fbikeller · 7 years
text → Lexi Keller
Everett: Evie's birthday is coming up. I know we have another month, but...it's already killing me.
Everett: I want to do something special for it. For her.
Alexis: We can do that, did you have anything in mind? I'll help however I can. You just tell me what you want and i'll sort it out.
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fbikeller · 7 years
text → Lexi Keller
Everett: Hey babe...when you have a minute I have a question. It's not urgent.
Everett: No one else would understand. I need you to help me with this.
Alexis: Is something wrong dude?
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fbikeller · 7 years
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fbikeller · 7 years
“We got two. mine is so tiny and sleeps and poops and that’s it. Flynn’s one is more active, they are called Soleil and Lune…  You ok? You seem a bit.. out of it?”
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“Sounds like men’s balls.” She smirked, although the dogs sounded adorable. “Can I come and see them at some point? Oh, yeah I’ll be fine. I just...” Alexis broke off, frowning before turning to Rhys. “Do you wanna go get a drink? A really strong one.”
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fbikeller · 7 years
“Yeah its good thanks, I have a small four legged shitting machine at home and  Flynn is as handsome as ever. Still not sure how I won him over.” He said with a blush “Hows work?”
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“Wait, you actually went ahead and got the dog? Ah man I have to come and see it at some point. I love dogs. I had a golden lab when I was growing up he was probably my best friend in the world, don’t tell Everett.” The girl sighed a little heavily, scratching the bridge of her nose with a light shrug. “Work is work, it’s busy you know? Which is better than it being boring I guess. It’s just...tricky at the moment.” 
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fbikeller · 7 years
“This is just as weird. Have you seen The Fountain? Now, thats a mad film. But yeah, Black Swan is amazing. The build up is just so good.”
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“No...no I haven’t seen The Fountain? Sounds like i’m going to have to check it out though.” She gave him a grin, although there was no joy behind her eyes. “How you doing Rhys? Things going well in Rhys town?”
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fbikeller · 7 years
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fbikeller · 7 years
“Oh it’s awesome. But think more mother nature and god live in a little house together then everyone kicks off and that's more like it. Black swan is still the best one that the director did.”
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“Fuck I love black swan, that’s a dark dark film but I love it. I can’t lie when she finally died at the end, spoiler alert, thank god they didn’t have it be all rainbows and glitter at the end.” She grinned, raising a single eyebrow at Rhys. “Right? I’m still going to see Mother. I’m actually excited to see it, in one of the gaps between working on this case.” 
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fbikeller · 7 years
“Alright,” Nicola closed the textbook in front of her, “I have tonight completely off along with tomorrow. So I can be hung over. Please, tell me you know something a least a little exciting we can do. Please.” 
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“Question is would you call me a little something? ‘Cos you can sure as fucking hell do me.” Alexis grinned, shooting the other woman a swift wink before laughing slightly. “We can go and get drunk failing that I guess. Maybe I’ll get the answer I want after a couple of Jägerbombs.”
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fbikeller · 7 years
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“So I  just went and saw the movie mother with my boss and some co workers because its raining and we cant work… and I gotta say. Its fucking mad…. like mental mad.”
“Like good mental mad? Regardless of what you’re opinion is i’m still going to go and see it. Mainly because Jennifer Lawrence is amazing even when she just sneezes so she’s going to be amazing in that film. Also because i’ve heard it’s like a metaphor for climate change and the things we’re doing for the world. Which is kinda cool.” 
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fbikeller · 7 years
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Hey dude, 
Happy birthday and all that good stuff. Threw in some things you might need if you plan on keeping up with me. You’re no spring chicken anymore, so you’ve got to pick up the game. Not to get all mushy and stuff but I had one of dad’s shirts made into a pillow for you. Yeah so you’re not my brother biologically, and we do have sex (fucking dope sex) but we both know he considered you a son, so I figured you should have a part of him with you still. I didn’t make it myself, but still, it is his shirt. Hopefully he’s not freaking out that one of his faves was cut up. 
Love you bro, thanks for keeping me strong <3
Lex xxx
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fbikeller · 7 years
“There’s absolutely no time to check you out right now. I need to find them.” Callisto said quickly, pulling the pants drawer out and dumping it on the ground. When the bright red shorts weren’t in there, she huffed once more. Callisto turned around quickly to give her the death glare. “I’m not dramatic. I’m being serious. It’s my first call up since Athena died and I’m beyond nervous.” She admitted. It was a nerve wracking time for the blonde. It’s been four months since she’d been called up and hasn’t been playing really since. When Alexis took her shirt off, Callisto finally got a good look at the junior agent. Her glare turned into a smirk. “You little shit head.” 
