feathery-fics · 1 year
Alright, my first posted fanfic-- feedback is very welcome, leave a note if you enjoy!
Poexreader, tickling kink, many nsfw parts but no actual sex, read at your own risk.
[Poe finds you sleeping and learns something new about you...]
You were exhausted. The Resistance took you on a grueling mission, staking out an asteroid field for a week. No interaction with anyone besides the comms every 6 hours to check in. Just you sitting in your cold, metal, A-wing. Only portions to eat, and a bucket to piss in. The First Order was mining in the field, and you were to sit and watch. Your ship did most of the hard work, monitoring and analyzing everything. In case the Resistance’s espionage was discovered, they needed a pilot to get the ship out without losing the intel. 
The First Order miners finally left the asteroid belt after 6 long days. After one final flyover, you got out of there as fast as you could back to D’Qar. Unfortunately, to stay out of First Order territory, you had to take the long way around.
Your eyes were getting heavy, staring at the stars and rocks floating in your view. You thought you could turn on autopilot just for a few minutes…
Suddenly you jerked up at the sound of your comm ringing. “Hello?” you answered.
“Hey Red-Seven, what’s your ETA back to base?” you heard the familiar voice of your friend, Poe Dameron. You noted that he sounded eager, maybe almost worried that you wouldn’t be back. Brushing off the thought, you replied,
“Hey Dameron, I’ll be there in about three hours.” 
“Perfect, want to meet me and some of the guys for drinks at the cantina?”
“Oh, um, I’m really tired Poe, what about tomorrow?”
“I’m on assignment tomorrow night, come on, Sev, pleeeease?” Was that longing you detected?
No, of course not. You and Poe were just friends… with some benefits. You’d been flirty, and hooked up a few times. But Poe wasn’t the type to settle down. Nothing was defined, no feelings. No he couldn’t have feelings for you, and you didn’t have any for him. That's just what people did in the resistance, everyone knew the odds of survival were slim. You didn't need any romantic attachments.
Nope, none. No feelings. You couldn’t. You couldn’t risk losing his friendship for something you knew you couldn’t have. Poe was a playboy, a hot shot. Only physical. No emotions. Still, you didn’t want to miss an opportunity to see him. 
“Ah why not, I’ll meet you there after I clean up.”
“Mmmm, you don’t need help with that?” Poe teased.
“Knock it off Poe. I’ll see you at the cantina,” you emphasized on that last word. You were tired, smelly, and disheveled. Poe definitely couldn’t see you like that.
You tried to ignore the pang in your chest at the thought of seeing Poe tonight, or being with Poe tonight. Pushing down your thoughts, you finally got to a zone where you could enter light speed and rushed off. 
You didn’t know your legs could be so achy. Sitting on cold, hard, metal for a week made you feel like your legs and ass were on fire. Reminding yourself that you succeeded in your mission, you put on your robe and trudged into the bathroom.
The hot water from the shower soothed your aching muscles. The water steamed against your skin, turning it a light pink. You didn’t care, the soap and warmth was the best relief. It scrubbed away all of the stress from your mission.
You were so relaxed and warm from the shower. The clean sheets you put on your bed before you left were just calling to you. The cantina didn’t close for another four hours, and you knew Poe and his friends wouldn’t leave before then. Perfect, you could nap for an hour and then go meet Poe. Throwing on a tank top and some shorts, you crawled under the cool sheets, falling asleep the second your head hit the pillow. 
Poe walked back to the room, pleasantly buzzed. He had a good night with the others at the Cantina, but he was a little worried that you didn’t show up. Mixed between worried and frustrated, he kept telling himself you would be in your room, or that you were still out on your mission. You would never purposefully stand him up, would you?
Opening the door, he noticed the light was on, and you were sacked out under the sheets with a foot sticking out under the covers.
He sighed with relief that you were okay. You looked so adorable curled up in the bed. He was also a little irked that you had gone straight to bed instead of calling to let him know that you wouldn’t be coming. 
“You sleepy little thing,” Poe mumbled to himself. 
Poe wouldn’t admit it, but he wanted to feel you. He missed you the week that you were gone. He couldn’t sleep well when the room felt so empty without you. But he was hoping he could at least fall asleep with you before he left on his next mission tomorrow. Not really thinking about it; only wanting to feel your skin against his, he lightly brushed his hand against your foot.
