fcomendoza05 · 8 hours
love drawing my pookie jude also mmmm digital art after so long
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fcomendoza05 · 8 hours
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Everything will be ok,dude
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fcomendoza05 · 8 hours
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Everything will be ok,dude
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fcomendoza05 · 8 hours
Jonesy x Jude with food and motorcycle stims? With maybe 1 heart stim in the middle in between them?
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Jonsey x Jude with motorcyle and food stims
Sources: xxx xxx xxx
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fcomendoza05 · 8 hours
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Clearly what happened behind the scenes. 🥰
(Art by dess0phobia)
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fcomendoza05 · 8 hours
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Rodney’s Bro Robbie- the fireball bully.
Robert Parker was the fourth child in the Parker family, the tipping point of when the Parkers went from a normal amount of children to having a LOT of kids. And the fourth boy in a row, too. Unlike his older brother Rodney, who had been an uncommonly large baby, Robbie was very small when he was born. But just like his brother, that size would stick with him his whole life. As a young child, Robbie was often coddled- because he was so small. But that gift would become a curse that would affect him for most of his adolescence. While he was still young though, Robbie made a name for himself because of his exceptionally hot temper. The first three children had been rather mild, and Roy, who was born after him, was always eerily calm. This gave him quite the reputation for a while. The middlest child to ever middle, Robbie’s anger often manifested itself in rebellion- something his brother Ryan would try desperately to stop.
After his mother’s death, a three year old Robbie’s temper only got worse. Despite attempts to help the angry child, nothing ever seemed to work. As he aged, a lot of that anger would start to be directed at others, making Robbie the classic ‘bully’ type. After attempting to bully his younger brother Roy for a while, and getting absolutely nowhere with it, he turned his attention to his second youngest brother Ryder. The overly sensitive type, Ryder was the perfect target- or he would’ve been if it weren’t for his youngest brother, Ralphie. Ryder and Ralphie were twins, and the youngest Parker brother had started to become very protective of his older twin. Frustrated, Robbie turned his attention back to his schoolmates, only to come upon something interesting- the punks.
It didn’t take long for Robbie to fully immerse himself in a movement that was all about being angry with various things. Robbie made a lot of new friends as he changed his clothes, hair, got some piercings, and generally just changed everything about himself. The new Robbie was cool, and hot, and really really good at everything. (This is also when he actually started going by Robbie and not Robert or Rob.) In reality, his intense feelings of insecurity and inadequacy just got buried deep inside of him, never to come back to the surface. (Right?). And if anybody… ANYBODY brought up his height, they were looking for a beat down. He hit the gym everyday just to make sure of that.
(Robbie is really a pretty big flop, if you took the time to examine him closely. This guy’s facade is built with toothpicks and silly string, and his anger largely comes from a void of loneliness and need for tender love- similar to Rodney, but manifested differently.)
As for love, Robbie pursues a girl named Connie for a very long time. They met at the local library where she had an internship and he was going to use the public computers away from his family. They get together after a while, but don’t ultimately end up working out because Robbie’s not mature enough for a relationship. He’d swear up and down that he’s straight, but Robbie is bisexual. He comes to terms with that in his late 20’s, after falling hard for a guy at the gym. Fun fact, Robbie shares Rodney’s trait of being completely unable to talk to the person he’s in love with. He blames him 100%.
Robbie doesn’t really have close relations with any of his family, though he uses Richard for booze and weed for a while in his later teens. He absolutely hates his younger brother Rowan, though, because Rowan likes to pick on Robbie’s insecurities himself- and he’s so smart he can walk circles around him before Robbie can even get two words out! Obviously Roy, Ryder, and Ralphie don’t have the best opinions of him either, because of the bullying. Rodney is the ONLY brother Robbie will open up to, and only when they’re alone. Robbie will still dismiss him when he’s in public.
In the future, Robbie learns to be less insecure, and goes to counseling for his anger. Opening up about the things he’d repressed- like his sexuality and need for affection- mellows him out a bit. He lets himself be the total loser he’d always been from time to time, and has never felt better. After his brother Ryan’s death, Robbie realizes he has to make up with his younger siblings, and successfully does so with everyone but Rowan. He’s all of his nieces and nephews’ ‘cool uncle’.
(Because it’s Relevant here: Here’s everyone’s heights- Rodney 7’, Roy 6’10”, Daryl 6’6”, Richard 6’2”, Ralphie 6’1”, Ryder 6’0”, Ryan 5’10”, Rowan 5’10”, and Robbie 5’4”.)
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fcomendoza05 · 8 hours
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i redrew the duncney kiss. this moment made child-me so happy. i loved them.
i did draw them in my redesigns. if you wanna check them out.
the kiss in question.
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fcomendoza05 · 8 hours
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Rodney’s bro Rowan- The smart one.
As the sixth child born in the Parker family, the chaos of a huge family is all Rowan has ever known. His mother dying when he was only a year old would only exacerbate things. His older brother Ryan, bless his heart, had tried his best. But some people just couldn’t be saved- that was Rowan’s belief.
From a very young age, his academic prowess had not gone unnoticed. Similar to his older brother Roy, he was much more intelligent than most of his completely idiotic brothers. However, he wasn’t a freak like Roy was, so his intellect could actually be put to use in the world. He excelled in school, and it wasn’t even close. Now at 18 and the only one with a chance of making it to college, (At least for a real degree. C’mon Ryder. An Art Major? Useless.) he intends to pursue a degree in the sciences and make lots of money for himself. Perhaps he could also make himself some friends, because nobody seems to like him much for some reason. Their loss. Oh, and maybe he could find a girlfriend as well.
