fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
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Gaius knew that this day would come. So had Uther. It was why he’d treated his son so horribly, though Gaius had advised him not to. He worried for him endlessly and wanted to take him away from here, but he could not. They were not young lovers anymore, but he couldn’t help but dote on the man where he could.
When Merlin burst into his chambers, Gaius lifted a brow at him. The hand that had been crushing herbs with the pestle suddenly stopped. “You didn’t. You convinced him to go, didn’t you, boy?” He rarely called Merlin boy these days, only if he was to scold him and in a way he was now. Of course Merlin would convince Arthur to pull the sword. Merlin wanted magic free more than anyone else in Camelot. It never would with Uther reigning over it.
“Do you know what you’ve done? The both of you have practically signed Uther’s death warrant.” He spoke calmly, though his eyes were anything but. He should not defend the King, but Uther was still his dearest friend and confidant. He would defend him to his last breath, even if it meant betraying his own kind. “I must see to the King.” Perhaps there was still time. If he got Uther out of Camelot and into a safe house, the curse would not be enacted. “I am sorry, my boy,” Gaius said as he stopped near him by the door, his voice much more gentle now. “I know you think you’ve done a wondrous thing, but even Arthur may not be able to live with the guilt.”
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The pure fact Uther had treated everyone save for Gaius horribly was why he didn’t try hard to talk his son out of the quest. Arthur wanted to change Camelot and for the better. He had known about his magic and Merlin knew about the prince’s. Both vowed to always have each other’s back, no matter what. Coming to Gaius to warn him of what might happen soon was just fulfilling his duty as his nephew. 
Pendragon was his lover, and he wore his honor on him at all times. His mother’s ring laid around his neck on a chain under his tunic. Merlin was promised to the royal in secret and he would do anything for him. Even if it meant defying his own blood. “Boy?” He said, shocked. Rarely, he called him this, and it took him back. “Gaius. Arthur had his mind set. He’s tired of being treated like a common servant. Worse even. He had him cleaning the floors of the prison level before we left. I don’t blame him for being done and you shouldn’t either.” 
“I am aware of the consequences, and so is Arthur. Shirya consulted with him before we left for the Perilous Lands. Uther’s death was coming whether you like it or not. The Goddess is sick of how he treats everyone. He signed his own warrant.” Merlin spoke harsher than he wanted too, but he could tell his mentor was not thinking clearly. “I can’t let you. Sorry Gaius.” Trying to stand in his way, he straightened out. “Arthur’s ordered me to stop you and if you don’t listen, then we’ll have to use force. Don’t make me, please.” He felt like crying. The physician was more like a father to him but yet he was turning his back away from him. Betrayal. It hurt. 
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fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
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fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
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Merlin looked as exhausted as he felt and dirty too. He would offer his bath to him afterward, insisting that he make it fresh for him as well. Perhaps he’d invite him to stay the night? No, he couldn’t do that. Yet Arthur was dreading the night alone. What if nightmares occurred of their lives now in the past? What if he saw everyone they’d left behind mourning their losses? And yet, he knew they’d gone back in time. Perhaps that future didn’t exist anymore. Still, it made him worry about sleep.
“What happened to you?” He lifted a brow, wondering if Merlin had always been this naturally clumsy. He knew he used to mock him for it, but he didn’t feel the need to do that now after everything he knew. “Relax, would you? You look as red as the tomatoes I’m sure you’ve got one our plates.” Our, because he was sure Merlin had gotten himself a serving as well, at least he hoped he did.
“I will have to have a talk with that woman, She shouldn’t be treating you like that,” Arthur said with a frown as he sank into the now ready tub. He sighed and leaned his head back, peering over at the now younger looking servant. “We both know you’re not a fool,” Arthur said in almost a scolding way as he looked at him. “And you’re getting a bath after me, no arguments. You deserve it. And you’ll freshen up the water too. That’s an order.” He didn’t like using that tone with Merlin anymore, but he had a feeling he might try to resist it. “And after we eat you can 
 you can stay with me if you want. To sleep.” He would excuse the heat of the water for his own warmed cheeks. Would Merlin want to stay? He didn’t know. All he knew was that he didn’t want to be alone. Maybe that would be a weak thing to admit even to himself, but he couldn’t help feeling that way after everything they’d been through. And the kiss 
 he didn’t know what would happen between them, but he hoped they would have a better future together than they’d had in the past.
