felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
Well I remade my blog
Not something I’ve ever done before but I’ve never felt the need to cut all ties to a fandom before so *shrugs*
My new blog is the same as my old one but with an extra ‘s’ tacked on the end if you wanna find me
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felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
crowley: wouldnt it be funny if you did the bad things and i did the good things?
aziraphale: haha yeah
*thousands of years later*
crowley: *gluing coins to the road* i am the ultimate evil
aziraphale: *trying to coerce a human to kill a child* just a little bit of murder wont hurt
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felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
Are you a “can’t write dialogue” writer or a “can’t describe anything” writer
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felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
New meme:
just describe the plot of any star trek episode so that it’ll look like a shitpost
If you go too fast, you turn into a lizard
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felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
one of the best and most underrated jokes from the adventure zone was in the Murder on the Rockport Limited arc when jess the beheader came in right at the VERY END of the fight with the giant crab, killed it, turned to the boys and said “sorry, i had a really bad initiative roll”
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felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
question to all you people that want to fuck cartoons. do you imagine yourself as animated too because i dont understand how that works in the slightest
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felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
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Original comic from BAPOGICHI!
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felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
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Announcing your Furpocalypse 2018 Master of Ceremonies!
That’s right, kids–this October, I’ll be spending three nights haunting Cromwell, CT to party with the animals at Furpocalypse with @cocadope and all the rest of you spooky mammals!
We promise that it will be… thrilling.
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felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
when you dont have enough money to pay for daycare AND dog sitting
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felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
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felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
one of the weirdest beliefs anti sj types seem to have is that people cannot be part of more than one marginalized group at once
trans AND black? nope.
disabled AND bisexual?? never.
asian AND intersex AND disabled? now youre just weaving tapestries of fantasy.
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felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
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This is by no means an original concept but it had to be done.
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felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
concept: taika waititi tv remake of the hitchhikers’ guide to the galaxy
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felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
I mean… I get that you want to align Roy Mustang with lawful good because he’s a high ranking military officer, but the man literally overthrew the government because he didn’t like it
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felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
Please drop your anti label
If you’re someone in the voltron fandom who doesn’t like certain ships but doesn’t mind that others ship them and you don’t harass shippers or send hate/threats over ships you just have a NOTP
By identifying yourself as an anti you are associating yourself with a group of people who have spent close to two years calling shippers disgusting and harassing/threatening them as well as the cast and crew of the show. By identifying yourself as an anti you are associating yourself with a group of people who have threatened josh AND HIS WIFE AND YOUNG KIDS to the point he feels genuinely unsafe. By identifying yourself as an anti you are signaling that you are ok with this behaviour, regardless of whether you personally have engaged in it. You are complicit, and people are going to treat you accordingly
If the above doesn’t describe you then drop your anti label and call it what it is: a NOTP
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felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
antis who have spent the last year or more laughing about death threats to VAs, making ‘jokes’ about ‘taking out’ actors, winking and smiling as people around them sent anon hate, did nothing whilst all their friends harassed shippers, plastered their blogs in ‘shallies don’t interact!’, compiled blocklists to make it super easy for people to target the ‘wrong’ type of fans, implied that anyone who likes certain ships is ‘unsafe’, called people pedos or pedo apologists because they ship something with an age gap, constructed a dubious moral high ground where they condemned anyone who liked the ‘wrong thing’, turned a petty ship war into a weird moral crusade, claimed their objections to certain ships were based on ‘morals’ and ��having standards’, told people their actual irl parents were abusers because they had an age gap, made excuses for sending hate or harassing people, argued that it was ‘okay sometimes’ to attack people, ganged up with their friends to bully and harass people and then tried to laugh it off as a joke, openly hated Josh Keaton and other VAs and made fun of them: uwu gosh how could anyone have done this to poor Josh Keaton uwu this is so bad i cannot believe this has happened i would never
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felixvanhuss-blog · 6 years
“If a kid that’s bi is watching TV and doesn’t really see anyone that identifies as bi or queer that is in a happy, functioning relationship, that has a good job, that lives past a 3-episode guest star arc — or maybe the bi character is hypersexualized or possibly a villain, [which] happens a lot — what does that mean for a 12, 13-year-old watching television and consuming media, and thinking, ‘Well who am I then? I guess I’m not this thing because I’m not a villain, I don’t want to be hypersexualized, I want what everybody wants, to live happy and well.”
Stephanie Beatriz (via beachdeath)
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