fckyoupayme · 2 years
i dont need a boyfriend i need 12 million dollars and a donut 
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fckyoupayme · 3 years
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fckyoupayme · 3 years
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fckyoupayme · 3 years
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Eternal T’Challa.
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fckyoupayme · 3 years
All I’m asking for!!!
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fckyoupayme · 3 years
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fckyoupayme · 3 years
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fckyoupayme · 3 years
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fckyoupayme · 4 years
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fckyoupayme · 4 years
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Hello ‘tis me again, ya old very broke tumblr blogger Liz.
I really did not want to be asking for any sort of help again, specially now that I’m really not well mentally, with my only real-life friend basically dumping me basically because she couldn’t “handle” our friendship anymore (I’m autistic) to handle losing followers over this and also getting hateful messages again. 
But I have to do whatever is in my power to help support my fam and literally right now this is all that is in my power to do, so I hope you can understand that. 💙 💙
So what has been going on with the Queiroz de Sousa fam?
My father has been working from home a long time (because of the pandemic) on a very small room that is stuffed with all sorts of things, including my childhood bed, and that means he basically has no space at all for his spreadsheets, notebooks, papers and all the rest and besides, he is using my old furniture (desk, cabinet, etc). 
On the last two months he began experiencing very bad back pains from using my old chair, and with no help from his work bosses, he had to buy a new chair good enough for his back, and it got a little better but then the desk became subpar and he was sorta bending down, so we had to buy a new desk for him too.
Now we’ve used up a lot of our savings with a new chair and desk (and also a new cabinet because the old one was too big for the new desk and chair) and our blender broke down beyond repairs and also our gas bills went up, so we’re again short on money. (Hello, gods, I would like a refund for 2020 and early 2021??????)
If you guys can help in whatever way you are able too, it would be MUCH MUCH MUCH appreciated.  
You can help us afford a new blender by either sending us one via my Amazon Wishlist (it costs $21.34) or sending however much of money you can, as little or as much, via ko-fi or directly through Paypal (email: [email protected]). And you can also use all these three options to help my family in other things -like the gas bills and milk and dog food-.
Love, Liz, dad Francisco, mum Laurene, little dog Guto and hugely fat turtle Tucky.
How to help:
1. Ko-fi
Easy and simple. You can help from as little as $3 (and that is a HUGE help for someone who deals with real and dollars are actually gold) 
link: https://ko-fi.com/A6772S7G
2. Directly thru Paypal
my email is: [email protected] .
This way you can help with however much or little you can and trust me that whatever it is, it will help very much.
3. My Amazon Wishlist for direct item donations (huge help too!!!)
If you can send something, anything at all, will help my family LOADS.
I made a concise wishlist with only the essentials that we need the most right now.
The whole list has like 50 items but a lot of them are the same item but in different sizes, so if you want to help us that way, you can choose the one you can afford to.
link: https://www.amazon.com.br/hz/wishlist/ls/1ZFATSP2JT5TU?ref_=wl_share
If you can’t help by donating, you can still help a lot by sharing this post so other people can see it and maybe they can help! <3
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fckyoupayme · 4 years
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fckyoupayme · 4 years
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fckyoupayme · 4 years
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fckyoupayme · 4 years
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fckyoupayme · 4 years
Amazing video
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fckyoupayme · 4 years
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fckyoupayme · 4 years
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