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Once he was all cleaned up, dried off and dressed, Arthur left his bathing chamber and insisted to Merlin once more he was to clean up as well. And he suggested he use a bit of magic to clean his clothes too, that way no one complained at him as he was sure they were doing already. He couldn’t protect him from everything, but he could certainly try. Arthur picked at his meal a little while he waited for Merlin to join him, when he finally did he smiled over at him and said, “See, now that wasn’t so bad, was it? Though perhaps you could try not getting yourself in muck in future, yes?” His eyes were sparkling with delight, not that he realized it. After the day he’d had, he was just happy to have the warlock near him again.
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Never having the luxury of a bath before, he had already assumed he was going to sponge bathe. Merlin wasn’t used to be doted on. Having the prince kiss him was enough. Helping him with anything really was more than enough. Just to be with him... well that made his day worthwhile. Even if he could be a prat, bossy and selfish sometimes, Arthur was everything to him. The manservant wasn’t looking forward to sleeping alone. Nightmares always followed him. With Morgana’s death fresh in his mind and Pendragon’s, he doubted he would get a good nights sleep.
“Mishaps.” He smiled at him like he usually did when quipping back. Maybe he should lay off the sass since it had gotten him in trouble with Uther before. Then again, the king was beginning to think he had an ailment. Safer for him to think so, but dangerous. He doubted he would want the heir to the throne of Camelot to lie with a complete and utter fool. Merlin needed to be careful around the tyrant. “I’m relaxed.” His eyes looked away as the blonde stripped off his clothes and his blush only getting redder when he glimpsed his backside by accident.  
“Didn’t she used... I mean, have a crush on you. That maybe really awkward.” Dark brows raised up at him. He wasn’t trying to be cheeky now. Scratching the back of his neck, he just shrugged. “Better for others to think so. Safer. No one will expect me that way.” The prince’s tone just made him look down. “What are you going to throw me in?” Pale eyes dared to look upon the blonde god before him. He really needed to stop that. Nualllain cursed under his breath. “I mean. Okay, sire.” Resisting was just in his nature. Truth be told, he was wondering what the difference was, bathing or sponge bath, which was better? Arthur seemed to like to soak after training. So he couldn’t help wondering. “Stay with you? Aren’t you afraid of your father catching us?” He couldn’t help to air his concern. If the royal wanted him to stay, then who was he to deny him? “I’ll only stay if you're sure.” Merlin didn’t want to be alone, so whatever his answer was, he would just come up with an excuse for Gaius later on why he didn’t come to his quarters. 
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Doing as he was told, he made sure Arthur was in the other room before disrobing and using a spell to magik his clothes clean. Laying them down, with a simple flick of the wrist, he had the tub refilled and hot. Stepping in the steaming water, he lowered himself down. It took him a moment to adjust. It was no lake, but after he did... Merlin quite enjoyed himself. Cleaning up as quickly as he could, he dressed and came back out of the chambers. A smile was on his face and the strands of his hair a bit wet. It caused his strands to spring up in soft curls. “No. Now I know why you like to lay in there after training.” Sitting at the table near the other, he meekly took his plate and started on the berries. “I can’t promise that. At least I didn’t fall asleep in the stalls this time.” Seeing how happy Arthur was made all this worth it. Maybe he actually did something right by giving them a second chance.
