fatuispolaris · 5 months
❛  don’t you have to be stupid somewhere else?  ❜ ❛  would you please stop imitating me? it is starting to get very annoying.  ❜ ❛  no one and i mean no one can ever know about this. it’ll be the end of you, it’ll be the end of me. and worst of all, it’ll be the end of me!  ❜ ❛  what doesn’t kill you usually succeeds in the second attempt.  ❜ ❛  well, the way i see it, there are three possibilities: one, you stole it; two, you stole it; or three, you stole it.  ❜ ❛  me, aggressive? how dare you?! maybe you’re right … i command you to help me be a nicer person.  ❜ ❛  come on, [name], join me and we’ll be rich and powerful until i eventually betray you.  ❜ ❛  i thought i was going to steal something. can’t imagine why. so i’m just enjoying this lovely day.  ❜ ❛  you’ll never get what you want if you always let people step on you.  ❜ ❛  [name], baby, i haven’t felt this giddy since the day you agreed to be my wife!  ❜ ❛  i’ll have you know that i stubbed my toe last week and only cried for 20 minutes.  ❜ ❛  quick, [name], without thinking: if you could have anything right now, what would it be?  ❜ ❛  pull up your pants, [name]. we’re going home!  ❜ ❛  can i be excused for the rest of my life?  ❜ ❛  with imagination, you can be anything you want.  ❜ ❛  no one can change a person, but someone can be a reason for that person to change.  ❜ ❛  if you believe in yourself, with a tiny pinch of magic all your dreams can come true.  ❜ ❛  i’m ugly and i’m proud!  ❜ ❛  if i were to die right now in a fiery explosion due to the carelessness of a friend … then it would just be alright.  ❜ ❛  always follow your heart ― unless your heart is bad with directions.  ❜ ❛  well, it may be stupid, but it’s also dumb.  ❜ ❛  you’re a man now, [name], and it’s time you started acting like one.  ❜ ❛  just do what i do when i have problems. SCREAM!  ❜ ❛  yeah, well, i’d hate you even if i didn’t hate you.  ❜ ❛  the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.  ❜ ❛  knowledge cannot replace friendship.  ❜ ❛  being grown up is boring. besides, i don’t ‘get’ jazz.  ❜ ❛  i guess hibernation is the opposite of beauty sleep.  ❜ ❛  sometimes we have to go deep inside ourselves to solve our problems.  ❜ ❛  dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are.  ❜ ❛  do you have to stand so close? you’re making me claustrophobic.  ❜ ❛  i knew i shouldn’t have gotten out of bed today.  ❜ ❛  too bad that didn’t kill me.  ❜ ❛  oh, why must every eleven minutes of my life be filled with misery? why?  ❜ ❛  wake me up when i care.  ❜ ❛  it’s just a cruel reminder that i’m single and likely to remain that way forever.  ❜ ❛  i might as well sleep for 100 years or so.  ❜ ❛  fortunately, i have enough talent for all of you.  ❜ ❛  please come again. when i’m not working.  ❜ ❛  well, it wouldn’t be the first time you ruined everything.  ❜
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fatuispolaris · 5 months
"shut up before i sit on your dick." {from aether obv <3}
꒰ unprompted asks┆ always accepting ꒱
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❝  what's  this?  you're  threatening  me...  with  a  good  time?  i  see  no  reason  to  shut  up  now.  ❞
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fatuispolaris · 6 months
headcanon time! i posted this on my old blog but it was a little bit outdated so i'll fix that right up. this post delves into how i picture childe's relationship with the fatui, with a particular focus placed on the other harbingers. i'll cover the tsaritsa and how he views subordinates as well. word isn't law with these as they can develop or we can plot different threads if you write one of these muses, but this is sort of a default that i'll approach unless we decide upon otherwise. as always, under the cut for length.
the tsaritsa - after feeling rejected by most of his family and village, childe views her as the one person that doesn't reject him. she welcomed him among the harbingers with open arms and kind words, and it's why he's so fiercely loyal. he truly believes that her heart is good and wishes to help her achieve her goals. he feels a kinship with her, and strives to do well in his role because of that. he's often been called the tsaritsa's dog because of his loyalty.
