fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
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Another sigh. Imagine just what Sawa could make of herself if she was half as dedicated to her STUDIES & SELF-DISCIPLINE as she was to convincing Makoto to help? Poor girl's pleas really TUGGED at the heart strings. A fact likely not helped by Makoto being STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT. Responsible for policing her fellow classmates' BEHAVIOURS and ATTENDANCE, Makoto happened to know more than she ever cared to about EVERY student under her care. Including Sawa's homelife. "Your phone died, huh?" Seemed PLAUSIBLE ENOUGH... But why the pause? "Regardless, it's not MYSELF you're letting down... You know that..." Possibly the biggest compliment Makoto would ever pay the ditsy girl. (Was that a compliment?)
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"Again, you don't have to--" Eyes snapped wide, in horror and fear, Makoto immediately squirming UNCMFORTABLY when Sawa wrapped her arms around the student president, pulling her close. Too close. WAAAAAAY too cloose. Blush. She could feel Sawa's breasts pressed against her, hips, stomach, bones. Hard gulp. "What are you... Doing...?" More importantly: What was happening to MAKOTO? She'd... Never felt like this before. Surely, it had to be a lack of affection? Yeah. Had to be. Nobody had hugged Makoto since her father passed away... "W-Well, I'm... I'm glad you're serious... But can you please... Let me go?" Cheek nuzzles up against her (ablazed) own. "I don't think this is... APPROPRIATE." (Was that because it felt GOOD?)
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“Oh em gee?” Glance across to Kent for translation. Makoto wasn’t exactly one for slang, especially slang derived from outside of Japan. Or slang that flew directly in the face of her own Jewish faith. “Sawa… If you’re going to be late, could you at LEAST text me and give me a heads up?” Bony fingers snapped up a clipboard from beneath Makoto’s Buchimaru pencil case. “You missed class, too… Hm.” Ruby eyes glanced up, catching sight of Sawa’s golden ambers. Something caught in Makoto’s throat. Sawa looked so… CUTE DESPERATE. Finger pressed itself into her own forehead as she just let out a DEFEATED SIGH. “Well, it seems your telling the truth… Just… Count yourself lucky that I was already planning on staying behind to study more. I guess I can just do it with you.” Sawa and Makoto were like POLAR OPPOSITES. One was ditsy and fun and had evil doe-eyes. (Wait what?) The other was cold, exigent and distant. (Makoto got that from her sister…) “But you better be serious about this…”
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          Brows dipped & golden ambers swirled with DEEP-SEATED CONTRITION ━ Niijima-san’s stern tone & demeanor reminded Sawa of her strict & derisive mother. She’d begged & begged her parents to fund her education & look at her now; A TOTAL FAILURE. At this rate she was gonna let everyone she cared about down! (& Prove them all right that she’d never amount to anything). “I know! I know! I shoulda texted you…But…My phone died!” Did that sound like a lie? (Because it was). Truth be told, the airheaded young woman had simply forgotten to text Makoto amidst all the CHAOS. The rest of her story was totally the truth, though! She really had mixed up trains! “Please…Forgive me Niijima-san! I promise I won’t be late next time!” 
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          “Oh em geee~ Thank you so so sooo much!” Just like that, Sawa’s DESPERATE & SOMBER expression shifted to one of EXCITEMENT & GRATITUDE ━ Smile stretched from one ear to the other & she was carelessly bridging the gap between Makoto & herself. Slinging thin arms around those shoulders & dragging her into an awkward (& Likely suffocating) hug. Personal boundaries were one of those things she FORGOT to respect sometimes. Cuz, hugs were a good thing & who didn’t want a hug!? “I’ve never been more serious about anything…Ever!” She squeezed the nerdy honor student HARDER. Chest to chest. Cheek to cheek. She could feel every curve of Makoto’s body pressed against her own. (Not that she was thinking about that kinda thing! She was tote-a-ly straight!)
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fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
Send “ah, fuck it” to shove my muse up against a wall for a surprise kiss 👀
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fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
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As a woman of the Guard, Swire would be REMISS to NOT be closely analyzing her mark. After all, even the slightest motion or most solitary word could be some kind of CODE. Take that smile for instance. How could something so INNOCENT & PRETTY paint the lips of someone in Helena's line of work WITHOUT being some kind of signal? (Wait, did Swire just call her smile PRETTY?) The trick was so clever in fact, her perp so connivingly cunning that she almost felt GUILTY when the smile faded away, dropping like an anchor in the ocean, the formerly confident girl STUTTERING over her words.
