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Things had never been easy or simple for the two of them. Every time things were perfect and normal, Lenora would be ripped away from him. Whether she had been arrested or disappeared for a reason she could still not understand, the universe seemed to always be finding new ways to keep them apart. No matter what the world through at them, Lenny would always fight to be back by Stevie’s side and she could only hope that the future would finally quit working against them. 
As he spoke, she looked up at him in disbelief uncertain if she had really heard him speak or if her mind was playing tricks on her. Either way a large smile spread across her face, knowing just how special she had to be for him to utter those words. “I love you too - more than anything in the world.” 
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In all the years they’d known one another, Stevie had never uttered a word. It was easier for him to keep everything under control when there was no risk --- no repeat accidents. And now was a better time than ever to try and speak up, regardless of how hoarse his voice was now. Half the time he wasn’t sure if it would work again or fade into nothing after years of nothing, complete lack of use and unfortunate powers stealing that away from him. “ Is this... too weird? “
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As upset as he was to lose his baby sister and best friend yet again, he was incredibly grateful that he still had Bambi. All of those years ago she had stumbled into his life and turned it completely upside down leaving him desperately in love with her. If he had lost her too, though, he didn’t know if he could handle it. He needed her more than he could ever explain to her and he was sure that she knew that. Bambi was absolutely everything to him. 
Seeing her in pain absolutely destroyed him. All he wanted to do was help her, but he knew that there was little he could do and there was even less that she would let him do. He knew that she didn’t want him worrying, but worry was all that Auggie could do. She was in pain and all he wanted was what was best for her. “Oh, babe - you’ve got to be more careful. I can go get Hope for you, I’m sure she won’t mind stitching you back off,” he said, placing her back on the bed as gently as he could - careful not to put too much pressure on her side. 
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Within seconds half the universe was gone and Bambi had only been thankful that he hadn’t been taken with friends, family and everyone else. Thanos had succeeded despite best efforts and the loss had been tremendous --- sometimes it still didn’t feel real even weeks after the battle of Wakanda knowing she could have easily died or been snapped with a handful of team mates and he would’ve been all alone. That wasn’t a thought easy to bare. 
“ I’m fucking sick of this, I want to go outside and see the stupid world. “ She whines, not wanting to take into consideration that there wasn’t much world left to see. Things were already falling apart and maybe being bed ridden would’ve been easier if it wasn’t all driving her insane. “ Please don’t bother her, Auggie she’s got enough going on. I - I can’t imagine if I was in her shoes, I don’t know what I’d do without you. “ That always scared her the most, how close it was to being them --- flip of a coin deciding their fate and now, all she wants is to drag him in bed beside him and sleep for as long as the pain killers would function. 
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In short, their relationship was complicated. They had fallen in love while Tessa still worked for S.H.I.E.L.D, but that had all fallen apart when the truth about what she really was came out - leaving Steve without a notice or explanation as to where she was going. Tessa knew that he could easily handle and protect himself, but the last thing she wanted was for him to get hurt because of her. The last time she had checked, Sentinel Services stopped at nothing to capture and experiment on mutants - especially ones with her abilities. 
From what she could figure out, she had been gone for five years, but she felt as if she had never left. As soon as she reappeared, all she could think of was Steve and he hadn’t made it particularly difficult to find him, but she was a bit gifted in hunting people down. It was also pretty helpful that she had no qualms in breaking in to her ex’s house - even if he was the most famous superhero in the world. “Welcome home, Cap,” she said as finally caught sight of him - sitting on his couch as if she had been there when he left. 
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Steve Rogers love life had never been anything short of complicated, it started out forever ago with Peggy and for a handful of reasons that had little chance to work out. Tessa was the complete opposite of her in the best way, vibrantly beautiful and full of life albeit a little more chaotic than he knew how to handle but she was special --- someone he quickly got attached too before she vanished. 
It’d been a lonely five years after losing not only her but Bucky, Sam and Wanda in the process. Steve’s little found family had fallen apart so quick only keeping in touch with Natasha when the rest of the team was gone. For five exhaustingly long years, Steve had been so alone until now. Unlocking the door to his oversized apartment, he tensed up sensing someone was there before even laying eyes upon her and suddenly --- relief hits him like a truck. “ Tess.. How did you - When did you get here? “
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To say that he hated babysitting duty would be an understatement. To begin with, Gale had never been much of a team player so missions weren’t exactly his cup of tea. The only reason he had found his way into the underground was his brother - Nate was the only person he had ever truly cared about other than himself. Getting stuck hanging waiting around on a rooftop with someone who he could only describe as the most annoying person he had ever met wasn’t how he intended on spending his evening. 
