fearhexual · 2 years
I never thought of myself as someone deserving of love.
That’s not to say that I don’t want it. In fact, I yearn for it. I want to be loved, I want to feel wanted, and I want to be held close. Who am I to think of myself as deserving of that? What do I have to give? I’m unattractive, awkward, and socially unaware. I have no appeal. What could I possibly bring to the table in a relationship?
So imagine my surprise when the being who lives here takes an interest in me. I know I’m supposed to stay away from beings. They’re so big, they could crush me to death with no effort. But this one is so kind to me. They’re calm and non threatening, and their voice is so soft. They give me butterflies.
They ask me about my life, my family, and my dreams. We talk for hours. I don’t really know what it is, but me and them connect so deeply. They asked me if we would be together forever. Of course I said yes. I love them.
Though, take my advice. Kissing a being is probably not a good idea.
It wasn’t my idea- they kissed me. With their hand around my body, and my face smooshed against their lips. I nuzzle even closer. Their lips are so soft, and their breath is so warm.
Their lips part, and for only a moment, I get a glimpse inside them. It’s dark, but almost sparkly from all the saliva. Such a sight should be terrifying, but I’m filled with morbid curiosity. It’s so pretty.
It seems I’ve spoke to soon, as that glimpse becomes all I see. Their lips close around me, and I am slurped up. My entire body is pulled inside them. My heart races. It’s okay, don’t panic. It’s just them, remember? They’d never hurt me. I’m sure it was an accident.
I’m sucked in even deeper. I’m propped on their tongue, like a big cuddly body pillow. I rest my head on it. It’s warm, and the wetness doesn’t bother me. It’s so comfortable somehow. I think I like this more than I should.
Then they start to lick me. I can’t help but giggle. Their tongue is as big as me, and at this point we are practically cuddling. They pin me to the roof of their mouth and I am squished by their tongue. I love it.
After a while, I start feeling tuckered out. Okay, that was fun. Maybe they can let me out now? I make my way to the front of the mouth, but they pull me back in.
I’m not upset by this. I mean sure, I’m a bit tired, but I could stay longer. They seem happy with me in here. This is all so weird. Weird and wonderful. As I lay on their tongue, the weight of this starts to sink in.
If any other being had put me in their mouth, I would be dead. Not today. This one is different. When they kiss me it’s out of love. When they put me in their mouth, it’s out of love. When they taste me repeatedly, it’s out of love. They’re as gentle as they were on the outside. How lucky am I? To be loved so much to be tasted. To be pulled into their mouth, no, into their body, the inside of their very being. To be sucked in as if I am a part of them. Being held this close is nothing but love. You can’t get much closer than this, and being in here screams “I’m yours”. I’m filled with bliss.
Their tongues moves up, carrying me with it. We go up to the ceiling again, except this time their tongue presses in a way that pushes me back. I start to slide towards their throat.
Wait. Is this really happening? I stare down their throat. Their saliva sparkles against the edges. This long glistening tube that slides down into pure darkness and mystery. My heart starts to race again. There’s no way they’re going to swallow me, right? That’s too crazy. Too extreme. Sure, all the mouth play was pretty strange, but it’s not swallow me whole strange. They wouldn’t.
They wouldn’t eat me alive. They wouldn’t swallow me down that beautiful, beckoning tunnel. They wouldn’t let me into their stomach. They wouldn’t let me so deep into them. So deep inside that they couldn’t touch me with their tongue, or simply spit me out. They wouldn’t let me into the parts of themself that they would never get to see. They wouldn’t let me, a grade A nobody, into the very core of their body. The very core of them.
Would they..?
I never thought of myself as someone deserving of love. Especially not to this extreme. I’ve never felt so special. So wanted. So loved. If you want me in your center, who am I to say no? Being in there is a massive compliment- a privilege even. I can’t imagine how it’ll feel at the bottom.
They do it. I slide off the back of their tongue, and into their throat. I look back for the last time, barely seeing their uvula, as the walls tighten around me. They guide me deeper and deeper, the walls holding me like a never ending hug.