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Thank God the girl immediately PERKED UP upon laying those pretty pastel hues on her money. (Pretty? Again?) "A--, Uhh..." Blink. "A-A test ride?" Look. Swire had dedicated her life to the force. And did NOT do the whole flirty flirty get along well with other people thing unless she was DRUNK (or around Ch'en or Yuhsia -- And even then it was questionable conflict at best). "Right." Ahem. Clear of her throat and a light cough to catch herself. "A test ride. I wanna see what all the FUSS is about, Little Miss 5524." What better way to big her own ego up than by using one of her OWN biggest insecurities against the petite girl?
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Smile as she counted up the cash. "It's all there." A pause in search of that SULTRY TONE from earlier. (Why the Hell was she wound up?) "And more, too, if you live up to your reputation." Brow raised, canine SINKING into her bottom lip. "Only an hour? You really don't come cheap, do you? This better be worth it." What did it matter how much it COST? A. Wasn't this a STING. And B. Wasn't she RICH AS FUCK? Like. She could buy this whole building and pay all these escorts full wages with room and board for a YEAR and STILL have enough let in pocket change to afford a luxury liner around the world? (Maybe Swire just wanted to enjoy this?) "Hmmm... Why don't we start with a little shop. Get you all dressed up. Then we can, uhh... Get food... And... Take a long walk on the beach?" Could you tell Swire hadn't dated since HIGH SCHOOL.
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“Five thousand five hundred and twenty four? Hmph.” Confidence introduced Swire who stepped forward with a SMIRK plastered across her face, pointing canine poking out mischievously. “Not bad at all.”
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“Though I do have my doubts.” This was TECHNICALLY a sting. Or, rather, it WOULD BE, if this whole escort operation just so happened to encroach on PROSTITUTION. Hence, Swire had opted to forgo her police uniform and decided to have a little bit of FUN with her wardrobe.
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“What would ya say to putting your–” Pause as she flitted her eyelids, glancing toward the cash between her fingers. “Well, MY, money where your mouth is?” Now, was Swire ACTUALLY this confident right now? Not at all. Ch’en was gone and even when she’d been around Swire would STILL spiral. Maybe she’d taken this job partially for the COMPANY itself? (No way.)
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           𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄 ━ Helena was simply pleased to hear that the stranger thought the number was suitable. Internally she kicked herself for feeling any semblance of 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄 at that. According to Mahatma’s teachings; One was intended to release themselves from all selfish desires. In order to make the world a better place, nay the universe, an unbiased pacifistic approach was 𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃. She shouldn’t revel in the fact that she was the highest paid customer working here ━ Especially when she 𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐖 just how badly it hurt Alter. (Still felt kind of nice). 
          & Just like that, beautiful woman 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐋𝐄 all of Madame Blavatsky’s confidence away ━ “D-Doubts…? What sort of doubts?” (About her price…or?) “Oh!” Violets 𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 to the money pinched between slender, well-maintained digits, “So you want to take me for a test ride?” That sounded a lot more sexual than Helena had intended. 
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          Brushing over the embarrassing statement & attempting to 𝐊𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 the blush tormenting flesh, she reached for the money & began counting ━ “I have a free hour right now. If you’d like it? We can do whatever you want.” 
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fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
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Thump. Thump. Thump. It wasn't OFTEN, or even AT ALL, that Tsugumi's heart started pounding in her chest like this. Hell, it wasn't often Tsugumi really felt anything at all. Girl lived a barren life of wasted potential, following the orders of her superiors WITHOUT. FEELING. So what, pray-tell, was it about her current order that had her panties SLICKEN with AROUSAL? What about KANON got beneath her skin and started messing with her EMOTIONALLY? What had this girl awoken in Tsugumi? And WHY had it awoken? Harsh breaths PICKED UP as she heard that sickeningly sultry sweet tone tease at her. Blood rimmed eyes glanced up as she lifted her head from the V of Kanon's hips as the lines of her pelvis disappeared into her denim waist. (Wait, why was she looking THERE of all places?)
Head tilted next, brow pinching in thought. Freak? Tsugumi was a freak? She guessed so... She at the very least was unlike anyone else. But she also wasn't ANYTHING in the bedroom. Thankfully, this was the first and only time she'd been ordered to do something like THIS. Their little encounter at the trust gathering had pegged Shiba's curiosity. If anyone knew of the plot against the Ruinbringers, then without a doubt, Kanon was one of them. And the girl CLEARLY had at least a SHALLOW attraction to Tsugumi. So why not use that to the Ruinbringers advantage? "One of... Your Stans?" Tsugumi had heard of Kanon. And as a fellow woman of fashion, she had always RESPECTED Kanon's opinions and dress-sense. But she wouldn't call herself a STAN. (...Would she?)