Gale barely glanced over at her as she spoke, hoping that if he stayed silent long enough maybe she would give up. She seemed desperate for attention and he wasn’t particularly in the mood to give her what she wanted. What he wanted was to be as far away from this rooftop as possible, but that clearly wasn’t happening anytime soon. “Highly doubt that,” he grumbled - he had absolutely no intention on knowing her better. “No amount of persistence is going to make me like you any better.”
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They were practically the same age --- the last thing she needed was a babysitter but due to some questionable connections, at least Emilia understood where John specifically was coming from when insisting that she didn’t need to stick around. Fair enough but if she was leaving, it’d be at the fault of Florence’s relationship and the blonde wasn’t quite heartless enough to tell her little sister to get over it. Not unless he proved otherwise. 
“ Well ignoring me isn’t going to make this go any faster, or do you just enjoy brooding in silence? Suit your aesthetic and all? Suffer in silence all that bullshit. “ She muses brows quirked in question. Now, Emilia wasn’t going to lie to herself --- he was attractive and if given the chance she wouldn’t kick him out of bed but that’s not why either of them were here. “ So judgy “ 
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Before she came along, all John’s future held was taking care of the underground and the people in it. He had little to no personal life, throwing himself completely into his work and rarely doing anything that wasn’t related to it. Then Clarice found her way to them and he had fallen head over heels for the purple-haired woman who clearly had no intention on staying with them for long. He had somehow managed to get her to stay and everything had been perfect between them until he was torn away from her for five years that only felt like a manner of seconds to him. John had been lucky to find his way back to her - to still be hers even after all that time had passed. 
The underground was coming back together and he was slowly getting better at having his life outside of it. Sleep wasn’t something that John found often, so he was wide awake when she spoke up. He looked over at her a bit surprised by her words, but not scared or shaken by them. The idea of marrying her had crossed his mind many times. He knew that she was the only person for him and had been planning to ask her eventually. A smile spread across his face as he rolled over to look at her, reaching out to pull her closer to him. “You know, I think that’s a pretty good idea and I’ve been meaning to ask you to be my wife.” 
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Clarice had never expected to fall in love with him, the two of them were total opposites and when she’d walked right into his life --- she was only trying to salvage her own. After years of running, torment and simply trying to survive John had not only saved her but become someone that she grew to trust completely and give all of herself too. There had been no hesitation about it, even after he left just as swiftly. To him, it was a few minutes at most but for Clarice it felt like an eternity suffering without him and being forced to move on and protect the underground. 
With a lot of work, somehow the underground was still somewhat standing and Clarice did her best to relax now that she was no longer helping keep the place running. After losing her whole world, she feared any second now she’d glance back over and John wouldn’t be beside her anymore --- vanish into nothing like before and ruin her all over again. “ Well.. What were you waiting for? “
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The blonde peaks over the ledge and obnoxiously snaps her gum, loud enough for him to clearly hear regardless of the background noise and his obvious distaste for the unfavorable babysitting job. No one trusted her and well --- Emilia couldn’t particularly blame any of them but if she had the intention to fuck something up she would’ve done it days ago, not up on a rooftop with one of the grumpiest men she’s ever met in her life.
“ You can’t ignore me forever you know --- I’m incredibly persistent. “ She remarks, crimson painted lips still holding that same almost devious smile. He wasn’t like most of the guys she ran into, far more stubborn and unwilling to cave under her touch. Maybe it was the reason she felt like getting on his last nerve but also because a secret part of him found him far more intriguing than she’d originally let off. He wasn’t particularly her type but hell, --- she was sure she wasn’t his either sporting expensive heels and a sour attitude. “ Besides, maybe if you get to know me you’ll like me better. “
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Everything had been falling apart around them and Clarice knew that while things were gradually getting better, nothing would ever be able to repair the trauma that was left after he had vanished from her life so abruptly. And regardless of that being months ago now --- the pain still lingered, terrifying Clarice with the idea of living without him. The underground was building itself but the only thing on her mind was losing the only thing she had left to lose. She found a family of her own and she was not prepared to let that go.