Eventually, I reach the end. I plop down to the soft and soothing texture of their stomach. It’s so snug, and I immediately cuddle into it. This feels so wonderful. I lay there in delight, gently caressing their gastric folds. I lay for a while and close my eyes. I can feel their breathing, and I can hear their heartbeat. It’s so dark, and so distinctly alive. I’m inside of someone. I’m in someone’s stomach.
I’m in someone’s stomach.
The being seems to go about their day. They hum to themselves, doing who knows what. They walk around sometimes, and sometimes they sit and do something on their phone. There’s muffled sounds of different videos playing as they flick through them.
Laying in their stomach folds and staring up at where I came, I let my mind wander. This is all a bit strange, isn’t it? I can’t deny how much I enjoy this, and how much fun it was, and yet I find myself suddenly draped in sadness. Eating someone isn’t an act of love, even if it feels that way. You eat to survive. To gain nutrients. To digest.
I call out to them, hoping they would respond. How long were they planning on leaving me in here? It’s.. it’s gonna be okay, right? They’ll cough me up I’m sure. And yeah, the fluids are starting to sting a little, and sure it’s starting to feel a bit smaller in here, but they love me. I’m sure of it. They would eat me, but they wouldn’t kill me. Or if they did… it would be out of love?
Maybe that’s it then. Once I’m all melted and gooey, their body will absorb what’s left of me. I’ll be broken down into nutrients and calories, and be pumped through their bloodstream, all across their body. Maybe even turn into fat, so I can stay with them forever. It’s so morbid, I know, but what else do I make of this? Maybe they just can’t hear me yelling. Maybe they can’t feel me pushing against the walls or trying to fight my way back up.
No. They don’t want me back out. I can tell because as I run out of steam and lay back down, I feel their hand on the outside. They gently rub their stomach, and I can feel it in here. My body burns, and slowly starts to feel numb. My eyes well up. Somehow, as I feel their hand against me, it tells me it’s all gonna be okay. It’s love, you see?
Its love.
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fearhexual · 2 years
How do you feel about preds that, aren't really cruel but just. Can't possibly care about their prey. For the sake of their own satisfaction or survival. Or is that still cruel? Even if unintended?
I love preds that are indifferent. I wouldn't necessarily call them cruel, because in my mind, a cruel pred is insulting the prey, mocking them, slapping them around, being downright horrible to the poor prey.
An indifferent pred doesn't do any of that. At most, they lightly run a hand over their swollen, squirming belly, and they'll have a passing thought or two about their prey and how full they are... But for the most part, it's just another prey. Another meal for them to digest and enjoy. They hardly even notice it when their stomach finally stills; the only thing they pay attention to is how hungry they are, and when their next meal is going to be.
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fearhexual · 2 years
Oh, honey, you really hit the spot.
Keep reading
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fearhexual · 2 years
For some preds, their favorite part of catching a prey is the thrill of the hunt. For others, their favorite part is that last swallow that effectively seals the fate of their prey...
But, for some, their favorite part is the aftermath.
Hours after their catch, when their prey has finally stopped squirming and trying to escape, when deep, low gurgles emanate from their round, heavy gut... Their hand slowly moving over their engorged belly, and even pressing down ever so slightly; by now, their prey is no longer solid, so their hand readily sinks into their flesh, which produces some soft whines from their belly.
For some preds, there is nothing better than watching and feeling their prey slowly break down and be absorbed into their body. In a few hours, their stomach will shrink back down to its original size, with hardly a trace of the meal they had earlier...
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fearhexual · 2 years
I know nobody cares about this game but I DO!!!! so
I made st/nley parable vore
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Yknow no I do not have a scenario for this either?
Go off track and get the vore ending? Who knows
Honestly this would end fatally but oh well
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fearhexual · 2 years
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fearhexual · 2 years
When he finds her, she's hiding in a cabinet, curled up tightly. He flashes her a grin while her eyes go wide and her face pales.
"Found you," He whispers.
She can't move or escape, given the cramped space she's in. All she can do is close her eyes tightly and wince when she feels his hands grab her and, rather gently, pull her out of the cabinet. He pulls her up to her feet and looks her over for just a second. She is the one he's been pursuing this whole time. His love, his prize. Her fate.
