fcklouie · 2 years
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she couldn’t help the laugh that left her at his words, an amused grin on her lips at his words. wouldn’t waste her breath trying to explain to him just how wrong his perception of the female anatomy was - she wasn’t in the business of changing people nor did she care about extinguishing toxic masculinity - because that simply seemed like a lost cause in this world. “totally.” she commented dryly, taking another long sip from her drink. “couldn’t even imagine you doing something as putrid as that, guess i’ve got to have you while i’m still good enough.” she said sarcastically with a sigh, reaching out to place a hand on his chest, head tilting to the side as she looked up at him. “two conditions though - don’t try to get me to stay the night and don’t call me after.”
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he had never really cared what people thought of him, which was why his ego was so hard to break. how could you break an ego of someone who thought the only opinion who’s mattered was his own? but felicity had never tried to drive him to change, and he wouldn’t try to change her either. she was great just as she was. “nope, it’s disgusting. the wrinkles- ugh, not a bit of me.” he said with a small shudder. he couldn’t help but laugh at her conditions, a wrist reaching down to grip at her waist. “honey, those are two of my worst nightmares so i can absolutely agree.” he reached his hand round to squeeze her ass and grinned. “let’s get out of here.” 
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fcklouie · 2 years
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fcklouie · 2 years
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    thinking  with  lower  appendage  was  a  given  ,    typical  response  from  a  pompous  ego  ,    an  actor  with  the  gall  to  assume  he  was  all  that  ,    god  complex  evidently  needing  knocked  down  a  few  pegs  .    “  always  stay  one  step  ahead  .  ”    musing  is  SELF-ASSURED  ,    simper  reminiscing  at  the  way  she’d  fooled  him  ,    letting  his  complex  think  she  was  another  one  of  his  naive  conquests  .    “  unlike  your  groupies  i  can  score  gigs  on  merit  and  talent  alone  ,    i  don’t  need  a  good  word  from  hollywood’s  douche  .  ”    any  remnants  of  innocent  facade  were  forgotten  ,    now  that  they  were  finally  drawing  things  to  a  close  she  could  be  herself  again  .    “  baby  i  hate  to  break  it  you  but  đ—’đ—ˆđ—Žâ€™đ—‹đ–Ÿ Â đ—ˆđ—…đ–œ  đ–ș𝗌  𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗍  and  with  baggage  of  your  own  ,    being  selective  is  obviously  a  sign  of  over  compensation  .    god  you  are  totally  right  ,    i  should  worry  about  your  conquests  ,    poor  things  have  no  idea  you’re  a  WALKING  STD  .    but  like  you  said  ,    don’t  worry  about  mine  ,    worry  about  yourïżœïżœ own  .  ”  
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despite imani not exactly being what he wanted in a woman ( mostly because she had a brain ) he chuckled a little and nodded his head. “you shoulda been an actress, your talents are much better suited there.” he told her, both meaning it as an insult and a compliment. after all he couldn’t just give someone a compliment, that’d be far too nice. “can you? or are you fucking your little music man? cos i don’t think they both gel together.” he shrugged. “is that your only insult? that i’m old and get a lot of sex?” he asked with a slight chuckle. “you’re good but you’re not quite on an upper level yet. keep working on those insults you’ll get there in the end darling. and if i’m a walking std then you should get yourself checked out.” 
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fcklouie · 2 years
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  tumbling  into  abyss  proven  effortless  with  the  company  of  actor  ,    offering  her  encouragement  for  destructive  behaviours  .    perhaps  their  strained  relationship  is  what  made  it  all  so  uncomplicated  ,    neither  cared  about  the  emotional  toll  other  was  enduring  ,    which  removed  any  uncomfortable  forced  therapy  sessions  ,    nothing  but  unbridled  chaos  .    “  pre-rehab  seph  ?    a  hoot  .    got  a  crush  ?  ”    head  cants  ,    DEVIOUS  twist  of  facial  features  soon  after  .    illicit  powder  ignites  craving  buried  by  swill  in  stomach  ,    smirking  as  he  produces  the  bag  with  an  offer  ,    one  she’d  be  stupid  to  refuse  .    â€œÂ Â đ—Œđ—Žđ–Œđ—  đ–ș Â đ—€đ–Ÿđ—‡đ—đ—…đ–Ÿđ—†đ–ș𝗇  .  ”    she  laughs  melodically  .    “  let’s  do  it  .    be  a  doll  and  set  one  up  for  me  .  ” 
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he nodded his head at that and stretched out a little. “oh yeah pre rehab p was sexy, then she got all serious and boring.” he shrugged. because of course he wouldn’t look at it any other way but the way that entertained him the most. “got a crush on pre rehab persephone? absolutely who didn’t? she’s too old and boring for me now.” despite the fact that he was older than her. everyone knew louie’s preferences on age. “gentleman, me?” he asked with a chuckle. “if you say so.” he nodded his head and set up four lines, two for her, two for himself. he rolled up a bill and passed it to her. “here you go love, have fun.” 