Poe raised his eyebrows as he heard a giggle from under the covers. You stirred but were clearly still asleep. A fiendish grin appeared on his face. 
"Oh, this will be fun'" he whispered to himself.
He skittered his fingers over your foot for a few seconds. He smiled as you giggled again. He tried poking and prodding different parts. You gently giggled and kicked out your foot a bit. 
He was having fun testing out what he could do without waking you. He scribbled at the base of your toes, when suddenly you let out a gentle moan. 
Bewildered for a moment, he was certain about what he had just heard.
A moan. He knew that moan. He had heard it before when…
Is she… turned on by this?
That’s hot.
The two of you had gotten hot and heavy on a few occasions, but never talked about kinks. He had no idea this was something you liked, but he was fully ready to exploit it. 
Especially because he knew he could tease you endlessly about it.
He hopped up on your bed, sitting on your legs. Surprisingly, you still didn’t wake up. You must have really been worn out from that mission.
Poe grinned as he squeezed your knees through the blanket. You squirmed a bit, but didn't laugh. Poe pulled up the blanket from around your feet, and gently dragged his fingers across your shins and calves. Gentle, bubbly laughter rose from your lungs, mixed with soft moaning. You were still sleeping but seemed closer to waking up.
Poe looked at your feet. He pondered for a bit, and then decided, "You know what Sev, you deserve this for standing me up," and rapidly scribbled all ten fingers into your feet.
Something felt funny, you were giggling, then laughing, and then – 
Holy SHIT IM AWAKE you thought, before bursting into loud laughter.
You were being tickled. You hadn't been tickled since your last serious relationship, over two years ago now. You felt your face turn red and your crotch tense up. Fuck you forgot how much you liked this. How sensitive you are. You hadn't been tickled in so long you almost forgot what it felt like. Sure, pokes here and there. Someone with stubble kissing your neck. But not real, hard tickles.
"AHhahHAA!" you shrieked. Sitting up in bed, you could see by the leather jacket your assailant was wearing that it was Poe.
"POE WHHAHAT thEhE FuHUhAHK?!?!" You shrieked.
Poe slowed down his attack, still spidering his fingers up and down you feet leaving you giggly, "Oh good, you're awake," he smiled back at you.
"Whahahat did I do to dESerVe thIIHIHS?" you whined, gently pounding on his back. You were so tired you couldn't use your full strength, and you didn't really want to anyway.
"Well at first I did it because I was upset that you stood me up, very rude by the way," Poe scribbled faster at your feet.
"Then I realized something…"
Poe abruptly stopped the attack up your arches and honed in on that spot at the base of your toes on both feet.
You burst into laughter, your feet already being sensitive and the base of your toes being a horrible spot. It felt like electric shocks were traveling up your legs. You started to feel hot everywhere. Your face was burning, your crotch ached. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to focus on anything else, but the sensation was too much.
"FUhuhucK fuckfuckfuck AHAHA POEHOHO," You pounded on his back, shaking your head. You held in a loud moan by just continuing to laugh. Too much more of this and you thought you might explode.
Poe finally gave you a break, humming to himself and rubbing your feet. Lightly brushing his fingers up and down your soles, but nowhere near as intense as before. You could feel the warmth in your face and the moisture in your underwear.
"Whyhyhy?" you giggled.
"Why not? You haven't asked me to stop yet," he innocently grinned back at you.
"Whaha-? You woke me up out of nowhere I haven't had time to think–"
Poe just stared at you. Those eyes. Those damn beautiful eyes saw right through you.
You felt your face get even hotter, and stuttered out, "I-uh-hehe- I'm so sleheehpyhehe,"
"Nooo," he drawled, "I think you like this."
Shit. He knew you so well. You didn't understand how it was possible, how did he know from what only could have been a minute at most that you enjoyed tickling? Why would he even wake you up that way it doesn't–OH. Your foggy brain finally put the pieces together. Maybe you were sleep talking or giggling or SOMETHING you did in you sleep must have let him know. No big deal, you can play this off you just had to–
"I think this turns you on."
And just like that your racing thoughts were shattered.
"W-whahat no it DOES NOT," you tried not to giggle as his hands still gently rubbed your feet.
