fcxkemy · 10 years
she is a goddamn masochist. that must be it.
maybe even an adrenaline junkie.
that was the only explanation the sixteen year old could come up with as she’s pushing through burned bushes, walking in the opposite direction of which she spotted the suspicious cars leaving after unmistakable sounds of gunshots and what a sixteen year old could only describe as war.
she’s a masochist. kyeongmi knowingly repeats it in her head as she’s stepping into the clearing, eyes settling on the tons of dead bodies that crowd the ground as she suppresses a shudder. this is maybe too creepy even for her – even so, the teenager continues on, humming what may be an ill-placed song to keep her mind off things as she, in a manner most prepubescent, curiously pokes things with her trusty metal bat.
“ba dum dum dum.” the girl hums, curling her tongue as she taps a random leg with the tip of the bat twice before moving on.
“another one bites the dust.”
this repeats on for a few more bodies, her own voice growing in volume and matching her confidence as it seems that everyone else around is certainly—100%--dead.
though her next little prod elicits a near ghostly groan and she stiffens, eyes widening.
okay maybe not 100%.
“the new age—” ♕
the boundary where one pain ends and another begins is lost to jaebum. before he opens his eyes, it’s the first thing he registers. not the sunlight burning into his eyelids, or the smell of gasoline and smoke (of blood and dirt); or even the sound of tanks rolling by in the distance. it’s the pain that radiates through his entire body—overtaking him like high tide at every breath. he coughs, dust and dirt into the bright, morning air and struggles to push himself upright.
jiyeon’s pistol remains firmly clasped between his fingers, clip emptied; safety off.
oh, god.
jolting to awareness the male first forces his eyes to open, lashes fluttering against the weight of caked blood dripping down from his head—it aches, everything aches—“jiyeon?” his voice rings out, unsure of the response he expects to get. memories of the previous night are faded, lost between one dull throb and the next as his hand slips and jaebum crashes back to the ground.
he stares into the sky, unable to see a single shred of light—
“noona, where are you?”
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fcxkemy · 10 years
another step closer reveals more of the boy challenging the game before her – he’s pale, ghostly pale, kyeongmi wasn’t even aware of the fact that anyone could be that pale. perhaps he should consider an activity in the sun rather than holing up in the arcade – not that she’s one to talk anyway. so, for the sake of offending the only other person in the arcade, the first year keeps her mouth shut on that matter.
“yeah, which means you’re either venting on something or just generally overly competitive.” she doesn’t cut her words, having hung around the arcade enough to know how to tell the kind of people a person is by the game and way they play. though she doesn’t press too much on it, her tone is still fairly light after all, attention switching easily to the next topic when he brings it up.
“i—what? no.” her gaze turns over to the pink gun as her nose crinkles in slight distaste, stepping forward anyway as she quickly considers it before shaking her head, “nah—i don’t have that good of an aim. i'd drag you down.” kyeongmi laughs, expression turning sheepish as she makes a slight turn to the plastic motorcycle machines situated conveniently next to his. “but, i mean, if you don’t mind an audience, “ the blonde smiles with ease, dumping her bag onto the ground before resting her arms on plastic before pushing upward to hop onto the seat in a light movement.
“i could just watch you instead.”
it wasn’t as if she really had anything else to do other than game anyway.
↪ mental breaker : kkm & jjg
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fcxkemy · 10 years
↪ mental breaker : kkm & jjg
life goes on. as kyeongmi would find it, her life wasn't particularly set back in any way by the recent news shaking busan. she still had school, still woke up to root beer and cereal being the only option to breakfast; as it is, the high schooler finds herself more perturbed by the amount of snow (most of it's ice now--thanks to the storm that occurred over night) lining the streets and sidewalks.
she had already slipped and ate asphalt on school grounds earlier that morning.
it is with sore forearms and an iron-will that kyeongmi scales the cold (iced) metal bars to the back of the school with a lot more difficulty than usual, finally making her way over the gates after a few tries.
there's the slightest bit of a rip in her uniform, but kyeongmi pays no attention to it as she heads, school bag in hand, to the arcade a few blocks over.
time to reward herself with some initial d 5th stage five.
as expected, activity is slow in these hours, borderline deserted save the half asleep employee that simply nods and goes back to his comic at her entrance -- nothing too fun, but kyeongmi finds it better than school.
without a thought she makes her way toward the right, navigating blindly as her eyes fixate on her phone, browsing through the usual parade of messages (jokes from her friends, invites from her crew). she slows to a stop once her eyes (and ears, it's hard to not hear the parade of gunshots and ghoulish groans from the undead on the bright screen) settles on the shoulders of a boy (no older than her, kyeongmi guesses from his build) rapidly just--going at it. there's no stop, if anything, the score points on the upper right corner just keeps rising and rising.
"whoa--" she utters the word before she could help herself, decidedly taking a step closer as her lips form a friendly curve, "you are way too into this."
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fcxkemy · 10 years
"i eat, yoooo--pops has a "secret" batch of dried squid i munch on when i'm mad." she pauses, toothy grin splitting across her face "and then i write some stuff and spit it."
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fcxkemy · 10 years
Honestly, you just take a deep breath and say fuck it.
Johnny Knoxville 
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