fckinmamahale · 10 years
2 hours for me, if I can get it. And you can't sleep all day with kids, unfortunately. Well, you might be able to if you like bring them into your bedroom and just cuddle with them. Aw, thanks. I'll keep that in mind. But, I'm sure you're busy with your kids.
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At least a 30 minute to an hour one. Anything longer then that I want to just sleep all day. If you ever need some help I’d be happy to help out!
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fckinmamahale · 10 years
How long of a nap? He is, but it's fun.
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I don’t mind getting up. I just expect a nap later, but it doesn’t happen. Aw, I bet he’s a handful!
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fckinmamahale · 10 years
I feel like you won't be saying that when she does write or say 'shit'.
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When I was in primary school, I was the only one in my class who could write words longer than two letters. This girl came up to me one day and asked me to write ‘Supergirl’ on her arm. I wrote ‘shit’ instead, though, and then I hid under my desk for thirty minutes when she ratted me out to the teacher, and then my mum had to come and pick me up, and she laughed so hard she cried. The moral of the story is — there’s no moral.  I just hope to God Darcy takes after me. 
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fckinmamahale · 10 years
You think? They've always been my ffavoritetime. I do, I have a son.
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Oh I know. Getting up in the middle of the night just kills. Do you have any kids?
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fckinmamahale · 10 years
that's good that they love traveling. It would suck to travel and then them be fussy all the time.
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  He's four months.
Yeah! I also have three full time jobs, so we move them around a lot. Kids are really easy once you get a rytheme with them. I am lucky that all my kids love traveling and we have great people that travel with us.
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How old is AJ?
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fckinmamahale · 10 years
You have your hands full. I only have one, AJ. So it's not that bad.
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I have three. Rochelle who is my first born and Cassaranda and Julian who are my new twins. I know how it is to have no energy. I also know how to balance the kids and still being young.
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fckinmamahale · 10 years
You deserve all the sleep you can get.
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Right? I have 3 kids I need all the sleep I can get.
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fckinmamahale · 10 years
Exactly! Especially when you have a baby, all your effort and energy goes to them with making sure they're happy.
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Effort is something you should never use.
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fckinmamahale · 10 years
Long naps are a blessing.
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I took the longest nap. I think that’s the most sleep I’ve ever gotten in a while.
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fckinmamahale · 10 years
Wise words, Mr. Jonas! I would, but that would take the effort I don't even have anymore.
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Every birthday is important. You only live once.  If you have a date book or a phone it’s easy to remember you just have to look at one of those.
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fckinmamahale · 10 years
Really? You would think they would remember since it's your most important day, well twenty two isn't that big. But, it's still a birthday and you only turn it once. I'm glad you forgive. It's hard to keep track of everyone's birthday.
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That’s cool that it’s their birthday. Thank you. Yup I am twenty two. Actually this is the first time people seemed to forget. My brother remember, so did my little niece. Of course my girl and our kids, but other then that. I forgive you because we have not have contact in a few years.
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fckinmamahale · 10 years
It's your birthday to? It's my costars, as well. But, back to you. Happy birthday! You're twenty two, right? Do people forget often when it's your birthday? That's pretty rude that they do.
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Well one it’s my birthday and I got to make drinks on my birthday. You know it’s not really nice when everyone seems to forget when you were born even though you known everyone in the hollywood world for most of your life.
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fckinmamahale · 10 years
Why was that the highlight?
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So far I got a steak, a mini cake with cupcakes and a big white cake with my face on it. Highlight was playing bartender. 
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fckinmamahale · 10 years
Well, yes there is a lot of perks.
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There are many perks to having family come visit.
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fckinmamahale · 10 years
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fckinmamahale · 10 years
Celebrities are parents and they all live in a neighborhood to raise their kids away from the public...
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fckinmamahale · 10 years
The perks of having family come down.
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Darcy’s so excited that her Aunties are coming for a visit… she’s been cleaning up all her things to make sure they look nice.
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