Poe abruptly stopped tickling, turning to fully face you. He slowly scanned you, staring from your waist hidden under the blankets, up to your torso and to your burning red face and neck. He looked you in the eyes, and then slowly looked down to your chest. Biting his bottom lip, he flicked his eyes up to make contact one more time and then settled on your chest.
"Oh, I think it does," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.
You looked down at your chest in horror and pulled the blanket up in a flash. Your nipples were so hard they showed through your thin tank top. You didn't think it was possible but you turned even more red, and your crotch swelled once again, begging for stimulation.
"I–I…" you were lost for words.
Eyes locked with yours, Poe licked his lips, "I'll stop if you don't want me to. Say the word and I'll stop right now. We can just go to bed and pretend this didn't happen." Poe said. 
You said nothing. Maker, how did he seem so chill about this? So nonchalant. It was like he actually… wanted to do this for you. Cared for you.
It had been so long since anyone cared this much about you. Cared enough to be upset that your presence was missing. Who wanted to make you feel comfortable, and wanted to do something to you just because he knew that you liked it.
You couldn't act like you weren't afraid to let him into this part of you. Sure sex was sex, but you had enjoyed tickling as long as you could remember. Only when it was with someone you were attracted to did it become sexual. But you knew you liked tickling before you even knew what sex was. A special kind of intimacy and playfulness. You weren't sure you wanted to let him into this side of you. But fuck you were starved for tickles, and more turned on than you had been in cycles.
You couldn’t say anything, so you just didn’t. This was crazy. You just shyly met his gaze and giggled as he brushed his fingertips over your toes. 
“I’m not hearing a no,” he drawled, a smile curling on his lips. 
He knew just what to say to embarrass you. You instinctively put your face in your hands, not knowing what else to do.
“Fuck Poe, you’re embarrassing me,” you whined.
“Awww, is my baby embarrassed, hmm?” he teased, reaching up to squeeze your knee.
“HA!” you jerked and kicked out, grabbing his hand.
“Oh no no no, this won’t do,” Poe tutted as he turned around to finally face you. He grabbed both of your hands with one hand and held them to your chest. With his other hand he swiftly threw your blanket off the bed, revealing your chest once again.
“Say the word, and I’ll stop,” Poe spoke softly, gently. 
“O-okay,” you stuttered out.
Poe grinned, still holding your hands against your chest and shoved you down so you were laying flat on the bed. He then took each of your arms and pinned them under his knees. He was fully on top of you now, smiling down on you.
“Comfortable?” he asked.
You nodded your head. Your face was burning; you couldn’t hide in this position. You were trapped, at his mercy. You trusted Poe, but you knew this was going to be bad. You hadn’t been fully tickled in years, you were going to be sensitive.
“Now, where to start?” his eyes flitted over your torso as he bit his lip.
He gave your sides a pinch, you squeaked. Shit this was going to be so bad, how–
“HahahHA” you laughed as Poe clawed into your belly.
“Whoa, you are really ticklish aren’t you, I’m barely doing anything,” Poe teased.
“ShuHUHut UHuhP!” 
“Aww, does the teasing make it worse?” 
Fuck, it did. It made it so much worse. Nowhere to go, Poe only focusing on making you squirm and laugh. 
“I-IhahahHA” was all you could let out. 
Deftly, Poe yanked up your tank top so that it still covered your chest, but your stomach, sides, and ribs were now completely exposed. Poe once again clawed into your stomach, sending you into hysterics. He experimented squeezing your side with one hand, while scratching his other hand into the soft flesh of your stomach. 
You shook your head and slammed your head back against the pillow “ShiHIhihiT”.
Poe saw you were starting to lose it a little bit and let up, gently tracing your stomach. He drew hiccupy laughter from you, tracing circles around your belly button. 
“Hm, I wonder if you’re ticklish here?” he asked as he dipped a finger into your belly button.
Having your belly button tickled for the first time in ages made you want to moan, “FUCK fuck fuck Poe don’t aHA–” you pleaded. 
Upon hearing “don’t” Poe immediately withdrew his finger. “Shit sorry, was that not a good place?”
You were a little relieved but also… you didn’t really want him to stop. “Um, uh, I– I’m not used to people actually stopping when I ask its–um hard to explain,”
“Oh I see,” Poe smiled, “So we need a safe word, then. How about… 'star'?”
