fcrgottn · 21 days
I'll come back to tumblr in mid June (15 or so) in the meantime I'll be available to talk to on discord
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fcrgottn · 26 days
I might just go on hiatus, i don't have any motivation for writing
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fcrgottn · 27 days
Hi sorry i havent been active ive not really been online at all
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fcrgottn · 1 month
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extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world.
Multiship/Crossover friendly Mutuals Only 
 beloved by Nell/Neil
This is a multimuse OC Blog!
About - Muses - Verses
sideblog for smut related themes
Other Blogs: @astrumborn
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fcrgottn · 1 month
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🦇 The darkness no longer scares me. I’m chasing and hunting
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🦇 An independent selective headcanon based Streber from Spooky month written, loved and haunted by Pineapple. 🦇
Personals do not reblog!
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And this time I’m coming for blood 🦇
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fcrgottn · 1 month
Spinel wasn't offended,or even surprised by the question. When you were a pink,walking sentient gemstone, there was bound to be questions. The number of times she had been asked this kind of question was so high that she should just have a response ready, but despite not being surprised, she found herself tripping over her words.
"Me? I'm...a gem. A spinel. That's..um...why I have this gem." She gestures to her gem
@fcrgottn liked for a starter!
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-Anddddd, who are you? I've never seen anyone as... unique looking as you in my life"
Marco accidently bumped into Spinel by not paying attention where he was walking. Of course, he apologized but was sorta surprised by how this person looked. I mean, she had a gem on her chest and like a sore thumb to Marco anyways..so he had to ask the question
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fcrgottn · 1 month
Spinel silently walked into the store, looking around. She didn't pay any attention to Kevin for now, her attention fully absorbed by the various candies around her. That was until she accidentally bumped into him, the thing he was holding falling to the floor.
The gem immediately rushed to help pick it up, her cheeks quickly turning a dark pink from the embarrassment.
"I- I am so so sorry!"
@fcrgottn liked for a starter w/kevin!
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Kevin was chilling where he worked, organizing things and making sure nothing was out of place. He didn't have much to do anyways. There were no customers around, and it was better to do something instead of being bored out of your mind.
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fcrgottn · 1 month
"Well..I've been learning on and off for a few years now , but it was only at the start of this year I really challenged myself to get as much progress as I could. I've been learning watching TubeTube videos. But I also ended up buying instructions books"
"Woah! Really?!" Gawked the shorter Gem, she had no idea Spinel was able to knit clothes! That was such an incredible skill! While seated at the table, Black Star props her elbows on the tabletop and then rests her chin in her palms.
"That's so cool! How long did it take you to learn? Who taught you?" And again, Black Star would eagerly state "I wanna know everything!"
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fcrgottn · 1 month
"Edible....glitter?" Spinel tilted her head in slight confusion. "Huh...I've never...thought of that. It's cool that it exists....I guess everything's alright then"
She looked away from Flask to look at the cupcakes, observing how the glitter was sparkling. She had been worried for a moment when she first saw it, thinking Flask had somehow accidentally dropped glitter on the cupcakes...Knowing this was edible did ease her worries
@fcrgottn liked for a starter!
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"Come on, no need to be so worried! It's edible glitter, you can put it on anything." One of Flask's favorite activities was decorating cupcakes and it was truly a blessing to share that with somebody else.
"Oh, totally forgot! I bought candy pearls! I think they will go well with this color of buttercream." The albino suggested, rummaging through her bag.
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fcrgottn · 1 month
"I've never seen anything like you either, so I guess we're even...you look like some kind of fish creature..Shouldn't you be in the water ?" Spinel commented, taking notice of his scaly skin, and how tired he looked, like...a fish out of the water, quite literally speaking...
"I bet you'd feel much better if you were in the water"
Oh. Yeah..that made sense. Well to him it really didn't but sure! If she said that she was a weird walking gemstone then it had to be the truth! But that meant that he would not get eaten today!
" I see...hmm..well that is awkward now...I don't really know what I am but...I have never seen a walking rock before. "
He mused, slowly sitting himself up. His movement was sluggish at best, devoid of any motivation. That or he was just incredibly tired. His scaly skin did look rather dry to be honest.
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fcrgottn · 1 month
Spinel was coping quite well with the thunderstorm, unconcerned by the loud noises and flashes of light. However it didn't seem like it was the case for Jevil, and the gem felt a pang of guilt when she couldn't think of anything reassuring to say or do.
Without a word, she sat next to him, her words non-existent but her action speaking volumes. After a long moment of silence, she finally spoke up.
"Would you feel better with a hug?"
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Jevil lets out an upset sigh and descends himself to the ground. Once his shoes fully touch the ground, he flops on his side and his leg folds up close to his chest, curling his J-shaped tail around him. His arms embraced around his knees and buried his face in them. The pointy ears entirely drooping.
A couple of thunder rumbles from outside caused the darkener to shiver and whimper. Jevil buries his face more in his knees as his eyes get misty. The  storm is mentally overwhelming in him as well as being all wet too.
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fcrgottn · 1 month
Hi sorry for no replies or anything . Been hyperfixating on m.inecraft
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fcrgottn · 1 month
I have something important to take care of irl so i won't be active the following days
I'll be on discord tho
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fcrgottn · 2 months
Spinel is that one friend who gives her all during J.ust D.ance
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fcrgottn · 2 months
"Obviously not!"
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She throws her hands in the air, exasperated. Rin is not the one she's mad at, but she's having trouble keeping her emotions in check and he's suffering because it
She is now angrily pacing back and forth on the beach,kicking any rocks or seashells she may find on the way
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fcrgottn · 2 months
She is now angrily pacing back and forth on the beach,kicking any rocks or seashells she may find on the way
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fcrgottn · 2 months
Steven's really stupid for letting someone like you stick around. After everything you did?
be rude to my muse! insult them! say bad things about their loved ones! go wild!!
"Shut up!! SHUT UP !! YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW ANYTHING!! Don't you fucking dare call my friend stupid!!"
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"You don't know what I did to make up for my actions! You have no fucking idea how much guilt has been eating me up inside!! You're judging me based on stuff you just heard about me! Besides if you knew anything about my life and my friends you'd know Steven goes by Winter now!! But you clearly don't know anything, SO AGAIN SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"
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