fawnscribblez · 1 hour
party in the minecraft server hcs ^^
the sever itself
owned* by bonnie (actually maintained by odile but she gave bonnie the owner tag because they wanted it so bad)
everyone has it under a different name on their own devices but officially the server is called the digital familytale
modded semi vanilla* (for the most part. theres a morbillion science mods added for odiles sake specifically, a few furniture mods for mira and a clothing mod for isa though)
mainly on peaceful but will sometimes be bumped up to easy for resources or fun
tends to a village nearby the family's house that she has expanded tenfold from its original starting point
cares deeply for all of the villagers and has used a name tag on each and every one of them. they all have their own personalities and stories
brews potions on demand, so long as you bring her the ingredients
likes to play on easy mode when on the server by her lonesome in order to collect resources
will not step foot into the nether. not even for the pretty light wood (even if she really really wants the pretty light wood)
tool order: wand -> rapier -> crafted crook. the wand is essentially a long ranged weapon that can both attack and heal, but is mostly used for the latter. the rapier was specifically modded in for her. the crook is a multipurpose tool, combining shovel, axe and pick into one tool
built a big barn
loves his big barn
is constantly talking about, working on, and admiring his big barn
is the guy to come to if you need any sort of animal produce or need to borrow a horse. owns at least three of any type of animal at all times
will get on with mira to help defeat mobs to make things go by faster
in charge of armor, tools and upgrades. spends a lot less time on any of that and a lot more time on making fun clothes, though
built a little storefront to pretend to sell his clothes from in mira's village. does often actually change the villager's outfits for funsies
tool order: gauntlets -> axe -> pick -> shovel. when wearing the gauntlets they will cover both hands of his model and do damage comparable to an iron sword twice (once with each hand) before a short cooldown
couldnt really get into it before adding mods. now has the most playtime. even if you totaled everyone elses playtimes, odile would just barely eek out over it (if you took out siffrins, who's the closest to rivaling her, it wouldnt even be a competition)
the minecraft wikierrrrrrrrr. keeps that shit on tap even though she has memorized many of the recipes
always striving to make a project bigger than the last
redstone queen
regularly visits the nether to trade with piglins. one of the mods has them rebuild their structures if they notice the gold has gone missing. she pilfers it again every visit without fail
tool order: sword -> pick -> shovel. doesnt harvest wood so deems it unnecessary to carry an axe
has an obscenely large, unautomated farm. they will spend entire days afking near the farm just so it grows. more often than not when theyre afk during one of these sessions, theyre off making real snacks for everyone
didnt understand and therefore didnt care about redstone until odile taught them. the day after, everyone logged on to the Laggiest Server Ever. when they went to investigate, bonnie showed off their extremely over complicated redstone contraption that did nothing more than activate a charge. nobody had the heart to tell them it was the cause of the lag spikes, so they suffered through it for like a week after until bonnie came to the realization themself and tore it down
completely and utterly dedicated to making a redstone rollercoaster of some sort. at some point. definitely. its 100% on the to do list, bet
teleports to everyone randomly to deliver meals. some good indicators youre about to get a visit from the Snacks God is 1) you mentioned the fact you have no food on you, 2) theyre talking about one of their recent harvests, and 3) "hey are u somewhere scary rn"
unable to die due to isa making them an accessory called the eternal necklace of undying. so long as you have it on in the charm slot, youre completely unkillable. bonnie was Extremely happy about this, as it meant they could finally leave creative and would stop accidentally breaking things left and right. it took many weeks of work to craft, and as thanks, bonnie made him his favorite meal in real life three days in a row
tool order: hoe -> shovel -> axe. does not carry weapons
keeps offering to make a mob spawner for ease of access to mob resources and exp. nobody want them to because spawners are big and ugly but loop is adamant about the fact they can make it pretty (they end up making one very far away from the house once. they were not able to make it pretty.)
loves the bow and arrow but hates the crossbow. does not carry any weaponry outside of that
has an area they call Loop's Paradise! the only thing located there is a lone interactable beach chair near the beginning of a large ocean, a single redstone lamp that powers on when the sun sets and a jukebox. when asked what makes this a paradise they simply say its peaceful (they are blasting Cure for ADHD - 30 min of Breakcore from the jukebox)
tool order: bow -> pick -> axe. chooses to break dirt and the like with their hand or some other thing on their person
has given everyone a flower that he thinks resembles them and a pot to put it in
survives mainly on fish, but makes sure to focus on the meals bonnie gives him first and foremost
doesnt like playing off of peaceful if he has the choice
has tamed an obscene amount of wolves. leaves the majority of them in isa's care and exactly one in loop's. they all have names. loop's dog is named starbit
tool order: dagger -> pick -> shovel -> axe. the dagger was specifically modded in for them
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fawnscribblez · 3 hours
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fawnscribblez · 3 hours
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the sequel.
[ids in alt]
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fawnscribblez · 3 hours
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fawnscribblez · 3 hours
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triplets! cute!!! they must have some difference between them… but i can’t see any…
greyscale versions under the cut!
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fawnscribblez · 3 hours
hey wanna know something kinda fucked up
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fawnscribblez · 3 hours
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also i could not find the comment this was replying to. so. here.
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fawnscribblez · 3 hours
im going to get my artwork done ^_^ *gets sleepy**gets sleepy**gets sleepy**gets sleepy**gets sleepy**gets sleepy**gets sleepy**gets sleepy**gets sleepy**ge
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fawnscribblez · 4 hours
wow, my first meme post that is completely spoiler free
there are no spoilers ‼️
part 76 <- || part 77
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fawnscribblez · 4 hours
you're hanging out at a party and the edible kicks in. you get overstimulated and start tweaking and everybody starts looking at you. right at that moment you start peaking.
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fawnscribblez · 4 hours
I love Siffrin because:
Siffrin: *says something incredibly worrying*
Literally everyone: Are you okay?/*gets sad bc they’re worried*
Siffrin in their mind: Oh it’s alright I know how to fix this!
Siffrin: *says something that makes the first thing sound even worse*
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fawnscribblez · 4 hours
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bonnie doodle yay!!
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fawnscribblez · 4 hours
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this surely is an image.
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fawnscribblez · 4 hours
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i can draw whatever i want and i want to draw in stars and time x bugsnax. otay.
all the designs r verrryyy wip... esp odiles i feel the most unsure on her.. also i need more practice on how i want to draw grumpuses..
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fawnscribblez · 4 hours
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isat cyberpunk au Bonnie concepts!! somebody who reblogged one of my posts suggested this child has explosives so. naturally, I gave the child access to explosives- yes that's a png of the explosion emoji.
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fawnscribblez · 5 hours
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fawnscribblez · 5 hours
How it feels to have friends and hang out with them
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