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Alexis just let the blonde turn out her closets as much as she wanted to, still standing there in her underwear as well as the short. When she turned the confidant smirk on the agents face was ridiculous, hideously smug at that exact moment she noticed how her own face held a smirk now. “Aw, look at you baby you can’t even help but smile at how fucking sexy I look.” Lexie cooed, moving to close the space between them as she hooked her thumbs into the footballers waistband to pull their bodies flush against each other. “Now, what do you say to me for finding your shorts for you hmm? What is my reward going to be.” She nuzzled at the others neck, a smirk still fixed on her lips as she did so, because whatever happened she was going to get what she wanted. 
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fbikeller · 7 years
She chose not to say anything about Regina only getting a lemonade, maybe her stomach was feeling off or she’d already eaten. She didn’t know about Regina’s eating disorder so she was none the wiser to try and encourage her to get a bite too, not that she would have known how to. Once their drinks were ready and Everly’s panini had been bagged and handed to her, she smiled and thanked the employee before waving for Reg to leave with her, whilst taking a sip of her lemonade. “Mmm, lemonade is so good.” She hummed, “Just what I needed. Too bad I have to go back to work, otherwise I might try'n spike it.”
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fbikeller · 7 years
The last thing he wanted was to argue with her again. He needed her, more than he’d needed her in a long time. It felt like his entire life was collapsing again and there was nothing he could do about it. He felt like there was no way he could go back to doing this on his own, but now he didn’t have a choice did he? He needed Lexi to make him forget about all of the pain he was going to feel in the morning when he went back home and saw the note again, the empty drawers where her clothes had been in their brand new house. “Yes ma’am, that’s why I’m here.” It wasn’t the only reason he was here, he was here because he needed his best friend in the entire world…but this was the way he wanted to deal with it. He didn’t want to sit on the bed and talk about what an idiot he’d been, blind to think that he was actually going to get to have a family again. They had the house to themselves, so god only knew what would happen. “Marks, anything you want.” He nodded, going right back to kissing her, running his hand down her side. He knew her body like a map, every inch of him, and he had for over ten years. Everett leaned his head back as she bit his ear, letting out a small sigh. The sigh had nothing to do with her, he was just so frustrated. For five minutes, he wanted not to think about it, or what it meant for him now. “I think I still have some nail marks from last time, I haven’t looked” he teased her, running his hand through her hair softly.
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“Well I can get you some brand new nail marks don’t you fret about that.” She smirked, moving her mouth so her top teeth were resting against his skin before dragging them down his neck until she got to his collarbone and sank them into his flesh as hard as she could. If the man wanted to be marked then she knew exactly how to do that, in fact she was a seasoned pro. “Tell me what you want baby, your wish is my command tonight, anything you want you get.” Her hands snaked under his shirt so she could pull it off, honestly she swayed between men and women so evenly that she could see the beauty of either sex, and Everett was certainly a sight to behold, then again so was she since she kept herself in such great shape. Lexi wasn’t too shy to admit that. “We’re going to make you forget about everything.” She cooed, getting off where she’d straddled him in order to push the boy so he was laying flat on the sofa on his back. Letting her hands trail down his chest slowly the agent toyed with the button of his jeans, not quite undoing it but instead teasing as she kept eye contact. Getting through this wall he’d shot up because of what his child’s mother had done to him was going to be like bashing through steel, and honestly the woman could punch her in the face for doing this. No one deserved to be treated like this least of all her best friend since she was young. Hell more like her brother…with sex benefits though. Lips trailed hotly down his pecks to the edge of his jeans, eyes flicking to meet his as she popped the button open with her mouth.
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make me forget || lexie & everett
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fbikeller · 7 years
Freya knew damn well what the other brunette was attempting to do - She’d probably say just about anything to make her feel better. Then again, Freya really did appreciate it. Lexi was one of the only people that Freya felt like she could truly trust, and that meant that her walls didn’t matter as much, because Lexi could see right through them. She’d been able to since that first night, when Freya was standing in an alley just about ready to collapse and Lexi noticed and all but dragged her to the hospital. She’d nearly overdosed that night by combining her medication with alcohol and some other hallucinogen she’d come across. And now Lexi was right, asking herself ‘what if’ would only make matters worse. She just sighed, her breath hitching a little bit still from all the crying. She then cracked another smile at the brunette’s second sexual innuendo. “Wouldn’t you just love to see that,” she commented back, looking up at the girl with a small wink.
