fatesoracle · 5 years
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- The Dawn Of The Future -
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fatesoracle · 5 years
She lifts a brow. “Don’t you know we have chef’s for that? Like Ignis.” 
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fatesoracle · 5 years
“Noctis can eat your lamb meat.”
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fatesoracle · 5 years
"Try giving the meat to Dad. He'll eat anything meat wise."
“I....” She thinks. “Well I guess that will work.”
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fatesoracle · 5 years
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fatesoracle · 5 years
Does the Lady prefer a goat? Leaves a slaughtered goat instead. She is the anti-Christ after all.
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“The anti-Christ would tremble in fear of my light.”
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fatesoracle · 5 years
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Are any Noct’s around out there that want to protect me from the Lamb Slaughterer? 
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fatesoracle · 5 years
A freshly slaughtered lamb is presented at her doorstep.
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fatesoracle · 5 years
🐧 a stuffed lamb with its head removed
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Luna stares at the headless lamb for a moment then bends down and slowly picks it up. “Hmm....” She gives it a squeeze then turns to look behind her. “Umbra! Are you chewing things again?!”
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fatesoracle · 5 years
Send 🐧 to give my Muse a stuffed animal!
Sender chooses what they give!
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fatesoracle · 5 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠.
❛ You will always fall in love, and it will always be like having your throat cut, just that fast. ❜
❛ You are going to break your promise. ❜
❛ I understand. ❜
❛ And I hold my hands over the ears of my heart, so that I will not hate you. ❜
❛ Oh, I will be cruel to you. ❜
❛ It will stop your breath, how cruel I can be. ❜
❛ But you understand, don’t you? ❜
❛ I am a demanding creature. ❜
❛ I am selfish and cruel and extremely unreasonable. ❜
❛ For you alone I will be weak. ❜
❛ I do not tolerate a world emptied of you. ❜
❛ In the dark, I have pored over the loss of you like pale gold. ❜
❛ I have looked for your face in the patterns of the ice. ❜
❛ I moved the earth and the water for you. ❜
❛ Because my magic is as strong as an arm. ❜
❛ Magic does that. It wastes you away. ❜
❛ Magic does that. It wastes you away. Once it grips you by the ear, the real world gets quieter and quieter, until you can hardly hear it at all. ❜
❛ You will always run away with her. ❜
❛ You will always lose her. ❜
❛ You will always be a fool. ❜
❛ War is not for winning. ❜
❛ But her heart was so cold that she could hold ice in her mouth and it would never melt. ❜
❛ You look like a winter night. ❜
❛ But if you must be clever, then be clever. ❜
❛ Be brave. ❜
❛ Sleep with fists closed and shoot straight. ❜
❛ She is so stubborn, her heart has an argument with her head every time it wants to beat. ❜
❛ How I adore you. ❜
❛ Tell me you want what you want and damn me forever. But don’t leave me. ❜
❛ Oh, quit that. ❜
❛ In his own country, death can be kind. ❜
❛ Bad luck relies on absolutely perfect timing. ❜
❛ Someone ought to write a novel about me. ❜
❛ I savor bitterness - it is born of experience. It is the privilege of one who has truly lived. ❜
❛ What is the world but a boxing ring where fools and devils put up their fists? ❜
❛ After love, no one is what they were before. ❜
❛ In the space of one heartbeat to another I loved you and I was lost to you. ❜
❛ No one is now what they were before the war. There’s just no getting any of it back. ❜
❛ How long your hair has grown. You could strangle a man in it. ❜
❛ I have survived, but I have not been spared. ❜
❛ After all, when all else is gone, you may still have bitterness in abundance. ❜
❛ I’ve a devil of a habit for being right. ❜
❛ Everyone is a criminal! ❜
❛ Naturally, then, humans fall into three categories: the criminal, the not-yet-criminal, and the not-yet-caught. ❜
❛ Forests have secrets. ❜
❛ We are better at this than you are. ❜
❛ We can hold two terrible ideas at once in our hearts. ❜
❛ It’s not so bad, my darling. ❜
❛ I look at you and it is like my throat being cut. ❜
❛ Do you think I am a fool? ❜
❛ Did you never think, even once, that I loved lipstick and rouge for more than their color alone? ❜
❛ I still want to kiss you. ❜
❛ I hate it here. ❜
❛ He’ll burn you down like wax if you let him. ❜
❛ Did I not come to you on my knees with a kingdom in my hand? ❜
❛ I am not a little girl anymore, dazzled by your magic. It is my magic, now, too. ❜
❛ My heart is being cut in two. I cannot bear it. ❜
❛ Nothing ever truly dies. ❜
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fatesoracle · 5 years
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fatesoracle · 5 years
‘Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur.’ She gently sings while petting him calmly.
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fatesoracle · 5 years
It was a relief, at least, that it was not just another seeking help. She could read his discomfort and shyness but she didn’t let it show. “Greeting accepted.” She says with a warm smile. “Please, call me Lunafreya.” She tells him. She didn’t need the royal treatment 24/7. It was nice to be treated as a normal human being too sometimes. 
“Are you enjoying yourself, Nox?” She asks with a  gentle tilt of her head. “Would you like a drink? I could get you one.” She offers, trying to alleviate his nervousness. “Here, let’s have a look.” She was more than glad to slip away off towards the drink table were fanciful punches and bottles of wines and alcohols were lined. “It can really take the edge off at these sorts of events. What’s your favorite?” She asks with a glance over to him.
He was familiar, but she just couldn’t place it. She certainly didn’t know the name but his mannerisms reminded her of someone from long ago. Celebrations should be fun, but there was something that lied heavy in the air at this one. Whatever the Imperials hosted always had a double meaning. Everyone had to pretend to be happy while the celebrated the truth that they held the control. Even her own smile was but a mere mask.
Ball thread with fatesoracle
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fatesoracle · 5 years
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Lady Lunafreya stands before him as he greets her, so properly with the bow. The gentle smile upon her face only seems to grow, creasing her eyes. Prompto, she had heard so much about him over the years through Noctis’ writing. She knew him without ever truly meeting him until now. “Dearest Prompto, I will be forever grateful that you took such great care of my Pryna. I very well could have never seen her again. Not only were you caring, but you were honest. You found it in your heart to return her, no matter how much you would miss her.”
She reaches out to touch a hand to his shoulder. “It’s good to finally meet Prince Noctis’ best friend.” She removes her hand and takes a step back. “Please, sit make yourself comfortable. There’s no need for all the formality.” She says with a small laugh. “I respect it, but any friend of Noctis is a friend of mine.”
She glides over towards the couch that lined the glass coffee table where a pot of tea was set out with what appeared to be Noctis’ favorite desert if he had ever told Prompto about it. “Really, I should be thanking you but if my words changed something in your life for the good? Then that alone is enough for me.” She pours a glass of the floral tea for each of them and sets them aside to cool.
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fatesoracle · 5 years
I need to work in more head cannons and verses soon for other worlds she may be in. I’ve also been super into that idea that she became Etro ...
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fatesoracle · 5 years
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