fearlessfloyd · 3 months
The 2024 US Presidential Election - Speculative Fiction?
So yesterday the Supreme Court just pulled the mask right off and admitted, yes, we want an autocratic ruler in the US because that's what our billionaire class wants. 
We the people of the United States are watching in real time the destruction of American democracy by oligarchs in almost the same way we saw it happen in Russia - corrupt courts ignoring precedent and the constitution, media outlets spewing non-stop propaganda, both of which are financed by the oligarchs (multi-billionaires and the executives who run their corporations and manage their wealth).
This effort, which began decades ago, has functioned to beat down civil resistance and to smear the idea of democracy to the point where the highest court in the land can just proclaim that the nation really needs a king (a czar, comrade!) and not a democratically elected president. Which is exactly what the United States Supreme Court did yesterday.
In a little over one hundred days TFG will be declared the winner with a prima facie unbelievable 65% or more of the popular vote, an outcome obtained by election interference by the right (which explains why they've been normalizing the idea that the Democrats have been manipulating elections - every accusation is a confession).
The MAGA crowd will cheer thinking that they've won when in reality they are losers like all of the rest of us non-oligarch citizens. The only winners are the mega-rich who sadly are mainly multi-generational wealth nepo-babies who've never done a thing for this country except exploit its resources, diminish its people, and destroy its laws.
When Biden and the vast majority of Americans protest such an unlikely outcome the ruling class will have the media bombard us with messages that it's just sour grapes after the 2020 election. The courts will throw out every challenge just like they did after 2020 but this time not because there was no interference, but because the man in the room holding the gun said to do so. The media will report it as though the courts saw nothing wrong with the election.
It was a perfect election, it was perfect! So beautiful!
TFG will declare himself in charge immediately, not waiting for the standard transfer of power because that's just a Constitutional norm (even without SCOTUS support that asshole never followed our nation's norms or traditions anyway). Biden and Harris, Sotomayor and Kagan will be executed (along with Hillary because he wants to and no one can stop him now), and protests in the streets will be violently put down with extreme prejudice.
I don't even want to imagine AOC or Jasmine Crocker's fates.
And that's how the United States joins the ranks of Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia (three of TFG's best buddies!) as a nation with incredible resources and great wealth ruled by a tiny group of inbred trust fund babies and a performative monkey in charge.
Ah, that's all just crazy talk!
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fearlessfloyd · 3 months
The Coup is Out in the Open
The current crisis in the US is not about Trump, or at least not only about him.
It is the inevitable outcome of the New World Order as proclaimed by George HW Bush. This is a world in which the ultra-wealthy, usually multi-generational families that have decided they should run the world. We called them the oligarchs in Russia, that took over and plunged that country into madness and chaos. In America they are also oligarchs, but with a far better network of lawyers and "journalists" (media owners).
This isn't just about who will run the US and how it will be governed. This is a war between a few thousand oligarchs around the world, but primarily in the US, Europe, the Middle East, and Russia, deciding to turn the world into their slave labor camp.
This is why the Saudis gave Jared Kushner $2 billion. This is why the Tories and Macron called snap elections, This is why Trump sat on the tarmac at Dulles with the Russian ambassador this past week, discussing the global takeover in person and in full view of the public. They no longer care if we know of their plans to rule us. They think we can't stop them.
The only response is targeted justice, without prejudice. Not against Trump. He's just a useful idiot to these people.
Biden needs to target the Sciafes, the Kochs, the Mellons, the Waltons...Harlan Crow, Leonard Leo, Kevin Roberts. Hillsdale College, the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society. The DOJ knows who these ghouls are. The president needs to act before they can succeed.
You have immunity, Mr. President, but less than one hundred days to act. Trust your heart, and lead your team, and start attacking those that want to rule the world.