“No,” she said as Lexi asked her the question about her coach. She kind of muttered an answer, as she was obviously being given a pep talk. And she knew deep down that she’d have to believe the girl eventually, she was wise in a way that Freya probably never could be - She was too hot-headed. Of course, the girl knew that Freya’d always challenged herself to go through life without the medication, but Lexi had always tried to tell her it wasn’t safe to do. She just shook her head again. “I know, I know… I just want to be normal, alright? I want to be that girl at the party who can chill and have a drink with her friends without getting into a near-brawl with some guy who looked at a girl wrong. I want to run up to someone I care about and kiss them without worrying about breaking down into a depressive episode,” she stated, more of a mumble to the point she wasn’t even sure the other heard what she was saying. But she shrugged regardless.
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“I would, you know damn well I would love to see that Freya, I’m not going to deny it for a god damn second. I’d like to see you nail me too, but i’m trying not to push my luck today.” She smiled at the other woman with a cheeky twinkle in her eye, the catlike grin taking over her every feature including her dark but playful eyes. “Here is the thing babe, everyone gets up shit creek without a paddle sometimes, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get out of it. Just means you’re going to get some shit on your hands so you can use them as ores.” She shrugged one of her shoulders delicately, moving off her heels where she’d been crouched in front of the fighter, grabbing a stool that was nearby and pulling it over so she could sit on it with more comfort and ease.
“Oi…don’t give me attitude.” Alexis swiftly interjected with, it wasn’t a cold comment or a harsh one, she just needed the other woman to know that she wasn’t going to stand for any bullshit. Just like she wasn’t going to bullshit her herself. She just wasn’t like that. “We all want to be fucking normal Freya, just because everyone doesn’t end up in a brawl doesn’t mean they don’t fuck things up in their own special way. For example I fuck everyone I meet before kicking them out of bed onto the floor praying they aren’t going to be around at breakfast time. So now they never are.” Her tone was almost cold and clinical, but that wasn’t the point. “When you find the right person to run up to and kiss it won’t matter if you get a depressive episode because they’ll stand the fuck next to you regardless. You know that.” It was something that was so easy to say and believe when applied to someone else, even though she thought love was a load of shit. 
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fbikeller · 7 years
Riley laughed at her comment, only pausing as the cook called out the order and they dashed over to grab the plate. They brought it back to the bar and set it in front of here. “There you are. And, exactly. I’d understand a prince wanting to pretend to be a commoner - clubbing and whatever. But bartending seems beyond the scope of reality,” they chuckled. “Can’t really argue on that one, I suppose. I think we’re all better off for it,” they added, voice still just as teasing as it’d been throughout the conversation. “Hey, I meant that as agreeing that our meeting was worth a cheers, not myself,” they laughed, thought they knew she was just teasing. 
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Alexis moved her fingers as the food headed towards her as if she was going to grab it right off the plate before it was even set down. The truth was she hadn’t eaten yet today so she was more than a little hungry. “That looks dope, i’ll make sure to recommend this place to everyone I come across don’t you worry.” She grinned, digging into the food as it was finally set down. “Right? But I mean, he was just going to the pub to drink, not to actually tend the bar or whatever. I dunno man, it’s just a show at the end of the day.” The agent took anouther large bite of her feed, sniggering at his words. “Yeah yeah yeah, i’m sure that’s exactly what you thought, it was in no way you thinking that you were good enough for a cheers. Hold your head high for gods sake!”
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fbikeller · 7 years
Mike laughed and nodded.  “Sure that works for me. I like short and simple.  And glad I don’t lose the title either. Though I might have to change my business cards.”  He relaxed a bit, holding the strap of his messenger bag.  “I never turn down a good fish and chips. Or most friend food really,” he smiled as he replied.  “Do you want to direct me, or wanna join me?”
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“The title seemed a bit clunky if you ask me.” She smirked, nodding her head with genuine amusment. “Yeah I think you’re going to have to, otherwise we won’t know what to call you on official visits eh? Fried food is amazing. “ She looked at him with a single raised eyebrow as he asked if she was going to direct him, shaking her head a little. “Come on, first round is on you babe.” 
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