He could get this over with quickly. A part of him wants to. He's painfully aware of how empty his insides are. But even as pangs of hunger stab through his core, he can't resist relishing in this moment. He squeezes her shoulders, nails digging in ever so slightly.
She isn't going to go down without a fight, but he doesn't mind that. In his eyes, she's perfect; she can do whatever she wants on the way down, and besides, he knows that she doesn't want this, so really, he doesn't blame her.
She tries to jerk away, but his grip is far too strong. He lets go of her shoulder with one hand and grabs her jaw, forcing her to look at him.
"It won't hurt much," He whispers darkly. Fear flashes in her eyes. He thinks he's even caught a whiff of it, and when he does, he salivates.
He wonders if he should say anything else. Any words of comfort. Anything kind, or gentle, but the more he breathes in her delicious scent and looks into her eye, he can't find the will to say anything more. He needs her, and he needs her now.
He opens his mouth, wide. Immediately, her eyes go straight to his mouth and dark, gaping throat. It's then she begins trying to break out of his grasp; she tries jerking away and pushing against him, but again, his grip is far too strong. Still, he enjoys her fruitless attempts to escape. They're quite cute.
He takes her head into his mouth, and when he does, he's immediately met with the most wonderful taste he's ever has the pleasure of experiencing. She's sweet and tender, absolutely delectable. His eyes slip closed and he lets out a pleased sigh. He knows how much she hated this, but he doesn't care. He takes his time, tasting her.
After a while, though, he makes his first swallow. Powerful throat muscles contract around her and drag her down. She's small, so one gulp easily brings her in up to her hips. His throat stretches comfortably to accommodate his prey's size. Within, she continues writhing and squirming, trying to break free.
He stands still for a moment, relishing her squirms, before finally, he swings his head up. Now, gravity aids in her descent, and her desperate squirming only pushes her down further. He wants to just swallow her down and seal her away where she belongs... But he also enjoys the feeling of his prey slowly slipping further and further to their demise.
He's caught off guard when he feels her first enter his stomach. His eyes snap wide open and a whine escapes him. He somehow always forgets just how good it feels when prey first slips into his hungry stomach, where they belong.
Eventually, he loses his patience. He wants to feel all of her in his stomach, now. His stomach is practically begging for it; it lets out a whiny groan and contracts. He gives a powerful gulp, and just like that, she's quickly pushed down into his stomach. His stomach quickly stretched and swells as his prey is deposited into his core. She's forced to curl up within the tight confines of his stomach.
By now, he feels a little woozy. Lightheaded. She tasted so good, and she's stretched his stomach quite a bit, almost painfully so. He finds himself breathless, as his lung capacity is suddenly a bit restricted by his meal. Slowly, he waddles over to a couch and flops onto his back. He can feel the weight of his prey pressing down on him. It's oddly comforting, in a way. He lets out a pleased sigh and rests a hand on his stomach.
It doesn't take long for the organ to get to work. A low gurgle sounds as the stomach walls slowly begin undulating around his prey. Within, she puts up a fight. Quite a strong fight. He doesn't think he's ever had a prey so determined. Watching his stomach fascinates him. It moves and shifts slowly, and then, rather suddenly, it jerks and bulges out. After a few moments, though, he can feel his stomach constrict and slowly push his prey back into the center of his now actively churning gut.
He smiles. He can't wait to see how long this one lasts. She feels lovely within him; her squirming is like an intense internal massage. Unbeknownst to her, of course, squirming only encourages his stomach. The harder she squirms, the more active and noisy his belly gets.
As he watches his squirming, groaning stomach, he can feel himself starting to become sleepy. A big meal always lulls him to sleep. He wants to stay awake and enjoy his prey more... Bur alas, he can't fight sleep. His eyes slip shut, and he drifts off to sleep.
Even as the predator sleeps, his stomach is active. It shifts and bulges out as the prey squirms. Within, the stomach walls contract powerfully around her. She knows she doesn't have much time to escape before it's too late, so her efforts are reinvigorated, even as the stomach contracts and squeezes her. There's a growing puddle of digestive muck growing around her, but she tries not to think about where it's coming from.
