fateprotected-a · 1 year
hey folks! dropping in because I’m going to move Pris and also Vina to sideblogs off my main rp blog, @auroradicit
I, uh, resisted for some stupid reasons (I really like the background on this blog, okay, and I don’t have the original anymore--) but I want to be more regular and less flighty with these muses while still giving them their own spaces, and I think this is the easiest way to do it!
if you’d like, please feel free to refollow my girls @fateprotected and @illusionprotected! I’d love to get some things going again, particularly on Vina.
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
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She’s only half trying not to smile, the curve of it pulling at one corner of her lips. Her index finger taps against the side of his cheek before she lets him go, eyes twinkling. 
"I said that you clearly need a hearing exam, beloved.”
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@auroradicit​ asked: 🤞 for any set of muses bc that makes me feral
Send 🤞 to grasp my muses chin. This can come off as threatening orrr AFFECTIONATE | Accepting
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Jim purses his lips together as Pris grasps his chin, forcing him to look at her. “What did you say?” He grinned cheeky like at her, already knowing what she said but wanted her to repeat herself like the little shit he was.
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
What is your place in the royal court?
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a defender, strong as stone, you make it a mission to defend. never would you turn your back on those in need; valorous, a paragon, a sword raised in battle with a cry on your lips... but, be warned, noble knight, that you do not fall to the sword, yourself. are these ideals worth dying for?
Tagged by: stolen! Tagging: go feral. steal it. become ungovernable.
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
She’s been feeling off all day. Maybe that’s no excuse for being so unobservant. Dizziness and habit, keeping her eyes down as she weaves carefully through streets that are growing familiar, through crowds that feel empty. 
Empty until...something. A spark, tugging gently behind her breastbone. A set of footsteps, too close to be a coincidence. When she turns, she takes a defensive half-step backwards, until the familiarity brings her to speak an incredulous name.
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He feels right. Curious-concerned and time-tainted, an ohyou-tang in the base of her skull. Not the like-for-like of those precious few she’s bonded with over the years, but still right.
There’s no hesitation as she rises onto the balls of her feet, moving as if to throw herself into his arms before his words catch up with her. She arrests the momentum with barely a stumble, immediately dropping her hands. 
It shouldn’t hurt. What right does she have for it to hurt? It’s not rejection, not really. It’s only the nature of the strange way their lives have intertwined.
“I--I’m so sorry. We must have both mistaken each other for someone else.”
She can’t quite meet Sam’s eyes. And they are Sam’s. She’d know them, any shape, any color.
Sam’s sitting in a coffee shop in the middle of anywhere for what felt like the fiftieth time. He’s not sure exactly when or where he is, but it feels like somewhere and somewhen a little closer to home. If he closes his eyes and thinks real hard, he can almost pretend that it is, at least for a minute. 
That is, except for Al over his shoulder, leaning up against the counter in a bad leisure suit and looking bored. Very bored. 
He sighs, leaning his head on his hand, enjoying the rare moment of relaxation. He can’t think of the last time he just sat and watched people go by without having to put on the performance of his life or saving somebody else’s.
A pale form weaves between the tables, silver eyes lowered, hair falling around her shoulders. He straightens.
“Al?” Sam murmurs. “Al, there’s nobody else from the project here, is there? Just you and me?”
“What?” Al repeats, crossing his legs. “Of course not, Sam, you’ve cornered the market on crazy. Now shut up and eat.” 
He finds himself standing.
“Wha—Sam!” Al yelps, indignant. “Sam, get back here!”
“I gotta talk to her, Al. I’ve seen her before.” 
“Sam, we’ve talked about this. If you’re thinkin’ about hookin’ up with one ‘a your old girlfriends—“ 
“No, I mean, I’ve seen her leaping before.”
“Porca puttana, Sam,” Al moans, smacking his palm to his forehead before raking his hand down his face. 
He doesn’t stop to listen, instead following @fateprotected​ until she comes to a stop on one of the side streets. He looks at her, getting the sense, somehow, that she sees him. Really him, not whatever poor guy’s body he’s managed to hotwire this time. Though, he hasn’t looked in a mirror yet. Maybe he somehow managed to leap into himself.
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“Who are you?” Sam asks, voice soft and eyes searching hers, one hand reaching out to touch her, but stopping in midair as if he’s afraid. Maybe he is, a little. “Why are you following me? How are you following me?” 
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
She’s never--thought about it in so many words. Or maybe heard it said so bluntly. Humans tend to take it at face value, after all, how very like them she is. How acceptably alien. Exotic. Ethereal. If she’s honest, she rarely thinks of it as imitation. She simply—is. But Data isn’t wrong. Not entirely. Not that she could begin to tease out how much.
“I had to adapt quickly, and I’ve had a long time to learn from them.” A thoughtful quirk of her lips. “It helps that my differences are less….neuropsychological. I can’t imagine it’s easy to mimic humor without feeling it.”