the jester - childe recognizes him as the leader but honestly doesn't think of him too much. he has enough sense to be respectful and obviously follows orders, but he doesn't feel any loyalty to him. he is a bit wary of him, because part of him believes pierro's ideals may not necessarily align with the tsaritsa's (as most of the harbingers don't). he would like to challenge him to a fight, though.
the captain - childe admires him greatly. he knows a warrior when he sees one, and he'd love to cross blades with him, even if it'll be certain defeat on his own end. he simply wants the honor of learning from a battle with someone like him. as a new recruit when he'd first joined the fatui, capitano was a bit of a hero to him. he views him a bit like a goal to overcome one day, despite his admiration. he wants to best him in his quest to become stronger.
the doctor - of all of his coworkers, dottore is among the ones that childe likes the least. he keeps his distance as much as he can, because the guy gives him the creeps. he doesn't know all of the details, but he's heard stories about all the different sorts of experiments the doctor and his segments (rip) get up to, and he wants no part in that.
the damselette - one of his comrades that he knows the least, he keeps his distance from her too as something just feels incredibly off about her. he's curious, of course, because he'd like to fight her too (he wants to fight all of his comrades), but there's a hidden darkness about her that gives even him pause. he mostly just doesn't understand columbina. a lot of his coworkers he believes he's gotten a pretty good read on, but he can't quite grasp what her deal is. he's not sure he wants to find out.
the knave - like most of the rest of his comrades, she's cold and committed to her own goals. more than the rest of them, she doesn't bother to hide that she has ulterior motives, and wouldn't hesitate to betray any of them. she seems to regard him with indifference.
the rooster - perhaps it is naïve of him, but childe truly believes that aside from the tsaritsa, pulcinella is the only other one among the harbingers that feels an ounce of care for him. he's one of the only ones that regularly makes conversation with childe, and since pulcinella himself spends most of his time in snezhnaya, childe often looks to him for updates on his family. pulcinella has never given him a reason to distrust him. he seems just as loyal to the tsaritsa as childe is, and has been nothing but encouraging from the start. pulcinella was the one that noticed him among the new recruits and helped him climb the ranks so fast, so childe is grateful to him.*
the balladeer - oddly enough, childe always felt a sense of one-sided kinship with him. although scaramouche and he often spared antagonizing words for each other (especially scaramouche, childe usually just responded to his scathing words), he knew that the other was a bit of an oddball among the harbingers, like himself, which is a funny way of putting it considering that all of the harbingers are odd already. he never knew too much, because it wasn't like they were friends, but he was aware that the two of them were seen more like assets/weapons. when he first was promoted to the rank of harbinger, childe tried approaching him and becoming friends because he thought the balladeer was young like himself. naturally, that went horribly...**
the marionette - she seems a bit similar to the doctor in his eyes, the mad scientist type that places their research above all morals and reason. they haven't crossed paths much, but he can tell the disdain is mutual. he figures sandrone, like most of the other harbingers, sees him as some idiotic and incompetent kid.
the fair lady - from the start, signora was always rude to him. she seemed to take joy in undermining him when she could, treating him like he was lesser—more than the others, even. he never knew much about her, as signora seemed to always present herself as some cold-hearted witch. given her place among the harbingers, he knows she has to have some sort of past too. he feels a bit of sympathy, despite everything.
the regrator - his feelings regarding pantalone are mostly neutral. childe tries to maintain a good relationship because he knows pantalone is in charge of the fatui's coffers. he likes to think they're on friendly enough terms since pantalone's entrusted him to oversee the northland bank from time to time, but he knows better than to actually trust a guy like him.
subordinates (skirmishers, mages, named/unnamed npcs/etc.) - childe doesn't exactly try to become buddy-buddy with his underlings (despite silently and unwittingly yearning for friendship/acceptance), but he does respect them. he doesn't actively try to harm them out of a sick sense of joy, nor is he the type to abandon them should a mission go awry. he listens to their opinions and often likes spoiling those that work directly under him. he likes hearing them talk about their families and will often share about his with them. just because he's a good boss to them doesn't mean he's a push over, though. he might not kill them like some of his comrades do, but he doesn't shy away from striking fear in them either, should he need to. because of his respect for them, they respect him, too.