As time passes, her struggles slowly begin to get weaker. All she can hear are loud gurgles around her as she's happily digested by the predator. She isn't sure if hours or minutes pass, but rather suddenly, her world shifts a little. She yelps quietly as she slips.
Outside, the predator is just now stirring. He's been napping for a few hours by now. When he wakes up, he almost forgets about the events that've happened prior... Until he remembers the weight in his gut. When he looks down, he can see that his stomach has rounded out a little and shrunken a bit.
He lifts a hand to his stomach and presses down. A low, whiny gurgle sounds from his stomach as he does to. To his surprise, he can still feel her within him, moving and squirming. Her squirms are weaker than they were a few hours ago though, and she's definitely getting softer.
He finds himself grinning. She's quite the prey. By now, most prey have passed out.
"I can already tell you'll be sticking around for a while," He says, idly rubbing his belly. There's a kick within him as he says that. He chuckles. She's such a feisty prey. He's going to be a bit disappointed when she finally succumbs to his powerful stomach.
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fearhexual · 2 years
Bob Vore - Safe, Willing
You straddle Bob's lap, resting comfortably on his massive legs as he stares down at you. You've been massaging and caressing his stomach for almost 10 minutes now simply admiring how soft, plush and warm he feels under his sweater. Hes so warm. Your hands press and your fingers squish into his plush fat, dragging across his nipples, the rolls on his sides, placing careful pressure to ensure hes enjoying this and your touch. He smiles down at you. And when your thumbs drag across his breasts past his nipples he drools and groans, biting the smallest portion of skin off of his own lip. His massive hands place themselves against your ass, pulling you closer. He moves his head downward, what is he doing? He places his nose against your neck and smells you deeply then exhales his hot breath against the nape of your neck. "Keep goin" he says to you, low and sultry. You shiver at the sensation, the vibration of his deep voice accompanying his breath against your skin. You oblige calmly, not wanting to seem rushed. You know you're certainly not in any rush to stop touching him. You gently grind your pelvis against his full mast cock, barriered between his pants and yours. The sensation causes him to groan and you feel wetness at your neck as his large tongue glides it's way up from your shoulder to your ear. You melt and shiver at the sensation, which he feels with you pressed against him and he laughs low. He presses his entire mouth against your neck, circling his tongue to capture more of your flavor, then sucks at you as he pulls away. You can hear him swallow his saliva and he exhales, satisfied with your flavor but you can sense something in his breath that is wanting. He licks his lips, pulling every minuscule bit of salt from your skin onto his tongue and into his mouth to savor. He leans in closer to your ear, an eager grin stretched across his face as he speaks. "You taste real good.." he laughs.
He places his mouth back on you, this time at your shoulder, repeating the same procedure only this time adding a strong glide of his tongue up from your collar and up your shoulder, your shirt peeled away enough to make it easy for him. You realize now your hands have stopped the massage, frozen from the sensation of his hungry mouth slathering its tongue across you. Your breath is shaky, and feeling his dick against you isnt helping with keeping it together. You remember to use your hands again, and slide them across the rolls hidden beneath the sweater to press yourself further against him. He laughs again at you. "Yanno, I'm gettin pretty hungry." He says before leaning in closer , speaking into your ear ,"And I'm thinkin' you're looking pretty good for dinner. What do you say?"