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"Susukichi is not taking out your--" Eyeballs snapped back Kanon's waist as the girl teasingly unbuttoned them and Tsugumi found herself actually CHOMPING on her tongue, swallowing a breath that had fallen OUT OF SYNC with the others. DEEP BREATH. Trying to stabilize. "Team." Seriously, what was going on with Tsugumi lately... To avoid further questions, Tsugumi tried to take some initiative, reaching up to hug fingers into the girl's waist. "N-No panties?" She'd have never DARED in life. And had never been ORDERED TO in death. Refocusing on the task at hand, she swallowed hard, steeling herself for the sight that SURELY awaited her as she tried to give Kanon's jeans a harsh TUG over her hips and down her thighs.
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@fatxfulxncountxrs​ | SIN
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          “Well, well, well. What 𝐃𝐎 we have here~? ♡” Little weirdo from the Ruinbringers had approached the older woman saying 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆. (What else was new?) ━ Within seconds, Tsumugi was dropping to her knees in front of Kanon. Eye-level with her denim-clad pussy. “I always knew you were a total freak. Didn’t know you were 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐘 in the bedroom too.” The girl wasn’t expecting niceties was she? They were on opposing teams. Rivals in the “Reapers’ Game.” It was them damn Ruinbringers that were keeping them here & inching her Variabeauties 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐑 & 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐑 to erasure. 
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           Hand found home upon one of her hips ━ “Didn’t take you for one of my 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐒.” She’d expect something like this from Fret. (If he ever got up the balls to try). “Is this your way of apologizing for almost erasing me~?” Manicured nails moved to 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 loosen one of the buttons on her jeans. “Or is this some sorta trick? Lower my guard while meat-for-brains takes out my team?” 
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fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
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"Ahh~~..." Rapturous SMIRK spread across BB's knowing features, eyes twinkling with a mix of mischief and lust before a husky chuckle called out from deep within her throat. "That's the reaction I was looking for." BB revelled in few things in life more than UTTER PAIN & DESPAIR, which just so happened to clash with her awfully envisioned attempts to do the right thing that only brought the world to the brink of DESTRUCTION time and time again. And hot damn if Helena didn't have her ATTENTION right now. Curious girl. Curious brain. And she knew of the Mahatmas? Imagine what she could do with the Mahatmas on her side... Plus... While THAT SIDE OF HER (Meltryllis) had been forcibly severed from her personality and core self, SEX & PLEASURE caught her interest just as much as that so called 'Alter Ego' of hers. And the sight of that brilliant beauty in a tiny ass swimsuit DEFINITELY had her going. If ya knew what she meant. Sex. It was a sex joke.
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"Ohh? Now THAT I didn't expect." Smirk as she bounced forward on heels pushing out sizeable tits. "Is that an INVITATION or a CHALLENGE? Or are you catphishing lil ol' me?" She pouted at that, hair falling to her shoulder as she stood back up, playing with the strands. "'Cuz that wouldn't be very nice of you.. I DO have a HEART, y'know..." Little whimpering whine before she grinned again all CHESHIRE & SALACIOUS. "So which is it, Madame von Hahn?" Haphazard CRASH down to bony knees, undoubtedly BRUISING THEM for tomorrow and just like that she was before Helena, gazing up at her like SHE was the Goddess and Moon Cancer right about now. "Does Madame WANT kouhai me to bury her face between your thighs?" BB was playing with BOTH of their emotions right now in all honesty...
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@fatxfulxncountxrs​ | SIN
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           𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 ━ Trip to Hawaii for this year’s annual ServantFes was turning out to be more than Helena Blavatsky had bargained for. Edison & Tesla had talked her into taking a 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐋-𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃 & 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐃 break from her latest experiment to blow off steam. One Mahatma Change later & the tiny Theosopher was donning her swimsuit & 𝐍𝐘𝐀𝐑𝐅. (Her water gun). She’d spent the last few days 𝐀𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 Medb & Jeanne Alter ━ Not because she didn’t want to be around them, but because being around them was always 𝐀𝐖𝐊𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃 & 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 for all parties involved. The two of them had joined opposing teams in one of the club contests & Helena wanted to give them the space & clarity they needed to win ━ (Only they couldn’t 𝐁𝐎𝐓𝐇 win, could they?) 