* this is hinted at in scaramouche's voicelines about pulcinella, but childe is absolutely misguided in his view of him. i think pulcinella's closeness to childe's family/childe himself is a means of insurance. by maintaining contact with childe's loved ones pulcinella essentially has childe in the palm of his hands. i hc that pulci does this as a means of ensuring childe will work for him whenever he needs him to. childe's treated a bit like an attack dog, and pulcinella thinks it wise to have someone like that on his side.
** this depends on whether a thread takes place before or after the events of 3.3. if it takes places after, then childe does not remember scaramouche. also, i've inferred that scaramouche and childe might've talked quite a bit because of scara's familiarity with childe's family situation, as well as what he had to say about childe (calling him weak and dumb, lmfao). this coupled with his line to signora about her and childe always complicating things... he seems to, in his own roundabout way, express concern for childe (and signora) so... i won't say they were friends, but i think they definitely talked.
anyway like i said this is all sort of a baseline to how i approach interactions but i'm definitely open to plotting different stuff and absolutely 100% wanna write with other harbingers so! i want childe to have work enemies, work buddies, etc etc. if you write a harbinger/fatui let's ball c:
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fatuispolaris · 6 months
what if i brought childe back to life...
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fatuispolaris · 1 year
i hope you know what you just did.
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❝ how rude of you to assume it was me! you know, i've been working so hard to turn over a new leaf, venti. you've gotta trust me! ❞ childe totally wasn't the one that defaced the statue of barbatos with a fake mustache... nope... definitely was not him.
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fatuispolaris · 1 year
i hope you know what you just did.
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❝ hmm, nope. none at all. mind explaining it to me? ❞ whatever it is, it probably was childe's fault, but he knew better than to say too much. depending on the situation, he'd feign innocence to the very end.
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fatuispolaris · 1 year
❝ but of course it is! do i look like someone that would lie to you? ❞ childe grins as he hands a hotdog water slushie over to chongyun.
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❝ this is a drink beloved by all in my village. i really hope you love it too. ❞
@fatuispolaris: "You gotta trust me, it's elite stuff."
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"Please tell me it's something I can safely drink. If I go haywire, it's on your head otherwise."
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fatuispolaris · 1 year
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❝ would any of you like to try my favorite drink? it's a real delicacy and helps you cool down in the summer! i highly recommend it! ❞
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fatuispolaris · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM HITMAN: WORLD OF ASSASSINATION *  assorted dialogue from the video game, adjust as necessary
majestic, isn't it?
someone knows about us.
we received your message. loud and clear, might i add.
i dare say the possibilities are endless.
the situation... it's complicated.
this could be dangerous, and i thought you deserved to know. so... now you know.
in his own special way, he cares about you... and vice versa.
i didn't catch your name.
that's for you. keep it on you at all times.
i have seen the consequences. i have felt the cost. that's what defines me.
none of you are safe anymore.
someone's been meddling in our affairs.
that's why we're hiring you to take him down.
if it seems like a conspiracy, it probably isn't.
i hope you know what you just did.
does it matter? i was told there'd be no second chances.
anyone can kill.
get out of my sight.
they sent me here to spy on him.
don't believe everything you hear.
very well. it's your show.
look, i'm not an asshole. of course i'm concerned.
so what happens now?
you do catch on fast.
i want us to meet. your room.
all right. consider it done.
i think technology hates me.
you can't be trusted.
i have found that whoever wields the sword decides who holds the pen.
smile, [name]. your reputation is safe.
there are no second chances. not here.
maybe i'm not the only one being tested.
i read your case file. impressive work.
do you realize what kind of world you've been shaping?
i'm [name], i'll take you to your quarters.
someone likes to keep secrets.
they kept you alive because they needed you and now they don't.
that part is my job.
when we need you, we will contact you.
i don't care which of you does it. it's mandatory.
he did not, however, factor me into the equation.
you're not a superhero. they don't exist.
for sure. i'll keep an eye out.
you did well, [name], i'm proud of you.
i followed you from italy.
that... is your target.
powerful men have fallen by your hand. but by the same token, others have risen.
knowing your enemy is only half the victory.
secrets are our stock-in-trade.
shit. still no answer.
i think we could help each other.
i think i'm in. but i want to be clear on a few details.
from what i hear, you have a few of your own.
i'm not like you, in case you're wondering.