You huff in excitement, then look up at him with lidded eyes. His voice is intoxicating, hypnotic. Is he doing this intentionally? Or was he just.. that way..? You nod, your mouth slightly open. He smiles and leers at you, placing his thumb on your lip. Hes silent, his eyes are searching you and his face still wields that large grin. It takes a moment, but he speaks, "I think I'll savor you a little longer first. Then you'll be all mine. Hows that sound?" To which you nod slowly. Bob obviously loved to tease, to bathe in the anticipation. His smile remained, he leered at you for a brief moment, then hed leaned down, placing his mouth directly on the center of your neck, his tongue circling where your Adam's apple would be. You suddenly became aware of his teeth pressing against the muscles inside your skin, and his vocalizations were seeming more.. animalistic. Were you in danger? A thought that raced quickly through your head and disappeared just as quickly when he pulled away, then suddenly reasserted its presence within a sense of danger when he pushed his mouth against you more roughly this time. You could feel a slight pressure against your muscles this time. You worried he would change his mind and rip your throat out. He lingered against your neck, seeming to enjoy the sensation of your flesh against his teeth. He laughed again, mouth still placed against your neck. He could taste your fear bleeding through your pores and it was divine. (edited)
He had to make the active decision not to bite harder into you right then. Self control was very important here, if hed slipped even a little he may not be able to stop himself from taking a hearty chunk out of you. He lazily pulled his mouth of you, witnessing the moment it took for you to feel a sense of relief. His face was hot, covered in his own slobber from tasting you. He laughs lowly, but louder than before, exhaling as he did so, "Haha..". He takes you into a deep kiss, wanting to taste your tongue on his own. You cant breathe as he does so, his tongue felt like it was trying to crawl down your throat. He let you go, and you gasped for a moment, dazed from all of the sensations occurring inside of you. You couldnt breathe again suddenly, but this time was due to his massive tongue sliding itself firmly against your cheek, up your eyes, then repeated against your neck,chin, nose forehead, then across the other cheek and against your ear, all in 3 strong, slow  laps.
He opens his mouth wide, then takes two other large laps desperately across your face, wanting as much surface area as he could manage, pressing his tongue against you without putting your entire head into his mouth. He sucks your skin as he pulls away the second lap, then licks his lips again. He growls in a huff, his grin somehow stretching wider, enthusiastic, hungry. With him on top of you, you stare up at his wild expression, marvelling at the sheer hunger dripping from his teeth, his eyes. Hes drooling heavily, drop by drop falling onto the skin of your cheek. His saliva felt near burning. You swallow and you feel his stomach growl with you under it, the vibration of it running through your body loudly, into your veins. He leered at you one last time, asking you, "You ready?" You stare at him for a moment, you knew what your answer was but you couldnt spit it out. You nod slowly. "Good." He says, before grabbing your shirt and peeling it off of you. He descends down to your naval, then gives it a hearty lick, all the way up to your neck causing you to shiver. Your hands were free for only a moment before he pins them to either side of your head, licking your neck again to then growl hungrily. He opens his mouth wide, then encases your head within it. He cocks his head slightly, his tongue moving with it as he tastes all of you. He moans with you in his mouth, the vibrations of his deep voice rattling your brain. That's all you hear before a loud, heavy swallow, his entire throat pulling you deeper into him.
You willingly move with that swallow, your heart eager to be inside of him. The edges of his mouth curl in a smile in reaction to this, and he swallows again. Your neck was locked deep in his throat, and he let's go of your wrists to adjust himself, then places his hands at your sides. He helps you along, taking another deep, heavy, compressing swallow as your shoulders begin to traverse themselves within him. His tongue slides from side to side, saving the feeling of your chest pressed against it before another greedy swallow pulls that too into his hungry throat.
His cheeks tease the flavor of your arms against his tongue and he wants more of you. Now. He swallows again and you're pulled into him, that of which that remains of you being your hips down still. He lingers there, savoring the taste of your stomach against his tongue before taking another swallow, and another swallow, and another swallow, your hips, your ass, and now as it stands only your thighs, legs and feet remain free. Hes relived as it's a downhill slope from here for him in terms of having complete his delicious meal.  He adjusts, sitting up and swallowing at the same time to pull your thighs into his gullet, your legs hanging outside of his drooling mouth with the support of his hands at your knees. He swallows again, your body gliding so much easier now down his throat and its then your head experiences relief from the tight confines of his throat as it slips into his stomach.
He swallows further, and you glide further down his throat until your toes slip gently past his lips. He slides his tongue across them before making the final swallow, all of you now inside him. He sighs in great relief, groaning and transitioning that groan into a "Ohhh, yeahh...  mm.. ahahahah...". He sighs again, adjusting, letting his stomach rest comfortably in between his legs as it swells. His body slides the rest of you further into him, depositing all of you into his stomach smoothly. Inside him its slick, slimy, but not unpleasant. It's so warm, so... oddly comforting. How did you feel so safe here? His stomach groaned, vibrating briefly around you and it was so soothing. Bob's hand reached below his stomach, below you, and he could feel where your feet rest as they pressed against the walls of his stomach.
