fatefeared · 1 month
It had been... a long while, since Jackson was able to indulge in the much brighter things that New Orleans had to offer. He typically didn't like going out into the city, but every now and then he'd venture out, pick up some things to take back to the Bayou, have some drinks, everything in between. He tilts his head side to side at what the girl had said, "It's not my favorite place." That was reserved for home, "But it's not bad." He did miss the liveliness of it, he wouldn't lie about that.
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how could something be both your safe haven and your suffocation? davina had yet to figure it out — but that's exactly what the attic had become over the past eight months. and while she was thankful for its safety, she could not do without its oppressive silence. especially on nights like tonight, when the french quarter pulsed with the kind of life she craved. a symphony of laughter and music spilling from doorways like spilled wine. it was rare that she got to experience these moments, a fact that seemed to make each one more bittersweet than the last. "it's good, right?"
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leaning against a chipped brick wall, davina hangs in the shadows across the street from a bar, watching its neon sign bleed garish colors across the cobblestones as music, a mix of blues and jazz, snakes its way out. it fills the air around her and tugs at her soul. she wishes it could always be like this. "there isn't anything else like it."
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fatefeared · 1 month
"News is news, it's gonna suck whatever way they hear it." And Damon was always one to rip the band-aid off and deal with it later, never one to tip toe around certain subjects either. "Besides, I'm not all that good at the... comforting thing."
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"yea, you tell 'em." encouragement came naturally to rory, even without knowing much about the topic. context clues spoke loud enough. "who delivers news like that over the phone?" not that rory had much (any, really) experience with phones, but it felt like the right thing to say and rory was nothing if not adaptable.
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fatefeared · 1 month
"That's one way to look at it." Scarlett couldn't help but hard agree. There wasn't a lot of good that came out of this rising population, but you could never go wrong with free drinks.
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"I swear, the only good thing about all these weirdo outsiders running around is the number of free drinks I've gotten lately."
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fatefeared · 1 month
"I thought attracting crazy was more Elena's speed." Bonnie teases Tyler with a small lift of her lips, forming a smirk as she makes a subtle dig at Damon.
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"You know, I thought that wife number one was crazy. I knew wife number two was crazy. But I would take both of them in one room over doing this crap again."
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fatefeared · 1 month
Hands were behind his back as Klaus approached the blonde from behind as she overlooked the city. He had a number of places that he liked to go to, to do the very thing, this was one of them. However, he was a man who liked his own space, and he assumed that it was the same with everyone else. So, as he approached her side, he left a good foot or two between them as hands fold together, looking down at the residents and tourists alike below. A laugh, soft as velvet, emits past his lips as he hums, "I have a little sister who's used that line one too many times. I know you weren't."
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feet are planted firmly, standing on the precipice of a balcony that had come to feel like a gilded cage overlooking a sprawling metropolis. it was a city that was a mistress of illusion, self - painted in vibrant hues of neon and moonlight like a masquerade ball for the senses. beneath her, a jazz band upheld a tempest of rhythm, their notes as intoxicating as absinthe. it was weird. she was a witch, a vampire, and a saltzman— a potent mix of power and vulnerability, yet she felt more like a ghost here in new orleans than she did anything else.
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maybe that had to do more with being stuck in the past, a place she didn't and never would belong to, than the spiraling city itself. maybe it was just her head working against her once more, undoubtedly to dig out the very worst until it had risen to the surface. maybe it was something else altogether. whatever it was, it left her feeling like just another face in the crowd in the heart of the supernatural. "what?!" it was a feeling that hadn't exactly gone over well, leaving her to mull until the impatient pinch of another's voice snapped her back. "what— no. no, i was totally listening."
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fatefeared · 5 months
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fatefeared · 5 months
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Scarlett Rivers task: 001 - A peek inside her instagram
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fatefeared · 5 months
FT ;; @nexvsvorti
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#how am i supposed to live now
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fatefeared · 5 months
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request: Damon’s funny yet underrated lines
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fatefeared · 5 months
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strulax via instagram
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fatefeared · 5 months
I’m sorry if I seem         HEARTLESS              to you;     But I promised myself not to show weakness again. 
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fatefeared · 5 months
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fatefeared · 5 months
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(Lindsey Morgan • She/Her• Cisfemale • 30 •) did you hear BURST INTO FLAMES, SCREAM IN THE DARK, I'M GONNA LIGHT UP THIS PLACE? it reminded me of SCARLETT RIVERS. rumor has it they’re from the FUTURE. they say they’re a WEREWOLF, that explains why they’re loyal to THE CRESCENTS.
Name: Scarlett Rivers
Age: 30
Gender: Cis female
Place of Birth: New Orleans
Species: Werewolf
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Mother: Josefina García †
Father: Felix Rivers †
Siblings: None
Scarlett's father was a crescent werewolf, and her mother was a hunter. Somehow, Josefina and Felix fell in love despite the difference.
Their marriage was hard, because Josefina's family were a very well known, brutal group of hunters in the New Orleans area. But Felix hoped for the best.
Eventually along came Scarlett. Suddenly the idea of having a daughter with the gene and being married to a man who turned into a wolf was too much and Josefina started letting her hostile side show.
This caused a rift between Felix and Josefina, and for the safety of the pack and their daughter Felix told Josefina to leave and never come back. She would get to see her daughter during visitations at her own place.
Felix wanted to believe that Josefina would never hurt Scarlett, so the visits were unsupervised.
When Scarlett was about five/six, she went to her moms for a visit. The night she was there happened to be a full moon, and Josefina let the fear and anger take over any common sense. She locked Scarlett in a chest freezer for the night, afraid that she would 'transition' though she hasn't triggered her gene yet.