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fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
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fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
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Arthur was being irritating, Gwen knew that as well as Merlin did. She thought he understood this whole thing, but he was being awfully stubborn about it and she knew it would take. Him more time. What she really wanted to say, was ‘we need you,’ but she wasn’t about to speak for Arthur, not when he was being his usual surly self. Hearing Arthur huff and say, “I’m right here!” in his exasperated tone, Guinevere ignored him and stepped forward to take Merlin’s hands in her own. “You know I won’t do that, deep down you know it. You’ve always been my best friend, Merlin, my 
 ,” she trailed off, unsure how to word it. Paramour? Lifting up a hand, she caressed Merlin’s cheek, almost sensing Arthur getting annoyed as she did so. “Camelot would not do well without you either and you know it. Please, stay, Merlin.”
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Prat. Merlin couldn’t help to think about Arthur. He was being ignorant. Close-minded. All because Gwen and him took the time to try to explain how they both loved him equally and each other. He obviously need more time. With that, Merlin would keep his distance until he realized what he confessed. The warlock was hurt by the rejection. How could he not see how much he bloody loved him? After all he has done, it’s always been about him. Now he was acting selfish again, and he wanted to run away. Merlin wasn’t great at being able to sit on his feelings. Hearing Pendragon exclaim out loud just made him wince and cast his eyes down. This was a mistake, he thought until she took his hands. “Arthur obviously doesn’t feel the same. Maybe I should just go back home.” He bit out a bit bitterly from what the king said earlier. Calling him just his manservant hurt worse than words could tell. “I would like to hear it from him. If not, it leaves me no choice. I’m not going to stay where I am not needed.” 
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fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
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fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
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Uther it seemed was on the verge of doing anything to make sure his son lived. Even going so far as to give Gaius permission to let Merlin return to Camelot, even if it was temporary. Gaius hoped that it wouldn’t as he knew how depressed Arthur had gotten without Merlin there. He’d tried to help where he could, but no tonic, no potion could cure a broken heart. If Merlin was forced to continue to stay away, he feared the outcome for both Arthur and Merlin. He had even gone to the Great Dragon to seek advice, but he too suggested what he had to Uther, that Merlin come to save Arthur. Only the half of a whole could remedy this problem.
So now he waited, anxious as ever. Everything was on the line if Arthur did not survive. Though Uther had become cold toward his son, Gaius had a feeling he would become so much worse as well. The Pendragons were fated, it seemed, to not handle things like this well. He did not relax until Merlin showed up, thankful the warlock had enough sense to go to Arthur’s chambers first. Uther was not here, but he knew the King would not hurt his nephew while he was there to save the Prince.
“He’s over here,” Gaius said, gesturing for Merlin to go to Arthur’s bed. He parted the curtains, frowning a little himself at the sight of Arthur. He was so much more paler than he’d been before, it was worrying. He was muttering too. Was that Merlin’s name he heard from the Prince’s lips? He couldn’t be certain, perhaps that’s what had inclined Uther to agree to him coming. Stepping aside, Gaius said to Merlin, “Do whatever you have to. He needs you.”
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He needs you. Arthur could hear the words, however distant, in his head. It was true, he did need Merlin. He’d needed Merlin from the moment he’d been banished. He’d barely eaten, barely slept in their time apart even though that had been months. He couldn’t stand the sight of his father, but he’d heard him worrying over his body too. Would he survive? In his scattered dreams, Merlin was there. He held onto him for dear life, making promises of a long life together with him. If only such a thing were possible, except he had been an idiot and Arthur could feel himself slipping, draining, going. If Merlin did not hurry, he was not sure that he would ever wake up again.
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Desperation coursed through his body as the horses' hooves met the ground below. Hold on Arthur. I’m almost there. His heart was already with him in Camelot. The more he neared the city, the more he felt alive. More alive than he felt in a long while. Still he felt cold. He wouldn’t feel right until he was able to kiss his love again and him be alright. Merlin didn’t know the details of what had happened. Gaius didn’t go into them. Just said he needed him there as soon as possible and it was Arthur. Time was of the essence. Just please be alright. The warlock closed his eyes and pressed his face against the mare's fur and mane. He had to be okay. No, Arthur couldn’t die. 