          In her downtime, BB had decided that 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 Helena was the “in” thing to do this year. (Had all started when she walked in on Medb & her going at it ━ Must of got her curious or something). “Y-You keep saying things like that…B-But you haven’t done anything about it.” Was that 𝐀 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄? Had she lost her mind!? Last thing she needed right now was 𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 girl pining for her affection ━ So why was the inside of her bikini-bottoms slick with arousal?
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fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
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"Ah--, Mmh..."  Blush and Jeanne's gaze lowered abashedly. Not that Jeanne could do much to protect her DIGNITY right about her. In efforts to hide her arousal-blazed flesh, the Dragon Witch only succeeded in appearing EVEN MORE SUBMISSIVE than before. "Y-Yes... Madame Blavatsky... My apologies, Madame Blavatsky..." Head bowed to the ground, voice meek. Was this how it had felt to be Jeanne d'Arc before she became an ICON and a SAINT? -- A RULER? Just a common farm girl practising her religion and loving her family? Heart kind of SANK when Helena took a step back, giggling away to herself, those empty grey eyes snapping up in an unexpected PANIC. "W-Where are you?" GULP. "R-Right..." Mouth formed a thin line before her bottom lip sucked itself in between teeth. "I'm glad I did a good job, then... I guess..." Man this felt WEIRD. Why did Jeanne care? Where was her usual BLUSTER? She really was more like her big sister than she liked to admit, huh? Thud. Thud. Thud. Those eyes snapped again, burned again, pooling like the arousal in slick panties.
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"S-Simulate...?" HARD SWALLOW, thighs pinching together. "You mean, like..." She'd never... Girl had STUBBORNLY tried to flirt before. STUBBORNLY tried to MASTURBATE. If only to spite and further separate herself from that goody-two-shoes dolphin trainer. But nothing got her off. So why now? Why HELENA? Was it cause... Cause she was a GIRL? Even disconnected from her religious upbringing, Jeanne couldn't help but feel that dark KICK of CATHOLIC GUILT. She couldn't... Could she? What kind of a precidence would that set for Lily? Lily wasn't supposed to grow up as HATEFUL as Alter herself... As SINFUL. "W-Would it be?" What the Hell?! "But I--... What WOULD I be doing next?" She reached down and pulled aside panties. "I've never... Had anyone... Inside..." Heart hammered, clit throbbing. God, was she seriously SCARED right now?
@xknowxeverythingx​​ asked: “You can beg better than that, I think.” (Helena @ whoever)
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Lust-filled eyes gazed up at Helena, Jeanne on bruised knees, hands tied behind her back, arousal POOLING between her legs. These training sessions had gone WAAAAAY too far. And if Jeanne didn’t know any better, she’d think that Helena was ENJOYING THIS. (Maybe she was, too.) “P-Please…” She begged, rubbing together needing thighs, trying to find FRICTION. “Please, Mistress, fuck me. Fuck your…” Breath caught, hard gasp. Even harder swallow. Was she really about to say this? To HELENA? Did Helena really expect her to say this to ANYONE ELSE? Had HELENA did this for ANYONE ELSE? She didn’t exactly seem like the TYPE. She was way too good at this dominatrix thing. “Your dirty little whore…” God, she felt so PATHETIC. (Now why did that feel good?)
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          “Hee Hee~ Mine.” Jeanne Alter; She who once tried to single-handedly BURN DOWN FRANCE. (Okay, so maybe she had the help of that creep Gilles; Helena chose to ignore that part for the sake of everyone involved) ━ Point was, one of the most powerful women to ever exist was currently down on bruised knees, grinding thighs together, staring up with desperate eyes, BEGGING TO BE FUCKED ━ Talk about a power-trip. Teeth gnawed at her bottom lip. She could feel her own arousal pooling between thighs & DRENCHING black panties. This wasn’t part of the deal. Theosopher had agreed to teach her colleague how to be a more proficient “host” ━ Who better than the TOP-SELLER? So, why was her skin burning bright red & her heart jackhammering painfully against her chest? (& Pulsing across her swollen, aching clit) ━ “That’s Madame Blavatsky to you, whore.” Tone was STERN & DOMINEERING. “Hee Hee~” Another giggle & Helena was attempting to put some distance between the two of them & get back on track. This was a tutoring session not…(Gulp).
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          “Very good job. Th-That’s what you should say to the client. J-Just like that. That was most convincing.” TOO CONVINCING. “You can imagine what happens next.” Stomach lurched & tangled at the thought of some guy pounding into━Mahatma save her from her SINS. Envy & lust were two of of those Earthly vices & pleasures she was meant to cast away. “I…Do have some toys that could easily simulate that…B-But I think that would be going too far.” RIGHT?
