fbliumin-blog · 8 years
(&* blacklight party.)
&* @fbmargot
“i’ve never seen anything uglier.” his face grimaced in disgust at the image of neon lights, neon glow in the dark paint, neon. just the word neon made his stomach twist and turn. there isn’t exactly a specific reason as to why he hates neon colors with a burning passion. it’s just not up to his taste and ‘no-no colors’ for fashion as he often stated, but that’s just his excuse for not being able to pull off wearing neon colors when looking good in anything is his pride.
dark brown orbs scanning the blacklight party, while his grimace of disgust is still clearly shown on his face. "neon is everywhere. how do you people stand this?" muttering under his breath, he shook his head disapprovingly as he looked around. liumin is the guy to go to when you want to have fun, but not when it involves neon colors getting on his clothes and skin. he turned his body towards margot before taking a step backwards to keep a distance between them, "don't even think about painting on me." with an expression as cold as ice on his face, he glared at her threateningly, "if you do, i will cry."
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fbliumin-blog · 8 years
on a day like this, most people would rather go outside, admire the shining beauty up in the clear sky, have a picnic, or perhaps hang out with a friend. as for liumin, he was never part of the ‘most people’ category; he was never normal. “what a beautiful day for some ass kicking.” cracking his knuckles and stretching his fingers, liumin takes a seat in his brand new leather chair, which he spent quite a hefty amount of money on for the sake of his comfort while playing online games. 
furiously clicking on his mouse, he curses under his breath as the enemy puts a bullet through his head and gained himself another kill. that means another death for liumin. he was stuck in the cycle of dying, spawning back in, and then dying again. with anger rising up his throat, he sits in silence and play the game as if losing means death. if there’s anything he despises more than neon colors, it’s the bitter feeling of being defeated.
hard knocks on his door startles him and brings his concentration to an end. the last death. infuriated, liumin throws off his headset before making his way over to the door like a child having a tantrum. his face filled with rage, liumin pulls the door wide open. thinking that it was one of his friends, he shouts at the top of his lungs out of anger before his brain was able to recognize the person standing in front of him, "what the hell do you-”
his expression drops along with his anger as he realizes that the person in front of him isn’t anywhere near his circle of friends. a cheesy grin took over his expression─ now it’s awkward.. great. do something. do something. do something. “hey beautiful.”
( * get your shit together. )
*** @fbliumin​.
it’s an almost threatening sound, clicks of the heels of her shoes hitting the hallways solid floor roughly, nails digging sharply into the palms of both her hands as she clenches them tightly without even realising it, and that’s all it takes for surrounding students to part and move out of her way. they know better than to stop the young mortuus when on a mission, less they feel her wrath. her eyes dart back and forth, gaze falling down the end of one hallway, only to look down the other.
air left her nose in a heated frenzy— really, how hard was it supposed to be to find his dorm room? not this difficult, that was for sure— and her bottom lip comes silently between her teeth in thought. she could practically feel the chapstick she’d applied before embarking on her current excursion being scrapped off with each new level of pressure applied, but that was the last of her worries.
it takes another 10 minutes of searching, 3 unknown and scared first years ( why they were scared, she really didn’t know. all she did was ask and stare until they agreed ), and a flight of stairs until she was finally in front of the correct dorm room. she wastes no time, knocking on the door repeatedly, albeit a little harder than intended.
“he better be here..”
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fbliumin-blog · 8 years
“pizza? but i’m so lazy and it’s so far- nevermind.” liumin shakes his head, interrupting his own sentence as his memory of leftover pizza from the day before starts to replay itself in his mind. “i hope you don’t mind leftover pizza.” without another word, he hangs up and throws his phone into his backpack mindlessly. liumin grumbles quietly under his breath in complaints of his picky friend as he shoves his french textbook, notebook, and papers into his bag.
a box of cold pizza is his arms and a backpack filled packed with books and papers that was given to him as homework over the week. his hands were definitely full as he struggles to climb the stairs to his friend’s dorm. eager hands couldn’t help themselves but knock, liumin was near death by the time his knuckles knocked against the wooden door. 
"cold pizza delivery.”
&* #french4food.
He wasn’t looking up steamy fanfiction on the internet instead of reading about the historical glory of French government. His phone buzzes and he jumps, slamming his laptop shut and flipping his textbook to a random page. It doesn’t make sense – it’s not like the person on the other line could see him. Unless, of course, it was Mrs. Pott’s. 
He didn’t know how she did it, but she seemed to always know when he was looking at something he shouldn’t be online. 
He swipes the screen and listens to the offer. “I’m really busy, you know,” he says gruffly, “Buuuuuuuuuuut…if you bring some pizza, I’ll take a look at your homework. Show up without the pizza, and you’re getting squat.” 
Junior flips the page of a textbook, hoping the sound makes him seem more studious. Then ever, ever so quietly he cracks open his laptop to do an emergency sweep of his Google history. 
