faulkingfaulk · 10 years
Home was getting boring. When he wasn't at the school, that's where he was. It was summer; the time of year where one could go wherever they wanted. Hanging around in the hallowed halls of Salem Witches was getting a little eerie. Today, Kieren wasn't going to stay at either. Since vacationing spots were a little scarce around Salem, especially if you lived there, he thought, "why not check out some places around town that I've never been to?" The fact that Kinsley wanted to go meant that he was more than likely in for a surprise. She never let him remain bored, so surely she would keep him busy. He hadn't eaten for a few hours, and that was growing apparent. His stomach made its protest to his withholding of food as he walked with his sister. He noticed her admiring some booths that were outside the stores, but he didn't notice that she stopped for longer than a second to look at them closer. He continued to walk, and was about half a block away before he heard Kinsley calling for him. He stopped dead in his tracks, mid-stride, wondering why she sounded so far away. She was supposed to be with him.
"Kins?" Kieren turned around to look for Kinsley, since she obviously wasn't near him like he had assumed. He spotted her as she hurried to his side, and he spun back around to right the direction once more. "Until it gets boring, I guess," he answered with a small shrug of his shoulders. Looking over at her, he raised an eyebrow and slowly began to smile. "What, did ya find a small animal that requires constant petting and put it in your pocket?" He joked. Honestly, he didn't care what she had in her pocket. Girl pockets were so small that nothing important could be in there. Could it? Nah. "I believe we agreed on Mexican. You know, tacos and stuff." Kieren scanned the street that they were on, hoping to spot the restaurant.  As luck would have it, it was on the next block, and his stomach rumbled its relief. He probably should've eaten more than three bowls of cereal for breakfast. "Right over there," he pointed out a building across the street.
Kinsley && Kieren || Sibling Bonding
Kinsley was going along with her brother to the muggle community that was near their school. She enjoyed going there with him, because usually she came home with all kinds of things. It was a rare occasion when she went anywhere with her family that she didn’t come back with something new and shiny. Kinsley had the art of the exaggerated pout down to a science, and she used it to her advantage whenever she could. It was easy with her dads, especially because they didn’t want to disappoint any of their children. Of course there were times that she got into trouble over things that she’d done, but most of the time she tried to stay away from things like that.
This trip to the village was no different than any of the others, the two of them were going to get something to eat, and then they’d browse around, and Kinsley would no doubt see something that she wanted. She hoped that she’d get something new this time. As they headed toward the eatery, she glanced around, running her hand along some of the booths that were lining the paved street. Her eyes fixed on something shiny sitting on one of the shelves and she had to stop to get a closer look. She turned to show it to her brother, but he wasn’t behind her, it would seem as though he didn’t realize that she’d stopped.
She shouted his name, but it didn’t take long before Kinsley got worried that he might forget she was with him, and rather than putting the shiny object back on the shelf, she slipped it into her pocket, skipping off quickly to catch up with Kieren. Even when she caught up with him, her hand was still in her pocket, dragging slowly over the silver and amethyst that was the bracelet she’d picked up. She’d never taken anything without paying before, and she felt a little bad about it, but she secretly felt a rush, that made her want to do it again. Slowly a smile crossed over her features.
"Ki, how long are we going to be here?"
She tried to make idle conversation with her brother as they continued toward the restaurant, hoping that he wouldn’t notice that she’d suddenly gotten overly chatty, apparently that was something that came along with shoplifting. She let out a nervous laugh and stuck her hand back into her pocket, once again running her fingers over the smooth silver in her pocket.
"What are we eating again, I forgot?"
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faulkingfaulk · 10 years
"With all due respect, sir, we've only got a few more weeks of summer and I think that all... well, some of us would like to get as far away from the school as we possibly can, while we can.
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But I practically live here, so where am I gonna go?"
"It is awful quiet around here."