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fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
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"Oh em gee?" Glance across to Kent for translation. Makoto wasn't exactly one for slang, especially slang derived from outside of Japan. Or slang that flew directly in the face of her own Jewish faith. "Sawa... If you're going to be late, could you at LEAST text me and give me a heads up?" Bony fingers snapped up a clipboard from beneath Makoto's Buchimaru pencil case. "You missed class, too... Hm." Ruby eyes glanced up, catching sight of Sawa's golden ambers. Something caught in Makoto's throat. Sawa looked so... CUTE DESPERATE. Finger pressed itself into her own forehead as she just let out a DEFEATED SIGH. "Well, it seems your telling the truth... Just... Count yourself lucky that I was already planning on staying behind to study more. I guess I can just do it with you." Sawa and Makoto were like POLAR OPPOSITES. One was ditsy and fun and had evil doe-eyes. (Wait what?) The other was cold, exigent and distant. (Makoto got that from her sister...) "But you better be serious about this..."
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                                      “Oh em gee, oh em gee, oh em geeee~!!” 
          Hand clasped her HEAVING CHEST ━ Dainty digits clutching at thin black fabric. Sawa could feel her heartbeat thundering beneath fingertips. Not only had she missed class entirely. She was LATE for the study session they were having afterwards. At this rate she was gonna flunk outta college for sure. (Would anyone be surprised?) ━ “I’m so, so, so, soooo sorry! I totally effed up and got on the wrong train! I know this whole ‘study thingy’ is only s’posed to go for ten more minutes, but I seriously need help cramming for tomorrow’s test. Please help me out?” PUPPY-DOG EYES.
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fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
@xknowxeverythingx​​ asked: “You can be rough with me, I won’t break.” (Helena @ whoever)
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Raspy breaths hot and heavy rang through the hair. Elizabeth wasn't exactly USED TO THIS. Instincts long suppressed for fear of becoming everything she hated herself being. How hard they gotten here? She could hardly remember, not with the taste of alcohol on Helena's tongue INTERMINGLING with her own. Hand had long crept up the other girl's thigh. (The OLDER girl's thigh...) And dipped daringly beneath the fabric that hugged her hot, wet cunt lips. Speaking of INSTINCTS. Elizabeth had never been a stranger to SEX. Pregnant at age eleven. Married at age fourteen. With a carnal history of sex that inspired books of vampirism for years beyond her time... Elizabeth had MISSED THIS. Yet still she hadn't taken that last step, hestiating in the purgatory of soft kisses, gentle tongues and rythmic strokes. As if Helena was made of PORCELAIN and even applying the slightest bit of force would not only break HER but also break EVERYTHING Elizabeth had spend the last eternity building herself up to be: BETTER. Another gasp. Another curse. And then... 'You can be rough with me, I won’t break.' MUSIC. Elizabeth's heart skipped a bit as her fingers flexed without commands, tips dipping them into Helena's precious slit, thumb grazing against her pretty clit. "Oh, fuck..." She breathed, head lulling almost drunkenly. Was it ALCOHOL or BLOODLUST? (Could she sate it?) Long lick across the Helena's PULSING jugular. God was it racing... Gulp... Canines bared them before... "I'm scared... I... I'm scared..."
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fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
@xknowxeverythingx​​ asked: “I don’t think I can stand up without things spinning.”  Helena @ Alter
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"Then next time don't drink so much, dumbass." Despite her PLAYFUL JESTING (yes, calling Helena a DUMBASS was PLAYFUL in Jeanne's mind), Alter still offered an arm, wrapping it around Helena's waist and pulling her closer, steadier. "Why ARE you drinking, anyway? I expect this from Princess Sparkles, but you?" Helena was a FAITHFUL THEOSOPHIST, and otherwise preferred the company of NERDS and MACHINES. Not that she didn't have a WILD SIDE. But people like HER and MEDB, and adventures like STREET RACING, probably weren't GOOD INFLUENCES on the philosophist. "What did those assholes say this time?" Did Helena really NEED to be going through a crisis to act out like this? Not really, but Jeanne wasn't willing to take that chance.
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fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃  &  𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐅𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄    (a  series  of  nonverbal  prompts .   mature  themes  present ,   ‘ my ’  muse  belongs  to  the  one who  posted  the  meme  -  send   “ + REVERSE ”   to  reverse  the  prompts .)