I fully expect a horrific act on the level of 9/11 in the next 60to 90 days. like 9/11 it will be funded and organized by the billionaires who want to rule the world but this time it won't just be the Saudis. Think big, like China invading Taiwan, or North Korea nuking Seoul, or Russia nuking Kyiv. Or London.
I don't know if we'll succeed at saving the human race from enslavement. These folks have been working towards this goal for generations. But President Biden can hurt them, and at least let them know that the vast majority of the human race won't go down without a fight.
Because otherwise I'm convinced that Nikola Tesla's prediction will come true. We will see man-made horrors beyond our comprehension.
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fearlessfloyd · 4 months
The American Future Under Republican Rule
"One day in June 1941, in the Lithuanian city of Kaunas, a local man—soon to be known as the “death-dealer”—picked up a crowbar and waited for his first victim. The city had just been captured by the Nazis and a German soldier recorded what happened next. Several dozen Jewish men were brought out one by one and beaten to death in turn. After each murder, the crowd, including women and children, clapped. They also sang the Lithuanian national anthem."
Quoted from https://www.economist.com/culture/2023/02/08/a-new-history-focuses-on-the-collaborators-in-the-holocaust. The historian Dan Snow brought the story to light.
When I first became aware of the death-dealer story I had the sickening realization that I already knew folks in my community who would gladly wield that crowbar, in public, and beat their neighbors to death. For being gay or trans, a drag queen, a suspected immigrant, a suspected shoplifter, a Biden supporter, or just someone who looked at them funny...
Hell, there are people in Congress who would gladly do that. If only they knew they could get away with it.
When I first heard this story on the Dan Carlin Hardcore History podcast (EP28 Superhumanly Inhuman, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paO72-zA650), Dan went on to say that a group of off-duty policemen came upon the scene, and went up to the death-dealer.
And they asked if they could take a turn. Hey, it might be their only chance to beat someone to death in public with no consequence!
He obliged them.
Never, ever forget that the Republicans want to rule with impunity.
Never, ever forget that most Republican voters have absolutely no idea what lies down that road. They want to feel strong and powerful. They believe they are patriotic while actually being fervent nationalists. They believe they are religious while deriding and ridiculing the teachings of their Christ as "woke". And they have little to no experience or understanding of the truly dark side of humanity, as many of us here do.
Vote blue even though it may not matter. The right has been screaming about voter fraud for so long that the majority of their base believes it despite the complete lack of evidence. I believe MAGA will run a full court press this fall to try and invalidate any result other than That Fucking Guy winning.
Vote blue because it's the only vote for humanity in our corrupted two-party system.
Vote blue, but prepare yourself and loved ones for the death dealers.
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fearlessfloyd · 4 months
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fearlessfloyd · 4 months
Reblog this to give The Librarian a banana*
*very, very carefully
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fearlessfloyd · 4 months
Yeah, not sorry for yelling.
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fearlessfloyd · 4 months
I didn't see any mystery at all. It's about "ownership" and control.
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fearlessfloyd · 4 months
So fucking sad and unnecessary.
Fuck every Republican, screaming about "FREEDOM!" at the top of their lungs while denying essential medical care and dignity to women. Crying about their freedoms while their legislative actions kill and harm women.
Fuck every last one of them.
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fearlessfloyd · 5 months
I'm not a fan of generative AI. I agree with Daniel Dennett, who suggested the main thing such content would do is to destroy trust.
That said, I think if an AI system has been made CEO of Twitter in October 2022 instead of Muskrat the site would be in much better shape today.
Can we just start replacing CEOs with AI, instead of creators?
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fearlessfloyd · 5 months
She sure was a good one.
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fearlessfloyd · 5 months
My dad *somehow* knew a bunch of bar owners in the Seventies and would occasionally bring us a box of juke box 45s.
They definitely contributed to my love of a wide variety of music, and knowledge of the same.