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faulkingfaulk · 10 years
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"Tacos do sound good. When was the last time we had those?" His eyes scanned the street before them, looking over a few houses. "We're a block away from a main street, with restaurants on it and stuff. Let's start there."
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Kinsley’s brows furrowed together for a moment before she perked up. “Tacos… Tacos sound good, or maybe pizza.  I don’t know Ki, I am not good with choices, but whatever you decide is fine with me.”
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faulkingfaulk · 10 years
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faulkingfaulk · 10 years
"I just don't see what being mean gets you, you know?
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'Sorry'? It's a cool thing to do. Who doesn't like sugar, right?"
I u-usually give th-them to people if I th-think that they are m-mean. B-But you are nice…and I j-just thought it w-would be n-nice…I’m sorry.
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faulkingfaulk · 10 years
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Oh, that's no fun. If you're gonna be awake for so long, you need some excitement. At least... I think so.
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Wired? With the amount of coffee I have been taking since I was sixteen, I am practically used to the amount of caffeine I drink now. It stops me from falling asleep at work or when I’m doing school work.
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faulkingfaulk · 10 years
"A lol--?" He looked over at Simon and raised an eyebrow. "Lollipop? Sure. Do you go around offering those to everybody?"
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[Simon quickly caught up and fell into step along Kieren, extremely happy to do something away from school] Oh…I d-didn’t offer y-you a l-lollipop. W-Would you like one?
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faulkingfaulk · 10 years
Kieren watched curiously, nodding slightly, before blinking in surprise. "Oh. No... no problem." A smile tugged at the corners of his lips and he began to walk up the street, gesturing for the other to follow. "C'mon."
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[He nods his head and scribbles in his notebook quickly before putting it in his bag] V-Very rude. I’m excited t-to go on this adventure, K-Kieren. Thank you.
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faulkingfaulk · 10 years
"Then we'll walk everywhere and see all of the things. Of course I'm sure. I'm pretty sure that inviting someone somewhere and then turning around and saying, 'no, you can't go' is what could be considered as rude. Definitely wasn't my intention."
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Um…I l-like walking around and s-seeing things. I n-never do much shopping r-really. And…are y-you sure you want t-to go? No one ever invites m-me places.
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faulkingfaulk · 10 years
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He returned the gesture, in no hurry to retract his hand. "Great. I'd like that. Are you interested in the stores, or the stroll? What would you like to do?"
[He shakes his hand, fascinated by the gesture] Yes, I w-want to go.
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faulkingfaulk · 10 years
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Now those are terms that I understand. Cool. Don't you get wired?
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A venti is a twenty ounce cup. It’s…It’s just about the same size as the large drinks we have in school.
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faulkingfaulk · 10 years
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...Venti?... Is that, like... a lot?
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Three venti cup of coffees, black, a day. And that is a good day. 
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faulkingfaulk · 10 years
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I get that. How much caffeine do you go through? If I were in your place, I imagine that I'd need a lot.
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With the deprive of sleep I have, I’m not okay with it now, but I thought about just the money when I accepted the fill ins.
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faulkingfaulk · 10 years
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"Of course." He smiled at the other and reached out, grasping his hand. "So, you wanna go with me, then? Get out of the Alley?"
[He slowly extends his hand] D-Do you still w-want to shake it?
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faulkingfaulk · 10 years
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"I'd like it if you did, but you don't need to." He smiled reassuringly and tilted his head. "Anyway, I'm Kieren."
[He looked at Kieren’s hand nervously before looking back at him] No one e-ever wants m-me to sh-shake their hand.
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faulkingfaulk · 10 years
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"Nice to meet you, Simon." Kieren held out his hand and looked at the other for a moment. With a small smile, he pulled his hand back slightly; uncertainly. "Or do you not touch? Either way, it's cool."
S-Simon. [He chew on his fingernail]
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faulkingfaulk · 10 years
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Hello, hello. And who might you be?
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Um…m-me? I…like m-muggle towns.
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