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fcklouie · 2 years
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he was a typical guy who’d never grew up, that much was evident by his reputation. but felicity didn’t expect anything out of him like most of the women who found themselves tangled in his web did. if anything, she had used him in the same exact way he had her and went on her merry way. life was so much easier when there were absolutely no strings attached. “oh so you’ve upped the age limit now?” felicity asked with an arch of her brow, taking another long sip from her drink. “because the last i heard through the grapevine, the twenty fifth birthday was the kiss of death for you.”
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should louie be embarrassed of his behavior? probably. but he wasn’t and no one could convince him otherwise, despite many, many trying. he’d had his fun with felicity, he could appreciate a women using men for their own gain, he did it the other way round after all and the ending had been very amicable. “yeah, once i learned women are still tight in their late twenties.” he shrugged his shoulders. “well it depends, if they start needing botox or not, can’t have a haggard old bird now can i?” he looked her over and grinned. “but look at you, as in your prime as ever. one more night could be a lot of fun.” 
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fcklouie · 2 years
Emerald hues narrowed at the male, remaining silent for a moment after he had spoken, glancing over her child momentarily before allowing a heavy, annoyed sigh to leave her lips. “Wait here,” Savannah spoke, door closing on him as she moved through her home to let her nanny know she was going to step out for a few minutes as she pulled her boots on before heading back to the door and stepping outside. “I don’t need you to buy me anything,” brunette muses with a shake of her head before motioning ahead of them. “Can we make this fast? We’re in the middle of baking.”
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he nodded when he told her to wait and leaned back, glancing around for a moment. last thing he needed was anyone catching him here and being accused of being a simp, or whatever the fuck it was the kids called it. “never said you needed anything.” he looked at her and gave her a little smirk. “we can always make it fast. what was our record five minutes?” he teased to try and get a smile out of her. “i just don’t understand why you’re so mad, we both say shitty things we regret all the time. but you know what, i’ll even say i’m sorry first, how about that?” 
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fcklouie · 2 years
what’s the most disturbing fantasy or dream you’ve ever had
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"trying to dig deep into my brain now aren't you? although one time i did have a dream that i got pegged, which is not a fantasy and i did not wake up with a boner. so that'd be the most disturbing."
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fcklouie · 2 years
what's the most uncomfortable situation you've ever found yourself in?
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"having a girlfriend who thought we were at the meet the parents stage. was extremely awkward telling her dad that i only wanted sex from her, not a future."
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fcklouie · 2 years
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fcklouie · 2 years
closed starter for : @fcklouie​
location : delilah nightclub, west hollywood
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it wasn’t rare - to find felicity out on the town, getting fucked up off of whatever she could get her hands on. and tonight wasn’t any different. elbows leaning against the bar, she couldn’t help the low laugh that left her when she saw former co-star, the infamous louie, making his way over to her. sure, they had their fun on the set of wolf of wall street, playing the ever iconic naomi and jordan, but that’s all it ever was and felicity was more than fine with that - she was never one to stick around with one person, anyway. a good time, not a long time had been her motto, attachment being something she didn’t allow herself. head tilting to the side as he finally made his way next to her, her brows furrowed slightly. “you know, i’m twenty five, i’m really getting up there in age. you sure you’re allowed to be seen in public with me?” she mused, slightest hint of a teasing grin curling at her lips.
