felix9felicis · 12 days
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Tony Hoagland, from “Peaceful Transition”, What Narcissism Means to Me
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felix9felicis · 14 days
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felix9felicis · 1 month
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This is how I originally wrote it. One of those that starts as a poem and then begs to be a song. I posted a fragment of this on tumblr a while back, but here’s the initial piece in its entirety 🤍
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felix9felicis · 2 months
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felix9felicis · 3 months
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felix9felicis · 3 months
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felix9felicis · 4 months
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"And all I loved, I loved alone."
- Edgar Allen Poe
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felix9felicis · 4 months
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felix9felicis · 8 months
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felix9felicis · 9 months
when it rains it pours,
but how big must a puddle grow
before it is considered a pond?
when does a pond become a lake?
i’m drowning,
but i insist that i’m dry.
insist i couldn’t die.
now every single day is overtime.
is extra credit.
is derealized.
i’m drowning but i
wring my clothes
and promise that i’m dry.
it’s good for the flowers, they say.
that’s very good.
you’ll need them soon.
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felix9felicis · 11 months
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Alphaville, Jean-Luc Godard
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felix9felicis · 1 year
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July 19, 1927 Journals of Anais Nin 1927-1931 [volume 4]
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felix9felicis · 1 year
I’ve been on my knees since I was 5.
In the chapel,
in a bedroom,
in an alley late at night.
Always facing an inflated
version of some guy.
But as a girl you do what you need to survive.
You open wider, take the body.
Thank your father, you’ve been naughty.
2 Hail Marys, 20 lashings.
“I’ve been sent to punish you for daring to exist.
You will never know a love as meaningful as this.”
I’ve memorized
the lines
since I was 10.
From the Bible,
from the playbook,
from the magazines for men.
If you should mess it up, you’ll start again.
But, still, they only want
the women
they condemn.
I think that I’d have too much fun in hell.
With the pagans
and the hedonists
and sapphics there as well.
Purgatory seems the better fit
I can’t stand waiting in the corner,
but I do love being hit.
There’s not a torture you can prescribe
that I wouldn’t find
a way to like.
Every single second I’m alive
I’m sharpening an axe I’d like to grind.
“I was sent to punish you
for the way I was designed.
You will never know a love
that you fear more than mine.”
- “God Fear a Woman” 2023
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felix9felicis · 1 year
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Charlotte Brontë, from Villette
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felix9felicis · 1 year
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Lost Highway (1997)
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felix9felicis · 1 year
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Jane Austen, from Sense and Sensibility
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felix9felicis · 1 year
“And I dream too much and I don’t write enough and I’m trying to find God everywhere.”
— Anis Mojgai, “For Those Who Can Ride in an Airplane For the First Time” (via wordsnquotes)
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