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❝   you manage to imitate humans so well. I believe you do it much better than I do.   ❞    he looks towards @fateprotected​.    ❝   I do wish I was as skilled as you are.   you even seem to grasp the concept of humor.   ❞    ->   starter call
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
(NSFW) Tell my muse a sexual fantasy you have involving them.
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
anyone, seeing tos jim: oh, that boy is down bad for the enterprise--
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
she’s a 10 but she’s the starship and is more intimate with her captain than she’ll ever be with you
he’s a 10 but he’s married to his starship and picks her over you.
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 ; a collection of enemies to lovers sentence starters . change the pronouns if needed .
i know that you are my enemy , but you have intoxicated me into falling in love with you .
you're the first person who is vulnerable enough to make me impossibly weak .
will i ever regret my own choice for loving you instead of killing you ?
forget who we are , let's make our new life together .
at first you were the hell that you gave me , until you become my heaven .
I'll try my best to deserve you .
i seek for peace , until i found you .
tell me , why does my own enemy could make feel safe ?
though you are dangerous , you are also capable of love .
my hands have stained with bloods and violence , yet you choose to hold them like a precious thing .
i've hurt you , why would you seek love and warmth in me ?
i'd rather die in your arms than being stabbed by you .
curse me with your love , darling .
what did you do to me to make me fall in love with you ?
you're so pure and innocent , and i am scared to hold you and break you into pieces .
losing you is my worst nightmare .
i'm sorry for hurting you .
be in my dreams to replace the nightmares you have given me .
why do you want me of all people ?
i can't help myself from falling in love with you .
let's have a peaceful life , shall we ?
i shouldn't have given you the scar , i hate it so much .
be happy with me .
i've always hated your smile , but as i keep seeing you smile , i begin to admire them .
god really gives me a soulmate in a possible way , doesn't he ?
i'm grateful to have you as my enemy .
i feel calm when i am with you .
teach me how to love , so i won't hurt you .
all i knew in my life: love is a weakness . then you came into my life , making me stronger not to lose you .
every second i have spent with you , i'll treasure them to remember you .
you don't have any idea how much i love you .
there are many reasons why i hate about you , but those reasons turn into something why i love you .
we were destined to be enemies , so we could fight against each other until we tire ourselves and find many reasons why we should stop and forgive each other .
i forgive you , despite the hell you have put me through .
let us move forward into something new .
i should've let you die , but i chose to protect you .
sit , and let me tell you the reasons why am i falling in with you .
it's impossible , isn't it ? how two enemies can have feelings for each other ?
let me protect you instead of fighting against you .
each day i am always worried something dangerous might happen to you , but i am the danger , aren't i ?
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
@moonshadowed​ said: [ passing confidence ]  –  for the sender’s muse brush their finger’s against the receiver’s muse’s hand, too scared to hold their hand. - from Picard to Pris
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It’s too careful a gesture to be accidental. If she had any doubt, the brief flare of his empathic presence would lay them to rest. His anxieties don’t help her own rapidly-beating heart.
As far as she knows, Jean-Luc Picard is utterly psi-null. Pris tries anyway, projecting calm and reassurance through a still-fledgling bond. His emotions slip away with his touch, and though Pris resists the urge to take his hand herself,
“We’ll be alright.” Barely a breath. A crew’s confidence in times of stress is sometimes easier lost than won. Not to mention what the words will be worth, yet. “Believe it or not, this isn’t a first.”
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
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Pris glances up, a little sheepish.
“Animals don’t always find me...particularly reassuring?”
It doesn’t usually bother her. She likes them fine, though she’d probably say she prefers cats to dogs. But it’s been a long time since she spent any real time around someone’s pet, and it’d be nice if she at least didn’t make him uncomfortable.
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“His name’s Porthos,” he introduces. “Go on and pet him, if you want. Just… don’t give him any cheese.”
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
hmmmm filk lyric starter call
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
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“ Oh, is that right? ” McCoy turns on his heel, throwing his voice into the med bay for all anyone is listening; that’s not the point,    “ Ya’ll hear that? She doesn’t report to me. ”   A huff chucks out his mouth,    “ Has somethin’ to do with you, though, don’t it? It takes two to play starship tonsil hockey, missy, an’ if you’re the home team and I don’t clear the visitors, then I guess there ain’t no game, now is there. ”
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Not exactly the definition of report she’d meant, but it’s also true. And especially funny when combined with McCoy’s flare for the dramatic. She doesn’t usually--always mean to prod at him, but when the opportunity arises? She’s only inhuman.
“Isn’t the entire problem that I’m not the home team?” Pris wrinkles her nose. “I suppose I’m glad that puts you in my side.”
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
Send 🎶 for me to make a five song playlist for our muses
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
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“I’m not the one you should be telling that. After all, I don’t report to you.” Oh, but she’s amused despite the faux-prissy tone. Maybe there’s something to be said for following the letter of the law after all.
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“ It’s policy. Doesn’t mean I wanna hear about it. ”
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fateprotected-a · 2 years
send ‘you know i love you,  right?’ for my muses reaction  (  can be platonic or familial,  not just romantic  ). 
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