The lights from the city could be seen over the hill as the two horses raced. Seeing the yellow flicker just made the sorcerer fret. The sun had set a few hours ago. His eyes lifted as he shifted on the back of the mare. It was colder here. A storm had brewed and rain was falling. All he had was his jacket to shield him away from the freezing water dropping on him. It dripped down his neck despite the cloth that was wrapped around it. Making him shiver, they entered the city. Silverwing refused to leave his companion. In a strange place, Black Star was a bit fearful. He could feel her nerves across their mental link. 
Hopping off the horse, he told the stable boy to place them into two stalls. They would follow him. There was no need for a stadle. Just feed them and keep them warm. Merlin would come later to lead them back to the fields so they could come freely as they wished. Climbing the stairs, he stifled a yawn. It had been a long trip and one where he didn’t stop. Soon he reached Arthur’s chambers and knocked gently before entering. There he saw his uncle motioning him closer. 
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He needs you. It was more like Merlin needed him. He had felt hollow this whole time. Doing what he must to keep his mind off the prince. Nodding, he came over to the bed and pushed past the curtains. Sitting on the edge, he saw how white and frail Arthur was. His lips looked colorless and his eyes barely moved behind his closed lids. What did he do? What happened? Bitting his lip hard, panic rose. What if he couldn’t save him? His name being muttered pulled him out of his thoughts. Pushing his thoughts away, he just swallowed thickly as he went to kneel off the bed and put his hands over his chest. Saying the words the Great Dragon told him once before. He used the most powerful healing spell he could. 
Ic ĂŸe ĂŸurhhĂŠle ĂŸin licsare mid ĂŸam sundorcrĂŠftas ĂŸĂŠre ealdaĂŸ ĂŠ!
In a dragon like voice, he shouted the words as his eyes turned the golden hue. A tear came down his face as he pushed his magic into him to force whatever poison or ailment that was in his system out. After a moment, he slumped exhausted, but managed to look up at the prince. “Arthur?” He said in a hushed voice. His tone was choked up. 
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fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
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MERLIN | 2x13 “The Last Dragonlord”
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fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
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Arthur let out an unkingly yelp when Merlin straddled his waist. Startled, he tried to shift the man off of him, grunting when he felt the kisses at his neck. “Bloody hell, Merlin!” The comment was still muffled by the pillows, but he did finally shift enough to roll around and look over at the man, the pillow on his face was removed too. “Don’t. You. Dare,” he said, voice threatening in the same way he’d once threatened Merlin he would eat him for breakfast. Which, now that he thought about it, had been more of an innuendo than he’d intended at the time.
“You said it, not me. At least you can agree you’re annoying.” He gripped Merlin’s hips in a way that said, ‘Tickle me and you’re on stable duty for the week,’ which he had no problem doing regardless of the fact that they were lovers now. No one knew, of course. Arthur hadn’t been comfortable with being out while his father had ruled. He knew how he’d felt about that no matter how much the rest of the world had progressed. Thus making Arthur internalize ad close off who he was, even while he was with Merlin. Then there was the magic that he wanted to change the laws of too, that was bound to cause an uproar in the papers and the public, so he knew he needed to take it one day at a time. This was only his second week as King, after all.
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“Why can’t you let me sleep in? I’m the bloody King now, Merlin. The court doesn’t start doing things until I do.” At least, that’s what he liked to think, even though it wasn’t true at all. “Ugh, the press has been even more demanding as of late,” Arthur said, throwing his head back on his pillow. “I need a vacation.”
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Bouncing on the bed, he tried not to laugh too much as he managed to keep on the king. Merlin didn’t earn his nickname of little shit for nothing. Kissing his neck and part of his exposed back. He kept at it until the royal shifted to the point he could see the prat fully. Keeping on top of him, he gave him a devilish grin. “Or. What?” Nualllain dared to counter towards him. “Its not like you’ll send me to the stocks or whip me for the matter. The worst you’ll do is whine, and that’s it.” Quirking a brow at the blonde, he made his point as he held his hands out. Grinning at the king, he made himself comfortable on top of him. His hips meeting the others just in a way that was not too suggestive. Maybe if he moved a little to the right, he could get the other to think differently. He was in a feisty mood and poking the bear literally seemed like fun.