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louie couldn’t deny that felicity was fantastic to look at, and since recent arguments had come to end, he didn’t see why he shouldn’t be having a little bit of fun with his time. after all, he was now officially single and had no baggage clawing at his back anymore. he had enjoyed her back in their wolf of wall street days. it had been a lot of fun, but like everything and everyone he’d ever had in his life, he had to move on from her, find some more fun elsewhere. he laughed a little and shrugged his shoulders. “you’ve still got five years of prime time bliss left in you. it’d be dumb of me not to utilise it.” he winked.
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fcklouie · 2 years
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    was  it  demented  to  admit  watching  him  get  bothered  actually  brought  her  pleasure  ?    it  was  sweet  ,    but  foolish  ,    for  him  to  think  she  was  the  innocent  girl  he’d  made  her  out  to  be  in  his  mind  .    “  𝗇𝗈𝗍 Â đ—‹đ–Ÿđ–ș𝗅𝗅𝗒  đ–ș Â đ–œđ–ș𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 Â đ—„đ—‚đ—‡đ–œđ–ș  𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅  ,    being  with  you  was  about  getting  off  ,    you  were  hooked  on  this  pipe  dream  of  a  relationship  so  i  played  into  it  .    i  don’t  need  a  man  to  boost  my  career  babe  ,    which  i  know  is  hard  for  a  man  like  you  to  believe  .  ”    she  remarks  with  steely  eyed  gaze  .    “  glad  we’re  on  the  same  page  .    how’s  that  someone  cuter  workin’  out  ?    heard  you  blew  up  at  savannah  ,    i’d  prepare  for  a  DRY  SPELL  if  i  were  you  .  ” 
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“playing me at my own game....smart....actually kind of a turn on.” he said with a small smirk, always one to be able to see the bright side. no use getting worked up over bygones, it wouldn’t change anything. and it wasn’t as if imani was the love of his life, she was just someone who was hot right now. “it’s extremely hard for me to believe but hey, if you want to carry on living in fantasy land, feel free.” after all many had sought after him in the pure hopes that he’d manage to snag them a role in an up and coming movie. sometimes he came through, other times he didn’t, it was always a gamble. “you think savannah was my next choice. she’s had two kids and is past my preferred age. if anything, good riddance to her. but don’t worry about my conquests sweetheart, worry about your own.” 
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fcklouie · 2 years
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    aligning  self  with  him  for  the  night  felt  scarily  like  making  a  deal  with  the  devil  ,    hanging  around  a  man  who’d  casually  spat  vile  words  in  the  face  of  someone  she  held  dear  .    regrets  would  be  nursed  at  a  later  date  because  right  now  she  needed  an  escape  ,    and  if  he  was  up  for  the  ride  then  she’d  make  it  đ–ș Â đ—đ–Ÿđ—…đ—…  𝗈𝖿  đ–ș Â đ—€đ—ˆđ—ˆđ–œ Â đ—ˆđ—‡đ–ŸÂ  .    “  i  think  you’re  getting  me  mixed  up  with  my  sister  again  .  ”    she  bats  back  ,    expressing  that  she  was  in  fact  very  capable  of  holding  her  own  if  need  be  .    “  who  says  i’m  not  already  on  your  level  ?  ”    plucked  brow  lifts  ,    system  already  filled  with  spirts  and  illicit  substances  .    ego  lifts  head  when  presented  with  a  CHALLENGE  ,    refusing  to  give  the  man  any  more  ammo  to  use  for  insults  .    “  shut  up  and  drink  .  ”    she  retorts  in  jovial  manner  ,    lifting  a  shot  and  taking  it  in  one  fail  swoop  ,    followed  by  three  more  in  rapid  progression  .    “  is  that  all  you’ve  got  up  your  sleeve  wiley  ?    gotta  say  i’m  DISAPPOINTED  .  ”
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louie wasn’t sure why athena had come to him, or what this was all about but he didn’t really care. after all if she wanted someone to care she could go to her gaggle of witches who louie despised. she knew he wouldn’t care about her, which was why he was assuming she was self destructing. another thing that really wasn’t his problem. “maybe your sister now, but from what i remember back in the day she wasn’t so much of a priss.” but still, if she wanted to party with him, she could absolutely party with him. he watched her as she downed all the shots, a smirk on his face. “oh fuck no, you wanna party? let’s party.” he downed another drink and then reached into his pocket, pulling his coke out. “do a line with me.” 