Josefina was very abusive, both verbally and physically. And nights like that occurred often when Scarlett visited.
When Scar was seven, she and her dad were on a hike and he took a nasty fall down a pretty steep cliff. Scarlett, being scared for her father, chased after him. He tried pushing her away, knowing his injuries were fatal, he wanted her to have nothing to do with it as to not trigger her curse. Scarlett however, wasn't sure why he was pushing her away and insisted, eventually winning over and pressed cloth against his wounds to clot the bleeding. Unfortunately, he died minutes after - thus triggering Scarlett's gene.
The night of the full moon happened to be that very night, so Scarlett ended up transitioning for the first time with the pack.
That night, her mother got a false sense of bravery and went to hunt down her daughter. Scarlett, still in wolf form - killed her mother in turn.
The next day, Scarlett woke up covered head to toe in blood and followed the drops of blood on the ground - eventually leading her to her mother.
While she didn't like her mom very much (or at all) knowing that she was the one to kill her mother absolutely destroyed her.
The then alpha of the pack hurried Scarlett away from the mess and helped her get cleaned up while some of the other wolves took care of the body. Scarlett was then raised by the entirety of the pack since she had no family left.
At some point, Marcel had cursed them to their forms and Scarlett spent a good part of her life (save for the full moons) in her form.
Scarlett is fierce, and often has no trouble saying what's on her mind. Sometimes it gets her into trouble, sometimes it doesn't.
If she's your friend, she has your back no matter what happens. You could tell her you killed someone and she'd help you hide the body.
She's incredibly loyal to her pack.
Scarlett, being from the future - went through everything with the pack and the Mikaelson's. She likes Hayley, Hope and Freya - and sometimes, even Elijah. Klaus grates on her nerves, she only tolerates him for the connection he has to Hope and Hayley but otherwise she doesn't particularly like him.
She's social, but very well guarded too. Doesn't let a lot of people in too much.
After everything that happened and the pack kind of just... fell apart, Scarlett (along with Isaac) went to Mystic Falls and taught a class at the Salvatore Boarding School for a good amount of time. (Class and all yet to be decided)
To be honest this is just the jist of her, I accidentally deleted her intro from my other page so yeah...
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fatefeared · 5 months
I Need Entertainment
ANONYMOUS TIME!!!! (or ask in character!)
HYE have you ever?
FMK fuck marry kill
KHC kiss hug cuddle
NML a night, a month or for life?
AMA ask me anything
HON hot or not?
WYR would you rather? 
SMW ship me with?
TOT this or that?
or anything else hilariously entertaining you can think of! 
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fatefeared · 5 months
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( Nathan Parsons • He/Him • Cis Male • 25 •) did you hear WHEN THE FIRES HAVE SURROUNDED YOU AND THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD'S COMIN' AFTER YOU, I'VE GOT BLOOD ON MY NAME? it reminded me of JACKSON KENNER. rumor has it they’re from the PAST. they say they’re a WEREWOLF, that explains why they’re loyal to THE CRESCENTS.
Name: Jackson Kenner
Age: 25
Gender: Cis male
Date of Birth: June 16th, 1984
Place of Birth: New Orleans
Species: Werewolf
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mother: Kaia Kenner †
Father: Hudson Kenner †
Grandparents: Mary Dumas & Richard Dumas
Siblings: None
Kids: Currently, none. In the future, Hope Mikaelson (Step-daughter)
When Jackson was a baby, a rival pack sought out to end one of the two great families of the Crescent pack. His parents, Kaia and Hudson fought tooth and nail to protect the pack and their child.
In the end, the Crescents won the fight. However, the win didn't really feel like a win because of those they lost, including Jackson's parents.
With the loss, Jackson was raised by his grandparents.
From the time that Jackson could walk and talk, Richard has been "training" him to take up the Alpha title for when the time comes. Jackson didn't have a normal grandson/grandparent relationship with Richard. Richard refused to show an ounce of affection, believing that it wouldn't "toughen him up" for when he needed to fight.
Mary on the other hand, was the complete opposite. She adored Jackson (and the rest of the entire pack as her own grandchildren). She would tell him stories about his mom, and some of his dad too. She would tell the pack kids the history behind the crescent wolves, and what greatness they would be. When you needed someone to talk to, she was the person to go to.
Jackson's very best friends are Oliver and Aiden. He would go to the mat ten times over for them.
When Jackson was seven, Marcel sent out Brynne Deveraux (who was possessed by Céleste Dubois unknowingly) to put the curse on the pack. They were cursed into the wolf forms at all times except that of a full moon.
With the limited time they had, Jackson was mostly trained on how to be an alpha while in wolf form. Sometime over the years, Richard was killed and Jackson became the alpha of the pack.
After Richard's death, Jackson swore that he was going to be a better alpha than his grandfather was. And while they were still cursed to the wolf forms, Jackson made a promise that the Crescents were going to rise again. A promise he very much still plans to keep.
Jackson is openly bisexual and has no qualms about it. When Aiden had come out to him, he told him love was love - and that's something he truly believes in.
With the curse now broken, Jackson is now searching for a way for his pack to retain their wolf whenever they please and is also working to get the Crescents back to the greatness his grandmother once told them about. He's very pack driven, and while loyal and all around a good guy, revenge on Marcel is definitely on his mind.
He's betrothed to Hayley Marshall (Andrea Labonair) but doesn't know how he feels about that. Arrangements make him uneasy. He knows it's for the strength of the pack, but he doesn't like the idea of being told who he has to marry.
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fatefeared · 5 months
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fatefeared · 5 months
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JOSEPH MORGAN photographed at the Always and Forever Con by IvyJanielle McCullough
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