“Oh. I know I can be annoying. Very aware of that.” Feeling his hands on his hip just made him flush. A bright red blush appeared on his pale features. Lovers or not, only Arthur could make him still, even for a moment. “It’s what you will do to me, that is the question.” Wiggling his fingers playfully, he knew he wasn’t going to do it. Just pressing his luck was giving him the incentive to continue the teasing, even if the other wasn’t in the mood. 
Merlin knew his father's passing had a negative effect on him. The pure fact alone was he thought he killed Uther, but in reality, it was Morgana. He had not risked to change into his older form in fear of what Pendragon would do. Lover or not, it was a dangerous game. Even if he knew about his magic. It pained him to think Arthur still shut himself out to the world. One that would embrace a king who swung his way. 
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“Because it’s ten o’clock pressing on eleven. I let you sleep in long enough. Besides, today is training. I know you won’t want to miss that.” Patting his side, he went to bend forward to press a kiss gently on his lips. “The sooner you get up, the sooner we can go to the lakeside, like I have planned to do later on. So get up.” Stealing one last kiss, he hopped off the other and went to gather him some clothes.
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fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
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fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
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“I’m sorry.  I don’t know why my – our mother didn’t find you. Maybe she was held captive too, for a time, but if they were just taking kids 
 I don’t know, I’ll have to ask her. I wish I knew more for you. I’m glad at least you were raised well, from the sounds of it, but it’s a shame we didn’t grow up together.” It might have been easier, he thought. Growing up with a brother who he would have been able to tell everything to, someone else he wouldn’t have to hide from. Did Merlis have magic? He didn’t ask, it didn’t seem appropriate. “Perhaps I’ll be able to encourage her to visit, I’m sure you’d like to meet her, yes?” Would Hunith be upset at the lost times or overjoyed? He didn’t know. Gaius bustled about, preparing dinner and cleaning up for the end of the day. “Er 
 if it’s ok with Gaius, maybe you could stay for dinner? Where have you been staying anyway?” They didn’t really have the room, but he supposed he could be able to make some space for him.
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“Don’t be sorry. It wasn’t your fault, nor hers. I don’t fault her in any way. Whatever happened is in the past and I would like to move on to the future.” Merlis reassured his twin he was fine. He did not harbour any ill will towards either of them. His childhood was filled with love just as his was. Ziraz had been proud of him before he left and no doubt was still. “It is a shame. Though I think I have utterly confused the prince. Poor thing thinks he saw a ghost.” He couldn’t help to chuckle as he replayed the image of him laying on his backside. It was rather priceless. Nualllain knew he was in trouble as soon as he got to his feet and took off running. Better to be away from the prat than to be locked up in the stocks. “I would like that.” The warlock wanted to meet his mother more than anything. Just to lay eyes on his own flesh and blood was enough to cause tears to come to his eyes. “I’ve been staying above the tavern and working there at night. I clean tables and fill the pitchers.” Blinking them away, a noise came from the hall and a moment later, the door burst open. Arthur stood there for a moment before wandering in and then stopping dead in his tracks as he saw Merlis and Merlin both together. “Bloody hell. There’s two of you?!”
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fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
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“I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand.” - Pablo Neruda
MERLIN 5x13 “The Diamond of the Day Part Two”
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fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
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“You killed them? All of those men?” It was startling for sure. Merlin was not the weakling he’d once thought, not if he could take down a few dozen men with the flick of his wrist. Rightfully, Arthur should be afraid, but he was just wary, even of Merlin. “A protector would have not allowed that to happen in the first place, MERlin.” It was true, though perhaps he should think twice about speaking when it came to sorcerers, Merlin included.