You were a little dumbfounded that he understood so quickly. You supposed he was pretty, experienced. Tickling wasn’t the only kink that used safewords, and you were sure Poe had had many experiences with them. 
“Ha, yeah, sure that works,” you sheepishly smiled.
“So, where were we? Oh right! Let’s see what. was. so. bad.” he grinned, poking your belly button between words. 
Oh shit, oh fuck, this was bad.
Poe wasted no time wiggling his finger inside your belly button. You laughed hysterically, while feeling your crotch tense up. Fuck you were so wet, and there wasn’t really anything your could do about it.
“Hm, I feel like you were laughing harder when I did this!” Poe suddenly switched to clawing at your stomach and pinching your side, drawing boisterous laughter from you. 
Suddenly Poe got a look in his eyes. In a flash, before you could react Poe started blowing raspberries into the soft skin of your stomach.
“AHAhahahHA POEHOHO,” you screamed. Tickly shocks were being sent all over your stomach. It tickled so bad, and Poe’s mouth was on you, your brain was going into overdrive when Poe blew a huge raspberry right on top of your belly button.
“HahHA AHHhaha– OHHhh,” you moaned. Fuck you moaned. Maybe he didn’t notice–-"
“Mmmm I want to hear that again,” Poe groaned.
His lips still on your navel, he looked up at you. Smiling against your skin, he gently kissed your belly button. You giggled and moaned again as he pressed another raspberry into you. 
His lips against you were blissful torture. His slight stubble brushed against your stomach as he kissed and blew into your belly button. He was so gentle and methodical. You giggled and moaned gently as he worked his way around and inside your navel, dipping his tongue inside brought sweet moans and laughs from your lips.
You couldn’t take much more of this, you knew. Through giggles, you hiccuped, “Plehease, anywhehere elhehse.” 
Poe took his tongue out of your belly button and dragged it across your stomach. 
“You know what,” he pondered, “I’m going to be gone on a mission tomorrow, with only portions to eat. I think I should treat myself to a full rib meal!” 
“Noho no waihaihaihaiT!”
Poe began nibbling at one side of your ribcage as he clawed his hand at the other. 
“Mmmm tasty, tasty, ribs~” Poe teased.
His hand crawled up your ribcage like a ladder, landing right below your shirt line. 
“Oh dear, I think this is getting in the way,” Poe tugged gently at the bottom of your tank top. He looked at you for confirmation, and once he saw your very slight nod, he let your arms out from under his knees and whipped your shirt over your head. 
Your nipples felt hard, exposed to the air of the room. Poe stared down at you for a minute, seeming to take you in.
“Maker, you’re so beautiful,” he said.
You blushed as he started scratching at your ribs again. You clamped your arms, down giggling as he worked his way up, stopping to prod extra at spots that made you squirm. You laughed and stuttered, begging him,
“Poehoho, pleahease POeE hAHAhAHA,” 
“Please what? Keep going? Okay,” Poe smiled and jammed his fingers into your armpits. You howled with laughter, trying desperately to clamp your arms down with no avail.
He let off a bit, letting you rest. You giggled without him even touching you. So sensitive, he thought. Your nipples, pink and hard, were bouncing right in front of him. Taunting him, teasing him. When a thought struck him.
“Hey, does this tickle~?” Poe gently brushed his thumb over the tip of your nipple. You gasped and giggled in response. 
Fuck that felt good. You were now incredibly horny from all of the teasing and tickling, this was too much. He gripped your sides just under your arms, and used both thumbs to lightly brush your nipples.
 “Fuuuuuck–ahHaha,” you groaned.
Poe bit his lip as he experimented with pinching, brushing, and fluttering his fingers over your nipples. Everything resulted in some mixture of moaning and giggling. You were going mad. This was worse than your belly button, way worse and you were so wet and tight you just couldn’t take it anymore.
“Fuck Poe, fuck, I’m so turned on please do something I can’t–” 
Without a word he closed his lips around your nipple and rolled it between his teeth. A jolt of pleasure ran through you as you moaned gratefully. 
Suddenly he started flicking his tongue over the tip of your nipple while rolling it between his teeth.
“HaHeY– oh fuCK,” you were short circuting, and fast. The pleasure of him on you and the tickling and the fact that he was doing this on purpose all to pleasure you was too much.
