felikcs · 5 days
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felikcs · 5 days
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felikcs · 6 days
it's been said in smarter ways by smarter people. but keeping 'difficult' books and topics away from children is incredibly unfair to those kids who Cant escape 'difficult' life circumstances.
why does little timmy, age 7, white, get to avoid knowledge of racism while little timmy, age 7, black, is expected to navigate a racist world while his peers -unknowingly or otherwise- contribute to his trauma about that heinous status quo?
why does little timmy, age 7, csa victim, have to live in a world where he doesn't know that what his parents are doing to him is wrong because he's never heard the language necessary to communicate what's happening nor does he know it's abnormal?
why do kids who have good lives get to have childhoods completely free of empathy or the ability to reach out to kids who are having a rough time? why do the kids who are having a rough time need to remain silent and uneducated about their own pain?
who is helped by a lack of information besides those adults who are already in power?
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felikcs · 6 days
The whole tradwife “i don’t want to work women aren’t supposed to work, feminism ruined our leisure 😩” nonsense is utterly baffling to me. Historically unless you were lucky enough to be a member of the wealthy upper class, women have always always always worked. Throughout the entirety of human history. Often backbreaking labor, often unpaid. Idiots cosplaying a farm wife like that didn’t entail working from sunup to sundown every day without fail because cows don’t care if you’re sick while simultaneously having baby after baby after baby and the invisible labor of housework, until you very likely died young. The TV housewives of the fifties, like they didn’t all explicitly have hired help (AKA A WOMAN WHO WORKS). Even in their vision of the future, the fricken Jetsons have female-coded robot Rosie as their domestic servant!
Women have always worked, with the very rare exception of the wealthy, who employed them. Washerwomen and laundresses and seamstresses and maids and ladies maids and cooks and nurses and governesses and teachers and farm laborers and spinsters and weavers and and and and. Sex work literally is the oldest profession. Women who had the good fortune to marry well were also supposed to be able to manage the household workforce and keep the budget (omg 🤪 girl math). Brenda in Accounting has some very marriageable skills!
And none of these women, the laborer or the housewife, had much recourse at all if their husband or employer abused them or their kids. They had no security in their future if the men running the show squandered the (his.) money or they could not depend on their children to care for them in old age, should they even reach it.
It’s a horrifying mix of calculated evil from conservatives who want to be able to freely beat their wives again and ignorant twaddle from women who are so ill-educated or just so eager for male attention that they cosplay that shit fully confident that they’d be the exception, it would be okay for them because they’re different and Good enough that they wouldn’t be harmed.
Yeah, work sucks, we all know it. But women have never been able to escape it and in every case I’ll take a steady paycheck, my own bank account, and a 401k match over what was most likely to be my lot in every other period of human history. Yeah being idle rich would probably be nicer, but chances of that are vanishingly slim so you gotta make the best of what you do have, yaknow?
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felikcs · 10 days
you could follow the genuinely funny poster who is going to be gone in 6 months, or you could follow me, the mediocre-to-okayish poster who's been on tumblr for 11.5 years and will be here until the flames finally reach and destroy the data center with our precious memories
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felikcs · 24 days
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By existing as a citizen in and paying taxes to the imperial core, we automatically hold complicity in imperialist oppression because we are literally footing the bill for it. That is just the basic nature of being born to privilege in systems of oppression in general. We can be disadvantaged and marginalized in every single other consideration and we still have to understand and cope with this, and ensure we leverage it as effectively as possible.
Voting abstinence/sabotage does not absolve us of our responsibility to do everything in our power to lessen harm, but it DOES show that when our personal morals aren't satisfied, we retreat into (imperialist, this time) privilege to 'wash our hands' of the situation and declare it's not our fault and it's not our problem.
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felikcs · 29 days
I don't always agree with the decisions of Wikipedia's volunteer editors, but having learned that their decision on how to handle the James Somerton situation was to deem him non-notable and turn his article into a redirect to a brief writeup of Hbomberguy's plagiarism investigation – well, like I said, this may not be a good decision, but in context it's an extremely funny one.
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felikcs · 29 days
Hey btw, here's a piece of life advice:
If you know what you'd have to do to solve a problem, but you just don't want to do it, your main problem isn't the problem itself. Your problem is figuring out how to get yourself to do the solution.
If your problem is not eating enough vegetables, the problem you should be solving is "how do I make vegetables stop being yucky". If your problem is not getting enough exercise, the problem you should be solving is "how do I make exercise stop sucking ass". You're not supposed to just be doing things that are awful and suck all the time forever, you're supposed to figure out how to make it stop being so awful all the time.
I used to hate wearing sunscreen because it's sticky and slimy and disgusting and it feels bad and it smells bad, so I neglected to wear it even if I needed to. Then I found one that isn't like that, and doesn't smell and feel gross. Problem solved.
There is no correct way to live that's just supposed to suck and feel bad all the time. You're allowed to figure out how to make it not suck so bad.
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felikcs · 29 days
my friend took in a stray and she’s the cutest kitty ever but he named her oil so whenever he sends a picture of her me and my other friends look like we’re roleplaying as the US military
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felikcs · 30 days
Therapy is risky because sometimes they'll just ask you their standard "why can't you, though", and you think you're making some good point by saying something like "well if I don't do anything with my life then what's the point of being alive in the first place" and your therapist gets that look on their face and you immediately realise that your dumb ass just got caught, pinned to the ground with your stupid-ass neck between the spikes of a pitchfork, and you are not going to wiggle out of there before you two unpack what the fuck you just said.
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felikcs · 30 days
i love the pedestrian-to-car staredown when you see them go from a rolling stop to a full stop. like that's what the fuck i thought. vehicularly manslaughter me about it
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felikcs · 1 month
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Purity Politics
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felikcs · 1 month
please reblog for sample size uwu
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felikcs · 1 month
some of y'all need to learn how to accept hospitality. stop assuming people are only offering to look after you out of twisted obligation that they don't actually want to do. when you assume that, you are often denying someone the opportunity to genuinely show a friend or stranger love. even if you don't really care about what they're offering, it's respectful of their desire to be kind to accept it anyways.
i had a bunch of girls i've never met over for a women's group. every single one of them denied my offer to make them tea (despite already making myself a mug anyways), get them water, a scone, etc.
i can tell when people refuse to let me be a good host because they "don't want to be a bother". like no!! please be a bother!!! i want to serve you and make you comfortable in my home!
not to be like "we live in a society" but really do live in a modern culture than emphasizes individualism to the point where people will reflexively deny any help or kindness from others for fear of treading on their independence. newsflash: dependence on each other is what makes a community. next time someone offers you kindness, accept it instead of making excuses for why you don't need it. otherwise you've robbed both yourself of being loved and someone else from showing love.
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felikcs · 1 month
This is the second time in my voting history that I’ve participated in flipping a red seat in Alabama for Democrats (the previous time being my beloved Doug Jones) so it’s always funny to see people turn around and say voting doesn’t matter when I’ve seen it twice in the past ten years flip seats in what is supposed to be safe Republican country. Republicans are digging their own grave with their radicalization and it is making them lose (and with your help we can make them lose harder). Vote.
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felikcs · 1 month
I'm obsessed
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felikcs · 1 month
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Any of my followers extradimensional? Can u help this guy out? He's not even supposed to be here.
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