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“Yes, well 
 it seems I should have knighted you long ago,” he said, knowing it was true. He may be wary of Merlin’s gifts, but that didn’t mean he didn’t see the value Merlin had in being a knight. Though knowing Merlin, he would refuse it and any other title he might try to throw his way. Court Sorcerer came to mind, but he needed to talk to Geoffrey and Gaius about that first. “You think I can’t handle looking at a few 
 ,” he trailed off and looked at the bodies. Merlin was right, whatever he had done to them, it was some of the worst he’d seen, which was saying something considering he’d been in a war before. “Blimey, Merlin. I should have you at the front of battles from now on. C’mon, let’s get out of here.” He needed something to eat, but he wasn’t going to tell Merlin that. There would probably be some berries or birds eggs he could find nearby in the forest that he knew they’d gone through to get here. Letting Merlin lead the way, he shook his head some as he continued to see a trail of bodies. “Why did you ever let me think that you were a dolt, Merlin? Clearly you know how to handle yourself more than you let on.”
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“They gave me no choice. When I told you, I would protect you. I meant it.” Maybe he took it a bit too far, but he was raging mad when he saw the note being left behind. No one touches those he loves. Even if he never told Arthur how he felt and was a bit possessive of him. “It’s not my fault I had to pick herbs for Gaius. Maybe you should have stayed closer to me, instead of wandering off like a complete and utter clotpole..” Merlin bit out. 
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“I don’t want to be a knight.” He said, leading the way to the hall, then turning the corner to the stairs. Refusing to look down at the twisted bodies, he glanced over at the blonde behind him. The stank got to his nose and made him cover it with his jacket’s sleeve. Maybe using that fire spell was a bad idea because burnt flesh smelt horrid. Gagging almost, he motioned the king to follow him down to the main level. The stairwell was long enough and curved around the tower. Walls of white marbles were splattered with red crimson and some parts were blackened from the fire balls he threw. Hearing Arthur trail off, he knew better to make eye contact. “Please. My stomach can barely handle it. I know your fragile one can’t.” Nualllain quipped back. Shaking his head as he got past the worst of it, the warlock refused to be in battles unless Arthur was in danger. “I can only do things like this when I am peeved.” He admitted to the royal. His stomach grumbled, reminding him that he had not eaten anything since he left Camelot. It was rather loud, probably loud enough to alert Arthur. Coming to the entrance, he breathed out finally and glanced around. “Like I said. I have many gifts.” Silverwing and Blackstar were grazing on some grass nearby. Seeing the two companion horses, he smiled. “Come on, prat. We should get away from here before anyone else shows up.”
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fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
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merthur season 1 + physical touch 
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fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
Paradise. It’s not a word or sentiment that’s ever really flitted across Arthur’s mind while stuck in a cold, claustrophobic castle. Freedom was to be found outside
 Going on patrol for his father, or on the hunting trips with his knights. Here, in this tranquil haven provided by Shira and Ziraz, such a place could be called thus. The company is pleasant; the scenery breath-taking.
And Merlin is continuing to play the role of manservant. The familiarity of it is comforting. Nodding his head as Merlin offers to fill his bowl with second helpings, a sly smile spreads across Arthur’s face as the warlock sets to the task. Despite the fact they are living far beyond the protocols of the palace, it would seem as though some things never changed. But Arthur’s growing appreciation for all Merlin has done, and all he continues to do - for him - is not one of them.
Losing himself in quiet contemplation of Merlin as he tucks into the food himself, legs crossed and humble in his posture, it doesn’t strike Arthur as odd at all that he hasn’t eaten so much of the goulash himself. Until someone, Shira perhaps, knocks gently into his side. The other Druids appear curious with the way Arthur is staring at their Emrys.
Clearing his throat and looking away abruptly, Arthur frowns, refocusing on the words spoken to him by Ziraz’s mate:  “I hope in time you can call this home away from home and one day our people can live in true peace
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Glancing down at the hand covering his, Arthur smiles slightly, and nods. Turning his hand over on the table, he takes Shira’s hand in his. It is a warm meeting of palm against palm. Neither of them has soft skin, and from this alone, Arthur can deduce Shira must be skilled with handling a blade or spear. Keeping his voice low, the prince assures her and Ziraz as best he can,
“You are my friends. Truly, I see no reason why you should not be. The generosity and kindness that you have shown Merlin and I since we arrived has given me much to think about
Trailing off, Arthur realises, in a kind of dawning sense, that the chattering of the others at the dining table has ceased. The earlier attention paid him by the Druids has continued. They seem to be hanging on his every word.  