Between concrete walls, the underground was completely silent as far as she knew filled with nothing but the occasional sound of snoring through closed doors or the crickets chirping outside. If anything it was a relief to breathe for a couple of seconds but in the darkness this late at night her mind was unable to shut off, thinking the worst and wondering what the future would be. She couldn’t tell if he was asleep, view blocked by tangled purple hair her caution not to wake him. “When everything dies down we should get married,” She blurts out, careful attitude thrown completely out the window unsure if he was even awake enough to register the words nearly unwilling to repeat it despite how true they stood. He saved her and Clarice --- She was sure she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, no matter where they were.
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Things had never been easy or simple for the two of them. Every time things were perfect and normal, Lenora would be ripped away from him. Whether she had been arrested or disappeared for a reason she could still not understand, the universe seemed to always be finding new ways to keep them apart. No matter what the world through at them, Lenny would always fight to be back by Stevie’s side and she could only hope that the future would finally quit working against them. 
As he spoke, she looked up at him in disbelief uncertain if she had really heard him speak or if her mind was playing tricks on her. Either way a large smile spread across her face, knowing just how special she had to be for him to utter those words. “I love you too - more than anything in the world.” 
There was always so much to say but Stevie never knew how to say it. He always had it all scripted in his head, what he could do and if he ever uttered a word again (if his voice would allow it) what he'd tell her. The effort was preserved for a special occasion in mind and this could not have been more perfect, anticipating the reunion with his girlfriend. Nothing was worse than missing her and he'd do anything to keep her safe.
With her large smile, he doesn't hesitate to lean down and kiss her, a huge weight lifted from his shoulders. "I love you so much, Len." He knew that after this, he would lack the words again going silent for possibly another couple of years but it was his choice, his caution and he needed her to hear that he loved her more than anything else in the world.
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Gale had never taken kindly to telepaths, being generally distrustful of them and the way many of them used peoples head’s as their own personal playground, but he had always thought she was different. He knew who Emilia was when he had gotten involved with her, but the last thing he ever expected was for her to use her abilities on him. He had trusted her more than anyone in the world, given herself to him completely, and, in return, she decided to take that all away from him. She had allowed him to feel that he was completely alone in the world and Gale wasn’t certain how to react to that. 
The anger in him was building and any piece of rational thought or judgment disappeared. “I can fight for myself. I can protect myself.” All of the memories were coming back, all of the small moments they spent together, the sneaking around, everything they risked to be together hitting him all at once. “You could have asked me - you could have given me a fucking choice before you decided to fuck around with my head, with my memories.” He dropped his gaze from her, his anger making it difficult for him to look at her. “How was it supposed to happen? Were you just going to let me go on forever having no idea who you are, allowing me to think I had no one left in this world?” 
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What Emilia had done was wrong, no one needed to explain that to her but a selfish part of her knew it had been for the best. Despite the harm it had done, risking his life when the underground was destroyed and flooded with members of the hellfire club who had nothing but ill intent. She had lived her entire life uncertain of where she belonged, allowing others to abuse her powers and loyalty to family and what she was for their own horrid needs. With him, the eldest Frost allowed herself to get far too attached and find her home. It always seemed cliche, that home could be an individual rather than a place but she found it in him and completely destroyed it.
“It wasn’t my best moment,” As if that wasn’t an understatement but in the panic it had been a quick choice, one that now she was growing to regret deeply. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this, not at all. Emilia thought she had given herself more time, time to explain and tell him why she had done what she had but now, with her heart in her throat words fell silent upon her tongue. “I was going to tell you eventually… I-I didn’t think it through. Gale, I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to get hurt,”
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The world was ending and they were all out of options. Destroying the stone would save so many lives, but it meant killing him - it meant she’d lose Nate forever and she couldn’t do it. Wanda knew it was selfish to say no, to beg and plead with him to not make her do it when she knew it could save millions of lives. It was selfish, but she couldn’t help but feel that she owed the world nothing. It had taken everything from her, feared, and even hated her and time and time again she had risked her life to save it. She had given up everything for the greater good, but she couldn’t give him up. She couldn’t let Nate go, even if it meant all of this madness would end.
