fatecantdm-blog · 5 years
Trying to draw buildings
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fatecantdm-blog · 5 years
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the full trial of lips and lipsticks, and an aggressive note for myself from six years ago that i don’t know what to do with cherry red lipsticks for shading
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fatecantdm-blog · 5 years
fun table rule: nat 1s in combat enable pvp for other characters within range.
This goes beyond just for the obvious AOE spells, but rolled a 1 on ice knife? Oof, tough luck buddy. Guess you got nervous while you were starting to cast and messed up the somatic component, now the ice is exploding within your grasp and you as well as any buddies within range have to make the saving throw your target should have been making. 
Tank rolled a 1 on a melee attack? Well they were so eager for bloodshed they lashed out blindly, now anyone within reach needs to try and dodge the attack. Your archer failed on their crossbow? Wow, now you know why the express is to shoot yourself in the foot.  
Obviously, flavor it as needed. But I think it adds a nice edge of realism and threat to encounters, and it isn’t too dangerous -- just a 1/20 chance of occuring. You probably want to warn your players. 
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fatecantdm-blog · 5 years
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when you know players are thirsty and romantic on the main, so you go out of your way to develop a dedicated system for them to chase down romances if that’s what floats their boat.  
BONUS: Rye’s character is actually a self insert for my chaotic trickster of my grandfather. He asked to be made into a d&d character. 
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fatecantdm-blog · 5 years
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Was too fun to make.
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fatecantdm-blog · 5 years
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i used to be able to draw: a memoir, part 1 / 2
idk about proper terminology but i think the bottom left version of the coloring (shading?) is my favorite. but this is two concussions later and i don’t remember what all of this is called, so if anyone has an idea, let a girl know. i can see a lot wrong with this, but you know what if i could just get back to this i’d be happy.
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fatecantdm-blog · 5 years
town sentry system for d&d
(loosely inspired from assassin’s creed dynamics.)
Decide how heavily surveillanced (and by proxy, guard) your location is.
Decide the tolerance of criminality or misbehavior for the locality. The capital city might have a strict to strike system, a smaller, rural town might allow five offenses. Is a bar fight just as bad as stealing? As good ol’ muder hoboing? Set a numeric threshold to measure this tolerance.
Every time the party acts too rowdy or blatantly breaks the law, take out a token and set it out as a marker. Tokens could be coins, pebbles, bottle caps or good old fashion pen and paper. 
A highly surveillanced town, and especially economically well off ones, are more likely to have well oiled system of sentry. Set the tokens out automatically in these areas. In less experienced or surveyed areas, roll checks to see if the guards take notice. 
If the party hits your predetermined threshold, send in the town sentry to take appropriate action, be that an arrest, combat, or kick the miscreant pcs out of town. 
fuck with your players: set the tokens out somewhere visible. do not announce what they are for. 
be kind to your players: just before the point of no return (ie strike 2/3 etc) have your player with the highest wisdom score make the appropriate perception/insight check depending on how your sentries are acting
town sentry attempts to sneak attack the party once the threshold is surpassed 
separate token system per pc, this way the sentries can choose to ignore characters with no wrong doings
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fatecantdm-blog · 5 years
hennyways!!! so i’m peer pressuring myself away from grad school and the oncoming threat of my dissertation and the feeling of the sky is falling with this blog. (not like my, what, six rpc blogs was enough right?) 
but i really want to get back into the swing of drawing and art stuff again. i like to think i was okay with it. so maybe if i can bully myself with a public forum where i run this risk of anons saying shit about me, i might feel obligated to step up my game! so this will be a creative little outlet for me, a bit inconsistent. of both d&d ramblings and ideas i have for one shots or characters i have (that will be okay to reblog), as well as sketches and art old and new until i get brave enough to actually do something for real one day. 
like. i would really like to be good enough to make something for taliesin jaffe and send it over because mollymauk means so fucking much to me even months later i really wanna put my head down and cry and thank tal for beautiful story telling and dskjdhfsdfd
so ye!!! 
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fatecantdm-blog · 5 years
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+50 misc/aesthetic icons here
all icons are 220 x 220px
please like/reblog if you use
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