fatewalking · 2 months
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Hello! I'm new to the FFXIV RP community and looking for people with OCs and/or WOLs to follow! (I'm not new to Tumblr however, been here for far too long, and not new to FFXIV in general either; my main toon is almost completely levelled, but Jackdaw is a separate entity...)
My character is a male Viera called Jackdaw, Jack, or Jay depending on your level of friendliness with him. He's a travelling dancer, hearbal healer and artist in his 'main' universe, and in his WOL universe he's a Dancer and White Mage just trying his best to get by with the weight of the world on his shoulders.
I do roleplay and I do write about him and his escapades. I'm woefully out of writing practice having not done any properly for about three years, but I'm ready to jump in feet first now.
IDK how prevalent shipping is in this fandom, but he does have a beau in his normal universe played by a friend of mine who took the screenshot above, and in his WOL universe he's with G'raha, (but that's a long, long story!)
If you want to, you could follow me, or just like this post and I'll follow you instead. I've followed some tags but I need some people to follow now.
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