He hummed in a moan, feeling the edges of you press against the inside of his stomach on top of feeling so full. He was so satisfied right now. It was as if he could taste your sweat from within his stomach, being graced with your flavor from what remained on his tongue too. Your feet, your shoulders, your cute, tasty little head, your knees, elbows, every corner of you that pressed against him was such an exquisite feeling. He closed his eyes and the most goofy, satisfied, lazy smile would spread across his face. You pressed your head against the inner wall of his stomach, closing your eyes. Could you just take a nap like this? Hearing him hum was so soothing, the sound moving throughout his entire body, muffled beyond the fat but not too much to seem distance, but not clear either. It was then. Bob would speak, and you were pretty sure you could hear what he was saying. "Just let me know when you want out... Mmnnmm.... But please, do take your time... You ain't goin anywhere.. So we-.. Got all the time in the world for this..~.."
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fearhexual · 2 years
Yandere! Bob Velseb - My Favourite Employee. PT 1
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An AU where you’re employed at Grills & Boys and Bob is your boss. That’s it. These are headcanons and I’m writing a second part with more yandere tendencies so… Yeah. Hope you enjoy.
Gender-Neutral reader, but pet names such as “darling” and “sweet pea” are used.
TW/CW: Yandere content, boss/employee dynamic, etc…
• Having recently been let go from a previous job, it was up to you to quickly find another so you could pay the bills. Luckily, you found a local restaurant that was willing to hire as quickly as you applied. It had a fair pay, and decent hours so you decided that working at Grills & Boys would be beneficial.
• When you went in for the interview, you had to talk to the manager; who was pretty well known around town. You were anxious about the whole thing, seeing as you never had much experience in food service. But your new manager Bob Velseb was awfully understanding of your situation, and was kind enough to hear you out.
• Bob was a joy to be around, and he didn’t make you feel pressured at all! He had a southern accent and a hearty laugh which only added to his charming personality, which immediately knocked down any worries you had. Bob was also oddly attentive to your every move, a weird look in his eyes when you would fidget or talk. It’s like he was staring into your soul…
“Thanks, Mr. Velseb—“ “Of course, don’t worry ‘bout anything! And you can call me Bob, no need for formalities.” “O—Oh, okay… Bob.”
• But you ignored it, and thus began training at Grills & Boys. Your new boss Bob was really involved in the process, (even though he would usually rely on another employee to train the new hires) and would be eager to answer any of your questions with a smile. Any mistakes you made were quickly taken care of or swept under the rug by Bob, who constantly reassured you that it was no big deal.
• You were a server, so you spent most of your time helping customers and taking orders. Most of the time you had decent customers, but of course there was certain people that were straight up assholes. Of course Bob wouldn’t let any mistreatment of you slide, and would immediately come to your aide. He would not let you deal with an angry customer if he had anything to say about it.
• He may be a friendly guy but man, when he’s angry it’s a sight to see. You’ve never been on the receiving end of it but you have witnessed unlucky coworkers or angry customers that tried to insult you deal with it. Of course, when everything is done and said Bob is immediately worrying about your well-being. He reassures that he’s not angry at you at all, and is constantly asking if you’re alright.
“I think he was just having a bad day boss, I don’t think that a permanent ban was necessary—“ “Nuh uh, he deserved it either way darlin’. Never really liked him anyways, hah!” “But he was a regular!” “Don’t worry about it pumpkin, how are you doin’? He didn’t hurt ya did he?”
• You quickly realize that you have a lot of privileges that none of your coworkers have. Aka, favouritism at its finest. Bob is constantly joking around with you, making you your favourite food from the menu for lunch everyday, letting you take longer breaks, acts more lax if you make mistakes, letting you take leftovers home, etc… Did you mention the pet names? He calls everyone else by name but you don’t think he’s said your name once.
• Bob feeds you a lot. Like a lot. “Ah, I think I’m good Boss.” “No worries sweet pea, just take ‘em! Don’t want you going hungry on me, okay?”