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fcklouie · 2 years
Closed Starter! @fcklouie
Location: Preston Records Betty’s Office in the afternoon
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She was in her office, dusting off her gold records before giving the duster back to one of her assistants who left promptly. She stood there admiring it, briefly being taken back in time to the 80s when it had been awarded to her.
Betty stepped back from the gold records lining the walls and pressed a button on her desk after she heard a voice coming from it saying that her guest had arrived.
“Send him in.” She said. The doors opened a moment later and she smiled warmly.
“Welcome to Preston Records, Mr. Wiley. I’m Betty Preston. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Please, have a seat.” She shook his hand and sat behind her desk.
“Thank you Lottie.” She said to her other assistant who also left immediately, shutting the door behind her.
“Would you like a drink before we talk? I’ve got almost every brand and type of liquor you could possibly think of, unless you prefer something nonalcoholic.”
It was Betty’s way
 the way of the Southern Belle that had rubbed off on her from her own mother. The southern hospitality that was ingrained within her and would never leave her.
“Did you like the lobby? I designed it myself, my son did the finishing touches on it though. I’m very proud of this company, where I’m at currently and where I came from. I’m proud of my children, all of them. Tell me Mr. Wiley, what is it that you’re most proud of?” Betty asked with an interested look on her face, though she was thoroughly studying the man sitting in front of her
 studying him like a lioness waiting to pounce on her prey.
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the last thing louie had been expecting was a meeting with savannah’s mother, the intention behind it still unclear to him. after all, it wasn’t as if louie wanted sav’s hand in marriage. he’d fucked her, fucked with her and now he was done. particularly because savannah wasn’t answering any of his calls anymore. her feelings got hurt way too easily for his likings. he nodded at her and sat down on the seat. “right, pleasure to meet you. i don’t mean to be rude but i have to get back on set of my new movie in half an hour so this is going to have to be a quick meeting.” he was always upfront, never concerned about anyone’s feelings.  after all, others emotions wasn’t his problem. if they couldn’t stop themselves from getting hurt, that was on them. “i’ll just have a water, thank you.” if there was one thing louie took seriously, it was his job. while on camera there wasn’t an alcoholic beverage in sight. the discipline he held in his career was how he got where he was today. he listened to her and then gave a soft eyeroll. “this is about savannah isn’t it? she’s your problem, not mine. if she wants to fuck me again, she’ll fuck me. if she doesn’t, no skin of my back. let’s not dart around this. i’m not going to listen to threats or warnings, don’t underestimate me and i won’t underestimate you. this game is ridiculous.” 
Closed Starter! @fcklouie
Location: Preston Records Betty's Office in the afternoon
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She was in her office, dusting off her gold records before giving the duster back to one of her assistants who left promptly. She stood there admiring it, briefly being taken back in time to the 80s when it had been awarded to her.
Betty stepped back from the gold records lining the walls and pressed a button on her desk after she heard a voice coming from it saying that her guest had arrived.
"Send him in." She said. The doors opened a moment later and she smiled warmly.
"Welcome to Preston Records, Mr. Wiley. I'm Betty Preston. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Please, have a seat." She shook his hand and sat behind her desk.
"Thank you Lottie." She said to her other assistant who also left immediately, shutting the door behind her.
"Would you like a drink before we talk? I've got almost every brand and type of liquor you could possibly think of, unless you prefer something nonalcoholic."
It was Betty's way... the way of the Southern Belle that had rubbed off on her from her own mother. The southern hospitality that was ingrained within her and would never leave her.
"Did you like the lobby? I designed it myself, my son did the finishing touches on it though. I'm very proud of this company, where I'm at currently and where I came from. I'm proud of my children, all of them. Tell me Mr. Wiley, what is it that you're most proud of?" Betty asked with an interested look on her face, though she was thoroughly studying the man sitting in front of her... studying him like a lioness waiting to pounce on her prey.
