feather-salad · 6 months
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working class
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feather-salad · 8 months
finding out there's a frankenstein ballet and that it was in october of last year…DEVASTATING
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look at this. look at these. im foaming at the mouth
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feather-salad · 8 months
Pigeon attempts to court falcon
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feather-salad · 8 months
so what you're gonna do is you're gonna trim the top off a bulb of garlic, using the knife's edge to take off the tip of every individual clove, that's important. you're gonna place the garlic face-up in a square of tinfoil, drizzle with olive oil, wrap completely in foil, place in baking tray, repeat with a copious amount of garlic bulbs. you're gonna put that baking tray in an oven set to 375-400°F, for 30-50 minutes, until soft and browned. you're gonna toast some good bread, slather generously with butter and honey, maybe a tiny lil bit o' salt. and then. you're gonna SQUEEZE. OUT. THAT. ROASTED GARLIC. onto the butter honey toast. and you're gonna eat it. food stolen directly from the plate of the gods. that's what you're gonna do.
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feather-salad · 8 months
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feather-salad · 8 months
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feather-salad · 8 months
the catholic old white guy asked me to explain lgbtq+ to him and it was honestly kind of funny
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feather-salad · 10 months
one of my favorite things about my job that i can say to people that sounds utterly ridiculous but is technically 100% true is that one of our sea turtles keeps trying to get me to commit a felony on her behalf and gets SUPER cranky when i won’t do it
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feather-salad · 10 months
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feather-salad · 11 months
I’m increasingly worried by all the people on my dash calling themselves insane for loving stories in the way humans have loved stories our whole history. “The brain rot is spreading” — you mean you were changed by art? “I’m not normal about this” — you were moved by it? You felt human emotions about it? “I’m about to be so annoying” — you’re going to talk about art? You’re going to be passionate? You’re going to think deeply about it? You’re going to feel love for the work of someone’s soul? You are not a consumer and art is not a product to be casually used! You are a human and stories are the beating heart of our humanity! You must feel everything and you must know that it is normal!
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feather-salad · 11 months
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feather-salad · 11 months
9 times out of 10 if there's a masquerade party in a film or tv show everyone is wearing the most disappointing cheap plastic party city ass excuses for masks i've ever seen i don't even know why i bother trying get excited at this point
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feather-salad · 11 months
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feather-salad · 1 year
Losing my mind over this
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feather-salad · 1 year
"oh but your favorite shows are going to be delayed by the strikes" my favorite shows consistently get cancelled after 2 excellent seasons bc of the exploitive corporate greed that these strikes are fighting against
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feather-salad · 1 year
when you die, all the processes in your body slow down and come to a halt before starting to decay. which means if you were to revive someone from the dead, necromancer-style, you'd potentially have to kickstart their entire system back up from a state of inertia. which means it almost certainly would not be pretty. i'm talking coughing up clots of blood, nauseatingly intense migraines and muscle cramps, and all the sensory overload that would come with firing up the body's engines from frozen cold to fully functioning all guns blazing in the matter of seconds it takes to cast a resurrection spell.
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feather-salad · 1 year
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Citrus Reamer
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