Ooof but why is this so true
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Ahem, what about Kpop? U sayin that my boys Bts, Exo, NCT, Big Bang don't work as hard as female artists?
can you believe male artist literally go on stage in sweatpants and put little to no effort into their performances but female artists have to get custom bodysuits and learn 2+ hours worth of choreography to get half the fuckin recognition and critical acclaim like what kinda nastiness
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Is this outdated yet
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Luthien sketch I did during Latin class (best class)
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Yup. This is basically the Silm. 100%. A+. 5 on AP exam.
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The Silmarillion according to someone who has never read it but only picked up bits and pieces from the tumblr fandom. For shits and giggles! 
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Maitimo/Maedhros Headcannons
Prompt: Personallity headcannons
Warnings: None
Words: 566
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Before Kinslaying/oath:
-he’s super regal and doesn’t act on emotions often -but that doesn’t mean that he’s not emotional sometimes -he’s mucho-kind and has the personality a fluffy cinnamon roll :D (he doesn’t show much of it tho) -and Mai is honestly so beautiful (fans self) -Like, his features are all so perfect, and he always has hoards of nissi flocking around him at all times (he got them noice 8-packs) -He’s modest so he pretends he doesn’t like it too much -but he secretly enjoys it -a-lot -Maitimo also has the most sense out of almost his whole family (Nerdanel and him are tied) -He’s basically a mom -Also, Fëanor trusts him the most out of all of his brothers (because most of them are idiots) -As a lover, this Maitimo would be super sweet and will always bend to your desires -He’s bubbly and always radiating pure light when you’re around him (aww) -He’s gonna be super territorial as well, so be prepared for a lot of cute, jealous Mai -I feel like he acts like a totally different person while around you -Like, he acts like a true 👌🏻👌🏻 daddie prince, that will bring honor to his family, around literally everybody else -But a floofy bunny towards you -he’ll share his heart with you, and will give you all of his trust -he’s also secretly a major daydreamer, and will spend hours next to you, thinking about your shared future -just don’t break his heart… he’s too innocent and pure and doesn’t deserve pain (as of right now…)
After Kinslaying/Oath:
-Oof - What a horrible glow up -This Mai (its Maedhros now) is a depressed af child that could snap your neck in a second -Having reasonable debates and friendly arguments with Maedhros is near impossible. He does not want to hear your opinions because he thinks his own are the most correct -He does not have a personality anymore. Talking to him is like speaking to a brick wall -Maedhros is bitter af -He will snap at the littlest things like: when you are showing a little too much skin, when the words on the paper are not in perfectly straight lines, when you show even a little attitude, and when his orders are not carried out exactly how he said to -Loving Maedhros is hard -He will not show any compassion and love towards you anymore -Maedhros can be low-key abusive as well -If you do not go by his rules, he will slap you and tell you to try again -After hanging by his hand for 7 years, and the scars he’s gotten from his imprisonment make him quiet, but insane -Even you are afraid of him sometimes -No matter how hard you try, you know that he is never gonna go back to how he use to be -The only time that you ever see a spark of humanity and emotions in him is when you cry in front of him -He absolutely hates when you cry -He will lose himself when trying to console you, and a sliver of compassion will show through -For you, that is all it takes for you to stay with him -And you know that if you leave, he will fall deeper into insanity, and who knows what he will do if that happens -You love him, but hate what he has become
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Celegorm’s still the hottest
The Silmarillion characters as cars (part 2)
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Elrond & Elros
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Attempted a design on Míriel, with, like pink hair for some reason. 
She’s the first wife (hookup) of Finwe and mother to the greatest being to ever live Fëanor. 
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Casual census: Reblog if you are in the Silmarillion fandom
I just want to see how many of us there are out there
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As a thank you for over 1000 followers (I love you all, y’all are the best), here is:
Silmarillion characters as Vines 2: The Squeakquel
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Ehem* don't you mean
Dark lord Zaddy 👌
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Sauron. Or, as I have decided to call him in this picture, Dark Lord Daddy.  I like to think he is waiting for Celebrimbor in this picture ; ) . Commission done for me by EJDM on deviantart. 
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Tf are u talking about my dude.
What is love?
Goit it r8, mate
Celebitchbor u thot
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Ignoring the fact that Annatar probably won’t ask that.
This Celebrimbor can kinda guess who he is but they still end up screwed up because Sauron can’t truly believe in Celebrimbor and leaves with out notice one day. 
…Or something along that line, I haven’t thought properly on how exactly their relationship ends.
Also, this comic was originally suppose to be like this.
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Past comics are jumping around <here>.
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My guy. Silm is bae. Silm is love. Silm is LiFe
@ the Silmarillion fandom:
I want to see how many of us there are and it’s been a few months since one of these last went around. I know some people have joined/started making content in that time, and I’d like to include them in this. So I’ll start:
@sengawolf @erudammit @kanawolf @kanafiinwe @faewisteria @darksabreassassin @filmamir @son-of-maglor @actualelffucker @goodguymaeglin @belekoroz @fratboy-of-orome @feanoriansappreciation @gloomycamomile @alia-andreth @dragonofmordor @magic-from-the-ordinary @greenwoodthegreat @seven-sons-of-feanor @chiefcouncilor-erestor @shineoftherainbow @cataclysmofstars @tyelperinquar @malachiteart @quinngrey @burdenedwithgloriousfandoms @theoriginaldrink @norse-potato @swilmarillion
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I drew a thing for Idril Celebrindal, aka mommmmm, because it's not like I have to do a lit review or anything👌🏻😂👌🏻
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Yummy ;-)
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i-gwarth requested Sauron in B5 :)
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i hate this
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Guys, we can’t hide from the truth
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secret tunnel of love (gollum x shelob) is the real OTP 
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