Well, that isn’t entirely true. Draco was here because all junior aurors were required to attended official Ministry events. The personal hell that was being surrounded by people who thought the worst of him was the reason he made the desperate conclusion to bring Pansy with him; this way, she could share in the misery. Only, she never did, because she didn’t give a fuck what these people thought of her. It was enough for Pansy to know that she was a different, better person than she had been during the war, and anyone who that wasn’t good enough for could sod off. Draco envied her fortitude. While it did not have the same hold over him as it once had, he knew that no one’s mind was completely made up about him. Even years later, and with his consistent strides in the direction of being a upright and altruistic a citizen as possible, he knew people did not trust him or his intentions. Not even with how hard Harry Potter tried to make it otherwise. For some holier-than-thou reason, Potter wanted the world to forgive and embrace Draco. He was on the warpath at the very moment. As Draco and Pansy waited for fresh drinks at the bar, they could just make out the conversation Potter was having nearby. He was talking to old Merek Widdershins, a liaison from the Department of International Magical Cooperation. They were recounting the mission Draco and Potter had executed the previous week. “Absolutely remarkable, these scallawags have been causing trouble here and on the continent for months, just to be brought in by some junior aurors. Of course then I heard it was your good self, Harry, and wasn’t surprised in the least! However did you manage?” “Well actually,” Potter began, “it was mostly to do with my partner, Draco.” Draco turned his attention to Widdershins, who showed little surprise but gave Potter a skeptical look. “He’s spent a good amount of time abroad,” Potter continued, “and noticed several links due to his knowledge of French dialects, which I wouldn’t recognize from Danish or Swiss.” Draco scoffed to himself. Potter was the most uncultured person he had ever met. Swiss is not even a language. “Oho! Well, I am sure you made up for it during the bust itself, with all of your dueling expertise,” Widdershins continued, laughing with Potter instead of at him like Draco was internally. “I played a part, for sure! But I often rush into these situations; it’s always been my nature. But, Draco, he had a stroke of brilliance that saved us both.” Pansy, who Draco hadn’t notice return from the bar, chose that moment to pipe up in her most sultry voice, “Mmm, bet you’d love a chance to stroke Potter’s brilliance. Wouldn’t you, Draco?” “Merlin, Pans! You can’t just say these things!” Draco was a little red in the face as he stormed away. Mostly to distance himself from Pansy’s filth, but also so that he didn’t catch Potter’s eye with that thought in his head.
written by @girlwhowouldbeking
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fatdrarry · 3 years
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draco will never forgive him for this
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fatdrarry · 3 years
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End and Start Again
My piece for @blue–dreaming for Erised 2020 (:
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fatdrarry · 3 years
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Soft Boys @ Dusk
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