“Please -“ her heart was breaking knowing this was the end for them. Tears blurred her vision as she looked at him, trying to memorize every detail of his as this would be the last time she would be this close to him. This would be the last time she heard his voice, the last time she’d feel his touch - the final time she’d be able to tell him she loved him. It was the end and there was nothing either of them could do to stop it. They may save the world in the process, but Wanda’s world would be completely destroyed. “I love you so much - there has to be some other way. Nate, I can’t lose you…”
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Nate had made it perfectly clear from the start that if this, destroying the stone, could save the world it was something he would accept without much hesitation. He was ignorant to the fact that it would kill him but what was the point in living if everyone he cared for and the world he fought so hard to protect was in shambles. The only problem was the last thing he wanted was to force Wanda to do it. The pair had only been together a handful of years but there was nothing more important in his life than her and tragically, these last few minutes together would be their swan song.
“It’s going to be okay,” The male nods, swallowing hard and struggling to hold back tears for her sake. He was not afraid to die, not in the slightest but leaving her that was the hardest part. “It shouldn’t be you, but it is --- Wanda, there’s nothing left to do.” They devoted so much of their short lives and time to saving this universe and despite the selfish need to protect her, to risk anything to keep her and his little brother safe they were completely out of options. “I love you too, I love you more than anything.”
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I can explain… there was no explanation that she could offer that Gale could understand. She had invaded his thoughts and made a decision, without his permission, to remove herself completely from his memories. It may have been done to protect him, but all it really did was anger him. He had known that it was dangerous to get involved with her in the first place - he knew the reality of their situation and, more than that, Gale knew he could handle himself. At any other time, he would understand why she had done this, but, right now, he was overcome with anger. 
He took a sharp breath in as he tried to calm himself - head still aching. “Protect me?” His words were harsh and sharp, holding her gaze as he tried to fight through the pain in his head and wrap his head around the situation. “You had no right - you can’t just make that decision for me.” If they had just talked about it, found another solution to the issue instead of tearing herself from his memories. “Maybe I would have my reasons to say no - I don’t want you using your powers on me. I don’t want you fucking with my head.” 
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She knows it was wrong, no one ever needed to explain something like that to her but in that moment of desperation it was the only thing she could think of to salvage his life --- let him live on even if she was not in it. They were from two completely different worlds and when they got together, Emilia knew that when they collided she would not be prepared to face the consequences. And this somehow felt so much worse, far more severe with dreading what this would do to them, to her. 
It seemed like worst case scenario and eventually, she had planned to restore his memory completely just did not know it would be now. " If they knew --- I just couldn't risk it. " Almost everyone died around her with the exception of her sisters, it just came with the territory but the idea of losing him was far too much to bare. " I know, " She admits it with a heavy heart, feeling the guilt on her shoulders weigh down as she continues on. " It was  bad judgement and I'm sorry --- It wasn't supposed to happen like this. Fuck --- I didn't know what else to do, Gale. I’m so sorry, "
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It must have been years since Stevie had uttered a single word, not even a hello but in that moment despite the fear that his voice may not even be there anymore he could not help but hold Lenny tight and whisper a hushed, " I love you. " The amount of times he feared that she was dead and gone forever were far too many, it certainly was not something that settled with him well but there was nothing to do other than keep her in his tight grasp and be thankful that she wasn't dead.
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" Could you be fucking careful for once? Just this once! " Atticus doesn't mean to raise his voice, not at all but it slips out before he can calm himself down, jaw clenched tight but lacks that certain kind of rage he usually holds. After continuous loss and watching everything that he holds close slip through his fingers Atticus fears losing her too, forcing himself to watch this line of work kill her even after he had watched it ruin his life before. It had stripped him of his life, his marriage, everything until there was nothing left but a festering rage and he could not help but be frustrated with her for being so reckless. Both of them were decently injured and arguing was not going to help but the words were coming out faster than he could stop them. " Do you know what it's like having to watch you nearly kill yourself? All I can see is him dying again and again. I know you don't need my protection, I would never try it either but I couldn't save him --- I just I need you to be a little more careful and not get yourself blown up. "
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Auggie could easily see that she was in pain - there was no point for her to hide and pretend like she wasn’t in pain. John and Lenny were both gone and knowing that he had almost lost his wife, too, wasn’t something he could really handle. Bambi was everything to him - from the moment he laid eyes on her he had been hopelessly in love with her and all he ever wanted was to protect her. Of course he knew that she could handle herself and that she was stubborn and didn’t want him to see her in pain, but he didn’t care. She had almost died and all he wanted to do now was take care of her. 
