feelingsofawave · 3 years
“Jamais amaríamos tanto a Terra se não passássemos a infância nela, se não fosse a Terra onde desabrocham, a cada primavera, as mesmas flores que colhíamos com nossos dedos minúsculos […] Que novidade vale essa doce monotonia onde tudo é conhecido e amado por ser conhecido?”
George Eliot, O moinho à beira do rio
#poema #leitura #poesia
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feelingsofawave · 3 years
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"We could never have loved the earth so well
if we had had no childhood in it, if it were
not the earth where the same flowers come
up again every spring that we used to gather
with our tiny fingers as we sat lisping to
ourselves on the grass, the same hips and
haws on the autumn hedgerows, the same
redbreasts that we used to call 'God's birds'
because they did no harm to the precious
crops. What novelty is worth that sweet
monotony where everything is known and
loved because it is known?"
George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss
#littlewomen #georgeeliot #cinema
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feelingsofawave · 3 years
I wish it rains all day
'Cause I'd like someone to cry for me
I wish it rains all day
'Cause then people wouldn't stare at me
#foreverrain #mono #rm #namjoon
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feelingsofawave · 3 years
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I love him too much
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feelingsofawave · 6 years
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feelingsofawave · 6 years
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I am a girl with a human shaped hole, looking in a clear window, wondering how this could happen to me by H. G. (@unspokengrief)
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feelingsofawave · 6 years
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feelingsofawave · 6 years
Serendipity: Falling in love as if it were fate and longing to be loved in return. You place this person on a pedestal as your angel and your world.
Euphoria: The feelings of being in love, giving yourself wholly to one person and placing your happiness in them.
Singularity: Losing yourself in a ‘love’ that winds up being toxic. Now, you do not have an identity outside of this ‘love’.
Epiphany: The realization that the love of yourself is the most important. You are beautiful and do not have to alter yourself in order to find love.
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feelingsofawave · 6 years
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feelingsofawave · 6 years
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Sem norte, seguindo a morte
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feelingsofawave · 7 years
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Não acho que você vá entender...
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