(If it’s not obvious, Rowan’s got a bit of a superiority complex. He wasn’t quite old enough to be fully affected by his mother’s death, and thus doesn’t have the same trauma most of his brothers have. He shares this with Ryder and Ralphie.)
Rowan is straight, and looking for a girlfriend who shares his interests, because nobody else he knows does. It’s a general problem that he’s not great at talking to people- partially because he’s a little socially awkward, and partially because it’s very easy to get him to see you as lesser than him/ not worth talking to. If he found a few friends that were able to ground him a bit, he really could be a much better person.
Brother-wise, Rowan’s best relationship is with Ryan. He’s hardworking and dedicates his life to taking care of all of them, even though most of his brothers are unsalvageable. Though he won’t get anywhere further in life, that drive has to be respected. In his opinion- Richard has wasted his life, something is very wrong with Rodney and Roy mentally, Robbie is an idiotic loser who obviously can’t deal with his sheer inadequacy and copes by being incessantly rude, Ryder is a pushover with no spine, and Ralphie is Ryder’s enabler with an annoying sense of justice. He does have fun making Robbie cry, because he’s so insecure in his masculinity it’s ridiculous. Like seriously- who does he think he’s fooling with the macho act? Grow up. Rowan has tried to toughen Ryder up a bit, because he’s not really that bad all in all, but Ralphie always gets in the way.
In the future, Rowan does get married and graduates from college. He’s the first Parker to do so, later followed by the twins. He has two children with his wife- a boy and a girl. Though he’s still rather uptight, the three of them are able to bring him down a bit. He still doesn’t like most of his brothers though. Especially not Robbie, who keeps trying to ingratiate himself with his children. They do NOT need such a bad influence in their lives. If any brother would be the one to not show up to the family function, it’d be him.
(The last three were in age order, but that was just a coincidence. The rest won’t be. I also decided to make Rodney because it felt strange leaving him out.)
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fcomendoza05 · 2 days
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Feliz semana y próximo día de la bisexualidad y birromanticismo a todes! :D
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fcomendoza05 · 2 days
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Trevor x Derek
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fcomendoza05 · 2 days
I guess this is how I get to advertise my new au
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fcomendoza05 · 2 days
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DUNCAN MENTIONED??!!??! Time to tweak out!
(I'm losing my shit.)
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fcomendoza05 · 3 days
[REUPLOAD] Some of my old works about Aletyler❤
(They r so silly I hate them)
need them to trend again😔
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fcomendoza05 · 3 days
Some mike and mal drawings i made cuz they're my favorite characters
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They're so silly!
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fcomendoza05 · 3 days
Idk if u do request, but if u do could u pls draw Mkulia?/nf
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quick mkulia for u!!
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fcomendoza05 · 3 days
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Rodney’s bro Ryan- The one who’d always put himself last.
Ryan was the second child of the Parker family, born to young parents who had just started to figure themselves out. From a very young age, he was always following his mother around and trying to help her with household tasks (not very successfully at first, lol). At three years old, he became an older sibling to his new baby brother Rodney- Despite his mother’s wishes for a girl. And what a large baby he was! Ryan, for his part, immediately became attached to his younger sibling- and all the rest that came after. Every new brother was another opportunity. He never quite got his brother Richard’s view, that all these new babies were pulling their mother’s attention AWAY from them- no, he still spent plenty of time with her. You really just had to make an effort. They were babies, after all.
As he aged, he improved greatly at helping with household chores- which was good, because he’d never see much work on the farm. Born with congenital heart defect, intense physical labor could literally be the death of him. Not that that deterred him from helping as much as he could. He was always such a hard-worker, sometimes his mama would let him babysit! At seven years old!
…It wouldn’t be such a rare occurrence after the accident, though. With his father always at work, SOMEONE had to pick up the slack. Sometimes his aunt or uncle would come and stay for a bit, but most of the time things fell to himself and Richard. Well, not really. Richard stopped leaving his room most days, so Ryan did it all. But that was fine! Because he’d learned from Mama- he could do it! He was hurting very badly from her death, but his family needed something stable. Somebody needed to rise to the occasion, so he did. He could deal with his grief later. It made him proud whenever his father would thank him profusely for everything he did. And he ignored that horribly guilty face Daryl would have whenever they talked. Thanks to his efforts, his family turned out alright! Well, for the most part. Richard was a lost cause, and Robbie’s anger was… difficult to manage. But at 24, he’s proud of how well everyone turned out!
After his youngest brothers graduated, he was finally able to pursue the family he’d always wanted to have. He married his wife at 29, and they immediately carried on the Parker legacy, having five kids- all of whom are boys. They had a very loving relationship together.
Ryan was always close to most of his family, though his best relationships were with Rodney, Ralphie, and Ryder. He was basically his youngest brothers’ mom, after all. Robbie and him would never quite make up, something that Robbie would always regret. Richard and him had had a strained relationship for a very long time, but Richard would apologize for leaving him to take care of their brother alone. The two would make up after that after a lot of discussion.
Okay now for the thing I’ve been hinting at. In the future, Ryan continues to push himself every day, feeling unfulfilled if he ever had nothing to do. He has a great relationship with his spouse, and beautiful children- just like his mother. Unfortunately, he would share her fate, his heart defect taking his life at 36 years old. It’s a very sad time for their family, but it jolts some of the more messy members of the family into self-reflection (Richard, Robbie, Rowan). Ultimately, Richard steps up and decides to help raise Ryan’s children, as a way to right the wrongs of his youth. Ryan lives on through the rest of his family, his influence having helped many of them end up as functional people today.
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fcomendoza05 · 4 days
Its ANOTHER gün!
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whyd it get labeled as mature wtf
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