if they can bend the rules, then so can i.
that's not a name.
you know the expression "know your enemy?"
tell me. what did it feel like, taking lives?
is that why you came here? why you let us test you?
i should leave you to prepare.
are you sure about this?
i don't believe it. i took every precaution.
all agents have weak spots.
give me a chance, [name].
our team found no records of any kind. no name, nothing.
are you still determined?
may i inquire why?
at first glance, an impossible task. then again, i do know how you love a challenge.
we will be watching.
how is this our problem?
i wish i had been informed.
people die, [name]. it happens all the time, even to us.
there is no sign of forced entry. no alarms. nothing.
in the meantime, keep him under close watch.
perhaps i see possibility where others see limitation.
now you will do the same.
i play dirty. that's how you defeat a stronger opponent. you strike from behind.
well, this is just fabulous, isn't it?
good. i'll be upstairs.
this was no coincidence.
i should tell you, the trail went dead after romania.
you're making us look bad.
this is the universe's way of telling you to quit, to get out of the game while you still can.
can i offer you a drink?
i thought they were a myth.
someone's playing a game, [name]. the question is... against whom?
we can't allow ourselves to be manipulated.
so... what are we actually doing here?
i just pulled some strings.
i thought that was the point?
i will take full responsibility.
vary your strategy. improvise.
i can't believe we beat him at his own game.
his death will not be investigated.
i know you don't care about politics.
i guess when you're invisible, you stop looking over your shoulder.
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fatuispolaris · 1 year
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some may think the greatest love of childe's life is battle, but it's actually fishing.
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fatuispolaris · 1 year
places a little bow on top of his head and waits here for childe to return. he is the ginger's present.
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❝ ... can i still claim this present? ❞
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fatuispolaris · 1 year
does anyone know how active the kingdom hearts rp fandom is on here because...
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fatuispolaris · 1 year
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taps mic.
is this thing on?
he's here to spread chaos on his birthday, of course.
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fatuispolaris · 1 year
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mercyburned asked: " i swear, it's paimon’s fault. " || random (chaotic) dialogue starters
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❝ right, of course it was, ❞ he says, and he doesn't believe it. not for a single moment. he doesn't hold it against her, though, as he's got quite the soft spot for lumine and well, paimon's always been very vocal of her distaste of him. he can't say he blames the little pixie, but still...
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❝ whether it was her fault or not, however, it's your duty to cover for her considering she's your... whatever she is. so, how shall you be making this transgression up to me, hm comrade? ❞
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fatuispolaris · 1 year
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ninebow asked: " do you ever think before you speak? you should try it. " || random (chaotic) dialogue starters
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taking slight offense to cyno's words, childe sits back for a moment and considers them. he feels like he's won in that moment, just a bit, proving cyno wrong. perhaps his filter could use a bit more tuning, but childe was by no means as daft as he seemed. the other was just... far too used to being surrounded by academics and scholars.
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❝ are you implying that i'm stupid? regardless, i think i get on communicating just fine, thank you very much! ❞
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fatuispolaris · 1 year
Farts in ur dms
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childe goes bald from the fumes
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fatuispolaris · 1 year
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haereses asked: " what do you think they were thinking about when they died? " || random (chaotic) dialogue starters
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another deal gone bad. how unfortunate. childe supposed it wasn't pierro's wisest decision to send the likes of himself along with the doctor on a diplomatic mission, but then again... pierro wasn't the type to make mistakes. this conclusion was intentional, everything else a formal pretense. just another example for those bold enough to try and double-cross the fatui.
childe stepped over one of the bodies, grimacing a bit when avoiding it meant his entire boot happened to step in a puddle of blood. he didn't mind the mess, but such a concentration did feel a little gross on the boots. he smeared it on the fallen treasure hoarder's back, considering dottore's words. he personally wasn't one to dwell much on what the weak might be thinking.
❝ knowing these types, it was probably just some generic cowardly sniveling. probably some regrets and apologies made to the archons for operating without morals in hopes of some type of atonement, ❞ he said, dismissive and cold of the newly deceased. he found it hard for himself to feel sympathy for them, especially when considering their transgressions, which he viewed as a direct affront to the tsaritsa herself.
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❝ do you think you can salvage anything from this mess for your experiments? ❞
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