→     𝐈 .    GENERAL
❛   hush .   raise  a  finger  in  a  gesture  to  silence  my  muse . ❛   sit .   gesture  for  my  muse  to  sit  down . ❛   door .   hold  a  door  open  for  my  muse . ❛   tap .   tap  my  muse  on  the  shoulder  to  garner  their  attention . ❛   hunger .   give  my  muse  something  to  eat  /  drink . ❛   cook .   present  my  muse  with  home - cooked  food . ❛   brush .   work  a  brush  /  comb  through  my  muse’s  hair . ❛   read .   silently  read  a  book  alongside  my  muse . ❛   hand .   hold  out  a  hand  for  my  muse  to  take . ❛   dressed .   help  my  muse  put  on  an  article  of  clothing . ❛   note .   give  my  muse  a  note  saying :   [ content ] . ❛   amplify .   turn  up  the  music  in  the  car .
→     𝐈𝐈 .    ANGST
❛   patch .   help  my  muse  patch  up  a  wound . ❛   night terrors .   hold  my  muse  after  they  wake  up  from  a  nightmare . ❛   company .   silently  sit  with  my  muse  to  comfort  them. ❛   hospital .   my  muse  is  told  that  yours  is  in  the  hospital . ❛   revelation .   show  my  muse  evidence  of  a  lie  they  told . ❛   indulge .   find  my  muse  drinking  to  cope . ❛   downfall .   find  my  muse  collapsed  on  the  ground . ❛   console .   comfort  my  muse  as  they  cry . ❛   nurse .   give  my  muse  company  in  the  hospital .
❛   wink .   wink  at  my  muse .  ❛   wrap .   wrap  an  arm  around  my  muse’s  [ shoulders  /  waist ] . ❛   caress .   gently  caress  my  muse’s  face . ❛   tousle .   mess  playfully  with  my  muse’s  hair . ❛   chest .   place  your  head  on  my  muse’s  chest .    ❛   comb .   comb  fingers  through  my  muse’s  hair . ❛   grasp .   run  to  my  muse  &  jump  into  their  arms . ❛   lean .   lean  on  my  muse’s  shoulder . ❛   tender .   kiss  my  muse  on  the  [ forehead  /  cheek  /  nose ] . ❛   abrupt .   kiss  my  muse  out  of  the  blue . ❛   chaste .   chastely  kiss  my  muse . ❛   good morning .   kiss  my  muse  the  morning  after . ❛   volumes .   gaze  at  my  muse  in  a  way  that  silently  says  ‘i love you’ .
→     𝐈𝐈𝐈 .    VIOLENT
❛   strike .   [ slap / punch ]  my muse in the face . ❛   gun .   wield  a  gun  at  my  muse . ❛   twist .   twist  my  muse’s  arm  behind  their  back . ❛   throttle .   aggressively  wrap  your  hands  around  my  muse’s  throat . ❛   parch .   burn  my  muse  with  a  hot  object . ❛   take down .   forcefully  bring  my  muse  to  the  ground . ❛   gouge .   wield  a  sharp  object  at  my  muse . ❛  shunt .   shove  my  muse  backwards . ❛  stickup .   yell  at  my  muse  to  put  their  hands  in  the  air. ❛  shoot .   [ fatally  /  non-fatally ]   shoot  my  muse . ❛  stab .   stab  my  muse with a  [ knife / other object ].
→     𝐈𝐕 .    NSFW
❛   surprise .   send  an  unexpected  nsfw  image  to  my  muse . ❛   pin .   push  my  muse  against  a  [ wall,  table,  other ] . ❛   go down .   go  down  on  my  muse . ❛   choke .   intimately  wrap  your  hands  around  my  muse’s  throat . ❛   belt loops .   pull  my  muse  closer  by  their  belt loops . ❛   skinny dipping .   go  skinny  dipping  with  my  muse . ❛   rip .   tear  a  piece  of  clothing  from  my  muse’s  body . ❛   mark .   leave  a  mark  on  my  muse’s  body  [ specify where ] .
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fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
@xknowxeverythingx​​ asked: 🛏️  - …be found lying in bed, completely naked and smiling seductively (Kanon @ Whoever)
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"What the--...?" Gaze snapped up from her, locking on to her bed, or rather... Just WHO was sprawled out across it. They widened and she BLUSHED. Shoka had been dead for FAR too long. And had a JOB to do for way, way, longer... She'd... FORGOTTEN sights like this... (Had Kanon?) "W-What--..." She  choked on her first words, blush creeping before finally collecting herself, trying to paper that STEELY DISTANT FACADE back in place. "What do you think you're doing? You won't garner any favor like this, y'know?" Pause. "Or sympathy." Still, despite her words, gaze told a different story, burning eyes glancing STUBBORNLY at the carpet in effort to avoid the LEWDLY AROUSING VISAGE BEFORE HER. "So why ARE you here? Or better yet... How did you even know this place was mine?" Another pause and Shoka found herself TENSING UP. "It WAS me you wanted to find you, right?" (Why did THAT matter?)