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fbliumin-blog · 8 years
“tch. that damn dog.” liumin muttered under his breath as his eyes scanned through the text that arielle sent, clearly annoyed. he isn’t exactly the most patient person, neither is he a dog person. due to his attention span being as short and small as his iq (which is surprisingly double digit) it’s quite hard for him to keep himself entertained in order to pass by time. the sounds of footsteps gradually getting louder tore liumin’s eyes away from his phone. his head turning towards the source of the sound in almost less than a second, and a broad, glowing smile replaced the thin line of boredom on his lips. “hey!” jogging towards arielle as his hand shoved his phone into his back pocket, liumin came to a stop before busting out a compliment as if they are greetings, “you look hella fine today. what’s the special occasion?”
naturally, liumin moved over beside her before his arm instinctively taking its place around her shoulder, “it’s cause you’re spending time with me, isn’t it?” a playful, smug smile appeared on his lips as he pulled her closer as an attempt to fluster her. at this point, he’d probably get slapped if arielle wasn’t his friend. liumin is the type of guy that never heard of something called ‘personal space’, he tends to be comfortable around anyone, stranger or not, because he thinks too highly of himself. blame his father for his flirtatious and overly-confident traits, it’s in his genes to be a fuckboy.
a feeling of something scratching against his leg, liumin’s eyes glared at the little pet clawing at his jeans. “did you really have to bring ludis along?” 
&* girlfriend.
Eyes scanning over her body before a frown appeared on her face. Not enough. Never enough. She bit her lower lip, the insecurities buried deep in her mind coming out. She stared at her reflection, her eyes holding more negative emotions than anything. They say the eyes are the windows to her soul. When she looked into her eyes, all she saw was black. Not literally, of course. But maybe this meant that she had no soul. Hell, she’d rather become a demon than deal with her life. 
The buzzing of her phone broke her train of thought. In an instant, the negative thoughts disappeared and she was left with lingering emptiness. 
[✉ crocsodile ] please wait a little! you know how ludis can get grumpy when leaving TT^TT 
That was a lie. Ludis, her tiny maltese, was actually willing to go out today. He didn’t need to know that. “Come on, Ludis!” She called out to her dog. Quickly clipping on the leash, she made her way towards the Fawn hall. As she passed various windows, she glanced to see her own reflection. Her outfit was cute, but she couldn’t say the same about herself. Her blonde hair lightly curled, cascading over her shoulders. With maroon jeans, she paired it off with a floral crop top, wearing a beige cardigan over it. The heels of her brown boots clicked loudly against the ground as she scurried over to the hall with her puppy ahead of her. 
When she arrived, a bright smile appeared on her face as she waved towards the younger one. “Here I am!” 
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fbliumin-blog · 8 years
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fbliumin-blog · 8 years
&* girlfriend.
&* @fbarielle tugging at the sleeve of his over-sized red and black plaid shirt, liumin pulled it down over his wrist before looking at himself in the mirror. his eyes scanned himself from top to bottom, deciding whether to roll his sleeves up or leave it down. i should probably roll this up. fashion isn’t one of his talents, but he tries his best. why? because ladies love a man that dresses well.  a satisfied smile appeared on his lips as he dusted himself off, his hand running through his hair. “lookin’ good, liumin.” a self-compliment at his well-thought-out outfit that consisted of a red and black over-sized plaid shirt over a black star wars t-shirt- which he originally thought that it was star trek, and denim jeans with black timberlands on his feet.
with a small smile and confident steps, liumin fished for his phone, which was buried deep in his pockets. his fingers hovering over the keyboard on his phone, liumin typed in his dear friend’s contact name, ‘ur fave noona [tongue emoji]’. seems like liumin’s friends all got an emoij besides their names, something he loves to do since the reactions of his friends when seeing their contact names in his phone were often hilarious. [ to: ur fave noona 👅] im in front of the fawn hall [ to: ur fave noona 👅] come get me ❤️
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fbliumin-blog · 8 years
fbarielle reblogged your post and added: “fbarielle replied to your post “fbarielle replied to your post ...”
the only FIRE happening around here is the bURNING...
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fbliumin-blog · 8 years
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                                                                                                    “oh my buddha. 
did you know the shoulder blade got another cool name like scapula? 
                                       boom! mind blown, right?”
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fbliumin-blog · 8 years
fbarielle replied to your post “fbarielle replied to your post “y’all know liumin ain’t gonna let...”
not w/ those crocs
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fbliumin-blog · 8 years
fbarielle replied to your post “y’all know liumin ain’t gonna let anyone touch his golden face. one...”
eu e
what it’s true y’all gotta admit he got the face of ur next boyfriend
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fbliumin-blog · 8 years
y’all know liumin ain’t gonna let anyone touch his golden face. one person gonna have to grab his legs and the other grab his arms. who wants to force liumin into getting painted on [fire emoji]
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fbliumin-blog · 8 years
&* #french4food.
(&* @fbxsamuel)
you’re so screwed. frustrated groans filled the silence within liumin’s dorm and soon, it was followed by the muffled sounds of liumin screaming into his pillow. tomorrow was the due date for his french homework, which turns out to be a major grade. he didn’t even have the chance to write his name since liumin spent all week playing on his computer rather than doing his homework. “there’s gotta be a way out of this.” his brows deeply furrowed, for the first time, liumin was using his brain to think. 
suddenly, a name sparked inside his mind. a name that took away all the stress and frustration off his shoulders. samuel. crawling over the other side of his bed in a hurry with a smile filled with relief on his face, liumin scrolled down his contacts list before pressing on the name ‘samuel hyung [heart eye emoji]’ and giving his lord and savior a call. 
silence filled his room, nothing was heard besides the ringing of his phone and his anxious foot tapping on the wooden floor. the moment the ringing stopped and liumin was greeted with a voice that sounded like the voice of jesus christ. “hyung, help me with my french homework and i’ll buy you any food that you want.
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fbliumin-blog · 8 years
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