He started to brush over your other nipple while the other was in his mouth and you couldn’t do it anymore,
“HaHAhahaha–OHhh–AHhahaha, fuck, fuck I’m gonna, fuck– STAR,” 
Poe withdrew in an instant and looked down at you. He gave you a few seconds to catch your breath and get all of your residual giggles out.
“You can… you can cum from that?” He asked, surprised.
Sheepishly you looked back at him, “Uh-um, yes? I guess, it hasn’t happened that many times before usually it doesn’t get to that.”
“Why not… that was… fuck that was so hot,” he breathed.
“Fuck, Poe, I– you’re embarrassing me, I don’t usually tell people about this stuff until we’re serious,”
You weren’t sure why you said it that way or why you said it at all, but the look of shock and confusion came over Poe’s face.
“We’re not serious?”
“Uh… I don’t know?”
“Well are you seeing anyone else?” he asked
“No, but I thought you were. You know playboy hot shot and all that,” you muttered.
“No. It’s only you. It’s been you since we started fooling around. I–I care about you so much. We’re friends, but we’re partners and roommates, and–”
You cut him off, embracing him with a passionate kiss. You had wanted this for so long and now it was finally happening. 
“I’m yours, all yours,” you breathed.
“And I’m yours, darling,” Poe returned.
Your crotch throbbed, reminding you of the events that had just unfolded minutes ago. While you were so fucking happy about this, you were still thoroughly aroused and could really use some help.
“Well then I guess we are serious, which means I’ll let you finish what you started, if you’d like~” you teased. 
“Always,” Poe smiled, as he kissed you, pushing you back onto the bed.
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feathery-fics · 1 year
First fic is in progress...
Hoping to have it out by next week. This is my first fic so I’m pretty self conscious about it haha. Trying to make sure that it’s looking good, yano? 
Here’s a quick sneak peek below the cut :3
(Constructive feedback is always accepted, pls direct message if possible)
Star Wars fic (Poe x reader)
NSFW tickling kink, pinning, swearing, very hot and heavy ~ 
Poe walked back to the room, pleasantly buzzed. He had a good night with the others at the Cantina, but he was a little worried that you didn’t show up. Mixed between worried and frustrated, he kept telling himself you would be in your room, or that you were still out on your mission. You would never purposefully stand him up, would you?
Opening the door, he noticed the light was on, and you were sacked out under the sheets with a foot sticking out under the covers.
He sighed with relief that you were okay. You looked so adorable curled up in the bed. He was also a little irked that you had gone straight to bed instead of calling to let him know that you wouldn’t be coming. 
“You sleepy little thing,” Poe mumbled to himself. 
Poe wouldn’t admit it, but he wanted to feel you. He missed you the week that you were gone. He couldn’t sleep well when the room felt so empty without you. But he was hoping he could at least fall asleep with you before he left on his next mission tomorrow. Not really thinking about it; only wanting to feel your skin against his, he lightly brushed his hand against your foot.
Poe raised his eyebrows as he heard a giggle from under the covers. You stirred but were clearly still asleep. A fiendish grin appeared on his face. 
"Oh, this will be fun'" he whispered to himself.
He skittered his fingers over your foot for a few seconds. He smiled as you giggled again. He tried poking and prodding different parts. You gently giggled and kicked out your foot a bit. 
He was having fun testing out what he could do without waking you. He scribbled at the base of your toes, when suddenly you let out a gentle moan. 
Bewildered for a moment, he was certain about what he had just heard.
A moan. He knew that moan. He had heard it before when…
Is she… turned on by this?
That’s hot.
The two of you had gotten hot and heavy on a few occasions, but never talked about kinks. He had no idea this was something you liked, but he was fully ready to exploit it. 
Especially because he knew he could tease you endlessly about it.
0 notes
feathery-fics · 1 year
So I've been on Tumblr a long time. I've been writing for a long time. I enjoy reading tickle fics a lot.
There some ideas I've had for fics that I want to try and write. They probably won't be very good but even if no one else reads them I'd like to have them documented for myself :)
Fandoms I currently have some ideas for:
- The Batman
- Cyberpunk 2077
- The Witcher
- Star Wars
- Marvel's Loki
If you want to send any prompts my way feel free!
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