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fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
@xknowxeverythingx​​ asked: nightmare :   my  muse  coming  to  your  muses  aid  when  they  awake  from  a  nightmare. (Helena @ Whoever)
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Ironborn instincts JOLTED back to life in an instant as Helena tremored and turned. The God of War never rested. Nor did she ever let her guard down. Many talents for killing are, after all, simply born from a will to PROTECT. (A NEED.) And, right now, Helena needed PROTECTING. In an instance, Kagetora was by the young girl's side. (Young compared to HER at least, historically speaking.) "Helena?" By the time hands reached out to the pallid purple-haired theosophist, she'd already woken herself. Kagetora's hands paused. "Are you okay? What happened?" Kagetora never dreamed. Even in life. She lived for WAR, after all. "DId it scare you?" (Clearly.) "Is there anything I can do to help?" Oh, yeah, she was also incapable of relating to regular human beings, even one's who had been in contact with the MAHATMA. She really was the worst kind of person to help with this. "Sake?" She had to be careful not to ENJOY IT either...
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fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
@xknowxeverythingx​​ asked: “You can beg better than that, I think.” (Helena @ whoever)
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Lust-filled eyes gazed up at Helena, Jeanne on bruised knees, hands tied behind her back, arousal POOLING between her legs. These training sessions had gone WAAAAAY too far. And if Jeanne didn't know any better, she'd think that Helena was ENJOYING THIS. (Maybe she was, too.) "P-Please..." She begged, rubbing together needing thighs, trying to find FRICTION. "Please, Mistress, fuck me. Fuck your..." Breath caught, hard gasp. Even harder swallow. Was she really about to say this? To HELENA? Did Helena really expect her to say this to ANYONE ELSE? Had HELENA did this for ANYONE ELSE? She didn’t exactly seem like the TYPE. She was way too good at this dominatrix thing. "Your dirty little whore..." God, she felt so PATHETIC. (Now why did that feel good?)
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fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
@xknowxeverythingx​​ asked: [tug] - to pull my muse’s head back by the hair (Helena @ Medb)
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Oh, God. Oh, God. OH, GODDDDD~~... Fingers clenched up balls of Medb's beautiful locks, wrenching her back, baring her neck, burning at her scalp as she sung out her pleasure. What a scandal this would be. What an utter humiliation of the highest order. This PRISONER of hers, not only getting out of her CELL, but somehow finding herself in Medb's OFFICE, and---... God. What were they about to do. Arousal pooled in Medb's panties, clit THROBBING. "N-No!! They can't see this..." Would Helena even WANT to be screened live on television? Could Medb ALLOW the world to see her be dominated like this? Could she stop whining out in pleasure? (No.) "I-I'm your--... Nghh... Warden... This has to... Fuck..." She dug her own nails into Helena's hips and attempted to push back. For her own PRIDE if NOTHING ELSE.
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fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
@xknowxeverythingx​​ asked: [drag] - to drag my muse into yours’ lap (Kanon @ Whoever)
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...Tsugumi wasn't ENTIRELY sure why she was here at all. Orders. That really was just about it. Red seamed eyes took a moment to glance around the room, taking it in. Rugged furniture, cracked concrete, rundown walls. Seemed about right. The Variabeauties, Wicked Twisters and Purehearts had called some kind of a one day "TRUCE". This gathering had been the outcome. Even some of the Reapers had come out of their nests, and the boss was starting to get ANXIOUS. Now they were here. Tsugumi didn't want to be.  "Hm." Hand gave her kitty plushie's own a squeeze before she finally took a few more steps forward and-- "Mmmh??" Body moved of its own volition. No. Not of its OWN volition. It had been GUIDED. Had there not been a truce, those hands on her waist would soon find themselves scattered across the SEWER SYSTEM. But... Orders were orders. This was strictly recon. No. Violence. And so she let herself be pulled into a... GIRL'S? Lap?
