faustsus0 · 17 hours
fuck the dc pride parade, they let israelies not only wave their flag of genocide and apartheid, but one of those devils was even marching with a sign that read "WHEN IS THE PRIDE PARADE IN GAZA AGAIN?"
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faustsus0 · 18 hours
I feel like ive seen quite a few gfms getting passed around and ive observed that a lot of them have stories of such exceptional people who have achieved so much, or were going to before the genocide cut it off. And i really commend them for it, i really do.
But it breaks my heart that palestinians reaching out to us feel the need to have to prove that they are they are good people who are worth the support, like theyre only worth being supported if they had a good gpa or were exceptional in some way.
They shouldnt have to prove that theyre beneficial to the economy somehow to be worth the support. They shouldnt have to be exceptional to deserve help. Our governments are putting them through this, both in the west and around the world too. They shouldnt have to prove anything. We owe them this
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faustsus0 · 20 hours
i bet my mom feels like this
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faustsus0 · 21 hours
bro not my moms bf arguing with next doors kid thats so embarrassing.
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faustsus0 · 2 days
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faustsus0 · 2 days
They keep deleting palestinians blogs holy shit
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faustsus0 · 2 days
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faustsus0 · 2 days
sorry for picking up your online speech patterns. I liked them.
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faustsus0 · 2 days
My beautiful child died because of the war. R I P
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My first child died due to lack of food, and now my wife is pregnant, and I hope you will save her so that she can be born in a safe place.. My child was one year old. He could not bear hunger and thirst. He began to suffer from dehydration in his little body. Until the disease worsened and he was unable to breastfeed from his mother because his mother suffered from malnutrition My child lay in the hospital for three days in difficult conditions. The hospital did not have a bed for patients. My child slept on the floor and could not bear it and died because of the war
My child was very beautiful and always loved to laugh and play. I remember in October, two days before the war, it was his first birthday I am so sad because I will miss my baby I always see the pictures of my child that I take on my phone and cry every day
I cry every day for my child who died. My wife is pregnant with my second child, and I hope you will help me leave the Rafah area. We are being bombed every day. This morning 17 people died next to my tent, and I'm afraid for my family You can support my family through the link Your donation will make me start a new life
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faustsus0 · 2 days
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This is Farah's 'GoFundMe' (she's not that far off from her goal :) ) -
You can clips of the situation people are facing in Ghazza that she's uploaded onto her Instagram handle - farah.n.ammar.
The entity delights in taking away these people's limbs, sight and dignity - the football players, the journalists, just every day humans.
Please boost and raise awareness.
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faustsus0 · 2 days
caption: “The Golden Sandwich, made 95% out of aid package contents, 5% with love and resilience 🍉🚨”
the link from the bio ⬅️⤴️
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faustsus0 · 2 days
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An eyewitness account of the heinous massacre carried out by Israel and America
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faustsus0 · 3 days
Your drawings of Hinata are beautiful!!
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She's just so cute! I love drawing her~
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faustsus0 · 3 days
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faustsus0 · 3 days
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dont usually make posts like this and im not feeling especially articulate but ive been talking with faten on instagram, she and her husband are both dentists from gaza who are trying to evacuate their three children. after being displaced they are now also left in the fallout of todays attack on the nuseirat camp which has a death toll already in the hundreds, and she is extremely afraid for her children. cinsider helping her out, as her goal of 50k is nearly untouched ❤️
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faustsus0 · 3 days
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faustsus0 · 3 days
today and yesterday's vetted fundraisers. i know a lot of my posts are like this now, but please keep energy - a matter of scrolling or clicking a button for you is one of life and death for these families.
june 5th & 6th:
The Al Rafih family (mother and three children; their father is missing and they lost the youngest child to cancer because they couldn't pay the evac fees) (£2,680/£15,000)
The Abu Musa family of seven ($10,050/$40,000) - @shahdhatem
Iyad Sobhei, his wife, and their eight children (£6,524/£60,000) - @iyadsobhe
Yazan Abu Safiya, his siblings, and their parents, one of whom is sick (€800/€50,000) - @yazanabusaia
Mahmoud Hilles's chronically ill wife and their four children (the family has been separated for 7 years) (€9,099/€15,000) - @hillesmahmoud
Fadi Ayyad, his siblings, and their parents ($6,704/$35,000) - @aymanayyad81
Marah's parents, her three siblings, and their cats (all family members need urgent medical care) (€10,401/€55,000) - @marahsalem
Eman Abdel Rahman and family (they lost her younger brother when their house was bombed) (CHF21,202/CHF38,475) - @emooz-8
please please share and donate in any capacity you can! every small effort counts.
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