• It’s surprising to both you and your coworkers. Because to them, Bob had never really gotten close to anyone besides you. To you, a feeling of guilt is constant when you’re pampered while your coworkers suffer with extra work to do (because Bob gives you a really light workload while your coworkers are left behind doing the work YOU were supposed to do).
• You begin to grow close to Bob, despite the writhing feeling of guilt in your guts. He even asks you to help out in the kitchen, to which your coworkers are floored at. “Woah, he NEVER has anyone help him cook! Are you dating or something—?” “NO! Also, What? I thought that was normal, he asks me to do that almost every week!”
• He loved telling you little facts (that were rather morbid, actually and creeped you out more than they interested you) and would pick up on little habits and quirks you had. Bob was really attentive when it came to you, and from this he’s able to tell what you’re thinking or feeling. You’re amazed at first, it’s like he can read your mind. Bob also liked to tease you a lot, just to fluster you.
• It gets to a point where Bob begins to worry about your safety and well-being outside of work. He begins to call you outside of work, often to check up on you. “Hello, Bob? What’s up? Do I have to come in or—?” “Oh, no! I just wanted to check up on you dear! Did you eat yet?”
• Bob begins to crave your presence more than he should, and as a result you receive more hours. More hours than you could handle. You barely do your actual job and end up hanging out in the kitchen with Bob or run errands for him. It’s like he’s distracting you from doing your own job. You work from opening till closing for most of the week, and it takes a toll on your schedule and your personal life.
• Bob is far too nice to decline, and even if you did call in sick or give away your shifts he’d just keep calling you nonstop. You’re stressed with how much hours you have to work, and you always work opening and closing alone with Bob. He’s nice and really easy to work with, but you rarely see your other coworkers anymore.
“Hello? You okay darlin’?! You ain’t hurt or sick ain’t ya!?” “Bob. It’s eight in the morning.” I know, but you were supposed to be here with me, sweet pea...” “Oh, um… I gave my shift to someone else.” “Oh. Okay. Anyways, you sure that you’re okay—?” “Boss.”
• One night when you and Bob were closing he had offered to walk you home, seeing as it was late and all. You were rather reluctant to do so, seeing as he was your boss and you were perfectly capable of making it home safely. But Bob was persistent, and you couldn’t really decline him when the concern on his face was so convincing. You had a friendly conversation, which was mostly Bob prying into your personal life.
• Now, your boss had been oddly sparing with physical affection. He would often place a hand on your back, wrap an arm around your shoulders, etc… It was odd. Now that it was a chilly autumn night and you were visibly freezing, Bob took initiative to help you by offering his coat.
• It was oversized and was practically a cape, but you took it anyways. But the look on his face when you shrugged it on was almost creepy. You watched his eyes light up, and his whole body began to tremble and shake (you’re pretty sure it’s not because of the cold,) with excitement— Was he drooling?!
• Eventually you arrived at home, waving at Bob with an awkward smile on your face. He seemed to glow with glee as you smiled at him, waving back vigorously. As you took off your jacket and shoes, you felt a pit of dread in your stomach. You feel like you’ve made a grave mistake… Ah shit, you forgot to give Bob’s coat back too. Oh well, you’ll deal with everything tomorrow, you’re probably just worried because of stress… Right?
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fearhexual · 2 years
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I’m gonna’ cook you, and you ARE going to be delicious~
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fearhexual · 2 years
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wow hes so ugly how are they even the same guy
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fearhexual · 2 years
Something seems off about this guy
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fearhexual · 2 years
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i see this guy on the scary video app all the time so now hes on the scary blog app too 🔪
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fearhexual · 2 years
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Hes just oh so silly <33
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fearhexual · 4 years
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A commission I did for DukeDoggo over on twitter!!! A lot of fun and I think the first time I’ve done a sequence with similar size vore.
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fearhexual · 4 years
Preds,,, choking a little,,,,,, when they swallow,,,,,,,,,,,
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fearhexual · 4 years
if anybody feels like making me beg for my life...👉👈
only to brutally digest me anyways...
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