"I'm sorry. I can't..." Not just another girl's lap, though... She blinked. "Kanon... Tachibana?" Another short pause. "Of the Variabeauties..." Hm. "What are you doing? It's against the rules to harm another Player here..." GRANTED, all logical dictated that that rule only officially counted the three invitees. NO ONE had invited the Ruinbringers. Still she took her seat. "I'm... Not entirely sure what's going on..." Tsugumi was HARDLY the most outspoken or emotionally reactive girl. Nor did she allow herself ALL THAT MUCH autonomy in life. The Ruinbringers made things easy in that way. Suffice to say... "Hmm?" She ALSO wasn't used to having another girl PAWING at her hips and grinding up against her ass, not feeling any kind of disturbance to her itty bitty skirt as it rode up her thighs. Hands simply SQUEEZED Gatto Cat once more. A stress reliever as it may. "Why are you doing this?" (And why did it feel good?)
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fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
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fatxfulxncountxrs · 3 years
  some  one  word  prompts .    (    send   one   of   the   words   for   our   muses   to   interact   based   off   that   word   )
goodbye :  my  muse  kissing  and/or  hugging  your  muse  goodbye.
secrets :   my  muse  sharing/confiding  their  deepest,  darkest  secret  with  your  muse.
nightmare :   my  muse  coming  to  your  muses  aid  when  they  awake  from  a  nightmare.
push :   my  muse  pushing  your  muse  out  of  the  way  of  danger.
embrace :   my  muse  abruptly  throwing  their  arms  around  your  muse,  hugging  them  tightly.
bloody :   my  muse  coming  to  your  muse  with  blood  stains  on  their  clothes  and  hands,  shaking.
drunk :   my  muse  takes  care  of  your  muse  while  they  are  in  a  drunken  state.
bed :   my  muse  wakes  up  in  the  same  bed  as  your  muse  with  little  recollection  of  the  night  before.
slap :   my  muse  slaps  your  muse  across  the  face  out  of  anger.
gone :   my  muse  stays  by  your  muses  side  while  they  take  their  last  breath.
scream :   my  muse  hears  your  muse  scream  and  quickly  runs  to  their  side.
sleep :   my  muse  falls  asleep  on  your  muse,  making  it  hard  for  my  muse  to  leave.
stalk :   my  muse  gets  caught  by  your  muse  trailing  behind  them,  watching  them.
sacrifice :   my  muse  jumps  in  front  of  your  muse,  sacrificing  their  life  for  your  muses  life.
trail :   my  muse  watches  as  your  muse  traces  one  of  my  muses  scares,  asking  them  about  it.
love :   my  muse  confronts  your  muse  about  why  they  never  say  ’ i  love  you ’  back.
piggyback :   my  muse  jumps  on  your  muses  back,  my  muse  gives  yours  a  piggyback  ride.
jump :   my  muse  runs  to  your  muse  and  jumps  up,  my  muse  holding  yours  up  by  their  thighs.
dance :   my  muse  holds  their  hand  out,  waiting  for  your  muse  to  come  out  and  slow  dance  with  them.
carry :   my  muse  carries  your  muse  to  their  house,  either  drunk,  or  a  weakened  state,  can  specify. 
lighter :   my  muse  pulls  out  a  lighter  and  lights  it  for  your  muse  to  use  to  light  their  cigarette.
shot :   my  muse  gets  shot  and  struggles  to  your  muses  house  for  aid.
wound :   my  muse  patches  and  bandages  a  wound  your  muse  has  gotten.
fight :   my  muse  stops  your  muse  from  getting  into  a  physical  fight  with  someone  else.
arrest :   your  muse  finds  my  muse  arrested  in  cuffs  with  swarming  police  everywhere.
hospital :   my  muse  awakens  in  a  hospital,  finding  your  muse  by  their  side,  asking  what  happened.
gun :  my  muse  pulls  out  a  gun  on  your  muse,  your  muse  tries  to  talk  them  into  putting  the  gun  down. 
betrayal :  my  muse  finds  out  that  your  muse  has  betrayed  them  in  same  way  and  confronts  them  about  it.
nude :  my  muse  walks  in  on  your  muse  accidentally  seeing  them  naked.
karaoke :  my  muse  pulls  your  muse  up  on  stage  with  them  to  sing  some  karaoke  songs. 
laughter :   my  muse  hears  your  muse  laughing  uncontrollably  and  approaches  to  see  if  they  are  okay.
murder :   my  muse  walks  in  on  your  muse  committing  a  gruesome  murder.
wet :   my  muse  strips  down  to  their  under  garments  and  runs  into  the  water,  motioning  for  your  muse  to  join  them.
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