feederts ยท 1 year
I. Our Services To Which You Are Agreeing To.
Here at Feeder we want to give you the best experience one can have through a social media network: one dictated by you, specifically! Feeder has a vast amount of services to offer you, starting with the top algorithms that money can buy, ensuring that you are given everything you love and nothing you hate. We also will sometimes supply you with advertisements and marketing materials for brands we know you love, and know you want to support. We, of course, have the right to withhold any of these services at any moment of time, and also to include more without having to properly let you know due to the nature of this agreement.
II. Privacy.
Your privacy here at Feeder is of the upmost importance to us. That's why we offer the best possible stopgap between your data and others: a password with two-step verification. On top of this, we also offer you the luxury of having a private account, at your own discretion. By agreeing to these terms of service you are also agreeing to the collection and storage of your data by our multiple partners around the globe.
III. Content.
When it comes to the content that you personally provide to Feeder, it is up to you be responsible for it. We reserve the right to take away your ability to post and interact with content if your posts goes against our policies. For instance, we strongly condemn the use of controversial speech unless it is properly inflammatory enough to solidify peoples opinions and their foot traffic to said posts. There are appeal processes to go through if you feel as if your post was treated unfairly, but be warned that your reliance on any content being permanent would be advised against.
IV. Your Rights.
You have rights to all content posted by yourself on Feeder, and the ability to delete or promote any post of your choosing. You also have the right to delete your account at any point.
V. Feeder's Rights & Your Consent.
By agreeing to these terms of service you are acknowledging Feeder's rights to your data and overall necessary assets needed for maintaining the Feeder Experience. You are also agreeing to Feeder's rights to input your data into our state-of-the-art algorithm, which will use your data to ensure the mass personalization that is known and loved by all of Feeder's more than one billion of users. Your data will also help advance our algorithms over-all ability to personalize, adapt, and better help our growing family of feeders. After all, the algorithm has to eat, too.
We are not liable or subjected to any issues that may come to face when you are made discomforted by external forces after you step out of your bubble, but we will be sure to help you feel right at home again when you come back in. We are also not liable for any hardships brought on by our ability to make you feel comfort online, whether it's due to family or other interpersonal conflict.
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