Seeing her on the floor scared him slightly and, despite her words, he couldn’t help but freaked out a bit. “Baby, you’re not okay,” he tells her as he kneels down and slowly and softly wraps his arms around her to help her move from the floor back to their bed. “You know I’m here for you - I just want you to be okay.” 
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The battle in Wakanda had not gone as planned, that was the easiest way to explain it. Most of it now, she could not recall leaving it nothing more than vibrant blurs of extravagant aliens and the god damn Avengers turning to dust. The world had quite literally fallen apart and if anyone had suffered, she knew it was Auggie and that thought itself was too much to bare. He did not deserve that, no one did but especially not him. It was hard to see him in pain, even if there was absolutely nothing she could manage to fix this. 
With the underground and her agonizingly slow healing injuries it seemed like there was far too much on his plate and that worried her to no end. She did not protest falling back into his arms with ease, letting him scoop her up into his arms. " Yeah I am, " The brunette argues trying not to wince at the nagging pain in her side. " I am okay, Auggie really. I just think -- maybe I reopened my stitches. "
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Gale didn’t fully understand what was going on. His head was pounding, his hands were shaking - it felt like the worst hangover in his fucking life. However, instead of memories of drunken mistakes flooding back to him, it was memories of Emilia and the two of them together. He didn’t understand, only days before she had sworn they had never met, now he was remembering everything about her, all of the time they had spent by each other’s side, everything that they had risked to be together. 
“I remember you.” His head is in his hands as he speaks, still trying to make sense of the memories and the pain certainly wasn’t helping. Falling for her in the first place had been a strange surprise for him, but remembering he loved her - more than anything in the world - was something else entirely. “Em - what the hell did you do to me?” Gale knew that she could get in peoples head’s, mess with them, make them forget, but he never expected for her to do it to him. 
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Against better judgement she holds his gaze, feeling her chest tighten with anxiety or guilt she did not know. Both were such unfamiliar feelings to her and she knew well that this would not be something so easy to pass over. Emilia had invaded his thoughts, his memories and every seemingly untouchable part of him to remove herself from him. Despite how cynical and self centered the eldest Frost sister could be, there was an undying part of her that had the overwhelming need to keep him safe. Hell --- that was all she wanted, knowing when her former club members waltz into the underground if there was any lingering connection between the two he would be good as dead. It was not something she had been willing to risk. 
A naive part of her hoped that maybe they would have more time but she made the mistake to get too involved, powers involuntarily unraveling the careful work piece by piece till it all hit him at once. " I-I can explain, " She fumbles with uncertain words, out of instinct feeling the overwhelming need to comfort him through the pain that she inflicted. " I had to protect you and I know --- I know you never would have listened to me. "
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Somehow, through bloodied teeth, Nate grits a comforting smile on the verge of a nearly humorless laugh unable to take whiskey hues off of the one person he loved most in this world other than his baby brother. There was nothing on his mind other than the fact that this --- it was their swan song. A bittersweet goodbye that would be nothing more than that. They were out of time and while he had not accepted death so easily, it was never a difficult choice in his mind.
  Nathaniel was not the self sacrificial type, never one to barter his own life for the greater good --- until now. Calloused fingers run through her dark locks and his expression softens, attempting to bring her comfort in his own final moments. " Hey --- Wanda, look at me. It's okay, it is... I love you more than anything but we are out of time. " Correction, he is out of time quite literally. Their last chance fell apart maybe twenty minutes ago but he feels like he knew from the start that there was no escaping this grim fate. " This is it, darling. "
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Emilia has done terrible, awful things under the mercy of men unlike her, she has slaughtered and bargained lives for nothing more than survival but nothing had ever left such a terrible impact on her like wiping herself from Gale's memory. Not a single event could prepare her for how utterly painful it would be to look him in the eyes and pretend as if she was not devoted to him, with every fiber of her heartless being. She had never loved anyone the way she loves him before and every time she saw him, spoke to him and watched him hook up with other girls it stung leaving a certain kind of tightness in her chest. 
And somehow still fate threw them back together, even if that fairytale happiness of somewhat meaningless hook ups and wallowing in one another's company was not meant to last. I remember you, the blonde could have sworn that her hearing was off that those words registering in her mind were wrong. Within an instant her head snaps in his direction, icy hues widening at the confession and a sinking feeling in her stomach. " You w-what? "
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