fearsnoman · 5 years
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fearsnoman · 5 years
(   sms  »  marcel.   )   it’s your day,  i didn’t forget.  and we’re definitely going out to celebrate.
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fearsnoman · 5 years
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Legacies » 2.06 - That’s Nothing I Had To Remember
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fearsnoman · 5 years
     their genetic lineage is one she’ll never be able to trace back without a piece of paper and a diagram to map the branches out.  but she knows she’s related to the man before her,  through some intricacies of a half-brother from two centuries ago,  and the relations are as tragic as she would expect with the time period he hails from.  there’s a lot she wants to ask him — a living ancestor who’s lived multiple lifetimes,  but even she knows not to approach a potential heavy conversation without easing into it.  she’s not as filterless as she appears.  she’s seen him twice over her own childhood,  he's spoken to her parents briefly — the interactions always short and quick in the threads of her memories,   she never knew what they were about,   too young to be told back then.  ‘   so what ... you’re like my ... great-great-great half-uncle.  ’  
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fearsnoman · 5 years
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fearsnoman · 5 years
m.g. takes a moment of silence as he peers off in the distance, seriously considering her input. it was a real question he put up in the form of a hypothetical, so unbeknownst to nia, any answer she would have given was going to have some weight by default.  
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“ that worked out for ya’ll? ” wait, what am i thinking? why would i even contemplate seeking help from a human that was probably unaware of the supernatural world? on second thought, it sounded like such a bad idea. m.g. didn’t know where to begin to process how many ways that can go south. the kind of crazy he was experiencing, he could very well end up with his own dr. loomis and he doesn’t need to manifest those types of problems in his afterlife.  
her question snapped his attention back to the fact she was a presence. that’s right, that’s right… nowadays nia can’t really stay on these phone calls for too long. always on the move, always busy. still, that didn’t stop m.g. from talking to her like she got that kind of the time to spare freely.
“ oh, nothing babe! ” he’s clearly about to front on her’. “ i was just… well.. helping a.. friend… right? ” there’s no way he’s dropping the l-to-the-e bomb on this phone. in this economy? pure madness. “ it was with a guy. problem was… the guy… wasn’t there when i stumbled on them supposedly talking and kissing… i told them and they flipped out but the real issue is.. now i’m starting to see this dude and i don’t know what to do. ”
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there’s skepticism that crosses her face,  eyebrows lowering in a way that indicates she’s not buying what she’s hearing.  she knows when she’s being pulled around by the strings and m.g. wears his own emotions laid out on his sleeves— there’s no hiding for someone like him.  he’s all impulsive thoughts and actions.  she can physically feel him shift words around before his mouth fumbles a half-truth out.  but she doesn’t call him out on it,  not at first anyway— she’ll allow for him to be honest on his own terms.  before she even resorts to pulling something out of her repertoire.  she holds the phone to her ear,  maneuvering around the kitchen as she places the pot on the stove and she stirs the uncooked pasta around the water.  dinner duties were assigned to her yet again,  unfortunate ‘privilege’ for the oldest child.
‘  there’s a word for that,  folie a doux ... it means,  shared madness between two individuals.  ’  nia switches the device to her other ear,  ‘  you ever thought that perhaps,  this guy,  whoever your friend was macking up on,  might be real?  an invisible man isn’t too much of a stretch with all the creepy shit unfolding at that cracka’ school of yours.  ’
‘  are you legitimately worried about your friend or a little bit jealous? ’    she teases.
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fearsnoman · 5 years
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“ go ahead and get comfortable. you may take a seat or stand if you prefer. it’s of no consequence to me really but my time is. you texted me. said you needed to have words, so — let’s have that dialogue, shall we? ”
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         ‘  you’re a mouthy little thing,  aren’t you.  ’  she pauses in her trek— emotions flat on her face in a way that’s near unreadable,  centuries of cultivating them into nothing.   ‘  we’re both immortal.  time bares no consequence for either of us and you...  marcel...  have an abundant amount to spare.  ’    
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fearsnoman · 5 years
(   sms  »  nia   )   y are you like this? 
(   sms  »  m.g.   )   overbearing parenting,  genetics,  and those darn video games,  i imagine.  but you love me just the same. 
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fearsnoman · 5 years
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         “ soooo… if i were to tell you that i have some mysterious guy that has this really, really bad british accent, like—keanu-reeves-off-of-bram-stoker’s-dracula-bad—floating around in my subconscious and only i can see him, would you still say yes to being my ghost spider to my spider-man for the new york city comic con this year? ”
@fearsnoman​ + nia 
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‘   i would personally recommend you the same therapist my little brother had to go to,  after setting fire to the living room curtains.  and after that,  i’d be down to be the black gwen to your miles.  but yo’,  seriously.  what’s up?  what’s going on with you.  ’  there’s a pause for concern after the humor slides off her tongue,  attention shifting from the screen of the phone to m.g. hovering over.  
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fearsnoman · 5 years
(   sms  »  nia.   ) you right, you right. thank you for your contribution to some utterly wise decision-making. 🤨 why are you trying to ruin a good morning though?
(   sms  »  m.g.   )   change of subject then!  u r attacking my perfectly innocent inquiry.  this is why we can’t have anything nice, mg.  we can’t have popeye’s chicken sandwiches,  we can’t have discussions about the film that’ll shake the dc universe. 
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fearsnoman · 5 years
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fearsnoman · 5 years
(   sms  »  nia.   ) you right, you right. thank you for your contribution to some utterly wise decision-making. 🤨 why are you trying to ruin a good morning though?
(   sms  »  m.g.   )   i’m always around to contribute to a good cause,  sir.  and what do you mean,  ‘ruin’.  it’s a legitimate question!  lmao.  he’s the night.  literally now.
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fearsnoman · 5 years
(   sms  »  nia.   ) uhh howdy to u too? 😅 i was not expecting a txt from you. but yea, i’m up. just trying to figure out if i want to cop the jordan vi og or the six rings. 
(   sms  »  m.g.   )   definitely the six rings.  is that even a question, 😛.  but back to other important business.  your fellow vampire,  edward cullens,  as batman.  thoughts?  opinions.
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fearsnoman · 5 years
(   sms  »  m.g.   )   aye,  are you up?  i have a very important question.
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fearsnoman · 5 years
wishlist: a thread where each reply is a letter, signed and dated and everything. it could either be really long ones written over a long period or short telegrams. it would work so well with historical muses
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fearsnoman · 5 years
animal:   panthers,  vipers,  predators. colors:   scarlet,  gunmetal,  bronze. month:   november,  january.     song:   cherry wine,  hozier. number:  9. day or night:   night. plant:   nightshade. smell:   blood-tinged,  christian dior’s poison:  spicy,  floral,  metallic. season:   winter. food:   pomegranates.  astrological sign:   scorpio. element:    fire.  drink:    red wines,  blood.    
tagged by   no one. tagging   @beteoriginale,  @thatsdyingbabey,  @tribridqueen,  @dissolvedshadows,  @kojiscorner,  +  dash. 
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fearsnoman · 5 years
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Aya Al-Rashid → “You have to break rules if you want to build a new world.”
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