They say all good things come to an end
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Kinda feel like shit
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It's funny how one day you are telling me how beautiful and gorgeous I am, but then, the next day, you don't even act like I exist
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Fuck you for making me feel like shit
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I hate when we don't talk for a day
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You might of told me you like me, but it still feels like you don't
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Why can't you realize that you are beautiful and perfect and everything I want
From mq
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"I just want to cuddle with you, not have sex or anything, all I have ever wanted is to be close with you❤"
From mq
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Wow you are really good at hiding your feelings.
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Happy happy happy
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Stop getting attached to people, you know they won't stay
Note to self
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Every time my phone lights up, I think it’s you. But when I check it and it isn’t you, I think a little part of me dies inside
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It was only just a dream
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I was happy for to long
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I knew things were to good to be true
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Have you ever cried so hard, that you have give yourself a headache?
To mq
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Last night I cried. I cried like I have never cried before. It was different for me. Normally I just shedd a few tears and I’m over it. But this time I sobbed. And I don’t even know why. I think I’m starting to realize things that I never wanted to realize
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