Arthur clears his throat again.
“I, uh
 I’m not sure I can speak for my father. But for myself, I can say this. Freedom for all in Camelot, especially for those with magic, is something that will be difficult to achieve. But it is right that we continue to work towards this aim. All of us, together. It’s very easy for a king to make laws that divide peoples.  Reconciliation is harder, and it depends on the goodwill shown by both sides.”
Catching Merlin’s eye, Arthur wonders if his lover is smiling at him. Undermining him? Or just being cheeky? Frowning a little, Arthur grasps for his cup filled with the sweet, clear fluid - raising it boldly.
“I’m the Crown Prince of Camelot. I want a kingdom free of war, a land of peace and light and laughter. Sparing my people the tears of suffering means I will do what I must to repair the bridges with those Camelot has decided to call our enemies.”
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It’s not quite a toast but Arthur drinks from his cup all the same, held in witness by Ziraz’s company. No sooner has he swallowed it all, a strange warmth floods into his body. Blinking, Arthur looks again for Merlin, while Shira mutters something in hushed tones to her husband and Ziraz appears to agree. 
The druids make no move to intercede, but it seems Merlin comes closer. Is it magic? Was there something in the drink? Yet Arthur feels fully in control, feels freer in fact, than he has for a very long time

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To him this was heaven on Earth. When the warlock was here before, the kindness alone warmed his heart and won him over. The pure fact the Druid inducted him into their family and deemed him as their own was enough to bring tears to his eyes when he left the first time. If it wasn’t for Arthur, he probably would have stayed here. Ziraz and Shira became like the parents he didn’t have. His mother did everything she could to make him happy, but he still missed that father-son bond. With Gaius and Ziraz, he had that finally and a second mother to go to when he needed magical advice. 
Merlin didn’t think much of it when he slipped into his role of manservant. When he finished his food, he reached to fill it again for the prince and to top off his drink. A habit from the castle he brought to this haven. It was comforting to him to do small thinks for the blonde. Setting the bowl down, he helped himself to another portion but smaller than what Arthur had. He wasn’t used to eating a whole lot and not being rushed while doing it. 
Smiling small, he witnessed Shira speak up and couldn’t help the broader smile that came across his lips. The female Druid always had a way with words. Just like her mate did. Both were born leaders. It was something he strived to be himself when taking the role of Emrys. 
Putting his spoon down while the royal spoke, he saw him frown. Prat. he tought to himself. Don’t get full of yourself now. With his eyes, he pleaded. Be the Arthur, I know you can be. The warlock had faith in him. He would make things right, he just had too. 
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His gaze intensifies as the two interact. Pendragon had been bold in front of her mate to take her hand, and his eyes darted to Ziraz to see if he took offense. Only a smile dawned the weathered face of the Druid warrior. Shira was just as formable of a fighter as her husband. Thankfully, he never saw her in action, but she had stepped in a couple times when he was in Camelot. The couple had visited to keep an eye on their friend. Which he was thankful for. 
Shira smiled big when he spoke. The bangles on her arms shook when she rocked their hands together in a pleasing motion. “Aye, Arthur Pendragon. You are a friend to the Druid people. My people. One day you will be a great king and leader. My spirit soars knowing that you will make things right.”
She paused as he cleared his throat. Ziraz bowed his head to the royal and then to Merlin. Faith. Arthur had faith. Which was more than enough. As long as he stuck to what he believed in, then all would be well. Nualllain straightened his smile somewhat so he wouldn’t look like a love-struck fool. He was in many ways, but he couldn’t afford it to cloud his judgement. 
