fearfulcve 4 months
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Alena is a kind-hearted soul who would really do anything for anyone. Very outgoing and bubbly She is an animal lover and takes her dog polly everywhere she goes. She tends to have a lot of anger and sadness from her past that she tries to hold in, because she doesn't know how to deal with it so she just pushes it aside.
Under Co.
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fearfulcve 4 months
饾懇饾拏饾拕饾拰饾挃饾挄饾拹饾挀饾挌 饾懛饾挄 3.
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As Alena grew older she had found certain things out about her father. Was it because she wanted to know? Not necessarily, but she found out anyways. She then understood why some people looked at her scared when they found out she was a Slivers, or like she was crazy. Needless to say when Alena had found these things out it had put a tamper in their relationship, she felt like the man who had been raising her was a fake, a phony, he had been lying to her face this whole time.
That's when Alena wanted to break out. She didn't want to be known as a Slivers, or as that " crazy karate mans daughter ". So whenever she hit high school she had did a total 180. Changed her hair, style, got a few piercings, even a tattoo on her lower back that she never told her father about. She wanted to completely shake the Slivers imagine and wanted people to know her for her and not her last name.
Keeping her last name a secret and trying to hide any ties that she related to Terry slivers even if it's not by blood throughout her high school years, she's worried that with the new karate craze coming back up agin someone will found out.
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fearfulcve 4 months
饾懇饾拏饾拕饾拰饾挃饾挄饾拹饾挀饾挌 饾懛饾挄 2.
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A few days had passed and the hospital had been trying to get ahold of Alenas parents or anyone she was related at that point, but no one was picking up the phone. The hospital had treated Alena for as long as they could before she could no longer stay there and they had to call CPS.
As a random lady entered the room Alena was slightly confused and asked where her mom was. The lady explained that she was a friend of the moms and she was going to be taking Alena to place where there were many other kids her age plus others that she could play with. Alena didn't want to go to the random place and began throwing a fit. As the lady tried to calm her down she explained that her mom would eventually pick her up from there. Hearing that had calmed Alena down for a bit but she still didn't want to go to the place.
Following the lady out, the nurses and doctors had given the small girl a sadden smile as she waved bye to each one as she left.
Being dropped off at foster care with nothing but the clothes on her back, she was scared. Random kids kept coming up to her to say hi. Some were mean and just ignored her, seeing her as someone who took up more space. Others just didn't care. The owners introduced themselves to her and promised to keep her safe while she was there they had even let her take play with there dog hat was about the same size of her. Her and dog had quickly became best friends. She had even named him polly.
It was Alenas twelfth birthday. Almost everyone that had been at the foster home had been adopted besides Alena and a few others. She had realized a long time ago that her parents weren't coming back and she couldn't come to terms with it. Why would they leave her? What did she do that made them not want her? If they knew she had gotten a little bit better, would they want her back? Alena had many thoughts but no answers.
There was this tall man with long black hair that was always slicked back into a ponytail that came in frequently. She had assumed that he was friends with the owners since he never socialized with the children like the other foster parents did when they came in, but today was different. While Alena was sitting on the couch with polly in her lap, she had her elbow propped up on the arm of the couch, head in hand, and was petting polly with the other hand. Staring down at him in boredom, a sudden shadow had covered her. Looking up she seen the tall mysterious man looking down at her with a gently smile. She had always found him a bit scary, but especially now in this moment. Watching as he kneeled down to her level, he had handed her a small bag and told her " happy birthday" ." How'd you know? " she asked the random man as she quickly began opening the present excitedly. " I've been in discussion with the good folks over there about you, and they told me that your birthday was soon so I got you a present. " He replied watching her open the present. Taking a small box out the bag she was sightly confused when she opened the box and seen a necklace that said "daughter" on it. Looking up at the man as he had a smile on his face, she looked back down at the necklace and just put it back in its box. Wrapping her arms around the no longer strange man, she then quickly got up and went upstairs and began packing the things she had collected over the years without saying a word.
Going back downstairs she had seen polly at the end of the staircase waiting for her. Picking the now larger dog up, she told him that she had to go and kissed the dog goodbye, though she couldn't let him go. Terry noticed that Alena hadn't put the dog down after sometime he told her that he could just buy her a new one, but she didn't want a new one, it wouldn't be the same. The now old lady knew how attached Alena had been with the dog since they had practically grew up together. She came up to her and told her that she could keep him. Alena asked if she was sure, but the older woman insisted and told her to think of it as a departing gift. Giving the older woman a tight hug, she then said her goodbyes as she left with Terry.
Getting a fresh start and a new life.
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fearfulcve 4 months
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Born in 2005 Alena had been born into a happy, wealthy, and secure family. When her parents had first brought her home it felt like a fairytale come to life. Both sides of the family wanted to see her, they had her room nicely decorated , and they even had a closet full of clothes to dress their new born babygirl in. Everything had seemed perfect until it wasn't.
At the age of 3, Alena had became very sick and was always in and out of the hospital. Alena's parents started to take off of work to attend to their sick child, but eventually became very tired of always taking her to the hospital when her condition seemed to get worse.
One night when Alena was in bed she started having a coughing fit. With her mom right beside her, she had sat Alena up and began patting on the small girls back to see if it would help, but it didn't. As Alena kept coughing she had started to turn blue from not being able to get any oxygen. As the mother had notice it was happening, she had quickly picked Alena up and went to her car driving her to the hospital.
Once they were there and got Alena stabilized, her mom went out to the hallway, called her husband to inform him of what was happening. Right then and there the mother started to have a break down and told her husband that she couldn't do it anymore. That she could no longer take care of a sick child and keep their lives on pause for Alena. She wanted her gone and wanted nothing to do with her anymore. As her husband tried to calm her down and talk her out of leaving Alena she told him they can always have another kid.
Hanging up the phone her mother had walked back into the room and looked at her small daughter with slight disgust, like she was looking at some disease that they couldn't get rid of. Feeling someone watching her Alena had opened her eyes and saw her mother, giving her a weak smile she wasn't able to talk since her throat was swore from coughing. As the mother saw her daughter giving her a smile, she had gave her a slight smile back and with dried tears on her cheek, she told her that she'd be right back.
Alena waited a few seconds, minutes, hours, days. She had never returned.
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fearfulcve 4 months
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Hello everyone!!!
I am so excited to write with each and every one of you, but before hand I just wanna introduce myself. I'm 19 years old, pronouns she/her, and I go by Mariposa (I always thought the name was pretty) and this is not my first time in the Cobra Kai verse. I've written here before as Canon and Oc characters but I had lost muse for them and ended up flipping the account. With the sixth and final season coming back I had gotten a little inspo and made Alena.
In my spare time when I'm not rping I'm usually reading, doing colorguard, and or working. I'm also planning on attending college in the fall so if do become spotty around that time, it's because of that.
I do tend to get busy at times and forget to respond, so if I am active on the tl and not responding to you I do apologize and don't be afraid to dm me and just say " heyyy bestie I think you forget to respond to me " and I'll get on it or explain why I haven't responded, I just ask you give me some time before you send the message. Just don't send multiple at a time cause that's annoying.
Again I can't wait to write with all of you and if you ever need anyone to talk to don't be afraid to DM me.
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