feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
gonna go back to my main @shooshpapped cause i gutted it and its no longer my cringy middle school shit
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feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
remember when linguini brought a rat he found back to his apartment and got all embarrassed and was like it’s not much. to the rat
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feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
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feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
idk guys do you remember when The Force Awakens first came out?? it was just before Christmas in 2015 and it was the first time you’d ever been old enough to really process a new Star Wars movie coming out and to see the opening crawl in theaters, and you saw this no-name girl from a sand planet messing around with speeders and putting on her helmet while she chewed on her dinner and you saw this ridiculously beautiful Black man say fuck-you to the Stormtroopers and emerge into a brand new world based off his instinctive conscience alone and you saw this rebellious pilot zipping around with the cutest damn droid you’d ever seen and Princess Leia was General Organa and the no-name from Jakku was making friends with Han Solo & Chewie and the villain was this obvious stand-in for the alt-right and the Black boy was swinging the lightsaber and there were enough homages to the original trilogy that you were delighted but not enough that it was overwhelming and then LUKE WAS SUDDENLY THERE AND THEN THE MAIN THEME STARTED PLAYING OVER THE CREDITS and everyone spilled out of the theater all talking over one another with excitement, and you came home and got on tumblr and everyone i mean EVERYONE including Oscar Isaac was going nuts over stormpilot and making BB-8 memes and there was that one fic in the reylo tag that was just “rey picks up kylo and slam dunks him into the trash. she’s a lesbian and this ship sux” and obama was still president and like, all of a sudden Star Wars could maybe be for people who weren’t annoying gatekeepy straight cis white nerd guys and the blasters went pew pew and the lightsabers went nrewwww and there were robits and starships and it was exciting and fun and wonderful
and then rian johnson or fuckin something
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feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
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Redditors design worst volume sliders possible
Some of these are genius! ( see reddit / via )
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feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
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feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
What’s the difference between the US Capitol and Mordor?
One does not simply walk into Mordor
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feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
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feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
I want to steal the big glittering trackball out of a super monkey ball arcade cabinet
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feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
Post canon Toph who doesn’t want to go back to her shitty parents so she just decides to stay in the Fire Nation and bum off Zuko’s hospitality.
Zuko’s like no, yeah, I totally get it, and just makes her one of his advisors. At first it’s just so she has a good excuse to stay but after the first meeting Toph storms out shouting about how EVERYONE was lying why would you even need to lie about what kind of tea you want??
Zuko: I mean they’re politicians.....but also who, and when, and in what way
They make a subtle Morse code system so Toph can warn him when someone is lying to him without tipping anyone off that she can sense lies.
Zuko gets a reputation for somehow being both extremely socially inept and yet somehow disgustingly perceptive?? You can’t get ANYTHING by him???
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feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
guys will eat a burger & be like “oh my god oh my god *giggles* it’s so good. oh my god *giggles* *hides behind burger*”
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feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
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this is on a cat breeder’s website but i keep laughing at the phrase out of context 
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feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
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feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
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feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
i bet those colors only shrimp can see suck major ass
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feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
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feferipeixesvevo · 4 years
hey patrick can you see my feet
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