The other spoke with such determination, it lit his own with fire burning bright. Though his smile had faded, he was beaming because of how proud he was of the person his lover became. Seeing him raise his goblet in a new found promise, he couldn’t help to take in the sight of the other druids who looked on at Arthur was such light. They were clinging on to his every word. Eagerly listening and then gazing to him as if they needed reassurance of any kind. He bowed his head in turn to let them know it was the truth. Merlin would make sure of it.
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Shira and Ziraz were muttering together. About what? Did Arthur go overboard? Nerves set in until Ziraz clashed his own cup and raised it towards the blonde. “Then let’s make a pact. To always listen to our peoples and come together in council. To make a new way for Camelot and Ablion. Examples of what should be.” 
Merlin scooted closer to the prince and took his own drink as the Druid couple drank from theirs after the speeches were done. Under the low table, he placed his other hand on his leg and squeezed to let him know he was proud of him. Nualllain would tell him in private or show him. All he knew the drink was making him warm and feeling rather good. Normally he didn’t drink but this occassion he would make an exceptation. 
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fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
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fatheredlegend-archive · 2 years
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Arthur could admit to himself that Merlin was handsome. There was something about those curls that Arthur found himself lingering his gaze on for a moment before he turned his gaze away, pretending to be annoyed instead. He would rather be going for a tumble with one of his knights or a lady of the court, not dealing with this. In fact, he would have to become celibate, an annoyance in itself, until the wedding night. Arthur resisted the urge to shudder. Ugh, he was not looking forward to this at all. If his father could be persuaded out of it, he would certainly do his best to try.
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“How could I not like you? I do not even know you,” Arthur said, though it was true. He had a feeling he wasn’t going to like him. Still, he didn’t want to be entirely unpleasant, even though another part of him wanted to go kicking and screaming about the whole thing. Sighing, Arthur ran a hand through his hair, something he was sure his father would scold him about if he was around, fortunately for him, he wasn’t. He had a feeling his father was going to have a grande old time with the other royals while they were here, while Arthur was not. “I’d have been shocked if you were. No one wants to be forced to marry someone they don’t know.” Gesturing for Merlin to follow him, he lead him toward his chambers. Arthur pointed out his own as they past it, in case Merlin needed something, but he hoped not. That’s what the servants were for. Finally they reached Merlin’s chambers, farther down the hall from his own. He opened the doors and said, “Here you are. And look, they’ve even already brought in your things.”
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Blue eyes on him made his skin crawl. Why did it look like he was staring into his soul? Like he couldn’t keep a single secret away from him. It made him self-conscious. Seeing the annoyance on his face made his gaze down to the ground. He hated feeling like the other was stuck with him. His friend Gwaine had wanted to tag along. Will his other close friend, would be cross with his being abstinent since their friendship turned into one with benefits a while back. Ladies never usually caught his eyes. Normally, it was a man close in age with him. Still, the only one he laid with was his best friend. He wasn’t one to fall into the bed with just anyone. So being celibate wasn’t an issue.
Not knowing Arthur’s reputation with others made him air on the side of caution. Was he a flirt? Did he take others to his chambers often? All these went through his mind. Would he take a mistress if they were forced to marry? If that was the case, he would send for WIll. “There’s really not much to know.” He said plainly. Growing up in farmland had been boring. Not much to do, still he managed to get into trouble often. “No. I agree.” Merlin spoke quietly. His hand went inside the pocket of his trousers. A horn laid there. Only people with powerful magic could hear it. Shirya would certainly have some advice for him. The goddess’ mouthpiece often came to him when she could. It was why she gave him the horn. He didn’t see this as any different from the other times he called on her. Seeing Arthur’s chambers near his, he sighed heavily. It figures they would want them close. “Great. You can go if you want.”  Heading into the chambers, he waited til Pendragon dismissed himself before he shut the doors and used the horn as he sat on the edge of the bed. His uncle thankfully couldn’t hear. His magic wasn’t as strong as Merlin’s. Waiting for a few minutes, smoke appeared in the room and then the woman came into his sights as it dissipates. Waving away the trails of fog from the Isle, he gazed up at the older priestess. “I have a feeling you know what I am going to ask you.” Shirya only bowed her head in response. Of course she knew.
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