Hell Neil,
I wanted to ask why in particular Maggie's vinyl shop in London delivers singles to The Resurrectionist in Edinburgh? (In my opinion it would make more sense for the The Resurrectionist to buy them from a local record store)
It would indeed. But Maggie's father had a side business supplying Juke Boxes around the country with Juke Box singles, and The Resurrectionist still get their singles from Maggie.
(I don't know about the US, but in the UK many of the surviving jukeboxes get serviced and get the singles from dedicated outlets, which specialize in that kind of thing.)
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fearlessfloyd · 5 months
Repeating New Beginnings
Thirty years ago today I crawled out of bed - actually it was just an old mattress on the floor of my friend's large old Victorian building in south St. Louis. I kissed my girlfriend goodbye, loaded the last of my "stuff" into my 1985 red Rabbit GTI with the crumpled right front fender (which is why I ended up buying it, but that's a different story), and headed to Dallas to start the next phase of my life.
It turned out to be a fascinating phase.
Six months ago today I again left south St. Louis to head to a new, unfamiliar city. This time it was Pittsburgh. And this experience has again been fascinating.
Of course, I could just be one of those schmucks who finds life endlessly fascinating, One of those fortunate (or possibly unfortunate?) humans who appreciate life's rich pageant: successes and blunders, horrors and all.
I ended up spending a little over two years in Dallas. My time in Pittsburgh may be less than that. I came here because a friend from college offered me a place to stay as I desperately needed to find a place to sleep at night and store my dwindling supply of "stuff". I love the area—the skies are some of the most dynamic I've ever lived under—but I’m not landing a job. Never really been a problem before in my life, but now...not so much.
This move to Pittsburgh was the latest in many, many—it's truly hard to emphasize exactly how many—moves. My early life in Johnson County, Kansas was notable for the constant churn and upheaval. By the time I had left the Kansas City area to join my mom on the other side of Missouri, in the St. Louis area, I had lived in nine different residences. I was sixteen.
Now I'm a worn and weathered old fart and my residential tally is in the high double digits.
I'm starting this blog mainly because not only do I like life, I like words. I like playing with them. I delight in finding le mot juste. And since the job search is proving to be mentally unsatisfying I thought I’d explore what I’ve learned and celebrated and grieved over the past half-century of actions and memories, dreams and regrets. The collection of places I’ve called home will play important roles occasionally throughout the posts on this blog. So will thoughts on history, culture, great art and pop art, politics, and just the rapid changes that I’ve experienced in the context of all of the technological changes that have occurred in the past hundred, hundred fifty years. Changes that have made my slowly evolving, curious and fearful branch of primates breathe in microplastics under nuclear skies.
Occasionally I’ll discuss cats. Maybe share a gif or two.
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fearlessfloyd · 5 months
Sally's response to that was brilliant though
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fearlessfloyd · 5 months
Once again I agree with JoJo from Jersey
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Read this, and then read it again. Trump is planning to steal the 2024 election.
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fearlessfloyd · 5 months
I've spent the past two years in rural America and I can agree the rage is palpable yet misguided. Fascinating read.
“What isn’t said enough is that rural whites are being told to blame all the wrong people for their very real problems. As we argue in the book, Hollywood liberals didn’t destroy the family farm, college professors didn’t move manufacturing jobs overseas, immigrants didn’t pour opioids into rural communities, and critical race theory didn’t close hundreds of rural hospitals. When Republican politicians and the conservative media tell rural whites to aim their anger at those targets, it’s so they won’t ask why the people they keep electing haven’t done anything to improve life in their communities.”
💥Highly recommend this article.💥
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fearlessfloyd · 5 months
Oh please oh please oh please
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I'll believe it when I see it.
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fearlessfloyd · 5 months
Holy shit I remember this album. Funny to think back on me as a teenager in Missouri playing the hell out of it.
42 years ago today
City Baby Attacked by Rats is the debut album by street punk band Charged GBH, released on this day in 1982 and set to kickstart the UK hardcore scene with Discharge's debut album a month later
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