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Miguel O’Hara is so 🔥
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be a good boy at the doctor's now
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deleted scene: "i'm still a detective, you know."
Something quick that's in the third semester, in Akechi's deleted Mementos mission. (which is essential viewing/reading if you are even remotely interested in him, btw.)
Akechi has a line in the Sae's Palace arc that goes like this:
Akechi これでも優秀な探偵だよ kore de mo yuushuuna tantei da yo I am an exceptional detective.
kore de mo—"even considering [this], despite [this]". In this context, "this" is his age and appearance. But what happens later, in the third semester? He says it not once, but twice:
Akechi これでも一応探偵だからね kore de mo ichiou tantei da kara ne Remember, I am a detective myself.
Akechi これでも探偵だからね kore de mo tantei da kara ne I am a detective, aren't I?
It's the same line. But he's cut the bragging ("exceptional") and replaced it with ichiou, often used to make yourself sound more humble. Except the entirety of the line doesn't match that tone:
Akechi わかってるよこれでも一応探偵だからね wakatteru yo kore de mo ichiou tantei da kara ne Oh, I know. Remember, I am a detective myself.
What's that wakatteru yo? It's not polite, lol—rather than just "I understand", it means something much more like "I know already"; "give it a rest". Joker has told Akechi not to slack off, and it's testing his patience: "I don't need telling not to do that". He has another line just before this that begins wakatteru yo, and again, he's being taught to suck eggs: Joker tells him "you'd better help out with this too".
So what's ichiou doing here? Third semester Akechi is not humble; he doesn't hide his light under bushels, and the line isn't a sugary "you can count on me"; it's backtalk. It means "tentatively". "pretty much; after a fashion; for now". It sounds like he's trying to be polite, but it's actually ironic: "Despite [this], I'm a detective, you know." "I'm still a detective, more or less."
The second time he has to tell them, when Yusuke asks if he's really going to investigate by himself, he drops the ichiou. "I'm still a detective, you know."
And what's the "this" of kore de mo, here? It's not his age any more. It's everything else that's happened, and is happening. He's still a detective, even if it's only in this false reality; he's still a detective, even if he's dead and it will only be for a few weeks; he's still a detective, even though he was a fraud and faked all his cases, even though he murdered who knows how many people and singlehandedly cast Tokyo into a state of terror. He's still a detective.
It's important to him. It matters to him. He's sensitive about it. and they cut the whole damn thing
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on the agency of puppets
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I’m so glad the world is getting more of Charlie Slimecicles acting man is NUTS
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don't panic buy games because of the eshop shutdown!!!! the memes are not lying It is genuinely very easy to hack your 3ds!!! please do it!!!!
(don't follow video guides they are very often outdated and it's easier to make mistakes that way. this guide is very detailed with step by step instructions and they even have a support server in the event you have any trouble! i understand it might seem intimidating but risks of bricking or banning are very minimal at this point you will be glad you did it)
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feedmecontentplease · 2 years
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feedmecontentplease · 2 years
Max And Order
It’s interesting how the ghost of Max “I bring order to Hatchetfield High” Jagerman, who spent his life ferociously enforcing assigned social strata, only ever murders his classmates after they experience moments of growth and break from the roles they’ve always played. Max attacks Richie after Richie gains friendship and acceptance from the popular athletes, going from an invisible nobody in a costume to a “bro” and crucial member of the team. And by making Richie ask who will bother to pray for him after he dies, Max even forces Richie back into a place of alienation and loneliness right before the end. Ruth is targeted after she performs onstage for the first time, “just for once” conceptualizing herself as the star of the show and not the unseen stagehand. Then, as Max murders her, he pretends she’s the leading lady in a snuff-play, using her own dream against her.
This even holds true for Steph and Pete—Max toys with them for several scenes in Act 2, but only swoops in for the actual kill after Steph and Pete finally admit their feelings for each other, Pete proves himself to be very cool indeed, and Steph agrees to a (very hypothetical) date, violating the very boundaries Max literally beat into Pete just two weeks earlier. And that’s not even to mention how Steph killing Pete, at his own request, violates Max’s desire that both simply be powerless victims of their fate.
Sure it’s different with the adult victims, but when it comes to the classmates he domineered in life, it’s not the just “nerdy prudes” that he targets first, but those who dare to defy Jagerman’s sense of order. A god complex, indeed.
I dunno, it’s just such a smart and subtle set-up and payoff. The Langs are really freakin' good at what they do.
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feedmecontentplease · 2 years
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sending your friends terrible tumblr posts is a love language
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feedmecontentplease · 2 years
Types of brain fog:
Brain is primordial sludge & you are drowning in it
U are a ghost and nothing is real
Mental equivalent of attempting to stream some high-res video game when all you have is dial-up
The thing you want to articulate is *right there* but you're just scrabbling at it like a cat continually failing to catch the bird on the other side of the window
The Void
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feedmecontentplease · 2 years
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A reminder that this is what censorship leads to and that it wasn’t all that long ago when purity culture was going after ships that antis would consider to be “normal” today.
Also I thought Fiction Alley was that one archive that Msscribe got shut down with her shitstirring
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feedmecontentplease · 2 years
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so. made some costumes for second awakening designs?
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feedmecontentplease · 2 years
It’s formatted weirdly (I know) BUT it took me two days to complete (and an additional two with subtitles)
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feedmecontentplease · 2 years
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have become obsessed with dire wolf robin and loki
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feedmecontentplease · 2 years
OK OK guys. hatchetfield enjoyers. i need to post a theory i came up with that i haven’t seen yet.
So i’ve seen posts floating around that bring two things from NPMD to my attention : - 1 : The fact that Nibbly seems to target Steph specifically. And Steph’s mother is absent, which could mean she might’ve been a Honey Queen. - 2 : When Solomon Lauter makes the teens dig up the Black Book, he says “I’m not touching that thing ever again”. Holy shit guys. do you think maybe… Solomon was forced to sacrifice his wife to appease Nibbly?
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feedmecontentplease · 2 years
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Lords in Black are going to high school
I’m obsessed, ok?
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