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fcklouie · 2 years
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22 notes · View notes
fcklouie · 2 years
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    feminine  knew  it’d  only  be  a  matter  of  time  before  he  turned  up  ,    internal  battle  with  đ–Ÿđ—€đ—ˆ  đ–șđ—‡đ–œ  𝗆đ–șđ—Œđ–Œđ—Žđ—…đ—‚đ—‡đ—‚đ—đ—’Â  proved  her  point  entirely  .    disinterested  glance  befalls  him  ,    lips  pressed  into  thin  line  as  he  tried  to  wound  her  with  vapid  comments  .    “  honey  i’ve  been  fuckin’  him  for  a  long  time  ,    you  were  like  a  palette  cleanser  ,    daddy  issues  really  popped  off  .    i  can’t  act  like  i’m  DISAPPOINTED  either  ,    like  you  said  ,    i’m  not  desperately  attached  to  you  .  ”
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he wasn’t expecting that. he’d picture imani as this sweet naive girl he was used to dating, not someone that could play him back. it was actually kinda hot. “you’ve been fucking him for so long but don’t wanna be with him? what’s the problem? he’s not gonna boost your career up enough?” he asked. “but hey, no skin off my back baby girl, you were just a bit of fun until someone cuter came along, can’t blame me for wanting a little taste.” 
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fcklouie · 2 years
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    something  inside  had  shifted  ,    a  numbness  spreading  throughout  every  singular  fibre  ,    dealing  with  newfound  knowledge  wasn’t  even  a  consideration  ,    athena  chose  to  drown  herself  in  alcohol  ,    drugs  and  one  night  stands  .    days  bled  into  one  another  ,    barely  a  hour  spent  sober  or  in  her  own  home  .    her  public  display  of  ANARCHY  splashed  across  gossip  blogs  and  tabloids  ,   phone  shut  off  to  ignore  the  incoming  texts  from  pr  rep  ,    𝖿đ–ș𝗆𝗂𝗅𝗒  đ–șđ—‡đ–œ Â đ–Œđ—ˆđ—‡đ–Œđ–Ÿđ—‹đ—‡đ–Ÿđ–œ Â đ–żđ—‹đ—‚đ–Ÿđ—‡đ–œđ—ŒÂ  .    the  last  thing  she  needed was  to  be  ripped  from  her  self  induced  haze  .    stilettos  pair  with  mini  dress  ,    neon  hues  reflecting  off  tawny  skin  ,    bass  thudding  assists  in  stifling  memories  .    bottle  grasped  in  pointers  had  been  scored  by  flirting  with  bartender  ,    belvedere  is  tipped  into  glossed  mouth  ,    savouring  burning  sensation  and  is  slides  down  .    familiar  face  catches  her  attention  ,    judgement  falters  and  blonde  bounds  over  ,    sliding  into  booth  seat  next  to  him  ,    vodka  extended  in  a  informal  apology  .    “  truce  ?  ”    mascara  slathered  lashes  batting  SWEETLY  .    “  get  fucked  up  with  me  ,    c’mon  .  ”
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when athena came up to him, he was expecting some sort of argument or for her to kick off again, after all their last encounter wasn’t exactly pleasant. although the night had been replayed over and over again in his brain, trying to figure out the exact moment his mouth had fucked up enough that savannah wouldn’t even answer his texts anymore, that didn’t often happen. what he wasn’t expecting though, was a vodka placed in front of him and not tipped over him. he hesitated for a moment, unbelieving of this so called truce, but she didn’t seem to be playing a game, or at least not that kind of game right now. he shrugged his shoulders and downed the glass in one as if it was a shot. “truce.” he agreed, shooting her a quick wink. “you wanna get fucked up? aren’t you usually a bit of a priss?” but then remembering the truce promise, he let up. “fine by me. but you’re gonna need a few more shots if you wanna get on my level.” he grinned, waving out his hand to get a shot girl’s attention. he bought the tray off her and placed it in front of them. “you sure you wanna party with me?” he asked, his tone daring. 
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fcklouie · 2 years
closed started : for imani @eminvnt​
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the time with imani at the party had been....rough to say the least and although it may be obvious that things were on the downfall with them, louie still wanted to end it face to face, after all going through the lows of relationship drama was what was so fun for him. “you know, if you wanted to go fuck that little puppy dog of yours, you could’ve just said, it’s not like i’m desperately attached to you.” 
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